2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》必修第一册Unit3短语句型整理 (ppt课件).pptx

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1、好朋友的品质the qualities of a good friend保持他们的友谊有困难have difficulty in maintaining their friendships向网络社区寻求意见turn to online communities for advice愿意与我交友be willing to make friends with me放下我们的智能手机放下我们的智能手机put down our smartphones亲自与他们会面亲自与他们会面meet them in person与某人外出玩耍hang out with sb.收拾残局pick up the piece

2、s我们最初的计划our original plan在社交媒体发信息post a message on social media准时到达电影院make it to the cinema想要恢复她的网络留言feel like responding to her online messages使得挽救be worth saving对她的行为进行简要解释have a simple explanation for her behaviour与她进行充分及坦诚的交谈have a full and frank talk with her与与某人玩的开心某人玩的开心having fun with sb.被他骗

3、了be tricked by him珍惜你的友谊value your friendship使你遭罪make you suffer继续进行move on重新考虑你们的关系rethink your relationship持续地不理会我Keep ignoring me与她面对面交谈talk to her face-to-face想象做某事imagine doing使我们联系起来Keep us connected取代面对面交谈take the place of face-to-face chatting使朋友成为我们生活真正的一部分make friends a real part of our li

4、ves渴望自由long to be free表示拥有show possession从家跑到一个小岛run away from home to an island面对be faced with重点句型重点句型1.Instead of recovering at home,she was out having fun with someone else.2.However,if your friendship ignores your feelings or makes you suffer,its time to rethink your friendship.3.Its sad to move

5、 on,but you have to accept that friends come and go in life.将吉姆转交给奴隶贩子hand Jim over to slave catchers使我思考某事leave me thinking about sth.如下的品质the following qualities形成友谊的基础form the basis of friendship平衡他的项目和功课有困难balancing his project and his schoolwork鼓励他采取行动克服困难encourage him to take action to get ove

6、r these difficulties占据我的一些业余时间take up some of my spare time从教做为我的职业take up teaching as my career值得我额外的时间和投入be worth my extra time and effort显示一个人最好的一面bring out the best in a person珍惜这些品质value these qualities以这些标准衡量我自己measure myself by these standards平静的思考期quiet periods of reflection导致个人发展lead to per

7、sonal development逃进我们自己的世界escape into our own world通常more often than not友谊的许多益处many benefits of friendship亲密的关系close relationships总的说来generally speaking生活在社会群体之中live in social groups友谊的第一个硕果the first fruit of friendship有了更大的意义take on greater meaning源于亲密的关系result from close relationship毫无顾虑地分享快乐与悲伤fe

8、el free to share joy and sadness珍视这些亲密的时光treasure these moments of closeness依靠这些机会来获取慰藉和庇护depend on these opportunities for comfort and protection认清别人的缺点recognize other peoples weaknesses在重大决定上给出建议offer advice on important decisions将我们的思想转付诸语言put our thoughts into words对我们自身问题有更透彻的认识bring us a more

9、thorough understanding of our problems寻找不同来源的信息 search for information from different sources建立持久的友谊form/develop/establish a lasting friendship流传至今come down to this day几次a couple of times共同的兴趣common/shared interests需要指出的是It should be pointed out that与众人为伍enjoy the company of a crowd被誉为第二个自我be known

10、as our second self在朋友的帮助下with the help of friendsL5/More often than not,close friendships will help smooth out the sometimes rocky road that we are all meant to travel.L8They may comfort the heart,advise the head and help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.L13/Here,friendship has a double adv

11、antagehappiness takes on a greater meaning and a trouble shared becomes a trouble halved!L34/Finally,it should be pointed out that enjoying the company of a crowd is not the same as being with friends.Friends should be carefully chosen and relationships carefully developed.通常,亲密的友情能助我们踏平时而坎坷却又注定要经过的道路它们可以抚慰心灵,启迪思维,帮我们实现既定目标。在此,友谊有了双重优势幸福有了更大的意义,而麻烦在分担之后减半。与人为伍不等于有朋友相伴。朋友需谨慎选择,友情需用心经营。


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