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1、 PART A:Reading Aloud录像原文:根据音频朗读并标出重音录像原文:根据音频朗读并标出重音、停顿、停顿/、连、连读读、升调、升调、降调、降调,并注意黑体单词语音。,并注意黑体单词语音。(一分钟的准备时间)(一分钟的准备时间)录像原文录像原文:At first glance,the ibex have everything they need.They have food and water.But the mother knows instinctively not enough.Shes craving something else.And shell take risks

2、to get it.The rock that was used to build this dam contains essential minerals that have been dissolved in water.Without these salts and minerals,their bones wont grow.Their nervous systems and muscles cant function.Movement and co-ordination can falter.Theres a strong bond between mother and kid,an

3、d the kid will follow her wherever she goes.The ibex eventually make it to the prize.Salt from the Earth dissolved in water continues on its journey into their bodies.(78)(下面你将对照原文再听一遍录音)(下面你将对照原文再听一遍录音)录像原文录像原文:At first glance,the ibex have everything they need.They have food and water.But the moth

4、er knows instinctively not enough.Shes craving something else.And shell take risks to get it.The rock that was used to build this dam contains essential minerals that have been dissolved in water.Without these salts and minerals,their bones wont grow.Their nervous systems and muscles cant function.M

5、ovement and co-ordination can falter.Theres a strong bond between mother and kid,and the kid will follow her wherever she goes.The ibex eventually make it to the prize.Salt from the Earth dissolved in water continues on its journey into their bodies.(78)现在请准备录音。现在请准备录音。Now read as the speaker in the

6、 video.PART A 正在录音:正在录音:录像原文:录像原文:At first glance,the ibex have everything they need.They have food and water.But the mother knows instinctively instiktivli not enough.Shes craving something else.And shell take risks to getit.The rock that was used to build this dam/contains essential minerals that

7、have been dissolved in water.Without these salts and minerals,their bones wont grow.Their nervous systems and muscles cant function.Movement and co-ordination can falter.Theres a strong bond between mother and kid,and the kid will follow her wherever she goes.The ibex eventually makeit to the prize.

8、Salt from the Earth/dissolved in water/continues on its journey into their bodies.注:注:为重音符号,/为停顿符号,为连读符号,为升调符号,为降调符号,为黑体单词音标。分析分析:模仿朗读如同视频配音,除了语音语调到位,还需做到节奏韵律相似,完整流畅朗读。参考译文:参考译文:乍一看,北山羊拥有他们所需要的一切。他们有食物和水。但母亲本能地知道还不够。她想吃点别的东西。她会为了得到它而冒险。用来建造大坝的岩石中含有溶解在水中的重要矿物质。没有这些盐和矿物质,它们的骨头就无法生长。他们的神经系统和肌肉不能正常工作。行动

9、和协调可能会动摇。母亲和孩子之间有很强的纽带,无论她走到哪里,孩子都会跟着她。北山羊最终获奖。地球上溶解在水中的盐继续进入它们的身体。广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16PART B:Role Play情景介绍(情景介绍(27)角色:角色:你是Mary。任务:任务:(1)与同学Tom谈论晨读的话题;(2)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。生词:生词:persevering有毅力的;refreshed精神焕发的广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16(1)Please get ready to ask the first

10、question in English.中文呈现:中文呈现:你为什么能坚持如此长的时间?(准备时间20)提问提问:_ (录音时间10)1.Please get ready to ask three questions in English according to the following Chinese tips.Why can you persist in such a long time?回答回答:(电脑回答,请记录关键词)_ _I think because I like reading very much.If you like the things that you are do

11、ing,you can also persist in.I usually do morning reading for about 45 minutes,and then I have breakfast.Now,morning reading has become a part of my life.广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16(2)Please get ready to ask the second question in English.中文呈现:你一般读什么?(准备时间20)提问:_(录音时间10)回答:(电脑回答,请记录关键词)_Wh

12、at do you usually read?I read newspaper,magazines,novels and books related to my major.You know,I major in economics.I need to pay attention to the latest economic news.广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16(3)Please get ready to ask the third question in English.中文呈现:晨读有什么好处?(准备时间20)提问:_ (录音时间10)回答

13、:(电脑回答,请记录关键词)_What are the advantages of morning reading?It can broaden our horizon,and bring us more knowledge.Similarly,we can learn about the latest news from morning reading.It also can prevent us from becoming lazy.If we do morning reading,we need to get up early every day,which is good for us

14、.广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16(1)Please get ready to answer the first question.提问:(电脑提问,请记录关键词)(准备时间10)_回答:_(录音时间10)(2)Please get ready to answer the second question.提问:(电脑提问,请记录关键词)(准备时间10)_回答:_(录音时间10)2.Please get ready to answer five questions in English.Where did Tom do morning reading?

15、On the playground.Who does Tom usually do morning reading with?His friend.广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16(3)Please get ready to answer the third question.提问:(电脑提问,请记录关键词)(准备时间10)_回答:_ (录音时间10)How long does Tom do morning reading every day?For about 45 minutes.广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题

16、ppt16(4)Please get ready to answer the fourth question.提问:(电脑提问,请记录关键词)(准备时间10)_回答:_(录音时间10)(5)Please get ready to answer the fifth question.提问:(电脑提问,请记录关键词)(准备时间10)_回答:_ (录音时间10)What was Toms major?Economics.What can morning reading prevent us from?It can prevent us from becoming lazy.广东高考英语听说考试模拟题

17、 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16录像原文:录像原文:W:Good morning,Tom!M:Good morning,Mary.W:Where did you go?M:I went to the playground.W:Did you do exercise?M:No,I went there to do morning reading.And there were so many people.Some of them did exercise and others did morning reading.W:Thats great!When did you star

18、t doing morning reading?广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16M:Since this semester,I have been doing morning reading every day.And I usually go there with my friend.W:Every day?You are so persevering!I used to do morning reading before,but later I didnt do it.M:Why not?Morning reading is a good pra

19、ctice.广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16参考译文:参考译文:女:女:早上好,汤姆!男:男:早上好,玛丽。女:女:你去哪儿了?男:男:我去了操场。女:女:你去做运动吗?男:男:不,我去那里晨读。而且有很多人。他们中有一些人做运动,另一些人晨读。广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16女:女:太棒了!你坚持多久了?男:男:从这学期开始,我每天都晨读。我通常和我的朋友一起去那里。女:女:每天,你都是如此的坚持!我也有一段时间去晨读,但后来我没有坚持下来。男:男:为什么不呢?晨读是一个很好的练习。广东高考英语听说考试模

20、拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt161、下面请你用英语提出、下面请你用英语提出3个问题。个问题。(1)现在请准备提第一个问题。学生提问:学生提问:你为什么能坚持如此长的时间?电脑回答电脑回答:我认为是因为我非常喜欢读书。如果你喜欢你所做的事情,你也可以坚持。我通常早读大约 45分钟,然后吃早餐。现在,晨读已经成为我生活的一部分。(2)现在请准备提第二个问题。学生提问:学生提问:你一般读什么?电脑回答电脑回答:我读报纸、杂志、小说或跟我的专业相关的书籍。你知道的,我的专业是经济学,我需要关注最新的经济新闻。广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt

21、16(3)现在请准备提第三个问题。学生提问:学生提问:晨读有什么好处?电脑回答电脑回答:它能开阔我们的视野,给我们带来更多的知识。同样,我们也可以从晨读中了解最新消息。它也可以防止我们变得懒惰。如果我们早读,我们每天都需要早起,这对我们有好处。2、下面请你用英语回答、下面请你用英语回答5个问题。个问题。(1)现在请准备回答第一个问题。电脑提问:电脑提问:汤姆去哪里早读的?学生回答:学生回答:在操场。(2)现在请准备回答第二个问题。电脑提问:电脑提问:汤姆通常和谁一起早读?学生回答:学生回答:他的朋友。广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16(3)现在请准备回

22、答第三个问题。电脑提问:电脑提问:汤姆每天晨读多久?学生回答:学生回答:大概45分钟。(4)现在请准备回答第四个问题。电脑提问:电脑提问:汤姆的专业是什么?学生回答:学生回答:经济学。(5)现在请准备回答第五个问题。电脑提问:电脑提问:晨读能防止我们什么?学生回答:学生回答:它可以防止我们变得懒惰。广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16你将听到一段独白,独白播两遍。听完独白后,用你将听到一段独白,独白播两遍。听完独白后,用自己的话复述独白的内容。自己的话复述独白的内容。PART C:Retelling广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考

23、试模拟题 ppt16PART C准备时间:准备时间:15你将听到一段独白,独白播两遍。听完独白后,用自己的话复述独白的内容。梗概:梗概:由于买了一台有问题的电脑,Tom决定自己组装一台电脑,虽然很难,但他还是完成了电脑的组装。关键词:关键词:computer(电脑)problem(问题)return(退回)install(组装)difficulty(困难)广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16PART C正在播放录音,录音读两遍正在播放录音,录音读两遍:你将听到一段独白,独白播两遍。听完独白后,用自己的话复述独白的内容。梗概:梗概:由于买了一台有问题的电脑

24、,Tom决定自己组装一台电脑,虽然很难,但他还是完成了电脑的组装。关键词:关键词:computer(电脑)problem(问题)return(退回)install(组装)difficulty(困难)广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16PART C准备时间:准备时间:60你将听到一段独白,独白播两遍。听完独白后,用自己的话复述独白的内容。梗概:梗概:由于买了一台有问题的电脑,Tom决定自己组装一台电脑,虽然很难,但他还是完成了电脑的组装。关键词:关键词:computer(电脑)problem(问题)return(退回)install(组装)difficul

25、ty(困难)广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16PART C 正在录音正在录音 120广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16录音原文:录音原文:A New ComputerTom wanted to get a new computer.He and his father went to many stores.Finally they bought an HP computer.During the first week,he noticed that their computer had some problem

26、s.He phoned the HP Company to ask them how to solve his problem.The operator told him to wait until the next morning.After spending many hours trying to fix it,the computer still did not work.His dad returned the whole thing.A few days later,Tom decided that he should go on the Internet and order so

27、me parts to install a new computer by himself.广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16And his father also encouraged him to do this.At first he had some difficulties in installing it,but he didnt lose his heart.Finally he did it.After having these difficulties,he had learned a lot,and thought that if

28、the computer that he bought from the store didnt have problems,then he would not learn how to install this one.Even though he spent lots of time on it,he knew it wasnt a complete waste of time.He now had a self-installed computer,and he was very proud of himself.分析:分析:短文读两遍,关键信息需做好记录,有效利用两次录音提取有效信息的

29、内容。同学们在练习中,应培养简单速记有效信息的能力及灵活转述能力。广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16复述要点:复述要点:1.Tom wanted to get a new computer.2.He and his father bought an HP computer.3.During the first week,he noticed that their computer had some problems.4.He phoned the HP Company,but the operator told him to wait until th

30、e next morning.5.After spending many hours trying to fix it,the computer still did not work and his dad returned the whole thing.6.Tom decided to install a new computer by himself.广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt167.His father also encouraged him to do this.8.He had some difficulties in installi

31、ng it,but he finally did it.9.He had learned a lot and thought it wasnt a complete waste of time.10.He now had a self-installed computer,and he was very proud of himself.广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16参考译文:参考译文:一台新的电脑一台新的电脑汤姆想买一个新的电脑。他父亲和他去了很多商店,最后他们买了一台惠普电脑。在第一周,他注意到电脑出了一些问题。他打电话给惠普公司,问他们如何解

32、决问题。接线员叫他等到第二天早上。花了很多小时试图修复它后,电脑仍然没有修好。他爸爸把整个电脑都退了回去。几天后,汤姆决定在网上自己订购一些零件来组装一台新电脑。而他的父亲也鼓励他这样做。起初他在安装上有些困难,但他并没有灰心,最后他完成了任务。在经历了这些挫折后,他学到了很多东西,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16并认为如果他从商店买的电脑没有问题,那么他就不会学会如何组装这台电脑。尽管他在这上面花了很多时间,但他知道这并不是完全浪费时间。他现在有了一台自己组装的电脑,他为自己感到非常骄傲。广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模

33、拟题 ppt16参考答案:参考答案:Tom wanted to get a new computer.He and his father bought an HP computer.During the first week,he noticed that their computer had some problems.He phoned the HP Company to ask them how to solve his problem.After spending many hours trying to fix it,the computer still did not work.H

34、is dad returned the whole thing.Tom decided to install a new computer by himself.And his father also encouraged him to do this.At first he had some difficulties in installing it,but he didnt lose his heart.Finally he did it.After having these difficulties,he have learned a lot and thought it wasnt a complete waste of time.He now had a self-installed computer,and he was very proud of himself.广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 ppt16


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