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1、重庆市实验外国语学校初 2025 届英语 2022-2023 学年上期第二次周定时作业新概念 9-16 课周考卷(全卷共 120 分)ClassNameScore一、听力测试(共 20 分)第一节,听录音,选出你所听到的单词,每个念两遍。(每小题1分,共5 分)1. A. itsB. hisC. her2. A. coatB. coldC. old3. A. dirtyB. busyC. lazy4. A. brownB. greenC. grey5. A. SwedishB. DanishC. Japanese第二节,听录音,选出你所听到的词组,每个念两遍。(每小题1分,共5 分)6. A.

2、 a fat milkmanB. a young nurseC. a thin mechanic7. A. Stellas handbagB. Pauls carC. Sophies coat8. A. customs officerB. old friendC. young tourist9. A. a nice dressB. the same colorC. a lovely hat10.A. white shirtsB. blue suitsC. yellow passports第三节,听录音,选出你所听到的句子,每句念两遍。(每小题1分,共5 分)11. A. How are you

3、today?B. How isTony?C. Hows Emma?12. A. Mr. Blake is a tallteacher.B. Mr. Blake isnt a tallstudent.C. Mr. Blake is a talloperator.13. A. Tims shirts blue.B. Toms shirt isntwhite.C. Jims shirtswhite.14. A. Stella is here. That is herumbrella.B. Steven isnt here. That isnt hisumbrella.C. Steven is her

4、e, too. That is hisumbrella.15. A. Are youDanish?B. Are your friendsDanish?C. Are your friendsItalian?第四节,听录音,选出最佳应答语,每题念两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)16. A. Goodmorning.B. Nice to see you,too.C. Im very well, thankyou.17. A. Perhaps itis.B. Yes, itsPauls.C. Yes, it isntTims.18. A. Its herbrothers.B. Yes, its m

5、ysisters.C. Its mysisters.19. A. They arered.B. They are redcars.C. They are grey and blackcases.20. A. Yes, theyare.B. Here theyare.C. Yes, they are histies.二、看音标写单词(1*10)gdbahl fmblazlsmtrnjelblk三写出对应词。(1*5)old talldirtylazyfat四. 写出下列名词的复数形式。(1*5)casedresshousewifemanpolicewoman五. 根据提示补充完整单词。(1*5)

6、21. It is not cold today. It isveryh.22. -Where are youfrom?-ImfromLondon(伦敦).IamE.23. Lilys hat is blue and her shirt is blue, too. They arethe scolour.24. -Areyour(铅笔)blueorwhite?- They are white.25. This ismyd(女儿的)dress. Shelikes itverymuch.六. 单项选择 (1*15)() 26.Thisisgreen bag, andthatisorangebag.

7、A. a;aB.a;anC.an;aD. an; an () 27. - Please show me yourpassports.-.A. HereitisB. HereisitC. HeretheyareD. Here are they () 28. -Boys, are you fromChina?-.A. Yes,IamB. No,ImnotC.Yes,wereD. No, we arent () 29. -Aretheseyour?-Yes,are.A.house;theseB.houses;theseC.house;theyD. houses; they () 30. - Is t

8、hat woman your friend orsister?-A. Yes,sheis.B. No, sheisnt.C. Yes, shesmy friend.D. She is my sister. ()31.-your teachertall?-Yes,.A. Are;theyareB. Are;sheisC. Is;theyareD. Is; sheis() 32. - What colourare-are yellow.maps?A.you;TheyB.you;WeC.your;TheyD. your;We()33.-MyLinda. Whats yourname?-IJack.A

9、. names: amB.names;isC.names; amD. names; is () 34. This is adress.Itacoat.A. IsB.isntC.arentD.not() 35.-Nice to meetyou!-A. Howareyou?B. Nice to meet you,too!C . How doyoudo?D.Pardon?() 36. Mikessister isEnglish teacher. Wealllikeclasses.A.our;hisB.your;hisC.our;herD. your; her ()37.-?-Im a mechani

10、c and she is a policewoman.A.What jobareyou?B. What nationality areyou?C.What areyourjobs?D. How are you? ()38.-is Tomtoday?-He is very well.A. WhoseB.HowC.WhatD. Who () 39. Mr. White isataxi-driver.coat isgreen.A. HerB.HisC.MyD. Your () 40.-Areyouengineer?-Yes, I.A. a;amB.an;amC. a;am notD. an; amn

11、ot七. 连词成句 (1*10)41. our ,lovely, son, is, boy, a,(.)42. man ,that, fat,is, very(.)43. cars, not ,our ,are, dirty(.)44. shirts , are, whose, these(?)45. too,white , are , blouses , those(.)46. handbag, is , Dave, sisters , this, your(?)47. German, a, student, is , Hans(.)48. you , an, a, nurse , are

12、, air hostess, or(?)49. not, Tims , this, coat , is(.)50. colour ,your, new, what, is , hat(?)八句型转换(1*10)51. Thatismy dog. (变否定句)mydog.52. Ourbooksarered. (变一般疑问句)booksred?53. Are these Sophiesbooks?(做出肯定回答) Yes,.54. ThisisAnnasdress. (对划线部分提问)isdress?55. Thesecoatsaregrey. (对划线部分提问)are these coats?

13、九 根据所给词的正确形式填空。(1*10)56. Look!57. This is a handbag. It isa(this) cars are very old.(France) handbag.58. Lookat(I). I am a tallboy.59. The white dress isntMissGreens.(she) dress isred.60. (be) your telephone number235-4215?61. -(be) you fromChina?-Yes, we are from Beijing.62. -JackandBob(be not) my

14、brothers. They are myfriends.63. -Arethoseyour(watch)?64. (Emma) house is verybig.65. -Are they yourcoats?-No,(we) coats areblue.十. 阅读理解(1*5)Dear Yoko,Letmetellyouaboutmyfamily(家人). Ilive(居住) withmymom, mydadandmy sister. We live in New York. My moms name is Carmen. Shes Italian and she speaks ( 说 )

15、English and Italian. She is an Italian teacher. She is short and thin. She has long brown hair and brown eyes. My dads name is David. Hes American. He s tall and very fat. He has short brown hair and blue eyes. He is a mechanic. My sister Shania is 14 years old and she loves listening to music. She

16、has long brown hair and blue eyes. I have long hair, too. We have a pet dog. Its name is Bob. It is black and white. It is very friendly.Write soon and tell me about your family.Love, Kelly66. Therearepeople(人)inKellysfamily.A.twoB.threeC.fourD.five67. Maybe YokoisKellys.A.sisterB.brotherC.dogD. pen

17、friend68. What is Davidsjob?A. He isastudent.B. He is ateacher.C. He isamechanic.D. He is an Americanpoliceman.69. What colour is the petdog?A. It is brownandwhiteB. It is brown andblue.C. It is blackand brown.D. It is black andwhite.70. Theletterisabout(关于).A.YokosschoolB. YokosfamilyC. KellysjobD.

18、 Kellysfamily十一 .根据所学内容,补全对话。(1*20)Lesson 11 A:71shirt isthat?Isthis72shirt, Dave? B: No,sir.Its73myshirt.This is myshirt.My74blue.A: Isthisshirt75?B:76Tims shirts A: Tim!C: Yes, sir.it is , sir.77.A: Is this your shirt? C: Yes, sir.A:78youare.79! C:80you ,sir.Lesson 13 A:What81your new dress? B: Itsgreen.A:Come82and83it. B: Thankyou.A:84! Here it is! B:85a nicedress.Itsvery86.A: Myhatsnew,87. B: What colour isit?A: Itsthe88colour.Its89, too. B: Thatisa90hat!十二翻译句子.(1*5)91. 你今天好吗?92. 我儿子的名字叫Robert.93. 这些护士也是德国人。94. 那个棕色的箱子非常新。95. 你们是出租车司机还是警察?10


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