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1、Unit 1 How tall are you?PEP 六年级下册 当堂检当堂检测测词汇词汇句型句型语法语法对话对话longershortersmallerbiggerheavierthinnerstronger你能发现以下的规律吗你能发现以下的规律吗?youngyoungerbigbiggerheavyheaviernicenicer你还能举出更多的例子吗你还能举出更多的例子吗?形容词比较级构成法形容词比较级构成法1:1、大部分、大部分直接直接在后面在后面加加 er:tall taller 2、重读闭音节单词(一个元音加一个辅音结尾)、重读闭音节单词(一个元音加一个辅音结尾)双写结尾辅音加双

2、写结尾辅音加er:big bigger;thin thinner3、以辅音字母加、以辅音字母加y结尾,结尾,把把y改为改为i,再加再加 er heavy heavier4、以、以e结尾的结尾的,直接加直接加r nice nicer写出下列形容词的比较级形式。写出下列形容词的比较级形式。A 1.tall ()2.short ()3.strong ()4.old ()5.young ()6.long ()B 1.heavy ()2.funny ()tallershorterstrongerolderyoungerlongerheavierfunnierC 1.big ()2.thin ()3.ho

3、t ()4.fat ()D.nice ()biggerthinnerhotterfatternicerback你的年龄是多大?你的年龄是多大?How old are you?I amyear(s)old.你的身高是多少?你的身高是多少?How tall are you?I ammetre(s)tall.你的体重是多少?你的体重是多少?How heavy are you?I amkilogram(s).它值多少钱?它值多少钱?How much is it?Its.yuan.你的胳膊有多长?你的胳膊有多长?How long is your arm?It你身体好吗?你身体好吗?How

4、are you?Im fine.What size are your shoes?=How big are your feet?回答回答1:Size+数字数字.回答回答2:I+wear(s)+size+数字数字.回答回答3:My shoes+are+size+数字数字.你你穿多大号鞋?穿多大号鞋?划线部分随人划线部分随人称发生变化。称发生变化。back其结构形式为其结构形式为:A+谓语(系动词)谓语(系动词)+形容词比较级形容词比较级+than+B.如如:She is taller than me.英语形容词比较级英语形容词比较级 A(主格主格)B(常用宾格常用宾格)如如:My arms ar

5、e longer than yours.A(形容词性物形容词性物主代词主代词+名词名词)B(名词性物(名词性物主代词)主代词)(A 和和B一般是对称的。)一般是对称的。)用所给词的恰当形式填空:用所给词的恰当形式填空:1.I am 11 years _ (old).2.I am 2 years _(0ld)than you.3.He is 160cm _(tall).4.He is 10cm_(tall)than me.oldoldertalltallerback一、听录音,判断正误。一、听录音,判断正误。()1.The tallest dinosaur is about 5 meters.(

6、)2.The tallest dinosaur is taller than both of them.()3.There are many dinosaurs in this hall.()4.All the dinosaurs are taller than Zhang Peng.()5.Zhang Peng is 1.65 meters tall.FTTFT 二、听二、听Mike 和和Wu Yifan 的对话,选择正确答案。的对话,选择正确答案。()1.Are there any nice shoes in the window?A.Yes,there are.B.No,there ar

7、ent.()2.What size are Mikes shoes?A.Size 9.B.Size 7()3.In China,Mike wears _shoes.A.Size 40.B.Size37.()4.Mike is _and _than Wu Yifan.A.shorter;heavier B.taller;thinnerABAA三、听录音,按听到的先后顺序给下列句子排序。三、听录音,按听到的先后顺序给下列句子排序。()Its getting lower and lower,but his shadow is getting longer and longer.()The sun i

8、s clearer and the sun is brighter.()You are older and smarter than me.()Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller.()Why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?12345四、把下列句子译为汉语。四、把下列句子译为汉语。1.Its getting lower and lower,but his shadow is getting longer and longer._2.Why is my shadow

9、 longer when the sun gets lower?_3.Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller._back太阳变得越来越低,但他的影子变得越来越长。太阳变得越来越低,但他的影子变得越来越长。为什么当太阳变得更低的时候我的影子更长?为什么当太阳变得更低的时候我的影子更长?你的影子变长是因为你长得更高啦。你的影子变长是因为你长得更高啦。一、单项选择一、单项选择()1.How _are you?Im 161cm.A.tall B.old C.long()2.His brother is 3 kg _than me.

10、A.shorter B.heavy C.heavierAC ()3.How _are your feet?I wear size 17.A.much B.long C.big ()4.My father is 24 years_.A.old B.older C.bigger CA二、用所给单词的恰当形式填空。二、用所给单词的恰当形式填空。1.Thats the _(tall)dinosaur in this hall.2.How _(tall)is he?3.Its _(tall)than both of us together.4.There are more(更多的更多的)_(dinosa

11、ur)over there!5.Your feet are _(big)than _(my).tallesttallertalldinosaursbiggermine三、连词成句。三、连词成句。1.arms are my longer yours than(.)_2.are,size,what,shoes,your(?)_3.its,and,getting,lower,lower(.)_4.this one taller I than am(.)_What size are your shoes?My arms are longer than yours.Its getting lower a

12、nd lower.I am taller than this one.A:How _ are you?B:Im 1.6_tall.How about you?A:Im 1.55 metres.Im 5 cm _than you.B:Yes,how _are you?A:Im 38 kilograms.B:Im _ than you.Im 40kilograms.四、完成对话四、完成对话tallmetresshorterheavyheavier五、比较你和同桌的年龄、身高和体重,填表并写一写。五、比较你和同桌的年龄、身高和体重,填表并写一写。I am Zhang Ce.I am 12 years.My deskmate is Wang Lin.He is 12 years old,too.I am 165cm.I am 2cm taller than him.


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