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1、Reading Unit 4Behind beliefs模块九模块九Can you guess the meanings of the underlined words?1.A:Oh,my God!What happened?Why are you black and blue?B:I got beaten by Peters brother.A:Thats a bad apple!Lets think up a way and teach him a lesson.坏蛋坏蛋 a bad apple:2.A:Give the skates to me!B:You shut up!A:If yo

2、u dont know how to skate,why dont you give the skates to me?Dont be a dog in the manger.a dog in the manger:占着茅坑不拉屎占着茅坑不拉屎 3.A:Theres no point in losing temper on me.Its unfair!B:What did you do to him?A:If I did something bad,I wouldnt blame him for getting angry with me.The point is that I did not

3、hing wrong.B:Maybe he thought you reported him to the manager.no point:没理由没理由 4.A:I think it was Jason who stole my document.B:Fat chance!A:Hes the only one who left here late.B:I know him.Hell never do that sort of thing.Fat chance:微小的机会;极少的可能微小的机会;极少的可能 5.A:Wheres Annie?B:In the house.A:In the hou

4、se?Where is she?B:Search me,I dont know where she is now.Search me:(非正式非正式)不知道不知道 Fast reading Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A on Page 50.1.What is an idiom?An idiom is a group of words or an expression whose meaning often can no

5、t be understood by looking at the meanings of the separate words in it.2.What languages was the Bible first written in?In Hebrew.3.What idiom is often used to describe children?“Apple of their parents eye”.Detailed reading1.Read the passage a second time and complete Part C1.(1)Why does the Bible ha

6、ve a lot of idioms?Because the Bible was first written in Hebrew and then translated into Greek,and many idioms are used in both of them.Because the Bible was translated into English hundreds of years ago,many Hebrew or Greek idioms have become part of the English language.(2)What did by and by orig

7、inally mean in the Bible?Immediately.(4)What does see the handwriting on the wall mean?(3)What does feet of clay mean today?There is a hidden weakness in somebody whom we admire or respect.It means to see signs that disaster is coming.Calf.(5)What animal is used in an idiom in the article?(6)Which i

8、diom in the article is related to agriculture life?You reap what you sow.We can improve your comprehension and develop a high level of competence in communication skills.(8)How is studying idioms useful in language learning?(7)What food is included in an idioms in the article?Apple.2.Read the articl

9、e again and complete Part C2.(2)Sarahs mother adores her;Sarah is _.the apple of her grandmothers eye(3)Wilson was disappointed when he learnt that the coach had _.feet of clay(1)Debbies father always warn her to be nice to people around her,because _.you reap what you sow(5)When my brother came bac

10、k home from his trip to Europe,we _ for him.killed and fatted calf(6)After his company suffered millions of dollars in losses,Joe _ and left the company.saw the handwriting on the wall(4)She knew it might take a long time for her teammates to change their minds,but she believed that the new plan wou

11、ld work _.by and byKeys to Exercise D1.b 2.a 3.d 4.e5.h 6.c 7.g 8.fKeys to Exercise E1.Bible 2.agricultural 3.handwriting 4.fatted calf5.sow 6.straightforwardDo you know any other English idioms and their origins?What are they?Do you know the origins of any Chinese idioms?What are they?Do you think

12、understanding idioms is an important part of language learning?Why or why not?ConsolidationFill in the blanks with proper words according to the reading material.W:Hi.Id like to know something about idiom.Could you please tell me?M:With pleasure.An idiom is a group of words or an(1)e_ whose meaning

13、often cannot be understood by looking at the meanings of the(2)s_ words in it.Its meaning can be completely different from the meanings of its(3)c_.If you cant recognize when an idiom is being used,you can (4)m_ what you read or hear spoken.xpressioneparateomponentsisunderstand W:Then where do many

14、idioms come from?M:They mostly come from the Bible which was first written in Hebrew and then translated into Greek.However,many idioms have either lost their(5)o_ meanings or have only a vague or loose (6)c_ to Hebrew or Greek idioms.riginalonnection W:What meanings do Biblical idioms have?M:Biblic

15、al idioms originally had(7)s_ and clear meanings because they were often meant to(8)u_ the moral of a story and to give audiences an image to help them to understand the story better.And there are also many idioms from the Bible that use animals to create an image.Another focus of Biblical idioms is

16、 often food or things(9)r_ to food.traightforwardnderlineelatedW:Should we master as many Biblical idioms as possible?M:Of course.Idioms are an important part of language and are used in everything.Studying them can help improve you comprehension,and by learning enough important idioms,you can devel

17、op a high level of (10)c_ in your communication skills.ompetence Language points1.expression:noun Ca word or group of words used in a particular situation or by particular people:He uses a lot of unusual expressions.他用了许多不同寻常的他用了许多不同寻常的表达表达。noun C or U when you say what you think or show how you fee

18、l using words or actions:He wrote her a poem as an expression of his love.他给她写了一首诗作为他的爱的他给她写了一首诗作为他的爱的表达表达。She plays the violin with great expression(=feeling).她带着强烈的她带着强烈的感情感情拉小提琴。拉小提琴。C the look on someones face,showing what they feel or think:I could tell from her expression that something seriou

19、s had happened.我从她的我从她的表情表情可以判断发生了严重的事情。可以判断发生了严重的事情。express:verb T to show a feeling,opinion or fact:I would like to express my thanks for your kindness.我很想我很想表达表达对你好意的感激。对你好意的感激。express yourself to communicate what you think or feel,by speaking or writing,or in some other way:Im afraid Im not expr

20、essing myself very clearly.我恐怕我并不在清楚地我恐怕我并不在清楚地表达表达我的想法。我的想法。2.separate adjective existing or happening independently or in a different physical space:I try to keep meat separate from other food in the fridge.我尽力把肉和冰箱里的其它食物我尽力把肉和冰箱里的其它食物分隔开分隔开来。来。verb I or T to(cause to)divide into parts:The north a

21、nd south of the country are separated by a mountain range.这个国家的北部和南部被一座山脉这个国家的北部和南部被一座山脉分隔开来分隔开来。I or T to make people move apart or into different places,or to move apart:Somehow,in the rush to get out of the building,I got separated from my mother.不知怎么地不知怎么地,在匆忙出大楼的时候,我和在匆忙出大楼的时候,我和母亲母亲失散失散了。了。T t

22、o consider two people or things as different or not related:You cant separate morality from politics.你不能把道德和政治你不能把道德和政治分开分开。separately adverb Detectives interviewed the men separately over several days.在几天里侦探们在几天里侦探们分别分别接见了这些人。接见了这些人。separation noun U when two or more people or things are separated:

23、During the war many couples had to endure long periods of separation(=not being together).在战争期间在战争期间,许多夫妇不得不忍受长期许多夫妇不得不忍受长期的的分离分离。C or U an arrangement,often legal,by which two married people stop living together as husband and wife:Couples may agree to divorce each other after a separation.在在分居分居后,

24、夫妇可以同意离婚。后,夫妇可以同意离婚。not clearly expressed,known,described or decided:I do have a vague memory of meeting her many years ago.我确实有许多年前遇到过她的我确实有许多年前遇到过她的模糊的模糊的记忆。记忆。not clear in shape,or not clearly seen:3.vague:adjectiveThrough the mist I could just make out a vague figure.透过薄雾透过薄雾,我只能辨认出一个我只能辨认出一个模糊的

25、模糊的人影。人影。describes someone who is not able to think clearly,or who,sometimes as a way of hiding what they really think,does not express their opinions clearly:My aunt is incredibly vague-she can never remember where shes left things.我阿姨非常我阿姨非常糊涂糊涂,总是不记得把东西放在总是不记得把东西放在什么地方。什么地方。vaguely adverbI vaguel

26、y remembered having met her before.我我隐约隐约记得以前见过她。记得以前见过她。vagueness noun U4.connection:noun C or U when something joins or is joined to something else,or the part or process that enables this:Its no wonder your shaver isnt working.Theres a loose connection(=a connecting wire has become loose)in the p

27、lug.难怪你的电动剃须刀不管用呢,插头松了。难怪你的电动剃须刀不管用呢,插头松了。noun C The connection between smoking and heart disease is well known.抽烟和心脏病之间的抽烟和心脏病之间的关系关系人所共知。人所共知。connect(JOIN)verb I or T to join or be joined with sth.else:Can I connect my printer to your computer?我可以把打印机我可以把打印机连到连到你的电脑上吗你的电脑上吗?verb T to consider or s

28、how a person or thing to be related to someone or something else:Shes an actress I connect with the theatre rather than films.她是一个我把她和戏剧而不是和电影她是一个我把她和戏剧而不是和电影联系联系的演员。的演员。connected adjective Theyre not blood relations,-theyre only connected by marriage.他们没有血缘关系他们没有血缘关系-他们只是姻亲他们只是姻亲关系关系。5.straightforw

29、ard:adjective easy to understand or simple:This is a straightforward job.这是一份很这是一份很简单的简单的工作。工作。(of a person)honest and not tending to hide their opinions:He is straightforward and lets you know what hes thinking.他很他很坦率坦率,让你知道他的想法。让你知道他的想法。straightforwardly adverbHe explained quite straightforwardly

30、that there wasnt enough work for us all.他很他很直接地直接地解释说没有足够的工作给我们解释说没有足够的工作给我们所有的人。所有的人。6.underline:verb T(ALSO underscore)to draw a line under a word,especially in order to show its importance:All the technical words have been underlined in red.所有的技术词汇都用红颜色所有的技术词汇都用红颜色划出来划出来了。了。to emphasize:To underl

31、ine their disgust,the crowd started throwing bottles at the stage.为了为了突出突出他们的厌恶他们的厌恶,人群开始向舞台上人群开始向舞台上扔瓶子。扔瓶子。7.audience:group noun Cthe group of people gathered in one place to watch or listen to a play,film,someone speaking,etc.,or the(number of)people watching or listening to a particular televisi

32、on or radio programme,or reading a particular book:The audience was/were clearly delighted with the performance.观众们观众们很显然对这次的演出大为高兴。很显然对这次的演出大为高兴。8.waste:noun S or U an unnecessary or wrong use of money,substances,time,energy,abilities,etc:Shes been unemployed for two years and its such a waste of h

33、er talents.她失业两年了,这是她的才能的她失业两年了,这是她的才能的浪费浪费。waste ground/land:an area of ground in or near a city which is not built on,cultivated or used in any way:His body had been dumped in an area of waste land just outside the city.他的尸体被抛在城市外面的他的尸体被抛在城市外面的荒地荒地上。上。waste verb T to use too much of something or u

34、se something badly when there is a limited amount of it:Dont waste your money on me.别把钱别把钱浪费浪费在我身上。在我身上。prehension:noun U the ability to understand completely and be aware of a situation,facts,etc:The problem is above beyond my comprehension.这个问题超出我的这个问题超出我的理解力理解力。C or U UK a test to find out how we

35、ll students understand written or spoken language:a listening/reading comprehension听力阅读理解听力阅读理解petence:noun U (ALSO competency)the ability to do something well:Her competence as a teacher is unquestionable.她作为一个老师的她作为一个老师的能力能力是是毋庸置疑毋庸置疑的。的。NOTE:The opposite is petent adjectiveable to do something we

36、ll:I wouldnt say he was brilliant but he is competent at his job.我不会说他很优秀,但他在他的工作上我不会说他很优秀,但他在他的工作上有能力有能力。11.thorough:adjective complete,very great,very much:It was a thorough waste of time.这这完全完全是浪费时间。是浪费时间。detailed and careful:They did a thorough search of the area but found nothing.他们对这个地区进行了他们对这

37、个地区进行了仔细的仔细的搜寻,搜寻,但什么也没找到。但什么也没找到。thoroughly adverbI thoroughly enjoyed the performance.我我完全完全喜欢这场演出。喜欢这场演出。12.appreciate:verb T to recognize or understand that something is valuable,important or as described:We appreciate the need for immediate action.我们我们意识到意识到立即行动的必要性。立即行动的必要性。I/We appreciate.use

38、d when you are thanking someone or showing that you are grateful:I appreciate your making the effort to come.我感激我感激你的努力到来。你的努力到来。would appreciate:used when you are politely requesting sth.:I would appreciate it if you could let me know(=Please let me know)in advance whether or not you will be coming

39、.如果你能让我如果你能让我提前提前知道你是否会来知道你是否会来我我将感激不尽将感激不尽。Read the text again and again.Try to memorize the language points.Homework What is this animal?It was an Elephant!What is this animal?The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land.Some male elephants can grow to be thirteen feet tall.Thats more tha

40、n twice as tall as many human adults.Elephants can weigh as much as a school busbetween ten and fourteen thousand pounds!It was an Elephant!In the USA the elephant is the symbol of the party.Turn the page to find out which party!The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land.Some male elephan

41、ts can grow to be thirteen feet tall.Thats more than twice as tall as many human adults.Elephants can weigh as much as a school busbetween ten and fourteen thousand pounds!The traditional symbol for the Republican Party first appeared in a cartoon in the 7 November 1874 edition of Harpers Weekly by the artist Thomas Nast.Ans.The RepublicansIn the USA the elephant is the symbol of the party.Turn the page to find out which party!


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