牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit 5 Grammar time&Fun time第五单元第2课时优秀教案.doc

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1、第 1 页 Unit 5 A party 教案设计 The second period(第二课时)(第二课时) 教学内容教学内容 Grammar time (第 51 页)(本课讲解的 be going to do 的特殊疑問句和一般疑問句及 其它們的答句。);Fun time (第 52 页)(这一部分以讨论派对需要准备一些什么活动, 而展开的对话,并制作成相应的邀请卡。 教材分析教材分析 在 story time 的基础上孩子已经基本掌握了一般将来词态的句型,同时让学生初步了解 了一般将来词态的用法。在 grammar time 这个环节中,让学生自己先读几个句子,让学生 自主的发现他们的

2、规律,让学生有一个自主学习、自主思考的时间,同时在 fun time 这个环 节中,让同学自由讨论,给好朋友送上邀请卡。 教学目标教学目标 基础知识基础知识 1.学会使用 be going to 的特殊疑问句及其它的回答 2.会用 be going to 做一般疑问句,及其它的回答 3.了解 be going to do 的用法 基本技能基本技能 1.会和同学用 be going to 的句型说说派对上要准备的东西 2.能够小组合作完成 Fun time 综合素质综合素质 1.培养学生团结协作精神。 2.提升学生语言感悟力。 教学重难点及突破教学重难点及突破 教学重点教学重点 1.会使用 be

3、 going to 并且知道它的用法 2.会用把含有 be going to do 的句型改变成一般疑问句 3.能够小组合作完成 Fun time 教学难点教学难点 第 2 页 1.会运用一般将来时进行表达,同时能灵活的运用 be going to 句型的一般疑问句和特 殊疑问句。 2.了解 be going to 这个将来时的句型和意思。 教学突破教学突破 1.在创设新的情境时,可以先通过复述 story time 的经验,让学生逐步加深对一般将来 时理解和运用。 2.鼓励学生大胆去说,培养学生的自信心和表现欲。 教学准备教学准备 教师准备教师准备 多媒体课件,教学挂图 学生准备学生准备 英

4、语练习本,卡纸 教学设计教学设计 Step 1 Warming up(热身小练习)(热身小练习) 1. T:Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Miss . 2. T: Nice to see you. Ss: Nice to see you, too. Step 2 Presentation(新授部分)(新授部分) 1. 复习 story time T: Last class, we learned the story: A party. T: What are they going to do this Sunday? Ss: They are going

5、to have a party. T: What are the children going to do for the party? Ss: Su HaiWang BingYang LingLiu Tao is going to 2. T: Read the story time .让学生读课文找出含有 be going to 的句子。 Ss: Read and find. T:事先在小黑板上写下这些句型然后和学生校对答案: (1)The children are going to have a party at Mikes house. (2)Su Hai is going to buy

6、 some snacks and drinks. 第 3 页 (3)Wang Bing is going to bring some fruit from home. (4)Yang Ling is going to bring some toys and play with her friends at the party. (5)What is he going to do for the party? 3. 学生小组读一读这些句型,总结 be going to 的用法 T:出示 Grammar time 的句型,学生读一读总结其规律: (1)What are you going to d

7、o bring to the party? (2)What are we going to bring to the party ? (3)What are they going to bring to the party? (4)What is he going to do at the party? (5)What is she going to do at the party? Ss: 这几个句子都是含有 be going to 的特殊疑问句。 4. T:出示它们相应的答句让学生读一读 (1)I am going to bring some snacks to the party. (2

8、)We are going to bring some snacks to the party. (3)They are going to play with some toys at the party. (4)He is going to play with some toys at the party. (5)She is going to play with some toys at the party. Ss: be going to 后面加动词原形 5. T:出示: (1)Are you going to bring some snacks to the party? (2)Are

9、 we going to bring some snacks to the party? (3)Are they going to bring some snacks to the party? (4)Is he going to bring some snacks to the party? (5)Is she going to bring some snacks to the party? Ss: 这几个句子都是含有 be going to 的一般疑问句,只需把 be 动词提前 T 让学生试着说说一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答。 6. Ss: 学生回答:Yes, I am. Yes, we a

10、re. Yes, they are. No, he isnt. No, she isnt. 7. T: Ask and say 小组合作对话,并根据对话内容制作 邀请卡,邀请自己的好朋友来参加 派对。 Step 3. Consolidate the new knowledge(巩固新知)巩固新知) 第 4 页 随堂小练习随堂小练习 I. 用“be going to”的适当形式填空。 1. I _ watch TV. 2. Bob_ clean his room. 3. John _(not) fly a kite tomorrow. 4. _you_read English? 5. Your

11、sister _(not) get up at six. 6. _ he _ swim in the sea? 7. They _ walk to school. II. 连词成句。 1.you, are, do, to, this, evening, going, what (?) _- 2.my, clean, going, room, am, to I(.) _- 3.by, am, I going, train to(.) _ 4.visit, are, going, we, aunt, my, to (.) _ 5.this, the, park, Im, to, going, af

12、ternoon (.) _ KEYS: I. 1. am going to 2.is going to 3.isnt going to 4.Are ,going ,to 5.isnt going to 6.Is ,going to 7.are going to II. 1.What are you going to do this evening? 2.I am going to clean my room. 3.I am going to by train. 4.We are going to visit my aunt. 5.Im going to the park this aftern

13、oon. 第 5 页 Step 4 Homework 1. 和你的伙伴聊一聊你们打算怎样举行派对 2. 制作派对邀请卡 板书设计板书设计 Unit 5 A party Lesson two What is he /she going to.? What are we/they going to? be going to Is he/she going to ? Are you/we/they going to .? 教学探讨与反思教学探讨与反思 这一课主要是针对课文里涉及到的语法知识点, 进行的教学, 主要涉及到了一般将来词 态的运用。这个语法知识点,在本课教学中通过呈现,发现其规律并进行了总结。而且老师 及时利用了习题进行教学反馈。 每一步对做的很到位, 学生应该对这语法知识点得到了很好 的理解和掌握。


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