Unit3 Words and phrases 单词和短语讲解(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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Unit3 Words and phrases 单词和短语讲解(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第1页
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Unit3 Words and phrases 单词和短语讲解(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第2页
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Unit3 Words and phrases 单词和短语讲解(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第3页
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Unit3 Words and phrases 单词和短语讲解(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第4页
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Unit3 Words and phrases 单词和短语讲解(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第5页
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1、eventwork out重重难难点点词词精精讲讲strength辨析义辨析义英语英语释义释义一词多义一词多义英语释义英语释义一词多义一词多义make it honour 一词多义一词多义一词多义一词多义fail&failuretrack一词多义一词多义一词多义一词多义make sense 一词多义一词多义ratherstress一词多义一词多义搭配义搭配义辨析义辨析义搭配义搭配义一:优化探究词汇巩固一:优化探究词汇巩固e along1).Are you sure you really want all our friends to come along?2).When the right o

2、pportunity comes along,take it.3).The patient is coming along well after the operation.一起来一起来出现;到达出现;到达进展进展PeriodI Listening and Speakingcome 短语填空或体会其含义。1).May all your dreams come true.2).Now I am in college,and have come to realize how important it is to read fiction.3).Please tell me how the acci

3、dent came _.4).He spoke for a long time,but his meaning did not come across.about/up实现实现渐渐意识到渐渐意识到被理解被理解5).He always appeared when someone needed help,so he came across as a warm-hearted person.6).When it comes to _(collect)information,this kind of robot is the most effective.7).Their quarrel comes

4、down to money.collecting给人以给人以.印象印象归结为归结为8).Bicycles come in different colors-silver,green,red,blue,yellow,whatever you want.9).My first novel came _while I was at college.10).The“air pollution”topic comes up every year.11).Our class came up _ the idea to make better use of used materials.outwith(货物

5、、产品等)有生产(货物、产品等)有生产;有供应有供应被提出被提出【相关搭配】come across 偶然遇见偶然遇见;_;_come up _;_;_;_come up with _ come down to _come to an end _/come to a conclusion _ 被人理解被人理解 给人以给人以.印象印象上来,走近上来,走近植物发芽植物发芽.被提出被提出提出提出.归结为归结为.结束结束得出结论得出结论发生;即发生;即将到来将到来1).To work out the difficult maths problem,I have consulted Professor R

6、usell several times.2).Trained exercise teachers can help you work out a training plan and keep you active.3).Everything worked out OK in the end.4).We must work out a way to have a cheap holiday.5).The famous actor keeps fit by working out for an hour every morning.解决解决 (solve);把;把弄清楚:弄清楚:制定制定(出出)产

7、生结果;被证明有效产生结果;被证明有效想出想出锻炼锻炼2.work out 3.make it 做到;成功:做到;成功:He never really made it as an actor.(尤指在困难情况下)准时到达;赶上:(尤指在困难情况下)准时到达;赶上:The flight leaves in twenty minutes well never make it.渡过难关:渡过难关:Shay didnt make it to another summer and died that winter.2011 江苏 口语口语 能参加;能出席:能参加;能出席:Im sorry I didnt

8、 make it to your party last night.【金句金句】As long as you have a dream,keep trying and youll _(取得成功).(2014 山东书面表达)make itsucceedmake 的搭配【相关训练】翻译下列句子。(1)I couldnt make out what I had done to annoy her.(2)Kate heard a voice in the room,but he couldnt make out what he was saying.弄明白弄明白听清楚,辨认出听清楚,辨认出4.up t

9、o1)Its up to you to decide which arrangement we should choose.2).He is not up to his work.3).Up to yesterday,I thought he was single.4).Two thirds of Americans spend up to seven hours a day using computers or other digital products.5).Times up.Stop writing and hand in your papers.Its up to sb.to do

10、sth.有某人决定做某事胜任直到多达(of a period of time 一段时间)finished;over 已结束;已过去 Up to now,we _(learn)2000 English words in all.一:优化探究词汇巩固一:优化探究词汇巩固1.honorPeriodII Reading and ThinkingAs a player,Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country.U 常用单数常用单数正式用语正式用语 荣幸;荣幸;U 荣誉;荣誉;C 荣誉称号荣誉称号:The athletes competed for

11、 the honour of their countries.hono(u)r n U 尊敬;敬意尊敬;敬意 great respect and admiration for sb/sth:We had a great party to show honour to the famous scientist.U 正义感;道义正义感;道义 the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right:a matter/point/question of honour 与不定冠词连用与不定冠词连用 光荣的人光荣的人 /事:事:Shes an hono

12、ur to her family and her country.常见搭配常见搭配It is ones/an honour to do sthhave the honour of(doing)sth:May I have the honour of this dance?in honour of sb/in sbs honour:A ceremony was held in those soldiers honour.使使感到荣幸;感到荣幸;正式用语正式用语 给予给予荣誉:荣誉:She has been honoured with the Star of the Week for her ex

13、cellent work.向向表达敬意;尊重表达敬意;尊重hono(u)r vtbe/feel honoured to do sth 做某事感到荣幸:做某事感到荣幸:I feel very honoured to have been able to take on this role.译林-4 _(很荣幸)be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.(2014 江西书面表达改)It is my/an honour to/I feel very honoured大驾光临,深感荣幸。(it

14、 is ones/an honour to do sth)_.A party will be held _(为向表示敬意)the prince.in honour of It is my/a great honour to have you here【金句金句】【金句金句】2.fall apart1).I think this old chair is falling apart.2).The deal fell apart when we failed to agree on a price.3).Their marriage finally fell apart.散架;破碎散架;破碎破裂破

15、裂破裂;崩溃破裂;崩溃When the autumn falls,roads are covered with many _(fall)leaves.fallenfall 短语填空1).When she _,her daughter took over the business from her.2).A book _ from the shelf.3).When I first saw the girl,I _her.4).When some students _,others would come and offer help.5).Its very easy to _ the habit

16、 of smoking,but extremely difficult to quit.fell for/fell in love withfell illfell down/offfell behindfall into3.injuredthe injured 伤员suffer(from)an injury 负伤do sb.an injury/do an injury to sb.伤害某人a head/leg/knee injuryemotional injury1).She _(injure)his arm in the accident.2).Tom has been seriously

17、 _(injure)in a road accident.3).The battle came to an end and the injured _(be)taken good care of.4).Dog owners should be resonsible if their pets do _ injury to other people.injuredinjuredwerean4.lose heartlose ones heart to 爱上倾心于lose weight 减肥lose face 丢脸lose touch/contactlose ones way 迷路lose ones

18、 temper 发脾气lose oneself in 专心于put ones heart to1).Though the girl has not _him,he hasnt _.lost her heart tolost heart 2).With all the setbacks,he didnt _.3).There is no boubt that you are sure to achieve your goal if you _it._.lose heartput your heart into翻译下列句子:(1)在初中他就记住了3000个单词。He _ 3000 English

19、words _ in junior school.(2)尽管外面很吵,但他仍专注于读书。Though it was noisy outside,he _ the book.(3)人民警察全心全意为人民服务。The police serve people _.(4)我深深地爱上了这个城市。I deeply _ this city.learnedby heartput his heart intoheart and soullose my heart to U 意志力意志力 the quality of being brave or determined in dealing with diffi

20、cult situations:inner strength/strength of will I hope you have/find the strength to start all over again.U 实力实力 the power and influence that sb has:economic strength 5.strength n U 体力;力气体力;力气 the quality of being physically strong:Practising Chinese kung fu can not only build up ones strength,but a

21、lso develop ones character.2009 浙江人身体的“力量”人内在的“力量”国家等集体的“力量”C 优点;长处优点;长处 a good quality or ability that sb/sth has :Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses.2009 浙江 C&U 强度;浓度强度;浓度【搭配搭配】go from strength to strength 不断壮大不断壮大人格的“力量”物体或液体的“力量”【词汇拓展【词汇拓展】strengthen vt&vi 加强;巩固加强;巩固 :The wind was s

22、trengthening.反反 weaken strength加后缀-en变成动词【金句金句】反反 weakness 6.fail v vt&vi 失败;没做成失败;没做成 to not succeed in achieving sth vi 未做未做 to not do sth:I never fail to phone my parents on their birthdays.vt&vi 没有通过(考试);不及格;评定(某人)不及格没有通过(考试);不及格;评定(某人)不及格 :I passed history but failed chemistry.vi 出故障;失灵出故障;失灵 t

23、o stop working:He saw a terrible accident in which a trams brakes failed.反反 pass反反 succeed vi 常用于进行时常用于进行时(健康、体力、视力等)(健康、体力、视力等)衰退;减弱衰退;减弱 to become weak:His eyesight is failing.vt 使失望使失望(let down);使无能为力:;使无能为力:Words failed me(=I could not express how I felt)when I wanted to express my thanks to him

24、.n C(考试)不及格(考试)不及格 without fail 必定;总是;务必必定;总是;务必反反 pass27failure n U 失败失败 :Failure is the mother of success.C 失败的人失败的人/事事 :Never think of yourself as a failure.U&C 没做到:没做到:Failure to observe all Park rules could result in being driven out of the Park.2013 江苏 U&C 故障;失灵:故障;失灵:Paris had suffered a sudd

25、en heart failure.2017 北京抽象名词具体化反反 success 反反 success 7.give up1).Its difficult to give up smoking.2).She decided to give up her job and start a coffee bar.3).He gave up his seat to a pregnant woman.give 短语填空短语填空1).Dont give_ the secret.2).The teacher gave _ the examination papers.3).He has given _th

26、e idea.4).The apples give _a very sweet smell.5).His strength gave _.6).Please give your work _ before Monday.7).He gave _ to curiosity and opened the letter.8).Reading is a give and take between author and reader.awayoutupoffoutinin交谈;思想交流pete【相关训练】(1)In the wild,tigers have to compete _many other

27、animals _ the food.(2)One hundred teams from high schools all over the country have entered the _(compete).(3)In the long jump,_(compete)should try to jump as far forward as possible.(4)_(compete)games are most attractive to people.with/againstforcompetitioncompetitorsCompetitive一:优化探究词汇巩固一:优化探究词汇巩固

28、PeriodIII Listening and Talking,Reading for Writing2.sense【相关训练】翻译下列句子。(1)The dog has a strong sense of smell.(2)He is a man of great sense of responsibility.(3)He has a sense of humor so everyone here likes him.(4)It is the common sense that people catch cold because of viruses.(5)There is no sense

29、 in talking with him.He will not listen.(6)He writes a lot of stories,so in a sense,he is a writer.五官的感觉五官的感觉责任感责任感幽默感幽默感常识常识做做.没有意义没有意义从某种意义上说从某种意义上说【相关训练】翻译下列句子。(7)In no sense do I agree with you.(8)Planning ahead makes sense,especially when you have many things to deal with.(9)I can make sense of

30、 what the article said with some notes(注释)below.(10)The deer sensed the danger coming near and ran away.绝不绝不有意义有意义弄懂弄懂.的意思的意思vt.感知到,感觉到感知到,感觉到3.stress【相关练习】翻译下列句子:(1)I think you are under great stress,so you should reduce stress.(2)Our teachers always lay stress on the importance of forming good hab

31、its.(3)You should pay attention to the stresses when you read English words.(4)I felt stressed when I take up some stressful work.有压力有压力减少压力减少压力强调强调n.重音重音焦虑的,无法放松的焦虑的,无法放松的充满压力的,紧张的充满压力的,紧张的二:词汇补充二:词汇补充1.fitnessa magazine on health and fitnessHe convinced us of his _(fit)for the task.fitness 重大事件;重大

32、事件;(发生的发生的)事情事情 sth happens,especially sth important or unusual:Years ago,an important event occurred in my life that would change it forever.2016 江苏改2.event n C 公开活动;比赛项目;体育比赛公开活动;比赛项目;体育比赛:track and field eventsThe 2008 Olympic Games are the biggest sporting event ever held in Beijing.辨辨accident,i

33、ncident,event三者都含有“事件”之意。accident 多指偶然或意外发生的不幸不幸的的事情。a traffic accident incident 既可指小事件或小插曲,又可指政治上有影响的事件或事变。He could remember every incident in great detail.the Lugouqiao Incident 卢沟桥事变event 尤指历史上的重大事件,还可以表示国际、国内的大事以及体育比赛项目。the chief events of 2020 The 800 metres is not his best event.根据句子猜测event的含义

34、。(1)Years ago,an important event occurred in our country that changed it forever.(2)The 2008 Olympic Games is the biggest sporting event ever held in Beijing.(3)They will take part in track and field events.重大事件;公开活动重大事件;公开活动体育项目体育项目3.host n.主人,东道主;主持人 hostess vt.主办,主持【相关训练】(1)We will take part in t

35、he competition _(host)by our school.(2)Our school is applying _(host)the meeting.hostedto host4.track1).1).复数复数 足迹;轨迹;车辙:足迹;轨迹;车辙:follow sbs tracks (尤指被踩出的)小路;小径:(尤指被踩出的)小路;小径:(铁路铁路)轨道;滑轨:)轨道;滑轨:railway tracks 跑道;径赛运动跑道;径赛运动:track and field events 田径项目田径项目keep track of 了解了解的的动态;与动态;与保持联系保持联系:They re

36、ad the newspapers every day to keep track of current events.lose track of 不了解不了解的动态的动态;与;与失失去联系:去联系:The police have lost track of the criminals.vt 跟踪;追踪:跟踪;追踪:Zac tracks down the medals rightful owners,and returns them.2019 浙江改名词动词化名词动词化5.set an example to/for sb 为.树立榜样【相关搭配】follow ones example 学习某人

37、,效仿某人/for example 例如/take.for example 以.为例翻译下列句子。(1)我们要向这些优秀的人物学习。_(2)Mary 为我们树立了好的榜样。_(3)现在我们以这本书为例。_(4)This is a good example of the artists early work._ Mary set a good example to/for us.We should follow these good peoples example.例子,样本例子,样本sample n.实验样本实验样本6.determine vt.确定,查明,确定;决定;决心【相关搭配】dete

38、rmine to do sth 决定做某事be determined to do 下定决心做某事【相关训练】(1)(翻译)The police tried to determine the cause of the accident.(2)(翻译)The date for the meeting has not been determined yet.(3)_(determine)to regain his health,he gave up smoking.(4)It was the _(determine)he showed that made him succeed.vt.确定,查明确定

39、,查明Determineddeterminationvt.决定,确定决定,确定7.cheat vt.欺骗;作弊 n.骗子;欺骗行为【相关搭配】cheat sb of sth 骗取某人某物【相关训练】(1)_(cheat)of a lot of money,the old man was very sad.(2)It is wrong _(cheat)in the exam.(3)Many _(cheat)were arrested(逮捕)and put in prison.Cheatedto cheatcheats8.positive adj.正面的,积极乐观的,有益的 确实的,确信的 正的,

40、阳性的【相关训练】(1)I believe that the Internet has positive effects on our lives.(2)People with high EQs usually has positive attitudes towards life.(3)She was quite positive about the amount of money.(4)Anyone,once tested positive,will receive free medical treatment.negative adj.消极的,否定消极的,否定的;阴性的的;阴性的9.ma

41、ke a difference to.对.产生影响;对.有作用【相关搭配】make no difference 对.没有影响,没有作用tell the difference between A and B 辨别.(tell A from B/tell A and B apart)【相关词汇】difference n.差别,区别 similarity n.相似性different adj.不同的differ vi.不同,差异9.make a difference to.对.产生影响;对.有作用【相关训练】(1)(翻译)What you have done makes no difference

42、to me.(2)(翻译)你能区分英式英语和美式英语吗?_(3)You should pay attention to the similaries and _(differ).(4)(翻译)They differ from their parents in the lifestyle.Can you tell the differene betwen American English and British English?Can you tell American English from British English?Can you tell American English and

43、British English apart?differences10.cut 的搭配【相关搭配】cut down 砍到;减少(on)/cut up 切碎;使某人伤心/cut in 插嘴/cut off 切断联系,供应/cut out 删掉(小说,戏剧中的)情节,镜头;停止做某事/cut through 抄近路【相关训练】(1)If you want to lose weight,you must _ on fatty food.(2)Dont _ when others are speaking.(3)The water supply was _ because of the bad wea

44、ther.(4)The director decided to _ some shots(镜头)in the film.(5)He _ eating junk food for his health.cut downcut incut offcut outcut pare vt.对比,比较【相关搭配】compare.with/to.把.和.做比较,把.比喻成.be compared with 与.相比comapre notes with sb 与某人交流意见看法【相关词汇】comparison n.比较,对比【相关训练】(1)_ British English with American English,I think the latter is asier to learn.(2)_(compare)the old one,his new car is easier to operate.ComparingComparedTHANKS


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