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1、2020版高考英语大一轮复习课件:第六讲-书面表达(共43张PPT)该部分要求考生根据所给情景,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文。情景包括写作任务的目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等;提供情景的形式有图画、图表、提纲等。考生应能:(1)准确使用语法和词汇。(2)使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的思想。该题型主要考查考生的书面表达能力。精准运用五大基本句型1.主语+谓语该句型中的谓语为不及物动词。不及物动词后可以跟副词、介词短语、动词不定式等作状语。The machine works smoothly.机器运转平稳。(副词)They stopped to take a short rest.

2、他们停下来休息了一小会儿。(动词不定式短语)He is standing by the window.他正站在窗边。(介词短语)2.主语+谓语+宾语在此句型中,谓语为及物动词。及物动词本身需要一个动作的承受者(即宾语)才可以表达完整的意思。作宾语的可以是名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、从句等。Mary enjoys music.玛丽喜欢音乐。(名词)I want to get your help.我想得到您的帮助。(动词不定式)I dont know what to do.我不知道该做什么。(疑问词+动词不定式)The old man enjoys living in the countrys

3、ide.那位老人喜欢住在乡村。(动名词短语)I dont think he is right.我认为他不对。(宾语从句)3.主语+连系动词+表语该句型中,谓语动词不能表达完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语才能表达完整的意思,这类动词叫连系动词。除了be动词外,连系动词还有:(1)表感官的动词:feel,smell,taste,sound,seem,look,appear等;(2)表转变、变化的动词:become,get,turn,grow,go等;(3)表延续的动词:remain,keep,hold,stay,stand,lie等;(4)表瞬间的动词:come,fal

4、l,set,occur等。作表语的则有名词、代词、形容词、介词短语等。He is a boy.他是个男孩。(名词)The book is hers.这本书是她的。(代词)He is tall.他个子高。(形容词)John is in good health.约翰身体健康。(介词短语)4.主语+谓语+间宾+直宾该句型中的谓语动词必须跟两个宾语才能表达完整的意思。一个是表示人的间接宾语;一个是表示物的直接宾语。一般间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后。Tom left Mary a message.汤姆给玛丽留了个口信。This will save you much time.这将为你节约大量的时间。5.主

5、语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语本句型中的谓语动词虽然是及物动词,但是只跟宾语还不能表达完整的意思,必须加上一个补充成分,如形容词、名词、介词短语、动词不定式、分词等。We elect Li Yang our monitor.我们选李阳当我们的班长。(Li Yang is our monitor.)根据宾语补足语的不同,此句型可分为以下几种情况:(1)主语+及物动词+宾语+名词常用于该句型的动词有:call,name,make,appoint,consider,leave等。The president appointed John manager of marketing.总裁任命约翰为营销部经理。

6、(2)主语+及物动词+宾语+形容词常用于该句型的动词有:make,paint,get,cut,set,keep,drive,find,wish,beat,prove,think等。The news made us sad.这消息使我们很伤心。(3)主语+及物动词+宾语+介词短语The boy found his pen on the floor.这个男孩发现他的钢笔在地板上。(4)主语+及物动词+宾语+动词不定式He encouraged her to work harder.他鼓励她更加努力地工作。(5)主语+及物动词+宾语+分词You shouldnt leave the water ru

7、nning after you have washed your hands.你洗手以后不应该让水一直流。I heard my name called.我听到有人叫我的名字。(6)主语+及物动词+it(形式宾语)+宾语补足语+真正的宾语当作宾语的动词不定式、宾语从句等后跟一个补足语时,通常要把形式宾语it放在宾语的位置,将真正的宾语放到后面。能用于该结构的动词有:consider,believe,feel,find,make,think,suppose等。I find it very pleasant to be with your family.我觉得与你家人相处非常愉快。频变句型结构,增加

8、得分亮点写作时,我们稍加注意,变换所使用的句式结构,就可以给自己的书面表达增加得分亮点。可运用以下几种方法:(1)肯定不如双否好写作时运用双重否定的句子可以给自己的书面表达加分。几乎每个人都被古代中国人的聪明才智所震撼。Almost everyone was shocked by the wisdom and intelligence of the ancient Chinese.(普通)There was hardly a man or a woman who was not shocked by the wisdom and intelligence of the ancient Chin

9、ese.(高级)(2)陈述不如倒装妙倒装是一种最简单易行的使句子呈现亮点的方法,它能使文章内容突出、富有节奏感。我们不仅能欣赏多种精美的剪纸作品,而且还能见到一些著名的剪纸艺术家。We can not only appreciate a variety of wonderful paper-cutting works,but we can also meet some famous paper-cut artists.(陈述句)Not only can we appreciate a variety of wonderful paper-cutting works,but we can als

10、o meet some famous paper-cut artists.(倒装句)(3)主动不如被动巧写作时,恰当地使用被动语态不仅符合英语的表达习惯,而且也能使句型更加丰富。“外国文化”专栏上刊登外国朋友撰写的有关他们自己国家的文化的文章,深受我们学生的欢迎。The“Foreign Cultures”section,which carries articles written by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries,is very popular with us students.(主动)The“Forei

11、gn Cultures”section,which carries articles written by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries,is well received by us students.(被动)(4)简单不如并列、复合强有时为了使句子的连贯性更强,表达更为贴切、自然,我们可以在两个或多个简单句之间加上and,but,for(因为),or(否则),while(而,却),not only.but also.等并列连词(词组),使其成为并列句,也可根据上下句之间的关系,在两个或多个简单句之间加上w

12、hen,as,because,where,which,who等连接词,使简单句变成复合句。Well organize all kinds of activities in Tang Poetry Club.We can not only practise chanting Tang poems,but also learn about Tang poets.(改为含定语从句的主从复合句)Well organize all kinds of activities in Tang Poetry Club,in which we can not only practise chanting Tang

13、 poems,but also learn about Tang poets.Well organize all kinds of activities in Tang Poetry Club,where we can practise chanting Tang poems and learn about Tang poets as well.(5)非谓语结构不能少写作时,准确使用非谓语动词结构,不仅能丰富句式结构,而且能展示作者的语法水平。I know you are interested in playing ping-pong,so I will give you a brief in

14、troduction about our team.(变为非谓语动词结构)Knowing you are interested in playing ping-pong,I will give you a brief introduction about our team.Im writing to invite you to listen to a lecture on Chinese classical culture which will be given in our school on Friday afternoon.(变为非谓语动词结构)Im writing to invite

15、you to listen to a lecture on Chinese classical culture to be given in our school on Friday afternoon.(6)简单变身有妙招 写作时,我们若将简单句与非谓语动词、形容词短语、介词短语、同位语、独立主格结构等巧妙地结合在一起,不但可以使表达形式更丰富,而且也使句子变得更精彩、信息量更大,这也能充分显示出我们在英语表达上的实力。美丽的月亮高高地挂在天空中,我们坐在一起吃着月饼和水果,分享着我们的故事。(用with复合结构)With the beautiful moon high/up in the

16、sky,we sit together and eat mooncakes and fruit,sharing our stories.一、提纲类作文写作技巧(一)电子邮件1.基本结构英文电子邮件与英文书信的写法和格式大体相同,但也有不同之处。英文电子邮件一般由以下五部分组成:(1)标题栏(2)称呼语如果是同学或亲朋好友之间的邮件,可以直呼其名,如:Mike;但如果是发给老师、长辈或上级,最好在称呼前加上称谓或职位,职位可用Doctor,Professor等。男性用Mr;女性用Miss(未婚),Mrs(已婚),Ms(不知婚否)。(3)正文大多数电子邮件篇幅短小,语言简单明了。如果是写给不熟悉的

17、人,一般要先进行自我介绍;反之,则可直接进入正题。要多使用短句、简单句,少用或不用长句。一是便于阅读,再者可使意思清楚。(4)结束语英文书信的信尾常用“Best wishes!”“Good luck to you!”等。而电子邮件通常很简明,如:Best,Thanks,Yours等。(5)落款直接写发件人的姓名,且与结束语对齐。2.语句模板(1)段首常用语:Thank you for your letter of.Im glad/pleased to tell you that.I am very glad to have received the letter you sent me two

18、 weeks ago.(2)话题引入常用语:Im glad to tell you something about.As far as I know/am concerned/see.(3)段尾常用语:Please write to me soon and tell me about your.Im looking forward to your reply.3.写作模板Dear.I am extremely pleased to hear from you./I have good news to tell you,./I am,a/an from.As far as I know,.Its

19、 said that.So you can not only but also.If youre interested,let me know as early as possible so that.By the way,.Looking forward to your reply./I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience.Best regards for your health and success.Yours,(二)申请信1.基本结构申请信一般都包括这样几个部分:申请的原因,具

20、备的条件,恳请对方考虑自己的申请并表示谢意,期望回复。具体为:第一段:说明写信的目的,介绍自己是谁,对所申请职位或院校的了解以及自己将会为对方所做的贡献,信息的来源等。这一段要写得简短而又能吸引收信人的注意力。第二段:介绍自己的学历或工作经历,本人的个性,已经取得的成绩,说明你为何对这一职位或学校感兴趣以及你对未来的打算等。第三段:表示感谢并期待对方优先考虑自己的申请,以求得到面试等机会。这段尤其要注意语气应礼貌而又自信。2.语句模板(1)说明应聘原因的常用语:I learned from sb./the newspaper that your company wanted to hire.I

21、 was told that.(2)介绍个人简历的常用语:Now Id like to introduce myself to you.My name is.Im.years old.I graduated from.University in 2013.I like swimming,singing and dancing in my spare time.I work hard and I can get along/on well with others.(3)表示感谢,请求答复并提供联系方式的常用语:Thank you very much.Thank you for your cons

22、ideration of my application.If you agree with me,Ill work hard and try to be a(n).3.写作模板Dear.I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in(报纸名称)on(广告发布时间).I am from.As a(n),I have been.Besides,I won in.If you consider me appropriate for the job,please call me at.I will ap

23、preciate it very much if you could give me an early reply./Thank you for considering my application,and I am looking forward to meeting you.Yours sincerely,(三)消息通知1.基本结构通知(notice)是上级对下级、组织对成员布置工作、传达或告诉公众某件事等情况下使用的一种应用文体,通常分为口头通知和书面通知两种。(1)口头通知是面对面地把信息传达给对方。这种通知开头应有称呼语,正式场合用Ladies and gentlemen(女士们、先

24、生们),有时也可以用Boys and girls或Comrades and friends(同志们、朋友们)等。开头还常有提醒听众注意的开场白,如Attention,please.或May I have your attention,please?或I have an announcement to make.等;结尾常说Thats all.Thank you.或Thank you for listening.等,以示礼貌。口头通知无须说明发布通知的日期和发布通知的人(单位)。(2)写书面通知时,应清晰地写出发布通知的单位和日期。一般情况下,书面通知的首行居中写上Notice。通知的发布单位常

25、写在正文结束的右下角,也可以写在Notice的上方或前面,发布通知的日期一般写在正文的右下角(在落款的下一行)或写在通知正文的右上角(在Notice的下一行)。口头通知和书面通知都是宣布即将发生的事情及其具体内容,因而多用将来时,一般用祈使句来强调。通知的语言要简洁明了,条理清晰,准确无误,特别是时间概念很重要,必须写得十分明确,不容丝毫含糊。2.语句模板(1)段首常用语:May I have/call your attention,please?Attention,please,everybody!I have an announcement to make.I have something

26、 to tell you.(2)段中常用语:There will be a talk this afternoon.The Students Union has decided that.We shall have a lecture on.It has been decided that well pay a visit to.(3)段尾常用语:Please he there on time and dont be late.I hope you can have a good time.Thats all.Thank you.3.写作模板(1)书面通知模板:NoticeIn order t

27、o,is to be held on(day),(date),at(time)in(place),Whoever is interested in it is welcome to attend.Those who want to take part in please sign up at the Students Union.Please remember:.The Students Union具体日期(2)口头通知模板:Ladies and gentlemen,Your attention,please.I have something to tell you.具体内容:Please r

28、emember:Time:Place:Thank you for listening.(四)演讲致辞1.基本结构在一些正式场合接待客人时,主人一般要说一些热情友好的话表示欢迎,使客人感到宾至如归,这就叫欢迎致辞;当客人在你处逗留一段时间准备离开时,主人会设宴欢送,宾主欢聚一堂,并致祝愿,这时主人说的一些话就叫欢送致辞。无论谁发表演说,发言人都是为了达到某一特定的目的,所以根据致辞的目的,发言稿可分为宣讲类和欢迎(送)类。其共同的特点在于:要突出主题,易于为听众所接受。此类写作在结构安排上可分为如下三个部分:第一部分是称谓(对听众或与会者的称呼)。如:Comrades,Friends,Ladie

29、s and gentlemen.Dear fellow students,Boys and girls.第二部分是正文。正文部分明确介绍欢迎或欢送的对象,简单介绍其身份、经历,进行过哪些活动等。第三部分是结束语,如:Thats all.Thank you!或Thank you for your listening/attention.等。2.语句模板(1)欢迎致辞常用语:We are glad to have a chance to get together with.We feel greatly honoured to have a chance to be with.Lets give

30、our warm welcome to.(2)欢送致辞常用语:To convey our profound friendship to sb.To convey our best regards and respects to sb.3.写作模板Good morning,everyone.Its so nice to see all of you here.I feel honoured to have the opportunity to give/make/deliver you a speech on/about./Its a great pleasure for me to speak

31、 here.The topic of my speech is./Today I will talk about./Its nice to talk/speak about.First of all,.Besides,.Last but not least,./To begin with,.Secondly,.Whats more,.As far as I am concerned/In my opinion,.From what have been discussed above,we can safely draw the conclusion that.Thank you for you

32、r attention/listening.二、(半)开放类1.阅读标题,理解内涵对于开放类作文,尤其是完全开放类作文,命题者提供给考生的只有标题,没有其他信息。考生所能获取信息的途径就是标题。所以,写作前我们应认真阅读标题,理解标题的具体内涵。而对于留有空处的标题我们应首先将空处填写完整,从而进一步确定写作的主题。例如:如果给的标题是 is the key to success,则我们可以在空处填入Perseverance或Hard work等,再考虑具体内容。2.联系生活,搜集材料在明确了写作的主题后,我们应根据该主题明确所要写作的文章的体裁,在此基础上加以合理的想象,并联系生活,搜集一些


34、力,写作时各部分内容不可平均使用笔墨,而应详略得当,主次分明。所反映的内容要有一定的思想性,且要积极向上,传播正能量。写作内容应为主题服务,同时注意要首尾呼应。5.合理使用句式There is a widespread concern over the issue that.So it is a better choice to.On the one hand I dont think it is right to.on the other hand.Take.for example.三、开放类作文的常见形式文字提示开放类1.基本结构高考英语书面表达中对开放性文体的考查一般是开放性议论文。议论

35、文是一种剖析事物、论述事理、发表意见、提出主张的文体。论点、论据和论证是不可缺少的三要素。要写好这类作文,必须注意以下几点:(1)确定论点,通常在文章的第一段提出。(2)论证要有严密的逻辑性,所有事实、原因、理由应紧密地同结论联系起来。作者可以列举事实、展示数据、提供事例、借助常识或利用亲身经历。同时,层次要清楚。(3)结尾要阐明自己的观点。2.语句模板(1)段首常用语:We have had a discussion about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks.We have had a survey on whethe

36、r students should be allowed to carry mobile phones to school.Different people hold different opinions/views.(2)段落过渡常用语:Others have different opinions.Sixty percent of the students think it necessary to.but forty percent of them dont think so.(3)段尾常用语:As far as I am concerned.I agree with the latter

37、 opinion to some extent.I think that.In a word,the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of.Only in this way can.in the future.3.写作模板There is a widespread concern over the issue that.But it is well-known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.The ma

38、jority of people think that 观点一.In their views there are two factors contributing to this attitude.In the first place,原因一.Furthermore/In the second place,原因二.So it goes without saying that 观点一.Other people,however,differ with them on this matter.They hold the idea that 观点二.In their points of view,on

39、 the one hand,原因一.On the other hand,原因二.Therefore,there is no doubt that 观点二.As far as I am concerned,I firmly support the view that 观点一或二.It is not only because,but also because.The more,the more.四、图表类(一)图表类1.基本结构(1)仔细审题,明确说明对象,抓住要说明或阐明的事物或事理的主要特征。(2)选择合理的说明或论证顺序(时间顺序、空间顺序或逻辑顺序)分层次进行说明,注意条理清晰。(3)选择

40、恰当的方法,比如定义法、举例法、比较法和细节描述法等,注意不要遗漏主要内容。(4)根据内容确定过渡词和恰当的句型结构。文字应客观、简洁、明了,不要追求华丽,也不要加入太多个人观点。基本时态是一般现在时,为强调客观性,语言表述多用客观性动词,如seem,there be,maybe等;多用被动语态,多用书面语、长句、复合句。2.语句模板(1)表示方位、路线的常用语:.is located at the foot of/by the side of.to the east of.and to the north of.In front of it is.with.on its left and.o

41、n its right.Turning to the left,you will see.behind which is.(2)阐明事物的特点或优势的常用语:.is a new kind of.produced by.which is.Made of.,it is light,small,and easy to carry.Containing many top and new techniques.is famous for its excellent quality and reasonable price.(3)说明做某事的具体方法的常用语:Nowadays it is common t

42、o use.but not knowing how to use.As is known to all,it is important to.With the development of.there is an increasing need for people to know how to.3.写作模板 is a most effective to.(点明要介绍事物的必要性)For most people,its almost impossible to.(介绍某事物对多数人的重要意义)It is really.(该事物的优势或显著特点)With the functions of,it

43、enables us to.(该事物的作用)It can even.(进一步说明该事物的作用)Just imagine,all this can be done with.(说明该事物的重要性)A convenient tool can certainly,but it doesnt always help.(承上启下,介绍事物的另一方面)So.(结束语)(二)图画类1.基本结构看图叙事类通常为三段式作文,第一段描述图画的大致情况,第二段解释分析图画内容,第三段给出自己的看法和想法以及解决问题的办法。2.语句模板(1)用于描述图画As is described in the picture.F

44、rom the picture we can see that.The sight reminds me of something in my daily life.(2)用于记叙事件经过At first.then.five minutes later.finally/in the end/at last.Upon arrival,we began to.(3)用于总结全文的句式If such measures were not taken,the problem of.would have been more serious.At first thought it may seem an attractive idea,but.3.写作模板The story took place 时间和地点.事件起因(要点一,图片一的内容),事件发展(要点二、三,图片二、三的内容),事件结局(最后一个要点,最后一张图片的内容)。From the story,I feel 自己的看法或感想.


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