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1、 Module 4 Fine Arts -Western,Chinese and Pop arts Cultural Corner&Task 高一外研版必修二高一外研版必修二Cultural Cornera sad/thoughtful girl1.Warming up-Tell what you have known.1.Do you know who did this painting?2.What kind of style does this Painting belong to?Pablo picasso cubism Periodstimecharacters of worksPi

2、cassos blue periodPicassos pink periodPicasso and Cubism4.guess in which period were the following pictures painted.Blue period pink period5.Careful Reading-Read the text and write down the facts about Picasso according to the time clues(线索)线索)1.In 1881 _2.At the age of ten_.3.At the age of 16 _he w

3、as born in Spain.he was already anhis first exhibition.excellent artist4.In his early twenties_5.From1902 to 1904_6.From1904 to1906_7.In 1937_.8.In 1973_moved to FrancePicassos blue periodPicassos pink periodhis greatest Cubist paintinghe died.Guernica was paintedLanguage Points 1.People generally a

4、gree that Picasso,who lived from 1881 to 1973,is the twentieth-centurys greatest western artist.跟从句,表示跟从句,表示“一致认为、同意一致认为、同意”。人们普遍认为。人们普遍认为。=It is agreed that。例如:大多数科学家一致认为,计算机不能完例如:大多数科学家一致认为,计算机不能完全代替人。全代替人。Most scientists agreed that computers cannot completely take the place of human beings.=it i

5、s agreed that。3.Picasso studied art in Spain,but moved to France,in his early twenties.年龄表示法年龄表示法(1).表示某人几岁的确切年龄,可直接用基数表示某人几岁的确切年龄,可直接用基数词词,也可用也可用“基数词基数词years old”eg:Shes thirty(years old).(2)“at(the age of)基数词基数词”,如:孩子们通常如:孩子们通常7岁开始上学。岁开始上学。Children usually start school at(the age of)seven.(2).表示表示

6、某人几十多岁某人几十多岁这样的大约年龄,用这样的大约年龄,用“in ones+基数词的复数基数词的复数(如如tens,twenties,thirties 等等)”来表达。如:来表达。如:他他30多岁时去了美国。多岁时去了美国。He went to America in his thirties.他在五十岁出头、接近六十岁时开始有规他在五十岁出头、接近六十岁时开始有规律的进行体育锻炼。律的进行体育锻炼。He started to take regular exercise in his early/late fifties.(3).表示年代表示年代表示在表示在某个世纪的几十年代某个世纪的几十年代

7、,用,用“in the+基数词的复数基数词的复数”。基数词的复数若用阿拉基数词的复数若用阿拉伯数字表示,伯数字表示,可直接加可直接加 s,也可加,也可加s。如。如“在在20世纪世纪80年代年代”是是 in the 1980s或或 in the 1980s,读作,读作 in the nineteen eighties。注。注意:不要漏掉意:不要漏掉 the。这条铁路建于这条铁路建于20世纪世纪70年代。年代。The railway was built in the 1970s.4.From 1902 to 1904 he painted a series of pictures where th

8、e main color was blue.=in which a series of 一系列,一连串一系列,一连串宇航员在太空期间将进行一系列的实验。宇航员在太空期间将进行一系列的实验。Astronauts will carry out a series of tests while they are in space.5.With another Spanish artist called George Braque,Picasso then started an important new artistic movement called Cubism.With 和。一起和。一起6.Pe

9、ople agreed that Picassos greatest Cubist painting is Guernica,which was painted in Madrid in 1937.7.Guernica is the name of a town that was destroyed during the 1930s war in Spain.destroy/damage/ruin 1.The fire destroyed the whole town.毁坏程度大,不可修复毁坏程度大,不可修复 2.Many workers are trying hard to repair t

10、he damaged bridge.部分毁坏部分毁坏 3.Too much overwork will ruin your health.具体的毁坏,如:建筑,具体的毁坏,如:建筑,抽象的抽象的 如:健康,婚姻,修复等如:健康,婚姻,修复等 8.In his painting,Picasso showed his feelings about what had happened to the town.1.Happen to sp.发生在哪里发生在哪里 2.Happen to do sth.碰巧做某事碰巧做某事 review1.在在年龄年龄 at the age of 2.在某人二十几岁时在某

11、人二十几岁时 in ones twenties(thirties)3.一系列一系列 a series of4.表达对。的感受表达对。的感受 Show ones feelings about Cultural corner 重点句子重点句子 1.People generally agree that Picasso,who lived from 1881 to 1973,is the twentieth-centurys greatest western artist.2.Picasso studied art in Spain,but moved to France,in his early

12、twenties.3.From 1902 to 1904 he painted a series of pictures where the main color was blue.4.With another Spanish artist called George Braque,Picasso then started an important new artistic movement called Cubism.5.People agreed that Picassos greatest Cubist painting is Guernica,which was painted in

13、Madrid in 1937.6.Guernica is the name of a town that was destroyed during the 1930s war in Spain.7.In his painting,Picasso showed his feelings about what had happened to the town.Homework Students in our country have very little access to all forms of arts.But,in fact,arts can have an good effect on

14、 them.Try to write a letter to give some advice on how to develop the art education of the students and what art forms do you think are useful to the students.How can they be useful to the students.1.近年,越来越多的天鹅选择到伊犁河流域越冬,这与当地实施天然林保护、湿地生态恢复等重点林业工程建设使湿地生态明显改善有很大关系。近年,越来越多的天鹅选择到伊犁河流域越冬,这与当地实施天然林保护、湿地生态


16、资源、战略资源和不可替代的文化资源。6 帮助家境不好的孩子上大学,是我们应该做的,况且这孩子各方面都很优秀,我们一定要帮助她圆大学梦。帮助家境不好的孩子上大学,是我们应该做的,况且这孩子各方面都很优秀,我们一定要帮助她圆大学梦。7 在那个民族独立和民族解放斗争风起云涌的时代,能激发人们的爱国热情是评判一部文学作品好坏的非常重要的标准。在那个民族独立和民族解放斗争风起云涌的时代,能激发人们的爱国热情是评判一部文学作品好坏的非常重要的标准。8社会大转型的时代,往往也是造就伟人的时代,几乎所有基本领域,都在春秋战国那个充满活力的黄金时代开山立宗并创造了我们民族精神的最高经典。社会大转型的时代,往往也是造就伟人的时代,几乎所有基本领域,都在春秋战国那个充满活力的黄金时代开山立宗并创造了我们民族精神的最高经典。9原生文化是一个民族的根基,其体现的精神没有因为经历了两千多年就逐渐消退,当各种复杂的问题困扰我们的时候,每个人都能从中寻找到再生的动力。原生文化是一个民族的根基,其体现的精神没有因为经历了两千多年就逐渐消退,当各种复杂的问题困扰我们的时候,每个人都能从中寻找到再生的动力。


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