八年级英语下册初二语法知识点讲义及训练:Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?(含答案)(人教新目标).doc

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八年级英语下册初二语法知识点讲义及训练:Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?(含答案)(人教新目标).doc_第1页
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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? 1borrow my things without returning them 借我的东西不归还借我的东西不归还 without 是 with 的反义词,意为“没有”,后接名词、代词或者动名词。如: We got there without any trouble. 我们到了那儿,一路上没遇到任何麻烦。 He left without saying goodbye to us. 他没跟我们道别就离开了。 2instead 代替;代替;反而;却反而;却 (1)instead 作副词时,意为“代替;反而;却”,修

2、饰整个句子作状语。如: Jack was ill, so I went instead. 杰克病了,因此换了我去。 He never works; instead, he plays all day and all night. 他从不工作,却整日整夜地玩。 (2)instead of 是介词词组,后接名词、代词或动名词。如: We drank some coffee instead of tea. 我们喝了一些咖啡而不是茶。 I will go there instead of him. 我将代替他去那里。 3offer 主动提出;自愿给予主动提出;自愿给予 (1)offer sth.提出;

3、提供 The teacher offered him some useful advice on how to make learning more interesting. 老师向他提出了一些有关让学习更有趣的有益建议。 (2)offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 The kids offered to do the dishes after supper. 孩子们主动要求晚饭后洗盘子。 (3)offer sth. to sb.offer sb. sth. 向某人提供某物 They decided to offer the job to Mike. They decided to

4、 offer Mike the job. 他们决定把这份工作给麦克。 1Why dont you.? 你为你为什么不什么不? Why dont you.?表提建议的句型可以与 Why not.?句型转换。如: Why dont you go out to play basketball with us?Why not go out to play basketball with us? 你为什么不出去和我们一起打篮球呢? 2Although shes wrong, its not a big deal. 虽然她错了虽然她错了,但没什么大不了。但没什么大不了。 not a big deal 意为

5、“没什么大不了”。我们还可以说 make a big deal,意为 “做一笔大买卖”。 3My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. 我的父母亲不允许我和朋友们出去闲逛。我的父母亲不允许我和朋友们出去闲逛。 allow 是动词,意为“允许;准许”,常用结构如下: (1)allow sb. to do sth.意为“允许某人做某事”。如: My parents dont allow me to stay up late. 我父母不允许我熬夜。 (2)allow doing sth.意为“允许做某事”。如: We dont allo

6、w talking loudly in public places. 我们不允许在公共场所大声喧哗。 连词 until, so that, although 等引导的状语从句 (1)until 意为“直到”,引导时间状语从句,动词是短暂性动词时,常用 not.until 句式。 注意:时间状语从句表示将来的意思时, 从句中的谓语动词不能用一般将来 时,只能用一般现在时表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态。如: I wont leave until you come. 直到你来我才会离开。 (2)so that 意为“以便; 为了”, 引导目的状语从句, 从句中通常带有 may, can, could

7、, will, would 等情态动词,主从句间连接紧凑,没有逗号相隔。如: I spend much time learning English so that I can get good grades. 我花很多时间学英语是为了能取得好成绩。 You should call him so that you can say youre sorry. 你应该打电话给他以便你能道歉。 You should eat more now so that you wont be hungry later. 你现在应该多吃点,这样你待会就不会饿了。 (3)although/though 意为“尽管;虽然

8、”,引导让步状语从句。在让步状语从 句中, 连词 although 或 though 不可与 but 同时使用。 though 引导的从句既可放在 主句前,又可放在主句后;而 although 引导的从句大多数放在句首。如: Although shes wrong, its not a big deal. 尽管她错了,但没什么大不了的。 I dont know him well though we are in the same class. 虽然我们在同一班,但我不太了解他。 一、词形变换 1communicate(动词)交流;沟通_(名词)交流;沟通 2cloud(名词)云;云朵_(形容词

9、)多云的 3elder(形容词)年纪较长的_(形容词)老的;旧的 4secondly(副词)第二;其次_(序数词)第二 5clear(形容词)清楚易懂的;晴朗的_(副词)清楚地;清晰地;明 白地 6compete(动词)竞争;对抗_(名词)比赛;竞赛;竞争 7quick(形容词)快的;迅速的_(副词)迅速地 8usual(形容词)通常的;寻常的_(副词)通常 二、单项选择 ( )1. _ Im not completely sure, I think hes been drinking. AIf BAlthough CUntil DAs ( )2. Mom, shall we have sup

10、per now? Oh, we wont have supper_ your dad comes back. Auntil BBefore Cwhile Dafter ( )3. I cant work out the math problem; its too difficult. _ ask Mr.Smith? Maybe hell help you. ADo you mind BWhy dont you CYoud better DHow about ( )4. He always refuses _ me_ my favorite TV show. Alet; to watch Bto

11、 let; watch Cto let; to watch Dlet; watch ( )5.The teachers always tell us that _ homework is wrong. Ato copy the other Bto copy others Ccopying the others Dcopying others 三、用所给词的适当形式填空 1I found my sister _(look) through my things yesterday. 2This _(communicate) is very important in childrens growin

12、g up because friends can discuss important things. 3Why dont you talk about these _(feeling) with your family? 4I dont mind him _(play) basketball on weekends. 5Here are some ways to make you feel good about _(you), children. 6Maybe your parents _(agree) with your idea, but dont worry. 7I was very _

13、(surprise) to find theres hardly anyone there. 8When they argue, its like a big black cloud _(hang) over our home. 9We should not copy _(other) homework. 10Although its normal to want _(success) children, its even more important to have happy children. 四、根据短文内容和所给汉语提示填空 It is important to understand

14、 each other. However, the 1 (关系) between students and parents as well as teachers are difficult. Here is what they said. Voice of the students: “We are under lots of 2 (压力). Our parents are too 3 (焦虑的) about our lives and studies, ” one student said. “Some teachers are so serious that we are afraid

15、to speak out our 4 (想 法), ” another student said sadly. Voice of the parents: One mother said, “After school, my daughter locks herself into her room 5 (代替) of talking with us.” “I thought my son was doing well in his studies, but his teacher phoned me that he always 6_(抄袭) others homework, ” said a

16、 father. Voice of the teachers: “Some parents 7 (鞭策) their children too hard. It is not good for their 8 (发展), ” a teacher said. “ In the past, teachers and students often played games together or 9_(交流) with each other. Today, only studies and grades are talked about, ” said another teacher. Voice

17、of scientists: Scientists say that a school should be a place where students can learn not only knowledge, but also how to face difficulty in a 10 (恰当的) way. 五、语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入 一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于 3 个单词)。 Many teenagers feel that the 1 (important) people in their life

18、are their friends. They believe that their family members dont know them as well 2 their friends do. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters 3 (fight) with each other and they can only go to their friends for some ideas. 4 is very important for teenagers to have one friend or a

19、 group of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves 5_ the phone. This 6_(communicate) is very important in childrens growing up, because friends can discuss something. These things are difficult to say to their family 7_(member) 8

20、, parents often try to choose their childrens friends for them. Some parents may even stop their children from 9_(meet) their good friends. Have you ever thought of the following questions? Who 10 (choose) your friends? Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you? Have you got a good frien

21、d your parents dont like? Your answers are welcome. 参考答案参考答案 Unit 4 一 、 munication 2.cloudy 3.old 4.second 5.clearly petition 7.quickly 8.usually 二、15 BABBD 三、 1.looking munication 3.feelings 4.playing 5.yourselves 6.disagree 7.surprised 8.hanging 9.others 10.successful 四 、 1.relations 2.pressure 3.nervous 4.opinions/ideas/thoughts 5.instead 6.copied 7.push 8.development municated 10.proper 五、 1.most important 2.as 3.to fight 4.It 5.on munication 7.members 8.However 9.meeting 10.chooses


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