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1、1 November 2022Module6Unit 4Helping people around the world(1)P.1451 November 2022热点单词热点单词(P.145)1.worthily;worthless;worthwhile;trustworthy2.poverty3.equal;equality;mitment;committed 5.reminder6.urgency7.describe8.starve1 November 2022自主学习自主学习1.honoured2.voluntary3.frustration4.assistant1 November

2、2022记忆魔法记忆魔法1.worthwhile;under the umbrella of2.outbreak;chaos;occupation1 November 2022热点短语热点短语1.refer to 2.feel very honored to do sth 3.assist the victims of wars and disasters4.protect human rights5.be worth doing 6.draw ones attention7.under the umbrella of 8.set out9.create employment opportun

3、ities 10.the living standards of rural populations11.in chaos 12.get hold of 13.remind sb of sth 14.apart from the urgent problems15.make a difference1 November 2022完成句子完成句子1.referred to his experiences.2.feel highly honored to.3.As you know.1 November 2022P.1461 November 20221、lackn.缺乏,没有(常与介词of连用)

4、Many people cant afford to buy a house because of lack of money.因为缺钱,许多人买不起房子。vt.缺乏,缺少,没有(不用于被动语态)vi.缺乏(in);需要(for)The plants lack water;please water them,or theyll die.这些植物缺水;请浇水,否则它们会死的。He is young;he is still lacking in experience.他年轻,还缺少经验。1 November 2022Many of our young workers _ proper traini

5、ng.A.are lacking in B.are lacking C.lack for D.lack inA1 November 20222、worthy adj.有价值的,有价值的,可尊敬的,可尊敬的,值得的,值得的,配得上的配得上的This is a worthy EnglishChinese dictionary.这是一本有价值的英汉词典。It was difficult to find words worthy of that occasion.很难找到适合于那种场合的言词。1 November 2022worth,worthy,worthwhile 这些词均可表示“值得的”之意。w

6、orth 前置词,后接名词或相当于名词的词,指做某事有一定价值或意义。worthy 形容词,与worth同义,但搭配不相同,be worthy ofn.;be worthy of being done;be worthy to be done。worthwhile 形容词,用作表语或定语,指某事物是值得的,或某事是值得做的。1 November 2022She said she was not worthy the honor they had offered her.她说她不配接受他们给予的荣誉。to accept1 November 2022This is a question.这是一个值

7、得讨论的问题。worth discussing1 November 20223、remind vt.“使想起”,后面可以跟从句,也常跟of引起的短语。What he had done reminded me of the days when I was in the army.他所做的一切使我想起了我在部队的那些日子。They reminded me that they had promised to buy me a car.他们使我想到,他们承诺过给我买车。1 November 20223、remind vt.“提醒”,跟带不定式的复合结构;也可以跟about或者of引起的短语。Be su

8、re to remind her to come back early.你一定要提醒她早点回来。We must send a letter to remind him of the deadline of the task.我们必须写信提醒他任务的最后期限。1 November 2022He got a letter from his mother,which (使他想起了家)reminded him of his home1 November 2022His words remind me _ we did together during the past holiday.A.that B.

9、of that C.what D.of whatDremind sb.of sb./sth.使某人想起某人或某事。what在句中引导宾语从句,并在句中作宾语。1 November 20224、辨析辨析approach,means,way,method(1)approach方法,方式;通常指抽象意义上的方法。结构为:approach to n./doing。(2)means(单复数同形)可以指人或物,其含义为“手段”或“工具”;这个词不仅用于具体的东西,也可以用于抽象的意念。(3)way 是个通用的词。由于way常出现在许多固定的词组中,way往往是指可能性,而不是说明用什么方式;另外do st

10、h.in this way 中的 way 即 method 的意思,但并不用 method。1 November 2022(4)method 所表示的“方法”可以指做某件事的具体步骤或程序,也可以指抽象概念“条理”,多与with搭配。with this method in this way by this means 用这种方法1 November 2022(1)mean to do(plan/intend to do)计划做,打算做(2)mean(doing)意思是,意味着(3)be meant/intended to do 本意是做(4)mean adj.低劣的;刻薄的;简陋的;吝啬的I

11、have been meaning to phone you all the week.一个星期来我一直想给你打电话。Refusing to fill in the form means giving up the chance.拒绝填表就意味着放弃这次机会。1 November 2022The project is meant to help those who lost their homes in the earthquake.本项工程是要帮助那些在地震中失去家园的人。Dont be so mean to your brother.不要对你弟弟如此刻薄。The workers had t

12、o live in a small mean house.工人们住在一个很小很破旧的房子里。1 November 2022 There is no good _ to the problem.在这个问题上没有什么好方法。approach1 November 2022Radio and television are important _ of communication.无线电和电视是重要的通信手段。means1 November 2022She showed them the _ to do it.她向他们示范做这件事的方法。way1 November 2022The teaching _

13、marked a new epoch in education.这种教学方法标志着进入教育的新时代。method1 November 20225、equaladj.相同的,相等的;胜任的相同的,相等的;胜任的(be equal to)He cut the paper in four equal pieces.他把纸裁成大小相等的4张。Men and women have equal rights in China.在中国男女的权利平等。Being ill,I am not equal to the journey.我因病不能参加这次旅行。linkv.(在大小,数量,数额上在大小,数量,数额上)

14、等于,与等于,与相同相同Two plus two equals four.2加2等于4。1 November 2022vt.比得上,达到;产生,得出比得上,达到;产生,得出A highlytrained workforce equals high productivity.高素质的劳动力创造高生产力。n.同等或平等的人或物同等或平等的人或物What a splendid view!I never saw its equal!多美的景致,真是无与伦比。1 November 2022 equal between the sexes 男女平等ones equal in age 某人的年龄相仿者equ

15、al in pay 同酬the equal of man 人类平等attain equal in quality 做到质量相同be without equal 无敌1 November 2022 Everybody knows the truth that all men are,so he,as well as the others in the organization has the same rights.大家都知道这个事实,所有的人生来都是平等的,因此他,还有该组织的其他人都有同样的权利。created equal1 November 2022Simon is younger but

16、 he all sports.西蒙年纪小些,但各项运动都比得上他哥哥。equals his brother in1 November 20221、refer to 提到;涉及;描述;参考;归功于提到;涉及;描述;参考;归功于 to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。refer过去式、过去分词和现在分词形式是referred,referred;referring。When I said someone was not so clever,I didnt refer to you.我说某人不够聪明,我不是指你。I would like to comment on the aspect referred

17、 to in your article.我想就你文章中提到的那个方面作一评论。1 November 20221、refer to 提到;涉及;描述;参考;归功于提到;涉及;描述;参考;归功于Some people refer all the troubles to bad luck instead of lack of ability.一些人把所有的问题归因于运气不好而不是能力不足。He never refers himself to us when he has difficulties.他有困难时从不求助于我们。1 November 2022 The president spoke at

18、the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes.总统没有看稿在商业会上演讲了近一个小时。referring to1 November 20222、work on 继续工作,从事继续工作,从事It is known that this scientist has been working on this problem for about ten years.人们知道,这位科学家研究这一问题已达10年之久。1 November 2022work on 还可表示还可表示“奏效奏效”、“激起激起”、“努力努力说服说服”等意思。等

19、意思。Wine will work on his emotion.酒会使他情绪激动。work out 算出,解答出;健身。算出,解答出;健身。I believe that you can work out this problem by yourself.我相信你能自己解答这道难题。We hadnt expected that our evening party could work out so well.我们从没想到我们的晚会会是如此的成功。1 November 2022Susan decided not to _ at home because she didnt want her pa

20、rents to know what she was doing.苏珊决定不在家里做这个方案,因为她怕她父母知道她在干什么。work on the program1 November 2022Everything according to the plan.一切都依计划而行。has worked out1 November 2022He goes to the gym every other day.他每隔一天去体育馆健身一次。to work out1 November 20223、look up 查找,抬头查找,抬头He looked up,but didnt see anything.他抬

21、头,却什么也没有看到。Can you look up the time of the next train?你查一查下一班火车的时间好吗?1 November 2022 look after 照管,照料look at 看望,注视look back 回顾,回头看look down on 看不起,轻视look for 寻找,寻求look forward to 盼望,期待1 November 2022 look into 调查,观察look on 旁观,观看;看待;视作look out(for)留神,注意,提防,警惕look over 检查,查看,调查look through 浏览,温习look u

22、p to 尊敬,敬仰1 November 2022 Is it good to _(查找每一个单词)when I come across it in reading?No,you dont have to because you are likely to guess the meaning from the context.look up every word1 November 20224、辨析辨析if only,only if(1)if only 如果多好,要是就好了。常用虚拟语气。If only one had an unlimited supply of money.要是能财源不断就

23、好了。(2)only if 只有当,只有在的时候。引导的是客观条件状语从句,若这个从句位于句首,主句需要用部分倒装语序。1 November 20224、辨析辨析if only,only ifOnly if I get a job in the summer will I have enough money to go on my education next term.我只有在暑假打到一份工,下学期才会有足够的学费(上学)。The company will succeed only if it can have sufficient backing.只有当这家公司获得足够的资助,它才会成功。

24、1 November 2022 _ a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter the classroom.只有当学生得到了老师的准许后才可以进入教室。Only if1 November 2022_ I had listened to my parents.我要是当时听了父母的话就好了。If only1 November 20225、break down 出毛病,不运转;出毛病,不运转;(身体身体)垮掉;失败;垮掉;失败;遭受失败;中止,分解遭受失败;中止,分解The workers are having a res

25、t,as the machine is broken down.由于机器出了故障,工人们暂时在休息。You will one day break down if you are always working so hard.如果你总是如此辛勤地劳动,总有一天会病倒的。1 November 2022 break away 突然离开break away from sb.脱离,离开,背弃break in 闯进,打断break in/with/on 打断某人的谈话break into 闯入,侵占breakinto pieces 打碎1 November 2022 break off 折断,突然中断;脱

26、落;断绝;解除break out(战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发;叫嚷;使做准备,取出,倒空break through 突破break up 开垦,破碎,解散,分解break sb.s heart 使某人心碎1 November 2022Plastics and other similar rubbish that doesnt _(分解)may be thrown into the sea.break down1 November 2022The computer system _ suddenly while she was shopping on the Internet.A.broke

27、down B.broke out C.broke up D.broke inA1 November 20226、under the umbrella of 在在的保护下;在的保护下;在的的管理下管理下The action was taken under the umbrella of the government.这个行动是在政府的保护下进行的。1 November 2022 under 表示“处于状态”under way 在进行中under construction 在建设中under repair 在维修中under control 在控制中1 November 2022The new country was formed the United Nations.这一新国家是在联合国的政治保护下建立起来的。under the political umbrella of1 November 2022To be continued 感谢您的关注感谢您的关注Thank you for your attention!


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