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1、课程单词:课程单词:Chinese 汉语汉语 PE 体育体育 science 科学科学English 英语英语 maths 数学数学 computer studies 计算机课计算机课重点短语:重点短语:make things 制作东西制作东西 play basketball 打篮球打篮球in the art room 在美术室在美术室 in the music room 在音乐室在音乐室in the library 在图书室在图书室 on the playground 在操场在操场in the morning 在上午在上午 in the afternoon 在下午在下午 1.-What su

2、bjects do we /you have this morning/afternoon?What subjects do we /you have at school?-We have Chinese,maths,English,music,PE and computer studies.2.-Whats your favourite subject?-Its maths.My favourite subject is science.重点单词:singing reading playingdancing writingrunning skipping重点短语:watch TV 看电视看电

3、视 read books 读书读书play the piano 弹钢琴弹钢琴play the erhu 拉二胡拉二胡play the drums 打架子鼓打架子鼓paper cutting 剪纸剪纸1.-Do you like running?-Yes,I/we do.No,I/we dont.2.He likes playing the piano.She likes dancing.Danny likes playing the drums.3.-Whats your hobby?-My hobby is doing taijiquan.I like reading.英语书英语书23页活动

4、页活动4重点单词:Monday 星期一星期一 Tuesday 星期二星期二Wednesday 星期三星期三 Thursday 星期四星期四Friday 星期五星期五 Saturday 星期六星期六Sunday 星期日星期日重点短语:重点短语:play football 踢足球踢足球play basketball 打篮球打篮球draw pictures 画画画画do taijuquan 打太极拳打太极拳1.-What day is today?-Its Thursday.2.I can draw pictures on Tuesday.We can play football on Wednes

5、day.3.-What do you do on Saturday?-I often play basketball.We often play the erhu.季节单词:季节单词:spring 春天春天 summer 夏天夏天autumn 秋天秋天 winter 冬天冬天气候单词:气候单词:warm 温暖的温暖的 hot 热的热的cool 凉爽的凉爽的 cold 寒冷的寒冷的衣着单词衣着单词:Tshirt T恤衫恤衫 jacket 夹克衫夹克衫sweater 毛衣毛衣 coat 外套外套 cap 帽子帽子重点短语:重点短语:fly my kite /fly kites 放风筝放风筝go s

6、wimming 游泳游泳go skating 滑冰滑冰1.-What season is it?-Its autumn.2.Its warm in spring.We often wear sweaters.3.Its hot in summer.We often wear Tshirts.4.Its cool in autumn.We often wear jackets.5.Its cold in winter.We often wear coats.6.-What season do you like?-I like spring.I often fly my kite.I like w

7、inter.I can go skating in winter.天气单词天气单词(黑板上画出天气图例再复习一遍)(黑板上画出天气图例再复习一遍)sunny 晴朗的晴朗的 cloudy 多云的多云的windy 有风的有风的 snow 下雪下雪 rain 下雨下雨重点短语:重点短语:put on 穿穿 climb the hill 爬山爬山go to the zoo 去动物园去动物园 go to the park 去公园去公园1.Put on your jacket.2.Put on your raincoat.3.Lets go and climb the hill.1.-How is the

8、 weather in Beijing today?-It is sunny./Its cloudy./Its windy.It is raining./Its snowing.2.-Hows the weather in Zibo tomorrow?-It will be sunny./It will be cloudy.It will be windy.It will rain./It will snow.描述外貌的单词:描述外貌的单词:tall 高的高的 strong 强壮的强壮的short 短的短的 long 长的长的cute 可爱的可爱的 hair 头发头发职业单词:职业单词:bus

9、inessman 商人商人 nurse 护士护士policeman 警察警察 gardener 园林工人园林工人teacher 教师教师 doctor 医生医生 farmer 农民农民1.-Is that your father?-Yes,he is./No,he isnt.My father has short hair.1.-What does your mother do?-Shes an art teacher.2.-What does Danny do?-He is a doctor.3.-What does she do?-She is a nurse.She works in a

10、 hospital.-What does he do?-Hes a gardener.He works in a park.重点短语:重点短语:hold on 等一等等一等 come on 赶快赶快do some training 训练训练long jump 跳远跳远 high jump 跳高跳高have a look 看一看看一看write an email 写电子邮件写电子邮件go to the library 去图书室去图书室Sports Day 运动日运动日do the long jump 跳远(动作)跳远(动作)do the high jump 跳高(动作)跳高(动作)1.接电话的人

11、不是要找的人:接电话的人不是要找的人:-Hello!This is Jenny speaking.May I speak to Li Ming?-Hold on,please.-Li Ming,Jenny is calling.-Im coming.2.接电话的是要找的人:接电话的是要找的人:-Hello!This is Wang Hong speaking.May I speak to Guo Yang?-This is Guo Yang speaking.3.-What are you doing?-Im writing an email to Tom.I am singing./I am dancing.Im playing basketball.4.-What is Guo Yang doing?-He is skipping.5.-Whats Wang Hong doing?-Shes doing the long jump.6.-What are they doing?-They are playing football.英语书英语书77页活动页活动2


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