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1、1价值流程图介绍Value Stream Mapping Introduction2Content Outline内容大纲内容大纲n 1、Definition of Value Stream价值流程图定义n 2、Recognize value stream mapping初步认识价值流程图n 3、The significance of value stream mapping 绘制价值流程图的意义n 4、Draw Current State VSM绘制价值流程图n 5、Draw Future Status VSM绘制未来价值流程图3Definition of Value Stream价值流定义

2、价值流定义nAll activities both Value Added and Non-Value Added required to bring product from raw material to the customern产品从原材料到客户的所有活动,要求增值和无增值的。1.4价值流的定义价值流的定义Definition of Value StreamDesign/ConfigurationSuppliersContract Logistic CentresLogisticsCustomerSub-system IntegratorsCustomerRequirementsA V

3、alue Stream includes all elements(both value added and non-value added)that occur to a given product from its inception through delivery to the customer.一个既定产品从起初(原材料)到目标顾客这个过程中经过的生产流程所需的所有要素(包括增值和不增值的行动).5价值流程图价值流程图 VALUE STREAM MAPPINGn直观表示Visual representation of:1.物料流物料流Material flow(Products fr

4、om raw materials to the customer hands the hands of the production flow)从原材料到产品交到顾客手中的生产流2.信息流信息流Information flow(From concept to production flow of information)从概念到投产的信息流YOUR PLANT OR COMPANYSUPPLIERSCUSTOMER TO END USERT O T A L V A L U E S T R E A MWhere are the products for their clients,where t

5、he value stream!哪里有为顾客提供的产品,哪里就有价值流!A value stream is all the actions required to bring a product through the main flows essential to every product价值流是指一个产品通过其主要必经流程的过程中所需产生的所有活动!6LEADTIME=51.2dProcessing time=0.5dITAKT Time=92 min Once per weekWeekly orderWeekly orderForecastWeekly scheduleDaily sc

6、heduleQuarterly ForecastDaily shipment scheduleProduction controlMRPSelling company/Field5 units/dayI truck per dayEuro steel200kmsQuoted Lead time=14 daysII12 daysI10 unitsI 10 unitI 20 unitI15 unitI40 unitsI20 unitsShearPunchBendPaintAssemblyStation 1AssemblyStation 2ConsolidateAnd ShipC/T=1 minC/

7、O=10 minUPTIME=100%C/T=5 minC/O=20 minUPTIME=90%C/T=1 minC/O=30 minUPTIME=100%C/T=3 minC/O=45 minWalking distance/operator=80ftC/T=30 minC/O=10 minWalking distance/operator=27MC/T=50 minC/O=10 minWalking distance/operator=25MC/T=70 minC/O=10 minM/C Uptime=60%80 units12d1m2d2d4d3d8d4d16d5m3m30m100m70

8、m0.2d1mReduce Setup当前情况价值流当前情况价值流Current State VSMReduce SetupReduce Setup2.Recognize value stream mapping初步认识价值流程图7价值流当前图价值流当前图价值流程图价值流程图是对整个生产过程的一个可视化的展示是对整个生产过程的一个可视化的展示Value Stream mapping of the whole production process of a Visualized display:8未来价值流图未来价值流图9 Enables you to See能使你看到:1.Waste清楚的看出

9、制造过程中出现的浪费2.System view使我们更直观的认识整个生产流程3.Operating philosophy清楚的描述了生产流程之间的关系4.Customers perspective可以了解客户的一个需求信息5.Roadmap for change给我们提供了改善的方向价值流程图的意义价值流程图的意义The significance of value stream mapping3.10The Goals can be defined as followed:Analyze and optimize the Value Steam 分析并优化价值流 Display the com

10、plete Value Stream 展示完整的价值流 Link material and information flow 将物料流和信息流联系起来 Display an allover optimum,not only partial 展示整体的优化,而不是局部Following Benefits can be achieved:Reduce flow time 减少制造周期 Cut Current Assets削减流动资产 Reduce downtime 减少停机时间 Increase transparence of production 增加生产的透明度 Raise customer

11、satisfaction 提升客户满意度 Optimize linkage between manufacturing and service 优化制造过程和服务之间的连接 Raise motivation and identification of employees提高员工的积极性 Common language for production analysis 是对制造过程分析的通用的语言11八大浪费八大浪费8 Types of Waste(Muda)Over ProductionWaitingMotionInventoryTransportationReworkProcessingPeo

12、ple UtilizationCustomersAvailability?Yield?Waiting?Inventories?Re-work?WASTE IS THE SYMPTOMWASTE IS NOT THE ROOT CAUSE12应用价值流程图应用价值流程图USING VALUE STREAM MAPPINGCurrent State MapFuture State MapImplementationPlanProduct FamilyDefinition13车间价值流的目标车间价值流的目标VSM Workshop ObjectivesLearn how to draw a Curr

13、ent/Future State VSM学习怎样去画当前和将来的价值流Recognize how VSM helps formulate and drive the Continuous Improvement Roadmap认识到VSM能帮助寻找不断改善方向Understand how VSM integrates DPS and Lean techniques懂得运用价值流为DPSLearn how to employ VSM techniques to identify opportunities(Kaizen Bursts)Kaizen-take apart and study,the

14、n put back together better学习用价值流技巧识别改善机会Recognize“Waste”prevalent in an organization认识浪费的存在14价值流程图的价值价值流程图的价值 True“Value”of VSM1.Map the Current State绘制当前图绘制当前图3.Map the Future State绘制未来状况绘制未来状况Tues.&Fri.PC&LWeekly OrderMRPMSSWeekly Order#times/daySteelSupplierSteelPin#pcs#daysor shiftsIIIIStampingD

15、owntimeChangeover Time=4 hr2 ShiftsTAKT=2 Presses Cycle Time=ChangeOverWeldingLayoutScrap/ReworkDowntime=20%Uptime#OperatorsCycle Time=Weekly Build ScheduleDaily ShipSchedule6 Week Rolling Forecast6 Week Rolling ForecastFinished GoodsOvertime=#Shifts=AssemblyDT,ScrapReworkWIP=Cycle Time=TAKT=Changeo

16、ver Time=Layout =10%Scrap?days?days?days?days?days?days?daysInventory TimeProcessing TimeTPc/t=?TAKT=WIP=WIP=WIP=X pcs/monthStd.Pack Qty.#shiftsCustomer Finished GoodsAssemblyLayoutWeldingRolling 6-wk ForecastWeekly Order6 x/DayPC&L6-wk forecastDailyLevel Box DA1 DA2 DA3C/O Time=CT=TAKT Time3 Shifts

17、DT=Scrap=Stamping0 Overtime2 ShiftsMax Size#Material HandlersC/O Time=CT=TAKT Time3 ShiftsDT=Scrap/Rework=C/O Time=CT=TAKT Time3 ShiftsDT=Scrap/Rework=Small Lot#OperatorsCustomerX pcs/monthStd Pack Qty#ShiftsWIP=WIP=WIP=Steel SupplierInv.TimeProc.TimeTPc/t=?days?days?days?days?days?days?days1ST2ND 3

18、RD 4TH 1ST2ND 3RD 4THEstablish TAKT&Flow in Tank AssyStamping Changeover ReductionReduce Stamping BufferMove Assy to Plant 10Establish TAKT&Flow in Sender AssyPull To Sender AssyTraining20082009Activity2.Analyze Current State分析当前状况分析当前状况4.Plan Implementation制定计划制定计划5.Implement the plan贯彻计划实施贯彻计划实施6.

19、Celebrate your success庆祝成功庆祝成功Drawing VSMs are a WASTE Unless you prepare an implementation plan and execute it!绘制价值流程图是浪费的绘制价值流程图是浪费的,除非你执行计划并实施它除非你执行计划并实施它15产品系列产品系列当前状态价值流当前状态价值流将来状态价值流将来状态价值流价值流程图计划价值流程图计划改进过程改进过程价值流程图的价值价值流程图的价值 True“Value”of VSM16工厂价值流小组工厂价值流小组Value Stream Mapping Team车间价值流小组车

20、间价值流小组Workshop Value Stream Mapping TeamVSM Organization chart framework 价值流组织结构图构架价值流组织结构图构架17过程数据盒过程数据盒 Process BoxnA process box indicates a process where material is flowing 显示材料流动的进程显示材料流动的进程nThere is no uncontrolled accumulation of inventory没有没有任何失控的库存任何失控的库存nThumb rule It stops wherever proce

21、sses are disconnected and material flow stops拇指规则拇指规则-无论那个流程不通畅无论那个流程不通畅,物料流停止时物料流停止时,它将停止它将停止AssemblyData 1Data 2Data 3II4.Draw Current State VSM绘制当前状态的价值流程图绘制当前状态的价值流程图18价值流的数据收集价值流的数据收集Data CollectionCycle Time(C/T)周转时间Changeover Time(C/O)转换时间Number of Operators操作者数量Changeover frequencies转换频次Equi

22、pment Uptime%设备利用率Operator walking distance 操作者行走距离Number of product variants产品种类Production batch sizes生产批次Takt Time(T/T)节拍时间Uptime 机器正常运行时间 Process Lead time(PL/T)制程时间 Operator work content(TWC)工人工作内容 Quality metrics(FPY,PPM)合格率 Scrap rate/$cost废料利用率Data BoxTailor the data box for your plants needs

23、.19OT per week每周加班时间How operations are scheduled 操作者的排产WIP Inventory在线库存Number/Size of inventory points安全库存数量Work hours and breaks工作时间Pack sizes at process工序包装尺寸Shipping/Receiving schedules发运时间Part travel distance零件运输距离Data BoxThe data box should be open ended to allow for additional attributes.价值流的

24、数据收集价值流的数据收集Data Collection20Time Terms时间术语时间术语 nCycle Time(C/T):周期时间周期时间 Elapsed time between one part coming off the end of the process to the next coming off(expressed in seconds).How often a part or production is actual completed.Time it takes an operator to complete all elements.一个产品结束到下一个产品结束所

25、经过的循环时间(表示在几秒钟内)。一个零件或产品实际完成的时间。这个时间是的操作者完成的所有内容nCycle time(for operator):the total amount of time required for a worker to complete one cycle of his/her entire job process,including manual working time,walking and waiting time.对于工人来说是他工作需要完成的全部过程,包括工作时间,行走时间,和等待时间.nCycle time(for part):physical tim

26、e to process a part through a given workstation对产品给定的一个工作站制程的物理时间nChangeover Time(C/O):换型时间 Time required to switch from producing one product to another(expressed in seconds).一个产品转换到另一个产品必需的时间nAvailable Working Time(W/T):有效工作时间 Per shift work time at that process less break time(expressed in second

27、s).每个班次除去休息时间的工作时间 LearnSee21n Value Added Time(VA):增值时间增值时间 Motion time used to put together or create an end product that adds worth to the to the end customer(willing to pay for feature).Sometimes called Base Engineered Content(BEC).Should be improved and reduced continuously(i.e.attaching parts)

28、.动做时间用来整理或创建一个终端产品,增加价值的,为了最终客户(愿意支付功能)。有时被称为相应的工程内容(守则)。应当改进和不断减少(即附加部分)n Non-Value Added Time(NVA):非增值时间非增值时间 Time wasted walking,waiting,etc.Does not change or enhance the end product and is not something that customer needs or cares about.Must always be reduced or eliminated.浪费的时间,行走,等待等不改变或提高最终

29、产品,不是客户的需求或关心的(或者愿意支付的)。必须始终是减少或消除.n Incidental Work Time:必须的非增值时间必须的非增值时间 Motion time necessary to perform the work,but does not add value to the end product(i.e.getting parts or tools).完成一个工作中必须的动作时间,但对最终产品是不增加价值的(比如拿取工具零件等)Time Terms时间术语时间术语LearnSee22 Uptime:机器正常运行时间机器正常运行时间 Reliability running t

30、ime of a machine or process(percentage).一个设备或制程可靠的运行时间(百分比)Takt Time(T/T)(“pace”or“beat”):节拍时间节拍时间How often one part/unit should be produced based on rate of sales(demand).Synchronizes the pace of production to the pace of sales.(means in which rhythm you should finish a product to meet customers de

31、mand)生产根据销售需求同步,(指按节奏完成的产品,应该满足客户的需求)Takt Time(T/T)=Lead Time(L/T):交货时间交货时间The time it takes one piece to move through the entire value stream from start to finish(total elapsed time from release of raw material to completion of finished good).一个产品从订货到交货所有价值流的时间(总经过时间从开始原料到成品完成)Time Terms时间术语时间术语Lea

32、rnSeetotal daily available time total daily customer demand23Value Stream Icons.价值流图标Material IconsRepresentsNotes20 unitsAssemblyC/T=30 secsC/O=50 mins.2 shifts85%uptimeManufacturing Process制造过程One Process box equals an area of flow.All processes should be labeled.Also used for departments such as

33、production control一个盒子代表一个连续流动的区域,所有过程都要有标签,盒子也代表部门,例如生产计划部门Outside Sources外部资源Used to show customers,suppliers and outside manufacturing processes.用于表示顾客,供应商等外部生产过程Data Box数据框Used to record information concerning a manufacturing process,department,customer etc用于记录有关生产过程的,部门.客户的相关信息Inventory库存Count

34、and time should be noted.用于表示库存的位置,数量,时间ABC organizationWithdrawal拉动Pull of materials usually from a supermarket表示一个物理拉动,从超市拉动材料24Every MonTruck Shipment运输Note frequency of shipments用于表示货车运输的频率Movement of production material by PUSH推动使生产材料移动Material that is produced and moved forward before the next

35、 process needs it,usually based on a schedule.用于表示材料的移动是由生产者推动的而不是由顾客(后面的过程)拉动的Supermarket超市Movement of finished goods to the customer成品向客户移动A controlled inventory of parts that is used to schedule production at an upstream process用于表示材料的移动是由客户拉动的而不是由生产者推动的,表示物料是由供应商运来Material IconsRepresentsNotesVa

36、lue Stream Icons.价值流图标Used to record logistics information,the opening point to the direction of vendor用于记录物流信息,开口方向指向供应商FIFOMax 10 piecesTransfer of controlled quantities of material between processes in a First-in-First-Out sequence先进先出Indicates a device to limit quantity and ensure FIFO flow of m

37、aterial between processes.Maximum quantity should be noted用于表示一个控制质量的方法并保证过程之间材料的流动按“先进先出”的原则25Information Icons RepresentsNotesWeekly Schedule20Manual Information flow手工信息流Electronic Information flow电子信息流Information信息框For example Production schedule or shipping schedule用于表示一个生产计划或运输计划的信息For example

38、:Electronic Data Interchange or email.用于表示用电话或邮件表达的信息Describes an information flow表示一个信息流Production Kanban(Dotted line indicates Kanban path)生产看板.The One-per-container Kanban.Card or device that tells a process how many of what can be produced and gives permission to do so.用于表示一个过程能生产的产品是多少并允许生产,虚线表

39、示看板流Withdrawn Kanban提取看板Card or device that instructs the material handler to get and transfer parts(I.e.from a supermarket to the consuming process.用于表示一个过程取走的产品是多少并允许取走Signal Kanban信号看板The one-per-batch Kanban.Signals when a reorder point is reached and another batch needs to be produced.Used wher

40、e supplying processes must produce in batches because of set-ups required.用于一个批量过程按订单产生的生产指导信息Value Stream Icons.价值流图标26General Icons Represents NotesReduce SetupKanban Post看板架Place where kanban are collected and held for conveyance用于表示收集信息为运输而存放,信号看板的地方Kanban arriving in batches批次看板Load Leveling均衡生

41、产Tool to intercept batches of kanban and level the volume and mix of them over a period of time.用于一段指定的时间后,均衡数量和看板混合的工具Go See production scheduling去看看Adjusting schedules based on checking inventory levels.Expediting.表示根据库存水平调整计划,用于目前的状态流中Kaizen Lightening burst重点关注Highlights improvement needs at spe

42、cific processes that are critical to achieving the value stream vision.Can be used to plan Kaizen.用于一个关键的过程,需要重点关注改进的地方Buffer or safety stock缓冲或安全库存Buffer or safety stock must be noted,the close表示物料库存的一个状态,必须表明是“缓冲”或“安全库存”,是闭口的Operator操作者Represents a person viewed from above.用于表示一个操作者的俯视图Value Strea

43、m Icons.价值流图标Permit the production of a specific type and quantity of the Product允许生产特定型号和数量的产品The order of pulling the ball顺序拉动球27What is a Product Family什么是产品族什么是产品族Products that pass through similar processing steps and common equipment make up a product family产品通过相似的制程和共同设备进行的产品系列Selecting a Pro

44、duct Family选择一个产品族选择一个产品族Why Identifying Product Families is Important 识别产品族的重要性识别产品族的重要性nA good facility is organized around its product families有好的工装设备来辅助nYour customers care about their specific products,not all of your products客户担心的是他们特别的产品,不是你所有的产品nDrawing all product flows on one map is too co

45、mplicated在一个图上可以画出来产品流,不用太复杂28Identifying Product Families识别产品族Few part numbers几个零件编号几个零件编号 Part families may be obvious零件成员是明显的Many part numbers 许多零件编号许多零件编号1.Begin with highest volume part numbers(80/20 rule)最大量零件编号80/20原则2.Use a Product Family Identification Matrix使用矩阵识别产品家族3.Use the Evolver Prod

46、uct Family Identification Template用发展的产品作为模版4.Consider machine substitutions考虑机器替换29Product Family Identification Matrix识别产品族矩阵识别产品族矩阵30Current Status Mapping Steps当前状况图示步骤当前状况图示步骤 1)Start with the customer 从顾客开始2)Draw the basic production processes 绘制基本的生产工艺流程3)Add data boxes for each process 给每个工艺

47、过程加上数据框4)Add inventory points 添加库存数据5)Show material flow from suppliers&to the customer 展示源自供应商并且流向顾客的物流6)Show material flow between processes 展示工艺过程之间的物流7)Show information flow 展示信息流8)Draw timeline(incl.lead time and value added time)绘制时间线(包括供货周期时间与增值时间)31价值流的价值流的10个步骤个步骤32Draw the customer locatio

48、n and data table on top right of the map.在右上角画出客户的位置在数在右上角画出客户的位置在数据盒中填写数据据盒中填写数据Insert customer demand data.插入客户需求的额数据插入客户需求的额数据步骤步骤1:Start with the customer开始于开始于客户的位置客户的位置33Make a box representing each process and name the process.描述出各个工序之间的名称描述出各个工序之间的名称 Under the process make a data box填入各个工序的填

49、入各个工序的数据数据 Insert data such as cycle time,Setup,uptime and number of people for each process填入每个工序的填入每个工序的循环时间,运行时间,操作人数循环时间,运行时间,操作人数步骤步骤2:Draw the processes and data tables 画出制程添加数据画出制程添加数据34Make a triangle&insert an I where inventory is in the process.画一个三角表示出有库存的工序画一个三角表示出有库存的工序 Under the triang

50、le insert the number of units counted.标出库存的数量单位标出库存的数量单位步骤步骤3:Draw the inventory in the Process 画出每个工序的库存画出每个工序的库存35Place the supplier on top left part of map供应商在左上角供应商在左上角.Insert the delivery frequency to the start of the process插入交货频次插入交货频次步骤步骤4:Draw the Supply chain画出供应商链画出供应商链36.Mark in how the


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