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1、高二英语语法复习之时态和语态时态和语态在高考试卷中的地位1.The musician along with his band members _ ten performances in the last three months.(2019江苏高考第22题)A.givesB.has givenC.have givenD.give2.A few months after he had arrived in China,Mr.Smith _ in love with the people and culture there.(2019江苏高考第29题)A.would fallB.had falle

2、nC.has fallenD.fell3.They are trying to make sure that 5G terminals _ by 2022 for the Beijing Winter Olympics.(2019江苏高考第33题)A.will installB.will have been installedC.are installedD.have been installed时态和语态在高考试卷中的地位1.Hopefully in 2025 we will no longer be e-mailing each other,for we _ more convenient

3、 electronic communication tools by then.(2018江苏高考第31题)A.have developed B.had developedC.will have developedD.developed2.I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan _ in the past two years.(2018江苏高考第30题)A.had been carried outB.would be carried outC.is being carried outD.has b

4、een carried out时态和语态在高考试卷中的地位1.-Hi,Im Peter.Are you new here?I havent seen you around.-Hello,Peter.Im Bob.I just _ on Monday.(2018北京高考第1题)A.startB.have startedC.startedD.had started2.Susan had quit her well-paid job and _ as a volunteer in the neighborhood when Ivisited her last year.(2018北京高考第4题)A.

5、is workingB.was workingC.has workedD.had worked3.Chinas high-speed railways _ from 9,000 to 25,000 kilometres in the past few years.(2018北京高考第7题)A.are growingB.have grownC.will growD.had grown4.A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who _ in the mountains for two days.(2018北京高考第9题)A.are

6、 trappingB.have been trappedC.were trappingD.had been trapped时态和语态在高考试卷中的地位1.In recent years some Inuit people in Nunavut _(report)increases in bear sightings around human settlements,leading to a belief that populations are increasing.(2019全国卷I,语法填空)2.Of the nineteen recognized polar bear subpopula

7、tions,three are declining,six _(be)stable,one is increasing,and nine lack enough data.(2019全国卷I,语法填空)时态和语态在高考试卷中的地位1.Picking up her“Lifetime Achievement”award,proud Irene _(declare)she had no plans to retire from her 36-year-old business.(2019全国卷II,语法填空)2.I love coming here and seeing my family and

8、all the friends I _(make)over theyears.(2019全国卷II,语法填空)时态和语态在高考试卷中的地位1.Our hosts shared many of their experiences and _(recommend)wonderful places to eat,shop,and visit.(2019全国卷III,语法填空)2.On the last day of our week-long stay,we _(invite)to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North S

9、hore under the stars,listening to musicians and meeting interesting locals.(2019全国卷III,语法填空)2019全国卷1书面表达Dear Sir,I am Li Hua,a student studying in London,who is more than thrilled to be informed of the message that there will be a Chinese painting exhibition in your local art gallery.I am writingto

10、apply for being a volunteer.As a student from China,I have been keen on Chinese paintings.As you know,China has agrowing influence on todays world.In the meanwhile,more attention is paid to the study of the traditional culture in Chinese high schools.So I have got the hang of the knowledge ofChinese

11、 paintings.By the way,I can also do well in communicating with others in oral English.I would extrmely appreciate it if I have a chance to receive your approval.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua时态和语态在高考试卷中的地位结论:只要有句子,就要用到时态,所以时态很重要!什么时态最重要?没有定论!都重要!时态和语态在高考试卷中的地位时态和语态用法分析一般现在时1.表示习惯性、

12、永久性或反复发生的动作,常见状语有:often,always,usually,sometimes,seldom,never,every day,on Sundays等。1.I go to the gym once a week.2.Rarely does he go to school late.3.From time to time humans are said to be eaten by wild animals.2.表示主语现在所具有的特征、性格、能力或存在的状态。1.He is always ready to help others.2.She speaks fluent Engl

13、ish.时态和语态用法分析一般现在时3.表示客观规律、事实或普遍真理以及不受时间限制的客观存在,也用于格言警句中。1.All living things are made up of cells.2.The teacher said yesterday thatlight travels faster than sound.4.表示计划或时刻表中安排要做的事情,或要发生的动作。1.The tennis game starts at 8 tonight.2.My plane takes off at two a.m.tomorrow时态和语态用法分析一般现在时5.时间、条件、方式或让步状语从句中

14、,表示将要发生的动作。1.We wont leave until you come.2.If it rains tomorrow,Ill stay here.6.用于现场解说、操作演示或用于新闻标题、历史简介、文学作品情节描述等。1.Watch me.I mix it up with water.2.He sits down and shivers a little.The clock outside strikes twelve.7.用于here,there,now,then开头的倒装句中。1.Here comes the bus.2.There she goes.3.Now comes y

15、our turn.时态和语态用法分析一般现在时【典型例题】1.Of the nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations,three are declining,six _are_(be)stable,one is increasing,and nine lack enough data.(2019全国卷I,语法填空)2.While running regularly cant make you live forever,the review says it _is_(be)more effective at lengthening life th

16、an walking,cycling or swimming.(2018全国卷I,语法填空)3.When fat and salt _are removed_(remove)from food,the food tastes as if it is missing something.As a result,people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing.(2017全国卷I,语法填空)时态和语态用法分析一般过去时1.表示过去某一具体时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示过去的时间状语连用。1.I met

17、 an old friend the other day.2.He got injured at work yesterday.3.I saw her come back just now.2.表示过去一段时间内经常或反复发生的动作,通常由一个表示过去的大时间限定。1.As a child,I couldnt do whatever I wanted to.2.I often visited her two years ago.时态和语态用法分析一般过去时3.在大时间为过去的背景下,时间、条件、方式或让步状语从句中常用一般过去时表示过去将来的动作。1.She told me that she

18、would come if I promised to wait for her.2.He said when the manager came back,he would send me a message.4.在没有时间状语的情况下,依据上下文或符合逻辑的过去的时间所发生的动作。1.Could you please repeat your address?I didnt quite catch it.2.The novel was written by Lu Xun.时态和语态用法分析一般过去时5.以下时间状语也可以用一般过去时:today,tonight,this morning,thi

19、s week,this month,this year等。1.Did you get any mail today?2.I saw him in the shopping mall thisafternoon.6.since引导的时间状语从句和“Its time that从句”常用一般过去时。1.Its two years since he went away.2.Its time that we had dinner.时态和语态用法分析一般过去时【典型例题】1.Picking up her“Lifetime Achievement”award,proud Irene _declared_(d

20、eclare)she had no plans to retire from her 36-year-old business.(2019全国卷II,语法填空)2.Our hosts shared many of their experiences and _recommended_(recommend)wonderful places to eat,shop,and visit.(2019全国卷III,语法填空)3.On the last day of our week-long stay,we _were invited_(invite)to attend a private concer

21、t on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars,listening to musicians and meeting interesting locals.(2019全国卷III,语法填空)时态和语态用法分析一般将来时1.以现在为基准,表示将要发生的动作(英国英语中第一人称常用shall,美国英语中各人称均用will),常与表示一般将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow,next year等。1.No one knows what will happen in the future.2.He wont go to visit h

22、is parents next week.3.I shall know more as time goes on.2.以现在为基准,表示将来经常发生的动作、情况或状态。1.If Im not so busy,I will come to see you every weekend.2.I shall come as often as possible.时态和语态用法分析一般将来时3.“will”表将来的三种情况:(1)(按自然规律)将、必然会;(2)事先没有考虑而临时作出决定;(3)表示事物的倾向性或规律性。1.Man will die.人终有一死。2.Its going to rain.Il

23、l go home to close the windows.3.Boys will be boys.男孩终究是男孩(改不了男孩子特有的习惯)。4.“be going to”表将来的两种情况:(1)打算做某事;(2)某客观迹象预示某事即将发生。1.Anns in hospital.I know that.Im going to visit her tomorrow.2.The boat is leaking!Its going to sink.时态和语态用法分析一般将来时5.“be to do”表示将来的三种情况:(1)计划、安排要做的事;(2)按命令、要求、约定或义务该做的事;(3)表示假设

24、或意图(常用于条件状语从句中)。1.The conference is to be held next Saturday.2.No one is to leave here without permission.3.If you are to study abroad,you must learn English well.6.“be about to do”表示马上要做某事,除与“when”连用外不与其他时间状语连用。1.Hurry!The bus is about to leave.2.Im not about to stop when Im so close to success.成功在

25、望,我岂能罢手?时态和语态用法分析一般将来时7.“be due to do”表示按时间表要做的事或计划中设定要做的事。1.The flight is due to leave at 8 a.m.2.Your work is due to be finished by Friday.8.“will do”也常用于“祈使句+and/or+you+will do sth”的句型中。1.Keep on working hard and youll succeed sooner or later.2.Hurry up,or youll be late.时态和语态用法分析【典型例题】近几年高考卷对此时态的

26、考查不多!1.(2016江苏22)More efforts,as reported,_ in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform.A.are madeB.will be madeC.are being made D.have been made2.(2016北京30)The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts _ with success in the end.A.rewardedB.were reward

27、edC.will rewardD.will be rewarded3.(2015北京30)-Dr.Jackson is not in his office at the moment.-All right.I _ him later.A.will callB.have calledC.callD.will be calling一般将来时时态和语态用法分析现在进行时1.表示现在某个时刻正在进行的动作,常见时间状语有:now,right now,at this moment等,或由look,listen等引出的表示说话当时的语境。1.The telephone is ringing.Would y

28、ou answer it,please?2.My radio is being repaired now.3.Hurry up!We are all waiting for you.2.表示现在某段时间内持续进行的动作,常见时间状语有:these days,this week(month,term,.),at present等。1.What is he doing in Beijing these days?He is attending an international conference.2.She is working for a company at present.时态和语态用法分

29、析现在进行时3.与always,constantly,continually,forever,all the time等连用,表示说话人对主语的行为持有或好或坏的感情色彩。1.Hes always asking silly questions.2.Conditions are changing all the time.3.She is always helping others.4.表示位置移动的词,如begin,start,go,come,leave,arrive,stay等,可用现在进行时表示近期内将要发生的动作。1.They are leaving for Paris this aft

30、ernoon.2.Stay here and wait!The bus is arriving soon.5.“are/is being+形容词”表示主语暂时出现的某种情况或品质。1.The boy is being naughty again.2.You are being foolish.时态和语态用法分析【典型例题】高考卷对此时态的考查几乎没有!1.(2018天津13)My washing machine _ this week,so I have to wash my clothes by hand.A.was repairedB.is repairedC.is being repai

31、redD.has been repaired2.(2014北京22)-Hi,lets go skating.-Sorry,Im busy right now.I _ in an application form for a new job.A.fillB.have filledC.am fillingD.will fill3.(2013天津13)The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers _ one of the main pipes.A.had repairedB.have repairedC.repai

32、redD.are repairing现在进行时时态和语态用法分析过去进行时1.表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作,常见时间状语有:at that time,at this time yesterday,when I arrived等。1.What were you doing at 4 p.m.yesterday?I was writing an essay.2.When he called me,I was having dinner.2.表示过去某段时间内持续进行的动作。1.I was studying abroad from 1990 to 1994.2.I was tidying my b

33、edroom the whole morning.时态和语态用法分析过去进行时3.同现在进行时相似,与always,constantly,continually,forever,all the time等连用,表示说话人对主语的行为持有或好或坏的感情色彩。1.She was always being late for school when she was a school girl.2.He was constantly playing games while in college.4.与现在进行时相似,表示位置移动的词,如begin,start,go,come,leave,arrive,s

34、tay等,可用过去进行时表示近期内将要发生的动作。1.He told me that he was leaving for Paris the next day.2.Mother asked me whether I was coming back for lunch.时态和语态用法分析过去进行时5.表示过去打算进行但未实现的动作,后面常跟一个由but引导的句子,表示转折的语气。1.They were expecting you the whole day,but you didnt turn up.2.I was coming,but an old friend of mine came t

35、o see me.6.在表示过去的复合句中,延续时间较长的动作常用过去进行时,而另一动作常用一般过去时。1.He fell asleep when he was reading.2.I was walking in the street when someone called me.3.She didnt hear the phone because she was listening to the radio.时态和语态用法分析过去进行时7.直接引语中,为表示委婉或不确定,有时也用过去进行。常见动词有hope,wonder,think,expect等。1.I was wondering if

36、 you would like tocome to my party.2.I was thinking maybe he could go bytaxi.时态和语态用法分析【典型例题】1.(2018北京4)Susan had quit her well-paid job and _ as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year.A.is workingB.was workingC.has workedD.had worked2.(2017江苏27)He hurried home,never once lookin

37、g back to see if he _.A.was being followedB.was followingC.had been followedD.followed3.(2017天津8)I _ down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road.A.was drivingB.have drivenC.would driveD.drove过去进行时时态和语态用法分析将来进行时1.以现在时间为基准,发生在将来某点时间的动作。I will be attending a meeting this time tomo

38、rrow.2.以现在时间为基准,在将来某段时间内持续进行的动作。Well be watching a football match from 9 to 11 tonight.3.委婉询问对方计划。Will you be travelling this weekend?时态和语态用法分析将来进行时【典型例题】高考卷对此时态的考查几乎没有!1.(2015天津6)Jane cant attend the meeting at 3 oclock this afternoon because she _ a class at that time.A.will teachB.would teach C.h

39、as taught D.will be teaching2.(2013江苏25)-Could I use your car tomorrow morning?-Sure.I _ a report at home.A.will be writing B.will have writtenC.have writtenD.have been writing3.(2012辽宁31)I feel so excited!At this time tomorrow morning I _ to Shanghai.A.will be flyingB.will flyC.have been flyingD.ha

40、ve flown时态和语态用法分析现在完成时1.表示过去发生的或说话之前已完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,不具体涉及动作发生的时间。常与already,never,ever,before,just,not.yet,still,recentl,lately等连用。1.The rain has already stopped.2.Have you ever been to London?No,I have never been there.3.My task hasnt been finished yet.4.There have been some changes in my hometo

41、wn lately.2.表示过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态,该动作也许已终止,也许还会持续。常与表示段时间的状语连用,如since sb did sth,for five years,so far,up to now等。1.He has worn glasses since hischildhood.2.We have lived here for five years.3.So far he has been to 30 countries.4.I have read two books this week.时态和语态用法分析现在完成时3.用在时间、条件、原因等状语从句中,代替将来完

42、成时,表示从句的动作先于主句的动作完成。1.Once you have made a promise,you must keep it.2.Ill go with you when I have finished my work.4.表示反复或习惯性动作,常与several times,once,twice等词连用。1.I have met him twice this week.2.I have seen the film three times.时态和语态用法分析现在完成时5.时间状语为for the last three weeks,in the recent years,during/

43、in/over/within the past few years等时,也常用现在完成时。1.Great changes have taken place in this city in the last three years.2.Much progress have been made in science during the past few years.6.在“最高级+名词+定语从句”或“这是第几次+定语从句”两种情况中,定语从句的时态通常用现在完成时。1.Im afraid this is the worst movie I have ever seen.2.Tom,this is

44、 the third time you havefailed in the exam.时态和语态用法分析现在完成时7.非延续性动词的否定式可以表示延续的状态,可与状语for sometime或since sb did sth连用。1.I havent bought anything for twoweeks.2.They havent left the lab since yesterday.8.有表示段时间的状语时,不可使用非延续性动词的肯定式,必须使用延续性动词的肯定式。()His grandma has died for three years.()His grandma has bee

45、n dead for three years.时态和语态用法分析现在完成时【典型例题】1.In recent years some Inuit people in Nunavut _have reported_(report)increases in bear sightings around human settlements,leading to a belief that populations are increasing.(2019全国卷I,语法填空)2.I love coming here and seeing my family and all the friends I _ha

46、ve made_(make)over the years.(2019全国卷II,语法填空)3.Since 2011,the country _has grown_(grow)more corn than rice.(2018全国卷II,语法填空)时态和语态用法分析现在完成进行时1.表示从过去某时间开始,某动作一直延续到现在(说话时刻或最近刚刚结束的动作)。1.Hi,Tracy,you look tired.I have been painting the living room.2.Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long.Thats nothing.

47、I have been reading a novel.2.表示从过去某时间开始,某动作一直延续到现在(说话时刻),并可能继续下去。1.I have been waiting for her for an hour,but she hasnt turned up yet.2.Hes ill.Hes been lying in bed for two days.时态和语态用法分析【典型例题】1.(2016江苏29)Dashan,who _ crosstalk,the Chinese comedic tradition,for decades,wants to mix it up with the

48、 Western stand-up tradition.A.will be learning B.is learning C.had been learningD.has been learning2.(2016北京23)-Excuse me,which movie are you waiting for?-The new Star Wars.We _ here for more than two hours.A.waited B.waitC.would be waitingD.have been waiting3.(2015福建30)-Where is Peter?I cant find h

49、im anywhere.-He went to the library after breakfast and _ his essay there ever since.A.wroteB.had writtenC.has been writingD.is writing现在完成进行时时态和语态用法分析过去完成时1.表示到过去某一时刻为止已完成的动作,常与“by+过去时间”连用,通常使用非延续性动词。1.By the end of last year,we had learned about 2,000 English words.2.By the time I got home,everyon

50、e had gone to bed.2.表示一个动作在另一个过去的动作之前已完成。常与“before/when+过去时间”连用。1.The film had already begun when we arrived at the cinema.2.They had worked for two hours before I got there.时态和语态用法分析过去完成时3.过去完成时也常用于主句是一般过去时的宾语从句中。She realized that she had left the keys at home.4.表示过去本要做而未做成,常见动词有hope,want,expect,th


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