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1、Unit 2 How to open a savings account?U n i t 2 H o w t o o p e n a s a v i nWords&expressions:account n.账户 balance n.余额,结存 branch n.分行,分支 check n.支票 deposit v.存款 draw v.提取 exchange v.兑换,交换 fingertip n.指尖 insert v.插入 invest v.投资 account number 账号 cash a check 兑付支票 exchange rate 汇率 tip n.尖端 Investment

2、 n.Wo r d s&e x p r e s s i o n s:a c c o u n t overdraft n.透支 rate n.率 sign v.签名 source n.来源 transfer v.转账 fill in 填写 savings account 储存账户 interest rate 利率 signature n.签名,署名 resource n.资源 o v e r d r a f t n.透支 r a t e n.率 s i1.Look and match.1)2)3)4)d c b a 1.L o o k a n d ma t c h.1)2)3)42.Listen

3、 and match.1)2)3)4)a b c d 2.L i s t e n a n d ma t c h.1)2)3)4.Listen and number.2143 4.L i s t e n a n d n u mb e r.2 1 4 5.Listen and underline.Zhang Ming goes to the bank to exchange some money.While waiting for his turn,he meets Li Xin.Zhang Ming:Li Xin:Zhang Ming:Li Xin:Zhang Ming:Li Xin:Zhang

4、 Ming:Good morning,Li Xin.Hi,Zhang Ming.Nice to see you here.I just need someone to help me.Whats the matter?My boss asked me to cash a check,but I dont know how to do it.Well,last time,the staff just told me to write the account number on the back of the check.Oh,that sounds easy.By the way,how do

5、you open a savings account?You need to fill in a form and deposit at least 10 yuan.5.L i s t e n a n d u n d e r l i n e.Z h a n g Zhang Ming is talking to the bank clerk.Clerk:Zhang Ming:Clerk:Zhang Ming:Clerk:Zhang Ming:Clerk:Zhang Ming:Clerk:Good morning!Sorry for having kept you waiting.How can

6、I help you?Good morning!Id like to exchange some US dollars.Sure.How much would you like to exchange?Two hundred dollars.Whats the exchange rate today?1 US dollar to 6.8 RMB.Would you please show me your passport?Sure.Here you are.Thank you.Please fill in this exchange form.OK.Here is the money.Plea

7、se sign your name here.Z h a n g Mi n g i s t a l k i n g t o t h e b6.Act and practice.Staff:Mr Smith:Staff:Mr Smith:Staff:Mr Smith:Staff:Good morning.How can I help you?How to _?First,You need to _ _.OK.Then,_.Yes.What should I do next?Then you can _.draw some money from the ATM insert the card an

8、d enter the pin enter how much money you want to draw get the money 6.A c t a n d p r a c t i c e.S t a f f:M9.Read and choose.1)Rates,Fees and Prices 2)Investing 3)Borrowing 4)Self-service Banking 9.R e a d a n d c h o o s e.1)R a t e s,Fbill 帐单 recharge 充值 airtime 话费 real time 实时 regular 定期的 acces

9、s 进入 b i l l 帐单 r e c h a r g e 充值 10.Read and decide.1)2)3)4)Autobanks Internet banking Autobanks,Internet banking or Cell phone banking Autobanks,Internet banking 1 0.R e a d a n d d e c i d e.1)2)3)11.Read and answer.a)b)c)Because you can do your banking at anytime anywhere.Yes.Because the Intern

10、et users have easy access to the telephone banking service.They can send emails to the bank.1 1.R e a d a n d a n s w e r.a)b)13.Read and answer.1)2)3)4)This bank offers self-service banking.This service includes:Autobanks,cell phone banking,Internet banking and telephone banking.It is convenient an

11、d easy to use for customers.They can send emails to the bank if they want to know more about it.1 3.R e a d a n d a n s w e r.1)2)3)14.Read and complete.In order to save your trouble of coming to the bank and waiting in a queue,we are offering_.It will help you to do your banking at anytime anywhere

12、.The following is a brief introduction of the service:_ If you want to know more about the services,_ self-service banking for you There are all together four kinds of self-services banking offered in our bank.They are Autobanks,cell phone banking,Internet banking and telephone banking.They are conv

13、enient and easy to use because they can make you do your banking anytime anywhere.send emails to our bank.The email address is .1 4.R e a d a n d c o mp l e t e.I n Grammar focus 非谓语动词做宾语补足语 在日常交流中,表达“想让某人做某事”“允许某人做某事”时,用 动词+sb./sth.+to do 或者动词+sb./sth.+doing 的形式。eg.My boss asked me to cash a check,

14、but I dont know how to do it.The staff just told me to write the account number on the back of the check.G r a mma r f o c u s 非谓语动词做宾语补足语 1)用于 动词+sb./sth.+to do 的动词有;want,wish,ask,tell,order,beg,permit,help,advise,persuade,allow,prepare,cause,force,call on,wait for,invite等。eg.I want to buy some gif

15、ts for childrens.The teacher ask students to clean the classroom.2)用于 动词+sb./sth.+doing 的动词有:see,watch,hear,feel,find,get,keep,notice,observe,look at,leave,catch等。eg.I saw her playing the piano.My mother will never leave me watching TV.1)用于 动词+s b./s t h.+t o d o 的动词有15.Read and underline.1)I advise

16、 you to prepare more food for your party.2)He has taught his dog to perform tricks.3)I hope to apply for a credit card of my own.4)He encouraged me to tell a story in public.5)Please remind me to get ready for the meeting on Friday.6)I found him reading when I passed by.7)Can you imagine having dinn

17、er with Change on the moon?1 5 .R e a d a n d u n d e r l i n e.1)I a16.Read and complete.1)2)3)4)5)6)7)invited all her friends to come prepared them to do this persuaded her to do practiced singing needed somebody to help expected them to share had everything done 1 6.R e a d a n d c o mp l e t e.1

18、)2)3)17.Look and complete.1)2)3)4)5)to dress up to ski to come and enjoy some delicious food to apply for to bring his lunch 1 7.L o o k a n d c o mp l e t e.1)2)20.Read and complete.1)2)3)4)5)deposit some money insert show the staff your ticket fill in this form sign your name 2 0.R e a d a n d c o

19、 mp l e t e.1)2)3)21.Read and complete.A:Good morning.Id like to _ some money.B:Do you have an account in our bank?A:Not yet.How to open a savings account here?B:Please _ this form and _ me your passport.A:Sure.Here it is.B:How much do you want to deposit?A:$200.Here is the money.B:Thanks.Would you

20、please _ your name here.A:OK.Here you are.B:Thank you.Here is your balance book.deposit fill in show sign 2 1.R e a d a n d c o mp l e t e.A:G o o d 编者语?要如何做到上课认真听讲??我们都知道一个人的注意力集中时间是有限的,一节课45分钟如何保持时时刻刻都能认真听讲不走神呢??1、往前坐?坐的位置越靠后,注意力就越难集中。老师不会注意到你的事实可以让你不再紧张,放心去做别的事情。坐在后面,视线分散,哪怕你是在看老师,如果有人移动,你的视线就会飘到




24、常容易和同学们的学习进度脱节,这就会直接导致考试时成绩下降。原因是,老师讲的内容不一定都在教材中体现,有相当一部分重点内容是老师在上课时补充讲解的,如果不听讲很可能就会错过这些重点。?所以,上课的时间一定要专注于课堂,决不能打开别的习题集去学习,这样才是高效率的学习,才是提高成绩最快的方法。因此,困难也要先听课,那对你将来的自学一定会很有帮助,哪怕你只是记住了一些经常出现的术语,上课的内容好像马上就忘光了,但等到你日后自己学习的时候,也能让你回想起很多内容。2019/8/9 教学资料精选 23 编者语?要如何做到上课认真听讲??我们都知道一个人谢谢欣赏!2019/8/9 教学资料精选 24 谢谢欣赏!2 0 1 9/8/9 教学资料精选 2 4


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