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1、教学目标教学目标语言知识目标:学生能够理解并运用在不同场景下的简单问候语,能够使用be 动词的一般现在时介绍个人及他人信息。语言技能目标:听 学生能够听懂在不同场景下的简单问候语。说 学生能够在不同场景下用简单的问候语问候他人。读 学生能够读懂名片上的个人信息。写 学生能够根据个人情况做出自己的名片。学 习 策 略:学生学习将事物归类排序的能力。文 化 意 识:学生掌握中文人名与英美国家人名的不同排序规则。情 感 态 度:学生了解不同的职业,并初步确定自己的求职意向。单 元 任 务:学生能运用所学语言拟订自己未来的名片。Lead-in123Activity 1 Activity 2Activi

2、ty 3Activity 1Look and tick.看图,选出男孩要说的语句。看图,选出男孩要说的语句。()Hi,Jenny!()Good morning,Miss Jenny Brown!Activity 2Hi,Jenny!Listen and check.听录音,核对活动听录音,核对活动1的答案。的答案。Activity 3Act and practice.看图,依据图中场景与同伴打招呼。看图,依据图中场景与同伴打招呼。123_Hi,Jenny!Good afternoon,Ms Smith!Good evening,Jenny!456_Good morning,Mr Brown!H

3、ello,Mr Smith!Hi,George!Listening and speakingDialogue ADialogue BEveryday English123Dialogue A123Activity 4Activity 5Activity 6Nice to meet you!Activity 4Listen and underline.听录音,标出在活动听录音,标出在活动3中用过的语句。中用过的语句。Mary:Hi!Im Mary.Li Xiaonian:Hi,Mary!Im Li Xiaonian.Mary:Li Xiaonian:重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型 meet 在这里

4、意为“见到,遇到”。eg meet a friend 遇见一个朋友 We often meet some difficulties in our life.在生活中我们经常会遇到一些困难。重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型 nice 在这里意为“好,不错”。eg Its a nice party.这是个不错的晚会。Thats a nice picture.那是幅很好的画。too 在这里意为“也”,需用逗号与前面的部分隔开。eg Wang Yang is a student.Im a student,too.王洋是个学生,我也是个学生。Li Xiaonian likes English.Wang Ya

5、ng likes English,too.李晓年喜欢英语,王洋也喜欢英语。Activity 5Read and underline.阅读上面对话,用下画线标出问候语。阅读上面对话,用下画线标出问候语。Mary:Hi!Im Mary.Li Xiaonian:Hi,Mary!Im Li Xiaonian.Mary:Nice to meet you.Li Xiaonian:Nice to meet you,too.Activity 6Listen and repeat.跟读对话,学说选出的语句。跟读对话,学说选出的语句。Mary:Hi!Im Mary.Li Xiaonian:Hi,Mary!Im L

6、i Xiaonian.Mary:Nice to meet you.Li Xiaonian:Nice to meet you,too.Dialogue BWhats your name,please?学习策略提示学习策略提示跟读对话对我们提高口语表达能力有很大帮助,你也试试吧!123456Activity 7Activity 8Activity 9Activity 10Activity 11Activity 12Activity 7Think and answer.思考并回答下列问题。思考并回答下列问题。Question 1:What does“last name”mean in Chinese

7、?Question 2:What is the last name of an English name?“Last name”means“姓”in Chinese.The last name is the last part of an English name.Activity 8Listen and complete.听录音,补全表格。听录音,补全表格。First NameLast NameFromBenWangHunanBrownThe USYangActivity 9Read and underline.阅读对话,用下画线标出询问个人信阅读对话,用下画线标出询问个人信息的语句。息的语

8、句。Sara:Good morning!Im Sara Smith.Li Xiaonian:Good morning,Miss Sara!Sara:Well,Sara is my first name.My last name is Smith,s-m-i-t-h.Heres my name card.Li Xiaonian:Thank you,Miss Smith.Sara:Whats your name?英美人姓名的排列顺序是名在前姓在后,与中文顺序相反。名字称为 first name,姓称为 last name。如 Ben Brown,我们可以直呼其名 Ben,或称之为 Mr Brown

9、(布朗先生)。Activity 9Li Xiaonian:Li Xiaonian.Sara:Is your last name Xiaonian?Li Xiaonian:No,my last name is Li.Sara:Where are you from?Li Xiaonian:Im from Tianjin.Sara:Im from the US.重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型 eg Ben is my first name.Brown is my last name.Ben 是我的名,Brown是我的姓。I see.我明白了。重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型 eg Where are yo

10、u from?你是哪儿人?Im from Beijing.我是北京人。Where is he from?他是哪儿人?Hes from Shanghai.他是上海人。Activity 10Listen and repeat.跟读对话,学说选出的语句。跟读对话,学说选出的语句。Sara:Good morning!Im Sara Smith.Li Xiaonian:Good morning,Miss Sara!Sara:Well,Sara is my first name.My last name is Smith,s-m-i-t-h.Heres my name card.Li Xiaonian:T

11、hank you,Miss Smith.Sara:Whats your name?Li Xiaonian:Li Xiaonian.Sara:Is your last name Xiaonian?Li Xiaonian:No,my last name is Li.Sara:I see.Where are you from?Li Xiaonian:Im from Tianjin.Where are you from?Sara:Im from the US.Activity 11Review and practice.复习字母表,以便写出同学们的名字。复习字母表,以便写出同学们的名字。A aB bC

12、 cD dE eF fG gH hI iJ jK kL lM mN nO oP pQ qR rS sT tU uV vW wX xY yZ zActivity 12Talk and complete.用下面语句询问用下面语句询问5个以上同学的个人信息,个以上同学的个人信息,填写表格。填写表格。My names /Im My first name/last name is Im from Whats your name?Whats your first name/last name?Where are you from?First NameLast NameFromEveryday Englis

13、hHow are you?你好吗?Fine,thank you.And you?很好,谢谢。你呢?Howre things?你好吗?Great!棒极了!Not bad!不错!Reading and writingActivity 13Activity 14Activity 15Activity 161234Activity 13Read and tick.阅读以下信息,选出名片中可能出现以下哪阅读以下信息,选出名片中可能出现以下哪些内容。些内容。66435160Wang Li25No.3 Hexi Street,TManagera.telephone numberb.namec.aged.ad

14、dresse.e-mail addressf.jobActivity 14Read and check.读以下名片,核对活动读以下名片,核对活动13的答案。的答案。ABC Company Engineer:No.37 Huayuan Street,Beijing:010-88514618E-mail:Hexi Nevell Company ManagerAddress:No.2 Hexi Street,TianjinTel:022-84212663E-mail:Hexi Nevell Company SecretaryAddress:No.2 Hexi Street,TianjinTel:02

15、2-84212668E-mail:Fucheng Vocational School TeacherAddress:No.28 Fucheng Street,BeijingTel:010-68253300E-mail:TranslationABC 公司公司 工程师地址:北京花园街37 号电话:010-88514618电子邮箱:河西诺威尔公司河西诺威尔公司 经理地址:天津河西街2 号电话:022-84212663电子邮箱:河西诺威尔公司河西诺威尔公司 秘书地址:天津河西街2 号电话:022-84212668电子邮箱:富诚职业学校富诚职业学校 教师地址:北京阜城路28 号电话:010-682533

16、00电子邮箱:重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型 eg No.10 Downing Road,London,Britain 英国伦敦市唐宁街十号 Whats your school address?你学校的地址是什么?(此处可加所在学校地址)重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型 eg Whats your phone number?你的电话号码是多少?Activity 15Read and complete.再读名片,补全以下来宾登记簿。再读名片,补全以下来宾登记簿。Last NameFirst NameAddressE-mailTelephone NumberGaoNo.37 Huayuan Street

17、,BQingBinNo.28 Fucheng Street,B010-68253300LiW010-88514618SmithSaraNo.2 Hexi Street,Tianjin022-84212663ZhangNo.2 Hexi Street,T022-84212668Activity 16Act and practice.假定你是活动假定你是活动15中的一位来宾,模仿示例中的一位来宾,模仿示例与同伴进行问答。与同伴进行问答。A:Whats your name,please?A:Which company/.are you from?A:Are you a secretary?B:My

18、name is Sara Smith.B:Im from Hexi Novell Company.B:No,Im a manager.egLanguage in useGrammar focusVocabulary practice12Grammar focusI am=Imyou are=yourehe is=hesshe is=shesit is=itswe are=wereyou are=yourethey are=theyreAm I.?Are you.?Is he.?Is she.?Is it.?Are we.?Are you.?Are they.?I am.you are.he i

19、s.she is.Yes,it is.we are.you are.they are.Im not.you arent.he isnt.she isnt.No,it isnt.we arent.you arent.they arent.Activity 17Activity 18Activity 19123Grammar focusActivity 17Think and write.用下列词语组成尽可能多的句子。用下列词语组成尽可能多的句子。Is it a cat?_ _Iyouhesheitwetheyamisareaan/student(s)cat(s)teacher(s)doctor(

20、s)manager(s)secretary(ies)bird(s)egYoure a doctor._ Im a student.Hes a teacher.Were students.Are you a doctor?Is she a secretary?Are they teachers?Activity 18Talk and guess.从以下职业中选择一个并向同伴描述,请同从以下职业中选择一个并向同伴描述,请同伴猜猜你选中的是哪一个。伴猜猜你选中的是哪一个。engineermanagerstudentsecretarynurseeg I take care of patients.Ar

21、e you a doctor?Yes,I am./No,Im not.Activity 19Write and talk.写出你家人的名字和工作,和同伴交流。写出你家人的名字和工作,和同伴交流。_egMy fathers name is Li Ming.Hes a doctor.Vocabulary practice123Activity 20Activity 21Activity 22Activity 20Read and mark.标注以下名片中信息的名称,准备制作你标注以下名片中信息的名称,准备制作你自己未来的名片。自己未来的名片。Beijing No.1 Vocational Scho

22、olBen Brown English Teacher_:No.20 Bayi Street,Beijing_:(010)-6449-5256_:first nametelephone numberaddresse-mail addresslast namejobschool nameActivity 21Think and write.在下框中尽可能多地写出工作名称。在下框中尽可能多地写出工作名称。teacherpolicemandoctordrivernurse Activity 22Write and talk.写出你今后想要从事的职业,与你的同伴写出你今后想要从事的职业,与你的同伴交流

23、。交流。I want to be a teacher._egI want to be a doctor.I want to be a policeman.Unit taskDesign your future name card.1)First imagine the following things in 2020.(1)Your address:_ (2)Your phone number:_ (3)Your job:_ (4)Your position(职位):_ (5)Your e-mail address:_2)Design a name card for yourself.3)Ma

24、ke a few name cards on a piece of paper.4)Exchange(交换)your cards with your classmates.Unit taskPronunciation practice Listen and repeat.听录音跟读,注意以下发音。听录音跟读,注意以下发音。/i:/I/E:/E/s/z/m/n/Im a doctor.Youre a nurse.Shes a teacher.Hes a boss.Theyre singers.Were fans(粉丝).Self-checkI learned:()age ()company ()

25、mail ()nurse()first ()last ()form ()number()join ()street ()telephone ()join()name ()school ()address ()engineer()manager ()secretary ()vocational ()cardI can:()greet people in English.()talk about jobs.()give personal information.()use pronouns.-Words&expressionsfirst/fE:st/adj.第一的;最先的last/lB:st/ad

26、j.最后的telephone/5telIfEUn/n.电话number/5nQmbE/n.数字;数量age/eIdV/n.年龄address/E5dres/n.地址e-mail/5i:meIl/n.电子邮件engineer/7endVI5nIE/n.工程师street/stri:t/n.街道company/5kQmpEnI/n.公司manager/5mAnIdVE/n.经理secretary/5sekrEtrI/n.秘书patient/5peIFEnt/n.病人vocational/vEu5keIFEnEl/adj.职业的nurse/nE:s/n.护士name card 名片vocationa

27、l school 职业学校Words&expressionsLife and cultureThe Most Common Family Name Smith is the most common family name in the United Kingdom and the United States.More than 3 million people in the United States share this name,and more than half a million share it in the United Kingdom.Smith is the name of

28、a job.A smith(or blacksmith)is a man who works with metal.It is one of the earliest jobs in all countries.As a result,Smith becomes the most common of all family names.Translation最常见的姓氏最常见的姓氏 在英国和美国,Smith 是最常见的姓氏。在美国,有三百多万人姓Smith,在英国,有五十多万人姓这个姓。Smith 是一种职业的名称。smith(或blacksmith)意为“铁匠”。铁匠是世界各国最早出现的职业之一,因此,Smith 也成了常见的姓氏。


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