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1、高考词汇背诵与检查001高考英语3500词汇0013500词汇背诵与巩固词汇背诵与巩固001a knife and forka one-hour tripbe able to do sthan able lawyerabnormal phenomenongo aboardall passengers aboardabolish slaverylook around/about herbe about to doset about doingabove allboth at home and abroadabsence of mind1.一副刀叉2.一次一小时的旅行3.有能力做某事4.一位能干的

2、律师5.异常的现象6.上船7.所有船上的乘客8.废除奴隶制9.环顾四周10.正要做11.着手做12.首先13.国内外14.心不在焉15.不到会不到会16.茫然的样子茫然的样子17.绝对多数绝对多数18.吸热吸热19.埋头干埋头干20.真荒唐真荒唐21.滥用权力滥用权力22.进入进入的方法的方法23.平易近人平易近人be absent from a meetingan absent lookabsolute majorityabsorb heatbe absorbed in It is absurd of you to doabuse ones poweraccess tobe accessib

3、le to others24.对有不良影响25.做飞机旅行26.目前为止27.避雨28.增强信心29.提醒某人某事30.与比较31.如果有可能32.苏醒过来33.从中获取知识have a bad effect on travel on a planeso far keep off the rainbuild up ones confidenceremind sb of sthcompared with/toif possible come back to lifelearn much knowledge from 34.a shopping list 35.set off firecracke

4、rs 36.There he is!37.on display 38.do with/deal with 39.the feathered dinosaur 40.Thats done.41.the notice to the audience 42.check ones emails 43.increase by 一张购物清单 燃放烟花 他在那儿!在展览中 处理 长有羽毛的恐龙 做好了 听众须知检查邮件 增加了 1.一副刀叉一副刀叉2.一次一小时的旅行一次一小时的旅行3.有能力做某事有能力做某事4.一位能干的律师一位能干的律师5.异常的现象异常的现象6.上船上船7.所有船上的乘客所有船上的乘

5、客8.废除奴隶制废除奴隶制9.环顾四周环顾四周10.正要做正要做11.着手做着手做12.首先首先13.国内外14.心不在焉15.不到会16.茫然的样子17.绝对多数18.吸热19.埋头干20.真荒唐21.滥用权力22.进入的方法23.平易近人24.对有不良影响25.做飞机旅行26.目前为止27.避雨28.增强信心29.提醒某人某事30.与比较31.如果有可能32.苏醒过来33.从中获取知识34.一张购物清单 35.燃放烟花 36.他在那儿!37.在展览中 38.处理 39.长有羽毛的恐龙 40.做好了 41.听众须知42.检查邮件 43.增加了 高考词汇背诵与检查002高考英语3500词汇巧妙

6、记忆与巩固3500词汇背诵与巩固21.accompany sb to2.accomplish ones task3.keep accounts4.givea full account of5.be accurate in6.accuseof a crime7.get accustomed to1.陪到2.完成任务3.记账4.详细汇报5.做精确6.指控犯罪7.习惯于8.浑身疼浑身疼9.通过努力工作获得通过努力工作获得10.实际上实际上11.学到英语知识学到英语知识12.穿过大街穿过大街13.采取行动采取行动14.在运转在运转15.敏锐的目光敏锐的目光16.适应适应17.合计为合计为8.ache

7、all over9.achieve by working hard10.in fact/in actual fact11.acquire a knowledge of English12.across the street13.take action14.in action15.acute eyesight16.adapt oneself to17.add up to18.对 上瘾19.另外20.除了21.向与会者讲话22.调节自己适应于23.被录取24.养子25.提前4天18.be addicted in19.in addition 20.in addition to21.address t

8、he meeting22.adjust oneself to23.be admitted to24.an adopted son25.be advanced by 4 days26.at youth 在青少年时期27.make all the difference大不相同;关系重大28.clean up清理;打扫干净29.give directions指路/方向30.be suitable for适合于的31.join a club加入一个俱乐部/社团32.likebetter更喜欢33.take a quick look at快速浏览34.key words关键词35.main ideas中

9、心思想36.topic sentence主题句37.take a course选课;上课38.sign up for报名参加;注册,选课39.advanced literature高级文学40.on ones own靠自己41.so that 以便;所以42.hand outto分发;施舍给43.get used to doing sth.习惯做某事44.be responsible for对负责45.keep up with 赶得上;和保持联系46.be well prepared for 为作好充分的准备47.in the future 在将来48.the sameas与一致49.make

10、 a decision作决定50.try out for参加选拔51.practice doing sth.练习做某事52.be attracted to喜爱,被吸引到53.focus on 集中于,特别关注54.become addicted to对上瘾;沉迷于55.concentrate on集中精力于;全神贯注于56.encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事57.work out解决;算出;实现;制定出58.make the most of充分利用59.set up 设立建立创立树立60.be similar to与相似61.be different from与不同,

11、不同于62.aim to do sth打算做某事63.give sb.some advice on how to do sth.就如何做某事给某人一些建议64.recruit new members 招收新会员高考词汇背诵与检查003高考英语3500词汇巧妙记忆与巩固33500词汇背诵与巩固 31.先进工作者2.充分利用3.占上风4.登广告求5.为商品登广告6.一句忠言7.就提出忠告8.接受建议advanced workerstake advantage ofhave the advantage over/ofadvertise foradvertise the goodsa piece of

12、 advicegive advice onfollow/take ones advice9.建议做10.建议某人做11.管好你自己的事12.买得起汽车13.担心做某事14.不敢做某事15.寻找、追赶16.毕竟17.首先18.在某天的下午advise doingadvise sb to domind your own affairsafford a car(to keep a car)be afraid of doing sthbe afraid to do sthbe afterafter allabove allon the afternoon of19.一再地20.一再地21.常常22.倚

13、在墙上23.顶风而行24.16岁的男孩25.旅行社26.保险业经济人over and over againtime and time againnow and thenlean against the wallgo against the winda boy aged 16a boy at the age of 16 a 16-year-old boya travel agencyan insurance agent1.先进工作者先进工作者2.充分利用充分利用3.占上风占上风4.登广告求登广告求5.为商品登广告为商品登广告6.一句忠言一句忠言7.就就提出忠告提出忠告8.接受建议接受建议9.建议


15、an altitude ofall togetheris always coming latenot alwaysbe amazed atat an amazing speedambiguousambition9.很受欢迎10.最后离开之一11.大量的钱(不可数)12.被逗笑13.好笑的故事14.分析句子15.古代16.生气的干17.因(事)生气18.对(人)生气be popular amongbe among the last to leavea large amount of moneybe amused by/atan amusing storyanalyse the parts of

16、the sentenceancient timesdo sth in angerbe angry at/about sthbe angry with sb19.据公告20.向宣布21.还需要五人22.另一个23.其余的24.互相(二者以上)25.相继地26.对负责it is announced thatannounce to sb sth/thatneed another 5peoplethe otherthe othersone anotherone after anotheranswer for1.在的高度2.全体一起3.老是迟到4.不总是5.对大为惊讶6.以惊人的速度7.含糊不清的8.雄

17、心、野心9.很受欢迎10.最后离开之一11.大量的钱(不可数)12.被逗笑13.好笑的故事14.分析句子15.古代16.生气的干17.因(事)生气18.对(人)生气19.据公告20.向宣布21.还需要五人22.另一个23.其余的24.互相(二者以上)25.相继地26.对负责1.at an altitude of2.all together3.is always coming late4.not always5.be amazed at6.at an amazing speed7.ambiguous8.Ambition9.be popular among10.be among the last

18、to leave11.a large amount of money12.be amused by/at13.an amusing story14.analyse the parts of the sentence15.ancient times16.do sth in anger17.be angry at/about sth18.be angry with sb19.it is announced that20.announce to sb sth/that21.need another 5people22.the other23.the others24.one another25.on

19、e after another26.answer for高考词汇背诵与检查005高考英语3500词汇巧妙记忆与巩固53500词汇背诵与巩固51.作为回应2.对担心,忧虑3.渴望知道4.好些了吗?5.根本不6.除之外7.向道歉8.很明显9.呼吁公众10.对我有吸引力11.看来12.为鼓掌in answer tobe anxious for aboutbe anxious to knowfeel any better?anything butapart fromapologize to/make an apology toforit is apparent thatappeal to the pu

20、blicappeal to meit appears as ifapplaud sb13.理论应用于实践理论应用于实践14.申请申请15.专心致力于专心致力于16.任命一新经理任命一新经理17.感激做感激做18.语法入门的书语法入门的书19.适合于适合于20.认可做某事认可做某事21.面积约面积约22.他认为他认为23.拿起武器拿起武器24.全副武装全副武装25.抱抱26.空军空军apply theory to practiceapply forapply oneself toappoint a new managerappreciate doing an approach to gramma

21、rbe appropriate for toapprove of doinghave an area of abouthe argued thattake up armsbe armed to teethtake in ones armsthe air force1.作为回应2.对担心,忧虑3.渴望知道4.好些了吗?5.根本不6.除之外7.向道歉8.很明显9.呼吁公众10.对我有吸引力11.看来12.为鼓掌13.理论应用于实践14.申请15.专心致力于16.任命一新经理17.感激做18.语法入门的书19.适合于20.认可做某事21.面积约22.他认为23.拿起武器24.全副武装25.抱26.空

22、军1.in answer to2.be anxious for about3.be anxious to know4.feel any better?5.anything but6.apart from7.apologize tomake an apology tofor8.it is apparent that9.appeal to the public10.appeal to me11.it appears as if12.applaud sb13.apply theory to practice14.apply for15.apply oneself to16.appoint a new manager17.appreciate doing 18.an approach to grammar19.be appropriate for to20.approve of doing21.have an area of about22.he argued that23.take up arms24.be armed to teeth25.take in ones arms26.the air force


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