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1、What are they doing?Unit 4 Welcome to our party!单词分析 snowy(形容词)下雪的 由snow(名词)+y组成 rainy(形容词)下雨的 由rain(名词)+y组成 windy(形容词)刮风的 由wind(名词)+y组成 sunny(形容词)晴朗的 由sun(名词)+ny组成 Australia(名词)澳大利亚 Australianstreln 报错 adj.澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人的 cloudy(形容词)多云的 由cloud(名词)+y组成 foggy(形容词)多雾的 由fog(名词)+gy组成频度副词 usually often alwa

2、ys 频度副词是副词的一种频度副词是副词的一种 一、频度副词在句中的位置一、频度副词在句中的位置。频度副词在句中习惯上位于be动词、助动词之后,行为动词之前。如:1.She is often late for school.她上学经常迟到。2.He usually goes to bed at about 12.他通常(午夜)十二点钟睡觉。3.When do you usually get up in the morning?早上你通常什么时候起床?二、表示频度方面的区别二、表示频度方面的区别。always是频度最大的词,意为总是;永远。如:I shall always remember my

3、 first day at school.我将永远记住我上学的第一天。usually意为通常,即很少例外,频度仅次于always。如:What do you usually have for breakfast?你通常早餐吃什么?often意为经常,在频度上不如usually那么频繁。如:Li Ping often does his homework in the afternoon.李平经常在下午做作业。三、频度副词与三、频度副词与notnot连用时连用时,表示部分否定表示部分否定;对频度副词进行提问时,要用how often。如:1.A great scholar is not alway

4、s a very wise man.大学者未必一定是极聪明的人。2.We often go to the cinema.(对划线部分提问)How often do you go to the cinema?单词分析 host 主人,它与master,owner意思相近 without(介词)没有,不带 eg:Milk without sugar.不加糖的牛奶。eg:Fish cant live without water.鱼离不开水。joke(名词)笑话 eg:tell a jok/tell jokes讲笑话invite(动词)邀请1.invite+sb 邀请某人2.invite+sb+to

5、do sth 邀请某人做某事3.invite+sb+to a place(指一个地方)邀请某人到某地此外,invite还可变形为invitation,从动词的邀请变为名词的邀请书Party 派对,聚会,是西方常见的社交活动。Party按照内容分类有 birthday party,Christmas party,welcome party 和 graduation party等。按照参加者性别分类有 hen party(只有女性参加的聚会)和 stag party(只有男性参加的聚会)。此外,还有 dinner party,garden party(下午时在私家花园里举行的正式聚会)等。a bi

6、rthday party a Christmas partyWelcome party graduation partyChristmas partyHen partyHen partyA stag party 只有男性参加的聚会只有男性参加的聚会 a garden party Baby shower婴儿洗礼婴儿洗礼:shower:shower原意是原意是“阵雨阵雨”的的意思,在这里指意思,在这里指babybaby得到大批礼物,得到大批礼物,或许是因为礼物多得像大雨中的雨点。或许是因为礼物多得像大雨中的雨点。当一个妇女怀了当一个妇女怀了babybaby后,她的亲朋好后,她的亲朋好友会聚在一起,

7、送友会聚在一起,送babybaby很多衣服、玩很多衣服、玩具等礼物。具等礼物。Before you attend a party,what do you need to think of?dressActivity 1Listen and match.听录音,将聚会、天气和需要的物品听录音,将聚会、天气和需要的物品连线。连线。birthday party Christmas party welcome party garden partyCoat jacket umbrella sunglassessnowyrainywindysunnyActivity 1Party,派对,聚会,是西方常见的

8、社交活动。Party按照内容分类有 birthday party,Christmas party,welcome party 和 graduation party等。按照参加者性别分类有 hen party(只有女性参加的聚会)和 stag party(只有男性参加的聚会)。此外,还有 dinner party,garden party(下午时在私家花园里举行的正式聚会)等。由于派对种类繁多,深受人们喜爱,社会上还出现了一个专门的职业叫 party planner(派对策划师)。Sometimes,you can take some gifts for the party.A box of c

9、hocolatesa bunch of flowers a bottle of wine举行派对(party)和天气有关,接下来来看看与天气有关的词 一起来看看啦SpringwarmSummerhotAutumncoolWintercold cloudy snowysunny windy rainy foggy这些名词后加上这些名词后加上-y就变成了形容词就变成了形容词还要注意,还要注意,sun,fog要双写再加要双写再加-y.Choose the words to fill in the blanks.晴朗的晴朗的 _有雾的有雾的 _ 有风的有风的 _多云的多云的 _下雪的下雪的 _ 下雨的

10、下雨的 _sunny windy rainy cloudy snowy foggysunnyfoggywindycloudysnowyrainyActivity 2Listen and match.听录音,将客人与地名连线。听录音,将客人与地名连线。Mr SmithWang YangMr LeeBeijingCalifornia Australiacomes fromActivity 3Listen and complete.再听录音,写出两地的天气情况。再听录音,写出两地的天气情况。Weather in winter in California_Weather in winter in Be

11、ijing_ _Now:nice,warm,soft windUsually:cold,windyUsually:sunny,warmActivity 4Read and underline.阅读对话,用下画线标出谈论天气的阅读对话,用下画线标出谈论天气的语句。语句。Miss Li:Welcome to our party,Mrs Stone.Mrs Stone:Thank you,Miss Li.Miss Li:This way,please.Mrs Stone:Thank you.Its very cold today.Miss Li:Yeah,its sunny but cold.Mrs

12、 Stone:Is it always cold at this time in Xian?Miss Li:Yes,its usually cold and windy.Mrs Stone:Well,its usually warm and pleasant at this time.重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型 Whats the weather like 用于询问天气状况。eg Whats the weather like in your hometown?你家乡的天气怎么样?Q:1.Whats the weather like today?2.How is the weather?A:I

13、tIts+s+表示天气的形容词表示天气的形容词 -Whats the weather like today?(How is the weather today?)-Its sunny.-Whats the weather like today?(How is the weather today?)-Its windy.-How is the weather in Beijing?Ask and answer-Its sunny.Activity 5Listen and repeat.跟读对话,学说选出的语句。跟读对话,学说选出的语句。Miss Li:Welcome to our party,M

14、rs Stone.Mrs Stone:Thank you,Miss Li.Miss Li:This way,please.Mrs Stone:Thank you.Its very cold today.Miss Li:Yeah,its sunny but cold.Mrs Stone:Is it always cold at this time in Xian?Miss Li:Yes,its usually cold and windy.Whats the weather like in Australia now?Mrs Stone:Well,its usually warm and ple

15、asant at this time.Activity 6Listen and tick.听录音,勾出李晓年和听录音,勾出李晓年和Mrs Smith之间的之间的关系。关系。学习策略提示学习策略提示在听英语对话时,有时我们只需要了解内容大意,有时需要了解详细信息,听对话前我们要明白任务要求,才能更轻松自如地完成听力任务。()friends ()teacher and student ()host and guestActivity 7Listen and judge.再听录音,判断下列句子的正误。再听录音,判断下列句子的正误。()1)Mrs Smith wants to drink coke w

16、ithout sugar.()2)Mrs Smith wants to drink coke with sugar.()3)Mrs Smith wants to drink coffee without sugar.()4)Mrs Smith wants to drink coffee with sugar.FFFTActivity 8Listen and complete.再听录音,补全对话。再听录音,补全对话。Li Xiaonian:Hello,Mrs Smith!_ to our party!Mrs Smith:_,Xiaonian!Li Xiaonian:Would you _ som

17、ething to drink,Mrs Smith?Mrs Smith:Uh,coffee,_.WelcomeHellolikepleaseActivity 9Read and underline.阅读对话,用下画线标出招待客人的阅读对话,用下画线标出招待客人的语句。语句。Li Xiaonian:Hello,Mr Smith!Welcome to our party!Mr Smith:Hello,Xiaonian!Li Xiaonian:Mr Smith:Uh,tea,please.Li Xiaonian:Mr Smith:Without milk,please.Li Xiaonian:Her

18、es your tea,Mr Smith.Mr Smith:Thanks.Li Xiaonian:Youre welcome.Please help yourself.英美国家的人在别人家做客时,对于吃什么、喝什么往往比较直率。比如:Would you like some coffee?Yes,please.或者 What would you like?Coffee,please.如果不想要,可说:No,thanks.这时候主人也不会继续劝客人。Mr Smith:Is it always cold at this time in Xian?Li Xiaonian:Yes,its usually

19、 cold and windy.Whats the wheather like in Australia now?Mr Smith:Well,its usually warm and pleasant at this time.重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型 这是主人用来招待客人的句子。eg Would you like something to eat?您想吃点儿什么?Would you like some fruit?您想来点儿水果吗?Would you like a cup of tea?您想来杯茶吗?重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型 通常在确定喝什么以后再问是否要加点儿什么。eg Id li

20、ke some pure water,please.我要纯净水。OK.With or without ice?好的。加不加冰?New York(纽约)(纽约)温暖但是有雪温暖但是有雪Australia(澳大利亚)(澳大利亚)凉爽并且多云凉爽并且多云Speaking Practice WeatherSummary warm、hot、cool、cold、sunny、windy、rainy、cloudy、foggy、snowy Whats the weather like?How is the weather(in)?ItswordssentenceEveryday EnglishIts a nic

21、e day,isnt it?今天天气不错。Its cloudy today./Its a cloudy day today.今天多云。Welcome to our party!欢迎参加聚会!Would you like some tea?你喝茶吗?Yes,please.好的。/No,thanks.不用了,谢谢。Please help yourself.请随便用。Activity 12Read and answer.读电子邮件,回答下列问题。读电子邮件,回答下列问题。1)Who is the host?_2)Who are the guests?_Allen is the host.The gu

22、ests are Allens classmates,friends and Wang Yang.From:From:Allen tommoXXX.comTo:To:Wang Yang yangyangXXXX.comSubject:Subject:Welcome to my birthday party!Hi,Wang Yang,Would you like to come to my birthday party at 6 pm next Saturday?At the party,we can play games,tell jokes,and sing songs I also wan

23、t to invite some other classmates and some friends to the party.And you will find a big surprise at the party.Would you like to come?Regards,AllenRead and answer.读电子邮件,回答下列问题。读电子邮件,回答下列问题。发件人:发件人:Allen tommoXXX.com收件人:收件人:王洋 yangyangXXXX.com主主 题:题:欢迎参加我的生日聚会!嗨,王洋:你能参加我下周六晚上6 点的生日派对吗?在派对上,我们可以做游戏,讲笑话

24、,还有唱歌。我还想邀请班上的其他同学和一些朋友来参加派对。你会在派对上发现一个大惊喜。你能来吗?祝 好!AllenTranslation重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型 play games 做游戏,tell jokes 讲笑话eg Id like to play games with my friends on Sundays.我礼拜天愿意和朋友们做游戏。Can you tell a joke,dad?爸爸,你可以给我讲个笑话吗?重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型 Would you like to?你愿意(做某事)吗?would you like to 后面接动词。eg Would you like

25、 to go with me?你愿意跟我一块儿走吗?Would you like to have a cup of coffee?你想来杯咖啡吗?Activity 13Read and complete.再读邮件,帮王洋填写备忘录。再读邮件,帮王洋填写备忘录。MemoDate:_Time:_Place:_Activities:_next Saturdayat 6 pmAllens homeplay games,tell jokes,sing songsGrammar focus1.人称代词主格人称代词主格:I,you,he,she,it,we,they在句子中充当主语在句子中充当主语。He i

26、s a teacher.They will go home.2.形容词性物主代词:形容词性物主代词:my,your,his,her,its,our,their 不能单独使用,后面必须不能单独使用,后面必须跟名词。跟名词。This is my bag.3.形容词性物主代词和形容词一起修饰名词时的顺序是形容词性物主代词和形容词一起修饰名词时的顺序是:形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+形容词形容词+名名词词 my new bike her young son4.当名词前有当名词前有形容词性物主代词修饰形容词性物主代词修饰时,时,不能再用冠词不能再用冠词a,an,the 来修饰,也来修饰,也不能用指不

27、能用指示代词示代词thisthis,thatthat,thesethese,thosethose修饰。修饰。误:That is a my bike./That is my a bike.正确:that is my bike.Activity 14Look and complete.读图,补全下列对话。读图,补全下列对话。1)Sara is here.Thats _ hat.Ben is here,too.Thats _ coat.2)Excuse me.Is this _ bag?No,it isnt._ bag is blue.3)4)Mom is back.Thats _ handbag.

28、Dad is back,too.Thats _ jacket._ boss is here.Thats _ laptop.Yes,he always comes very early.herhisherhisyourMyMyhisActivity 15Talk and guess.四人一组,每人选一件物品放在一个包中,四人一组,每人选一件物品放在一个包中,大家一起猜物品的主人。大家一起猜物品的主人。1)Whose pencil is it?/Whose pencils are they?Its my/your/his/her/pencil./Theyre our/your/their penc

29、ils.2)Is it your pencil?/Are these their pencils?Yes,its my pencil./No,its not my pencil.Its his pencil./Yes,theyre their pencils./No,they arent their pencils.Theyre our pencils.egActivity 16Look and complete.看图,根据图片内容选词补全对话。看图,根据图片内容选词补全对话。This is Mr Smith.Hes our _.Nice to _ you._ to our party!Wou

30、ld you _ something to drink?Would you like your beer _ or _ ice?_ ice,please.Welcomelikewithwithoutwithguestmeetwithout like welcome meet with guestActivity 17Talk and circle.根据世界天气图对话,圈出表示天气的单词。根据世界天气图对话,圈出表示天气的单词。Whats the weather like in London?Its foggy.egTokyo11111717London12121717Beijing7 7151

31、5Shanghai13132323New York15152020Moscow-7-73 3Activity 17-I learned:()without ()cloudy ()host ()pleasant()joke ()guest ()beautiful ()weather()party ()rainy ()windy ()snowy()activity ()usually ()memo ()inviteI can:()talk about the weather.()invite people to a party.()use pronouns.Self-checkMeeting an

32、d Greeting In some countries people greet each other by kissing and embracing(拥抱)noisily.Avoid this in Britain.The way to greet a British person for the first time is to shake hands with him or her.There should be no more than three shakes up and down.Dont pat(拍)him or her on the back this is not Br

33、itish.Kissing is not common except in the case of elderly ladies.They will incline(降低)their heads,and you should lean(倾斜)towards their left side and kiss the air an inch or so above the cheek(脸颊).Do not actually TOUCH the cheek with your lips.Life and cultureTranslation见面与问候见面与问候 在一些国家,人们用热情的亲吻和拥抱互致

34、问候,但在英国,我们却不能用这种方式。与英国人第一次打招呼的方式是与他或她握手。上下摇两三下。不要拍他的后背,这不是英国的问候方式。亲吻只用于问候年长的女士。她们会把头稍稍前倾,你要上前贴向她们的左脸,在其上方约一英寸的地方亲吻,但你的嘴唇决不能碰到她们的面颊。编后语 同学们在听课的过程中,还要善于抓住各种课程的特点,运用相应的方法去听,这样才能达到最佳的学习效果。一、听理科课重在理解基本概念和规律 数、理、化是逻辑性很强的学科,前面的知识没学懂,后面的学习就很难继续进行。因此,掌握基本概念是学习的关键。上课时要抓好概念的理解,同时,大家要开动脑筋,思考老师是怎样提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的

35、,要边听边想。为讲明一个定理,推出一个公式,老师讲解顺序是怎样的,为什么这么安排?两个例题之间又有什么相同点和不同之处?特别要从中学习理科思维的方法,如观察、比较、分析、综合、归纳、演绎等。作为实验科学的物理、化学和生物,就要特别重视实验和观察,并在获得感性知识的基础上,进一步通过思考来掌握科学的概念和规律,等等。二、听文科课要注重在理解中记忆 文科多以记忆为主,比如政治,要注意哪些是观点,哪些是事例,哪些是用观点解释社会现象。听历史课时,首先要弄清楚本节教材的主要观点,然后,弄清教材为了说明这一观点引用了哪些史实,这些史料涉及的时间、地点、人物、事件。最后,也是关键的一环,看你是否真正弄懂观点与史料间的关系。最好还能进一步思索:这些史料能不能充分说明观点?是否还可以补充新的史料?有无相反的史料证明原观点不正确。三、听英语课要注重实践 英语课老师往往讲得不太多,在大部分的时间里,进行的师生之间、学生之间的大量语言实践练习。因此,要上好英语课,就应积极参加语言实践活动,珍惜课堂上的每一个练习机会。2022-10-22最新中小学教学课件61thank you!2022-10-22最新中小学教学课件62


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