人教精通版(三起)五年级英语上册 unit 5单元课件全套.pptx

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1、 人教精通版人教精通版 五年级五年级上册英语优质课件上册英语优质课件unit 5Lesson 25Lesson 26Lesson 27Lesson 28Lesson 29Lesson 30ReviewLesson 25Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag?精通版精通版五年级上册五年级上册Lets chantWhats this?Its a schoolbag.书包书包Whats in the schoolbag?Look and sayWhats this?Its a pencil.Whats this?Its a ruler.尺子尺子Whats this?Its an

2、activity book.活动手册活动手册词典词典Whats this?Its a dictionary.Whats this?Its a crayon.蜡笔蜡笔Dont leave your things like this.Put them away.放;放置放;放置putschoolbagruleractivity bookcrayondictionaryI say and you doShow me your _.What can you see on the desk?Do the school things put in order?What does the teacher s

3、ay to the students?Look and guessWatch and checkWhat school things can you hear?Listen and tick()()()()Listen and answer1.Is this Mikes schoolbag?Yes,it is.2.Is this Anns activity book?No,it isnt.3.Is this Jims ruler?Yes,it is.If your classmates put the things in mess,what will you tell them?A.Is th

4、is your activity book?B.Dont leave your things like this.C.Remember to put your things away after class.Think and chooseListen and role-playTeacher:Students:Teacher:Mike:Hey,boys and girls!Dont leave your things like this.Put them away.OK!Mike!Is this your schoolbag?Yes,it is.是的是的把把收起来收起来Teacher:Ann

5、:Teacher:Jim:Teacher:Students:Is this your activity book,Ann?No,it isnt.Thats my activity book.Is this your ruler,Jim?Yes,it is.Remember to put your things away after class.OK,we will.Is this your?Lets playYes./NoPair workTalk about your favorite school things with you friends.A:Is this your.?B:Yes,

6、it is.Is this your.A:No,it isnt.Thats my.B:Do you like your.?A:Yes,of course.B:Dont leave our things like this.Lets put them away.A:OK!Remember to put our things in the schoolbag after class.For exampleLanguage points1.Dont leave your things like this.此句为否定祈使句,用来此句为否定祈使句,用来提醒或警告别提醒或警告别人不要做某事人不要做某事。否

7、定祈使句的结构是:否定祈使句的结构是:Dont+动词原形动词原形+其他其他.例句:不要把活动手册打开。例句:不要把活动手册打开。Dont open the activity book.2.Put them away.以动词原形开头的以动词原形开头的 Do 型祈使句句型结构为:型祈使句句型结构为:动词原形动词原形+其他其他.。祈使句的主语通常为第二人称祈使句的主语通常为第二人称(you),但一般都,但一般都被省略,所以用于祈使句被省略,所以用于祈使句句首的动词总是用原形句首的动词总是用原形,不能用其他形式。不能用其他形式。例句:请打开书。例句:请打开书。Open the book,please.

8、拓展:拓展:Do 型祈使句的用法口诀:型祈使句的用法口诀:Do 型祈使句,它的主语(型祈使句,它的主语(you)常省去;)常省去;表示请求或命令,加上表示请求或命令,加上 please 表客气;表客气;如果变成否定句,使用如果变成否定句,使用 dont 是规律。是规律。1.Dont leave your things like this.(变成肯定句变成肯定句)_2.Put them away.(变成否定句变成否定句)_按要求完成句子。按要求完成句子。Leave your things like this.Dont put them away.即时演练即时演练3.Is this your sc

9、hoolbag?用来询问近处物品是否是某人的句子结构为:用来询问近处物品是否是某人的句子结构为:Is this+形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词/名词所有格名词所有格+名词(单数)名词(单数)?肯定回答是肯定回答是“Yes,it is.”否定回答是否定回答是“No,it isnt.”Is this your English book?_.A.No,Im not.B.No,it is.C.No,it isnt.即时演练即时演练SummaryKey words:ruler activity book put schoolbagKey sentences:Dont leave your things

10、 like this.Put them away.Is this your schoolbag?I1.boys and girls 2.put away3.activity book4.after class5.remember to do一、给一、给I栏的英语短语选择正确的汉语翻译。栏的英语短语选择正确的汉语翻译。IIA.记得做记得做B.孩子们孩子们C.下课后下课后D.活动手册活动手册E.整理好整理好Exercise1.Put them away _ this.A.likeB.likesC.look2._ schoolbag is this?A.WhosB.Whose C.Where3.Re

11、member _ your things into your pencil-box.A.to putB.put toC.put二、单项选择。二、单项选择。Lesson 26Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag?精通版精通版五年级上册五年级上册BrainstormSpeak out the names of the school things as fast as you can.It is my good friend.It can help me read and understand new words.What is it?Lets guess词典词典This is

12、 my good friend,too.What is this in English?书包书包 Do you have a schoolbag?Is your schoolbag your good friend?What colour is your schoolbag?This is also my good friend.Guess:what is it?活动手册活动手册Guess what it is.?尺子尺子蜡笔蜡笔Words game点击每个礼物,读出相应单词,这些礼物就属于你啦!点击每个礼物,读出相应单词,这些礼物就属于你啦!schoolbagrulercrayondicti

13、onaryactivity bookWatch and readIs this your schoolbag?Yes,it is.Is this your ruler?No,it isnt.Is this your.?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Look and sayJust writeput schoolbagruler crayonyesIs this your schoolbag?Yes,it is.Can you write them?Copy them three times.Lost and foundThere are lots of school things

14、.Whose is it?GREEN BIRD GROUPBROWN BEAR GROUPFive students in a group to use“Whose is this?Is this your?”to act.Lets actGREEN BIRD GROUPBROWN BEAR GROUPWhose storybook is this?Is this your storybook?No,it isnt.No,it isnt.Is this your storybook?Group workWhose dictionary is this?Is this your dictiona

15、ry?Yes,it is.Whose activity book is this?Is this your activity book?No,it isnt.Yes,it is.Is this your activity book?Whose ruler is this?Is this your ruler?No,it isnt.Yes,it is.Is this your ruler?Lost and foundHelp the following items find their owners.Whose.is this?Is this your.?No,it isnt.Is this y

16、our.?Yes,it is.Here you are.Thank you.Youre welcome.I see a scientist,Sitting on a seat.Hes singing a song,That sounds sweet.Lets chantWatch and chant字母字母 S 在单词中的发音规则在单词中的发音规则发音:发音:/s/发音规则:发音规则:/s/是清辅音,发音时声带不振是清辅音,发音时声带不振动。舌尖前伸靠近上齿龈,让气流从舌前动。舌尖前伸靠近上齿龈,让气流从舌前端和上下齿隙缝中挤出时摩擦成音。端和上下齿隙缝中挤出时摩擦成音。Lets pick a

17、pples.sistersmartsmallsixstreetsunnysingerSummaryKey words:putschoolbagrulercrayonyesKey sentences:Is this your schoolbag?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Master the pronunciation of the letter S.Exercise一、仿照例子写句子。一、仿照例子写句子。示例:示例:ruleryes Is this your ruler?Yes,it is.It is my ruler.1.crayonyes _ _ Is this your

18、 crayon?Yes,it is.It is my crayon.示例:示例:dictionaryno Is this your dictionary?No,it isnt.It is not my dictionary.2.activity bookno _ _ Is this your activity book?No,it isnt.It is not my activity book.二、按要求完成句子。二、按要求完成句子。1.Put them away.(变成否定句变成否定句)_2.That is my activity book.(变成否定句变成否定句)_3.This is hi

19、s schoolbag.(变成一般疑问句变成一般疑问句)_Dont put them away.That isnt my activity book.Is this his schoolbag?Lesson 27Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag?精通版精通版五年级上册五年级上册Sing a songTHE ZOOThe zoo,the zoo,the zoo,were going to visit the zoo.And you?And you?And you?You can come too.What can you see in the zoo?Free talk

20、Whats your favorite animal?动物动物Watch and answer1.What are they talking about?2.Are they go to the real zoo?Watch the videoWhat can you see in the picture?fishbearelephant大象大象熊熊鱼鱼What animals are they talking about?Listen and tickTeacher:Students:Kate:Teacher:Lisa:Teacher:Peter:Oh,what a big zoo!Its

21、our zoo.We made all the _.Look!This is my _.I made it._,Lisa?Yes,it is.Is that your _,Peter?_.Look!This is my elephant.Listen and fill in the blanksanimalsbearIs that your fishelephantNo,it isnt1.It that Lisas fish?Yes,it is.Read and answerNo,it isnt.2.Is that Peters elephant?Teacher:Students:Kate:T

22、eacher:Lisa:Teacher:Peter:Oh,what a big zoo!Its our zoo.We made all the animals.Look!This is my bear.I made it.Is that your fish,Lisa?Yes,it is.Is that your elephant,Peter?No,it isnt.Look!This is my elephant.Listen and role-playWatch and readLanguage points1.Oh,what a big zoo!噢,多么大的动物园啊!噢,多么大的动物园啊!本

23、句是由本句是由 what 引导的感叹句,引导的感叹句,what 在在句中修饰名词。句中修饰名词。what 引导的感叹句有以下两种引导的感叹句有以下两种结构结构:例:例:(他是他是)多么聪明多么聪明的一个男孩啊的一个男孩啊!What a clever boy(he is)!(1)What a/an形容词形容词可数名词单数可数名词单数(主语谓语主语谓语)!student film .(2)What+形容词形容词+可数名词复数可数名词复数/不可数名词不可数名词(+主语主语+谓语谓语)!friends weather .例:例:(这是这是)多么热的天气啊!多么热的天气啊!What hot weathe

24、r(it is)!即时演练即时演练1.多么有趣的一部电影啊!多么有趣的一部电影啊!_ interesting film(it is)!2.他们是多么好的学生啊!他们是多么好的学生啊!_ good students(they are)!Fill in the blanks.What an What3.Is that your fish,Lisa?莉萨,那是你的鱼吗?莉萨,那是你的鱼吗?用来询问远处物品的归属句子结构为:用来询问远处物品的归属句子结构为:Is that+形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词/名词所有格名词所有格 +名词名词(单数单数)?肯定回答是:肯定回答是:Yes,it is.否定回

25、答是:否定回答是:No,it isnt.例句:例句:那是你的大象吗?那是你的大象吗?Is that your elephant?不,不是。不,不是。No,it isnt.SummaryKey words:fishelephantanimalKey sentence patterns:Is that your fish?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.1._ big farm!A.WhatB.What aC.What is a2.We made all the _ A.animals B.animalC.a animal一、单项选择。一、单项选择。Exercise3._!This i

26、s my bear.A.Look atB.LookC.See4.ls that your fish?No,_ A.it isntB.it is C.Im not()1.issee()2.ask fish()3.this sound()4.zebras zoo()5.goose storybook二、判断下列每组单词中的画线部分读音二、判断下列每组单词中的画线部分读音 是是(T)否否(F)相同。相同。FFTTTLesson 28Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag?精通版精通版五年级上册五年级上册Watch and singOld MacDonalds farm has s

27、heep,pigs and ducks.What other animals does he have?There is an animal that has big ears and a long nose.Do you know what it is?大象大象动物动物Whats this?It is a pool.Whats in the pool?Fish.鱼鱼Look at that.Whats that?It is a cow.奶牛奶牛Look at the house.Whats that in the house?A horse in the house.马马Whats this

28、?It is a hen.母鸡母鸡Is that your hen?No,it is not.不;不是的不;不是的不不Is this a duck?No,it isnt.It is a goose.鹅鹅It is time to go home.Lets say“see you”to these animals.See you,_.Lets sayWatch and sayIs that your elephant?No,it isnt.Is that your fish?Yes,it is.goosefishhenCow,cow.Is that your cow?Yes,yes,it is.

29、Horse,horse.Is that your horse?Yes,yes,it is.Fish,fish.Is that your fish?No,no,it isnt.Goose,goose.Is that your goose?No,no,it isnt.Make a chantanimal fish cow horseelephant no not isnt=is notIs that your elephant?No,it isnt.Can you write them?Just writeCopy them three times.Play and sayRIVERSEAGRAS

30、SLANDFARMFORESTDESERTWhat is the girl doing?Group workFive students in a group to use“Is this your?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.”to ask and answer.Is this your fish?No,it isnt.Is that your sheep?Yes,it is.Is this your?No,it isnt.Is that your?Yes,it is.Watch and chantZebras,zebras,Zebras in the zoo.You like

31、 zebras.I like them,too.Lets chant字母字母 Z 在单词中的发音规则在单词中的发音规则发音:发音:/z/发音规则:发音规则:/z/是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。舌尖前伸靠近上齿龈,让气流从舌前端和上舌尖前伸靠近上齿龈,让气流从舌前端和上下齿隙缝中挤出时摩擦成音。下齿隙缝中挤出时摩擦成音。zoozebrazipzeroLets readSummaryKey words:animal fish cowhorseelephant isnt=is notKey sentences:Is that your fish?Yes,it is./No,it

32、 isnt.Grasp the pronunciation of the letter Z.一、根据图片提示写单词。一、根据图片提示写单词。 _horsecowhengoose二、根据句意及图片提示补全对话。二、根据句意及图片提示补全对话。TomsAngelasTedsRimsEllas Tom:Is that your 1._?Angela:Yes,it is.Is that your 2._?Tom:Oh,yes,3._ _.Ted:Is that 4._ _?Rim:Yes,it is.Is that your

33、horse?Ted:5._,_ _.henfishitis your birdNoitisntLesson 29Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag?精通版精通版五年级上册五年级上册Free talkDo you like summer?It is time to go to the beach.What will you take when you go to the beach?它它时间时间We will takesunglasses太阳帽太阳帽照相机照相机雨伞雨伞扇子;风扇扇子;风扇sun cap1time4camera umbrella23itfan65点击数字,

34、并读出数字下出现的单词。点击数字,并读出数字下出现的单词。Words gameLook and guessWho are they?Where are they?What are they talking about?1.What time is it now?It is six oclock.2.What things are mentioned?Umbrella and fan.Listen and answer1.What do they do at six oclock?Its time to go home.2.Whose umbrella is this?Its Peters um

35、brella.3.Whose fan is this?Its Kates fan.Listen again and answer谁的谁的Listen and fill in the blanksLisa:Gao Wei:Lisa:Hi,Gao Wei!Its _ now.Oh!Its time to _.Lets go home,Peter and Kate!six oclock go homeGao Wei:Lisa:Gao Wei:Lisa:Gao Wei:Peter and Kate:Whose _ is this?Its Peters umbrella._ fan is this?Is

36、 it your fan,Lisa?No,_.Its _ fan.Peter and Kate,come back!Your umbrella and fan!Thank you.Here we come!umbrellaWhoseKatesit isntListen and role-playLisa:Gao Wei:Lisa:Hi,Gao Wei!Its six oclock now.Oh!Its time to go home.Lets go home,Peter and Kate!Gao Wei:Lisa:Gao Wei:Lisa:Gao Wei:Peter and Kate:Whos

37、e umbrella is this?Its Peters umbrella.Whose fan is this?Is it your fan,Lisa?No,it isnt.Its Kates fan.Peter and Kate,come back!Your umbrella and fan!Thank you.Here we come!Language points1.Its time to go home该回家了。该回家了。用来用来描述即将要做的事情描述即将要做的事情句型结构为句型结构为:Its time to+动词动词(短语短语)原形原形该该了。了。例:该吃早餐了。例:该吃早餐了。I

38、ts time to have breakfast 2.Whose umbrella is this?这是谁的雨伞?这是谁的雨伞?Its Peters umbrella.是彼得的雨伞。是彼得的雨伞。询问询问近处的单个物品的所属近处的单个物品的所属句型结构为:句型结构为:Whose物物(单数单数)is this?这是谁的这是谁的?回答:回答:Its s.它是它是的。的。例:这是谁的钢笔?例:这是谁的钢笔?Whose pen is this?它是它是张鹏的。张鹏的。Its Zhang Pengs名词所有格表示名词所有格表示所属关系,即某物属于某人所属关系,即某物属于某人。名词所有格的构成规则如下:

39、名词所有格的构成规则如下:一般在词尾加一般在词尾加“s”.例:约翰的书例:约翰的书 Johns book 末尾有末尾有s的直接加的直接加“”.例:教师办公室例:教师办公室 teachers office拓展:拓展:SummaryKey words:umbrellafanKey sentences:Whose umbrella is this?Its Peters umbrella.1.It is Johns horse.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_ _2.Is that your dictionary?(作肯定回答作肯定回答)_ _Exercise 一、按要求完成下列各题。一、按要求完成

40、下列各题。Whose horse is this/that?Yes,it is.3.ls this Toms crayon?(作否定回答作否定回答)_ _4.Whose ruler is this?(用(用Tom作答作答)_ _No,it isnt.It is Toms ruler.二、单项选择。二、单项选择。1._ schoolbag is this?A.WhoB.What C.Whose2.Its _ elephant.A.Kate B.Kates C.Kates3.Its time _ home.A.to go B.goingC.went4.Is it your fan?_ A.Yes,

41、it is.B.Yes,this is.C.No,it is.Lesson 30Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag?精通版精通版五年级上册五年级上册Free talkLisa,Gao Wei,Peter and Kate went to the beach.What did they take?sunglassesfanumbrellaIf they want to take some pictures,what should they take?camera照相机照相机Can you match and read?umbrellafandictionarysun ca

42、pcameraschoolbagWatch and sayWhose umbrella is this?Its Peters umbrella.umbrellafansun capcameraPair workWhose fan is this?Its Lucys fan.Whose sun cap is this?Its Mikes sun cap.Whose camera is this?Its Bobs camera.Just writeit time whose fanumbrellaWhose umbrella is this?Its Peters umbrella.Can you

43、write them?Copy them three times.Do you remember who they belong to?Use“Whose is this?Its s”to ask and answer.PetersKatesLook and sayWhat can you see in the table?Whose umbrella is this?Its Lisas umbrella.Lets playIs this your camera?No,it isnt.Its Johns camera.Yes,its my camera.Lost and foundIs thi

44、s your fan?No,it isnt.Its Lilys fan.Whose sun cap is this?Its Peters sun cap.Whose _ is this?Its _.Whose _ is this?Its _.Watch and chantIn windy,winter weather,Who wears a warm sweater?In windy,winter weather,Whose sweater is warmer?Lets chant字母字母 W 在单词中的发音规则在单词中的发音规则发音:发音:/w/发音规则:发音规则:/w/是浊辅音,发音时声带

45、振是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。舌后部向软腭抬起。双唇突出,并动。舌后部向软腭抬起。双唇突出,并呈小圆口型。发音瞬间即滑向后面的元呈小圆口型。发音瞬间即滑向后面的元音。音。/w/又称半元音。又称半元音。waterwatchworkwarmLets readSummaryKey words:umbrellafan whose timeKey sentence patterns:Whose umbrella is this?Its Peters umbrella.Master the pronunciation of the letter W.ExerciseC.B.A.D.E.一、给下列句子选择正确

46、的图片一、给下列句子选择正确的图片。()1.This is my new camera.()2.Its Tims fan.()3.I like this umbrella.()4.That is your dictionary.()5.This is Toms sun cap.DCAEB二、根据句意及首字母提示补全句子。二、根据句意及首字母提示补全句子。1.Is this your goose?Y_,it is.2.W_ activity book is this?Its Kates.eshose3.My s_ is heavy.There are many books in it.4.Is

47、this your horse?No,it _.choolbagisntReview of Unit 5精通版精通版五年级上册五年级上册小鸟的妈妈在哪儿呢?快来闯关吧!小鸟的妈妈在哪儿呢?快来闯关吧!Round 1语音单词短语语音单词短语ssee,scientist,sit,seat,sing,song,sound,sweetzzebra,zoowwindy,winter,weather,wear,warmGame 1:转一转,转一转,快速说出图片对应快速说出图片对应的英文单词。的英文单词。词典词典书包书包蜡笔蜡笔尺子尺子活动手册活动手册Game 2:看图,快速说出其对应的英文单词。看图,快速

48、说出其对应的英文单词。hen母鸡母鸡elephant大象大象goose鹅鹅horse马马fish金鱼金鱼cow奶牛奶牛fan 扇子;风扇扇子;风扇sun cap太阳帽太阳帽camera照相机照相机umbrella雨伞雨伞其他其他动物动物时间时间放;放置放;放置是的是的不;不是的不;不是的不不它它谁的谁的animaltimeputyesnonotitwhose一个大动物园一个大动物园收拾好收拾好记得记得回家回家回来回来唱一首歌唱一首歌下课后下课后a big zooput awayremember togo homecome backsing a songafter class【即时演练即时演练】

49、题题1一、看图片,选择正确的单词。一、看图片,选择正确的单词。题题2题题3题题4题题5()1.A.ruleB.rulerC.pencil()2.A.carB.crayonC.cartoon()3.A.schoolB.boxC.schoolbag()4.A.finB.funC.fan()5.A.cameraB.camelC.capBBCCA()1.is see ()2.ask fish()3.this sound ()4.zebras zoo()5.windy weather 二、判断下列每组单词中的画线部分读音是二、判断下列每组单词中的画线部分读音是(T)否否(F)相同。相同。FTTTFA.三

50、、给下列句子选择正确的图片。三、给下列句子选择正确的图片。()1.This is my new camera.()2.Its Tims fan.()3.I like this umbrella.()4.That is your dictionary.()5.This is Toms sun cap.B.C.D.E.DCAEB四、给四、给栏的英语短语选择正确的汉语翻译。栏的英语短语选择正确的汉语翻译。()e back()2.put away()3.activity book()4.after class()5.remember to doBEDCAA.记得做记得做B.回来回来C.下课后下课后D.


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