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1、Train Control and Management System(TCMS)列车控制和管理系统列车控制和管理系统列车控制和管理系统列车控制和管理系统(TCMS)Introduction 介绍介绍Andreas Karlsson-TCMS System Coordinator3EST000252-0201_12Short Presentation 前言前言My name is Andreas Karlsson 我的名字是我的名字是Andreas Karlsson I have a Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering具有机械工

2、程理学硕士学位具有机械工程理学硕士学位I have worked with the TCMS group at Bombardier since 2019,primarily as System Coordinator in international projects(delivery of Electrical multiple units to Australia and England)从表面上看从表面上看2019年开始年开始,我一直就职于庞巴迪公司我一直就职于庞巴迪公司TCMS组组,主要从事国际项主要从事国际项目中的系统协调工作目中的系统协调工作(负责过英国和澳大利亚的动车组项目负责

3、过英国和澳大利亚的动车组项目)Is since one year the TCMS System Coordinator for the CHE project.近近1年来年来,我一直在中国的我一直在中国的CHE项目中负责项目中负责TCMS系统的协调工作系统的协调工作.At presently the CHE TCMS team consist of 14 resources.目前目前,CHE项目的项目的TCMS工作组共有工作组共有14人人.3Train Control and Management System(TCMS)-Abbreviations列车控制和管理系统列车控制和管理系统(TC

4、MS)-TCMS相关的缩写相关的缩写ACMAuxiliary Converter Module 辅助变流器模块辅助变流器模块ATPAutomatic Train Protection 列车自动保护列车自动保护AXAnalogue input and outputunit 模拟输入模拟输入/输出单元输出单元AXSRemote access unit(via GSM)远程访问单元远程访问单元(通过通过GSM)BAMVB Bus Administrator MVB 总线管理总线管理BCBus Coupler 总线连接总线连接CHEChina High Speed EMU 中国高速中国高速EMUCCU

5、Central Control Unit 中心控制单元中心控制单元COMCCommunication Controller 通信控制器通信控制器DCUDoor Control Unit 门控制单元门控制单元DCU/LDrive Control Unit for LCM LCM的驱动控制单元的驱动控制单元DCU/MDrive Control Unit for MCM 部分部分MCM的驱动控制单元的驱动控制单元DCU/ADrive Control Unit for ACM ACM的驱动控制单元的驱动控制单元DXDigital input/output unit 数字输入数字输入/输出单元输出单元E

6、MUElectrical Multiple Unit 动车组动车组4TCMS Related Abbreviations与与TCMS相关的缩写相关的缩写GPSGlobal Positioning System 全球定位系统全球定位系统GWGateway 网关网关I/OInput/Output 输入输入/输出单元输出单元LCMLine Converter Module 网侧变流器模块网侧变流器模块MCMMotor Converter Module 电机变流器模块电机变流器模块MVBMultifunctional Vehicle Bus 多功能车辆总线多功能车辆总线ODBSOnboard Data

7、base System 车载数据库系统车载数据库系统PCUPropulsion Control Unit 牵引控制单元牵引控制单元PISPassenger Information System 旅客信息系统旅客信息系统TCCTrain Control and Communication 列车控制和通信列车控制和通信TCMSTrain Control and Management System 列车控制和管理系统列车控制和管理系统TDSTrain Diagnostic System 列车诊断系统列车诊断系统TMSTrain Management System 列车管理系统列车管理系统VCULit

8、e Vehicle Control Unit,product model Lite 车辆控制单元车辆控制单元.产品模型产品模型WTBWire Train Bus 列车线路总线列车线路总线5CHE TCMS Training AgendaCHE TCMS的培训日程的培训日程Introduction 介绍介绍TCMS hardware and architecture TCMS的硬件和结构的硬件和结构-TCMS communication buses TCMS 通讯总线通讯总线 -TCMS hardware TCMS的硬件的硬件 -TCMS architecture TCMS 的结构的结构TCMS

9、 control concepts TCMS 的控制概念的控制概念 -TCMS master slave concept TCMS 的主控的主控-受控概念受控概念 -TCMS configuration concept TCMS 的编组概念的编组概念 -TCMS redundancy concept TCMS 的冗余概念的冗余概念TCMS Software structure TCMS的软件结构的软件结构TCMS Software diagrams TCMS的软件图的软件图TCMS System Interfaces TCMS的系统界面的系统界面6CHE TCMS Training Agend

10、a,continuedCHE TCMS 培训日程培训日程,继续继续Intelligent Display Unit 智能显示单元智能显示单元Train Diagnostic System 列车诊断系统列车诊断系统 -TDS components TDS 部件部件 -TDS Events TDS 事件事件 -Environment data 环境参数环境参数 -Condition data 条件参数条件参数MAVIS demonstration MAVIS 示范示范TCMS Maintenance TCMS 维修维修TCMS Fault tracing TCMS 故障追踪故障追踪TCMS Sum

11、mary TCMS总结总结7Battery蓄电池System interfaces for TCMS in the CHE trainCHE列车上列车上TCMS的各种系统接口的各种系统接口TCMSLine voltage网侧电压Propulsion 牵引Brake 制动Air Supply 供风Auxiliary Electrical 辅助供电HVAC 暖通空调Doors 门Train operation&DSD列车操作系统Drivers instruments/HMI司机操作工具Lighting 照明Front&Coupler 前部和车钩Toilet 厕所ATPTrain Diagnosti

12、cs列车诊断系统PIS 旅客信息系统MotorFire detection 烟火探测器Hotbox 轴箱RVVMS 后视镜Catering 电网8A few benefits using a TCMS system使用使用TCMS系统的好处系统的好处Lower cost 成本低成本低Easier integration and installation 整合容易整合容易,安装简单安装简单Less material 材料少材料少Easier to change and add functionality 容易实现功能的变更和添加容易实现功能的变更和添加Lower weight 重量轻重量轻Inc

13、reased reliability and maintainability 可靠性和可维护性高可靠性和可维护性高A comparison of number of Trainlines 与其它列车的比较与其它列车的比较Regina/OTU 15 stElectrostar140 st9TCMS=Train Control and Management SystemTCMS=列车控制和管理系统列车控制和管理系统TMS(Train Management System)/TCC(Train Control and Communication)had different system functio

14、ns because of different vehicle design philosophies TMS(列车管理系统列车管理系统)/TCC(列车控制和通讯系统列车控制和通讯系统)可根据不同的设计原理设可根据不同的设计原理设置不同的系统功能置不同的系统功能.TCMS approach as a sum of best experience from TMS/TCC TCMS采用的方法是对采用的方法是对TMS/TCC使用经验的优化总结使用经验的优化总结.Safety Critical Control重要的安全控制重要的安全控制Mission Critical Control主要的任务控制主

15、要的任务控制Comfort Control 舒适度控制舒适度控制Monitoring监视监视Diagnostics诊断诊断Passenger Info旅客信息旅客信息Entertainment 娱乐系统娱乐系统10TCMS=Train Control and Management SystemTCMS=列车控制和管理系统列车控制和管理系统SAFETYCritical Ctl.重要安全控制MISSIONCritical Ctl.重要任务控制Alarms 警报Statuses 状态Diagnostics 诊断Control 控制控制Information Technologies 信息技术信息技术

16、Passenger Information 旅客信息Entertainment 娱乐TMSTMSTCCTCCServices 服务Train Control 列车控制TCMSTCMSOn Board 车栽车栽Off Board 车外车外The Train Control and Management System is responsible for the overall distribution and processing of data onboard the train and with the wayside 列车控制和管理系统是负责处理和分配列车运行中各种内外数据的系统列车控制和

17、管理系统是负责处理和分配列车运行中各种内外数据的系统.11TCMS=Train Control and Management SystemTCMS=列车控制和管理系统列车控制和管理系统The Train Control and Management System is a major system of rolling stock vehicles which is responsible for the information(data)integration onboard a vehicle.列车控制和管理系统是负责整合车辆车载设备信息(数据)的主要系统.In regard to cus

18、tomer requirements the TCMS is an instrument to facilitate reliability,availability,safety and maintainability as well as lower life cycle costs of the vehicle.根据客户的需求,TCMS 系统应当具备更高的可靠性,实用性,安全性,可维护性和较低的寿命周期成本.The main system functions can be grouped into following categories:该系统的主要功能可以分为以下几大类:Vehicl

19、e control:mission critical and non mission critical 车辆控制车辆控制:关键的功能和非关键的功能关键的功能和非关键的功能 Vehicle onboard monitoring 车载设备监视车载设备监视 Vehicle diagnostics and onboard fleet management 车辆诊断和运行车辆管理车辆诊断和运行车辆管理 Data network management and other support functions 数据网络管理和其它辅助功能数据网络管理和其它辅助功能12TCMS=Train Control and

20、 Management System TCMS=列车控制和管理系统列车控制和管理系统Platform segmentation 平台分割平台分割Safety section:安全部分The safety section is the base for higher safety integrity functions(e.g.control or monitoring functions)which can not be done in the operation section due to different requirements.安全部分是提高整个安全功能的基础(例如,控制或监视功能

21、),由于每个客户的需求不同,该部分无法在操作部分实现.Operation section:操作部分 The operations section is the base for control functions(at least all mission critical),vehicle onboard monitoring functions and the relating support functions.操作部分是控制功能(至少是所有的关键功能),车载设备监视功能,以及相关的辅助功能的基础.Comfort section:舒适度部分The comfort section is th

22、e base for non mission critical control functions when needed,vehicle diagnostics,onboard fleet management functions and the relating support functions.舒适度部分是在有需要时控制车辆所有非关键功能,车辆诊断,车载车辆管理功能以及相关辅助功能的基础.13TCMS computer system Swedish history (1st generation)中文见后页中文见后页(see Chinese on the next page)The f

23、irst generation vehicle computer system was based on DS100(ASEA/ABB)with circuit boards in a centralised rack-based system.The vehicle computer and the converter computer were in the same rack under the joint name TRACSAdvantages:a flexible system,easy to push in new boardsDisadvantage:rather expens

24、ive for simple systems.When the system grew in size,the amount of cables required to connect the vehicle system to the vehicle computer,became unmanageably large Delivery examples:M21,Istanbul,Baltimore,Arrow IIIVehicle computer Operating system Year Programming tool TRACS TRACSOS 1983-1995 Write so

25、urce code(instructions)using an editor.DS100Filter board and modem boardBoards for vehicle and converter computers14TCMS 计算机系统在瑞典的发展历史计算机系统在瑞典的发展历史(第一代第一代)第一代车辆计算机系统是在DS100(ASEA/ABB)的基础上发展起来的.DS100是带电路板的中央控制架式系统.车辆电脑和变流器电脑都位于TRACS接口下方的架子上.优点:灵活性高,可方便地将其移动到其它的车辆上.缺点:系统简单但造价高.如果系统体积大,则需要很多电缆用于列车系统与列车电

26、脑的连接.这样一来造成系统太大,很不利于管理.已交付使用的车辆:M21,Istanbul,Baltimore,Arrow III车辆车辆电脑电脑 操作操作系统系统 年限年限 编程工具编程工具 TRACS TRACSOS 1983-1995 写原代码(介绍),使用编辑器 DS100Filter board and modem boardBoards for vehicle and converter computers15TCMS computer system Swedish history(2nd generation)中文见后页中文见后页(see Chinese on the next p

27、age)The second generation vehicle computer system provided additional distribution units to the rack-based system.The units contained processors and I/O for the respective applications that communicated via serial buses with the vehicle computerAdvantages:the cost of the system and of the vehicle ca

28、bles was reducedDisadvantage:still a rack for the central unit and a relatively large concentration of I/Os on the distributing unitsDelivery examples:X2,IC3,IR4Vehicle computer Operating system Year Programming tool TRACS TRACSOS+1995 TRAGRAPH Draw a graphical diagram that generates both the softwa

29、re and the logistics diagram ABB Master 200CabcomputerDTPC 901ConverterLCU or ICON16TCMS在瑞典的发展历史在瑞典的发展历史(第二代第二代)第二代车辆计算机系统在架式系统上添加了分布单元.这些单元包括处理器和各自应用软件的输入/输出单元.这些输入/输出单元通过串联的总线与列车电脑进行通信.优点:车辆用线较少,系统成本较低缺点:中央单元仍为不可移动的架式结构,分布式单元的输入/输出单元相对较大.已交付使用的车辆:X2,IC3,IR4车辆电脑车辆电脑 操作系统操作系统 年限年限 编程工具编程工具 TRACS TRA

30、CSOS+1995 TRAGRAPH 可绘制各种图表,包括软件图和逻辑图 ABB Master 200司机室的电脑DTPC 901变流器LCU or ICON17TCMS computer system Swedish history(3rd generation)中文见后页中文见后页(see Chinese on the next page)combined the flexibility of the rack system with the lower cost and reduced cabling of the distribution systemThis was achieved

31、 by using distributed small I/O units connected together with a vehicle bus,and controlled by a centrally located CPU.The I/O units can be located near the objects to be controlled or supervisedAdvantages:the cost of the system and of the vehicle cables was further reducedDelivery examples:Regina,OT

32、U,FPT,C20,IC2,ManilaVehicle computer Operating system Year Programming tool TRACSOS+1995 MITRAC CSS 2000 TRAGRAPH or MITRAC ET Draw a graphical diagram that generates both the software and the logistics diagram CSS=Common Software StructuresMITRAC ET=MITRAC Engineering ToolCPUVehicle busTT18TCMS 计算机

33、系统在瑞典的发展历史计算机系统在瑞典的发展历史(第三代第三代)充分结合了架式系统和分布式系统的优点:减少了分布式系统的用线数量,降低了架式系统的成本.上述情况是通过使用分布式小型输入/输出单元实现的.这些输入/输出单元通过车辆总线连接,由安装在中心位置的CPU进行控制.将输入/输出单元设置在需要控制和监视的对象附近.优点:车辆用线少,大大降低了系统成本已交付的车辆:Regina,OTU,FPT,C20,IC2,Manila车辆电脑车辆电脑 操作系统操作系统 年限年限 编程工具编程工具 TRACSOS+1995 MITRAC CSS 2000 TRAGRAPH or MITRAC ET 可绘制软

34、件图和逻辑图 CSS=Common Software StructuresMITRAC ET=MITRAC Engineering ToolCPUVehicle busTT19TCMS is constantly improving and developing for the futureTCMS在今后还会不断出现地改进和发展在今后还会不断出现地改进和发展From 从从Guessing 猜测情况猜测情况Prescribed 下指令下指令To 到到Knowing 知道情况知道情况Condition Based Maintenance(CBM)根据条根据条件安排维修件安排维修Immediate

35、reaction 反应迅速反应迅速Low running cost and increased profit 运行成本低运行成本低,利润高利润高Slow reaction 反应时间长反应时间长High running cost 运行成本高运行成本高20TCMS is constantly improving and developing for the futureTCMS 今后还会不断地改进和发展今后还会不断地改进和发展Example how TCMS can be a tool to move from time/km based maintenance to Condition Base

36、d Maintenance(CBM):下图显示了如何利用下图显示了如何利用TCMS在一定时间或里程间隔内执行在一定时间或里程间隔内执行CBM(根据条件安排维修工作根据条件安排维修工作)21TCMS is constantly improving and developing for the futureTCMS在今后还会不断地改进和发展在今后还会不断地改进和发展The next generation for the TCMS computer system platform will be the IP-Train.IP-列车将采用下一代的列车将采用下一代的TCMS计算机系统平台计算机系统平台

37、The first step will be to add another data-bus(Ethernet)to the existing TCN-architecture(WTB and MVB).第一步是在现有的第一步是在现有的TCN结构结构(WTB 和和 MVB)上添加另一个数据总上添加另一个数据总线线(以太网以太网)The second step will be to incorporate all data communication within a redundant Ethernet backbone.第二步是将所有的数据通信合并到以太网的空余中枢第二步是将所有的数据通信合并到以太网的空余中枢22TCMS computer system-4th generation,step 1TCMS 计算机系统计算机系统 第四代第四代,第一步第一步信息存储信息存储诊断诊断以太网以太网23TCMS computer system-4th generation,step 2TCMS 计算机系统计算机系统 第四代第四代,第二步第二步Door Ctlr门控制门控制Prop.牵引牵引HVAC 空调空调Car manager车辆控制车辆控制Door Ctlr门控制门控制.Prop.牵引牵引HVAC 空调空调Car manager车辆控制车辆控制


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