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1、外研版高中英语必修二m2Module 2 No DrugsWords Study1.addictive adj.(药物等药物等)上瘾的上瘾的2.a powerfully addictive drug一种极其让人上一种极其让人上瘾的毒品瘾的毒品3.addict n.上瘾的人,瘾君子;上瘾的人,瘾君子;4.vt.使使上瘾、沉迷上瘾、沉迷5.a drug addict 瘾君子瘾君子6.be/get/become addicted to(介介词词)sth./doing sth.对对上瘾上瘾An _is a person who is _ to _ drugs.现在成千上万的孩子对玩电脑游戏上瘾。现在成

2、千上万的孩子对玩电脑游戏上瘾。addict addictedaddictiveNow thousands fo children are addicted to playing computer games.Once you are addicted to taking drugs,it is difficult to get rid of it._ drugs,he seldom calls on his parents.A.Addicting to B.Addicted to C.Addicted with B2.danger(u.n)危险;危险;(c.n)危险的人或事(用法危险的人或事(

3、用法类似于类似于success)adj.dangerousin danger处于危险中处于危险中 in danger of 处于处于危险中危险中 3.powerful adj.有力的;(药等)有功效的有力的;(药等)有功效的adv.powerfully n.power4.reduce v.减少减少rise/reduce/increase to上升上升/减少减少/增加到增加到by上升上升/减少减少/增加了增加了The number of tourists has been reduced by 20%.The population of this city increased by 5%last

4、 year.The library has increased the number of books to 20,000.5.connection n.联系,关系,关联联系,关系,关联 have connection with/have no connection with 与与有联系有联系/与与没有联系没有联系v.connect 连接、把连接、把联系起来;联系起来;(火车、汽车火车、汽车等等)衔接、联运衔接、联运This railway line connects Qinghai and Tibet.connect sb.with sth.把某人与某事联系起来把某人与某事联系起来常用被动常

5、用被动be(closely)connected with 一些疾病与吸烟有着紧密的联系。一些疾病与吸烟有着紧密的联系。Some diseases have connection with smoking.Some diseases are closely connected with smoking.Some diseases are related to smoking.Some diseases have something to do with smoking.健康与你的饮食有关系。健康与你的饮食有关系。Health is connected with your diet.警察发现他跟这

6、起案件有关。警察发现他跟这起案件有关。The police found that he had connection with the crime.The police found him connected with/related to the crime.-Why ask me to take that early bus?-Because that bus_the 9:30 train at Boston.A.joins to B.joins up B.C.unites with D.connects with DA terrible accident happened on the

7、highway_ Shanghai and Nanjing.A.connected B.connected with B.C.connecting D.connecting with C6.illegal adj.违法的违法的 adv.illegally-反义反义adj.legal7.likely adj.可能的可能的(1)sth./sb.be likely to do 很有可能很有可能I think it is likely to rain.He is/isnt likely to be late.毒品吸毒者更有可能陷入麻烦。毒品吸毒者更有可能陷入麻烦。Drug users are more

8、 likely to get into trouble.(2)It is likely that It is likely that it is going to rain.It is likely that drug users will get into trouble.注意区别:注意区别:It is possible for sb.to do sth.It is possible that possible 的主语一般不能用人。的主语一般不能用人。8.disagree with 不同意;不同意;(人对食物、气候等人对食物、气候等)不适应不适应9.ban vt.禁止;禁止;n.禁止,禁令禁

9、止,禁令the ban on.对对/关于关于的禁令的禁令ban sb.from doing sth.禁止某人干禁止某人干ban doing sth.禁止做禁止做.There is a ban on smoking in public places.有一个公共场所禁止吸烟的禁令。有一个公共场所禁止吸烟的禁令。He was banned from driving for three months.10.affect vt.影响;对影响;对.有坏的影响有坏的影响他们的观点不会影响到我。他们的观点不会影响到我。气候的变化可能会影响你的健康。气候的变化可能会影响你的健康。疾病开始影响她的视力。疾病开始影

10、响她的视力。Their opinions will not affect my decision.The change in climate may affect your health.The disease is beginning to affect her eyesight.effect n.影响(短期,立竿见影的影响)影响(短期,立竿见影的影响)have a good/bad/great effect onhave no/little effect onWith the governments aid,those_ by the earthquake have moved to th

11、e new settlements.A.affect B.affecting B.C.affected D.were affectedC._ by his father,he took up teaching.D.Affect B.Affecting E.C.Affected D.Being affectedCCKinds of drugspoppy 罂粟罂粟cannabis大麻大麻 冰毒冰毒 iceecstasy 摇头丸摇头丸海洛因海洛因 heroinCHINA is home to 785,000 drug users,70 per cent of whom are under 35.26

12、June2010 International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking“国际反对毒品吸食及非法买卖毒品日国际反对毒品吸食及非法买卖毒品日”AdamRouseLook through article 1 and article2 of P12 finish Ex2 of P12Article 1Article 2A Drug Addict and His StoryThe Dangers of Using CocaineEx4 of P13 Read parts16 and decide which article they b

13、elong to.article 1:article 2:2,3,5,61,4Key Points of the text:1.used to do 过去干过去干be/get used to doing 习惯于干习惯于干.2.continue to do/doing=go on doing 继续干继续干3.as a result of because of as a result of 4.offer vt.(主动主动)给予给予offer sb.sth.-offer sth.to sb.(用法类似于用法类似于give)They offered a better job to me.-They

14、offered me a better job.offer to do sth.主动提出要做主动提出要做He offered to help me.He offered to give me a lift.(让我搭车让我搭车)5.in more danger处于更大的危险中处于更大的危险中6.share sth.with sb.与某人分享与某人分享7.in terrible pain处于可怕的痛苦中处于可怕的痛苦中8.break into 强行闯入,破门强行闯入,破门/窗而入窗而入break out 爆发爆发break down 毁掉;(身体、精神等)垮掉;毁掉;(身体、精神等)垮掉;机器坏了

15、,车抛锚;(谈判等)破裂机器坏了,车抛锚;(谈判等)破裂break up 打碎,关系中断打碎,关系中断9.take drugs吸毒吸毒take ones advice 采纳某人的建议采纳某人的建议What is well-known is that more and more people are becoming addicted to smoking and drugs.Now its a big problem in our society.On one hand,using drugs is harmful to our health.There are many young peop

16、le using drugs.They may think of using drugs as cool and sexy,but as a matter of fact,smoking drugs does great harm to ones health and that will shorten ones life.Drugs can affect the users heart rate and blood pressure,so many people who use drugs often become weak.And if you take too many drugs yo

17、u can become very ill,or even die.Drugs can be smoked and injected.Users who inject the drug are also in more danger if they share needles with other users.Using drugs causes many diseases.For example,the cancer of the lungs,the cancer of the throat and some other kinds of cancers.As a result,many e

18、xperts and doctors suggest that everyone had better not begin to smoke if you dont.On the other hand,using drugs also causes many problems to drug users.Drug addicts always find it difficult to get work.They are always very weak.So employers dont want to employ people who take drugs.Drugs cost a lot

19、 of money.Many drug addicts cant afford the drugs they need.So they have to steal things from shops,and they even have to break into others houses to steal things for drugs.So using drugs causes anti-social behaviour.The police also can catch drug addicts and put them into prison.We should keep away

20、 from drugs.In a word,say no to drugs!Say No to drugs,say yes to life!Grammar(1)1.动词不定式表目的动词不定式表目的“为了,以便于为了,以便于”to,in order to,so as to(不能放句首不能放句首)否定否定not 加在加在to 前面前面(not to,in order not to,so as not to)She stopped smoking in order to to keep fit.so as toThe government put up the price of cigarettes

21、 in order to stop people from buying them.I go through my paper carefully so as not to make mistakes.Grammar 2状语从句在句中起状语的作用,状语从句状语从句在句中起状语的作用,状语从句按照用途可分为时间、地点、原因、条件按照用途可分为时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果等状语从句。、目的、结果等状语从句。区别区别(1)so+adj./adv.that Some people feel so nervous that they call the police.He spoke so fast

22、 that I couldnt follow him.(2)如果如果so或者或者such后面有名词的话:后面有名词的话:结果状语从句:结果状语从句:“如此如此以至于以至于.”so that./such thatso+形容词形容词+冠词冠词+名词名词 that 如果名词前有如果名词前有many,much,few,little(少少)来修饰,必须用来修饰,必须用sosuch+冠词冠词+形容词形容词+名词名词 thatsuch后可修饰不可数名词,也可以修饰可后可修饰不可数名词,也可以修饰可数名词的单数或者复数(除去数名词的单数或者复数(除去many,much,few,little 的情况)的情况)T

23、here are_ beautiful paintings that I want to buy all of them.It was _a dangerous drug that he nearly died.It was _ dangerous a drug that he nearly died.There is _ little water left that we must find more.suchsuchsosoThere are _ many people in the room that it is noisy._ little children eat _ much fo

24、od.It was _ nice weather that we went camping on the mountain.复习:复习:so that引导目的状语,引导目的状语,that 后后 面的句面的句子中常有子中常有can,could,be able to,would 这几个词作标志这几个词作标志 引导结果状语引导结果状语so that soSuchsosuchSpeak louder so that you can make yourself heard.He got up late so that he missed the busCultural CornerQuickly rea

25、d the short article and finish the following exercises:1.What is the purpose of this passage?2.What are the four Ds?3.What are other ideas to help people to give up smoking?4.Choose a time when you will be relaxed but also too busy to think about smoking.翻译:翻译:Answer1.Give readers some advice on giv

26、ing up smoking.2.Delay,distraction,drink water,deep breathing3.Make a plan,set a date,keep busy,develop new interests4.选个时间你会较放松,但是也是忙碌的选个时间你会较放松,但是也是忙碌的没法去想抽烟没法去想抽烟。Some key points:1.I totally agree with you.我完全同意你。我完全同意你。2.I couldnt agree more.我太同意了。我太同意了。3.Thats a good point.说得好,有道理,说说得好,有道理,说到点上

27、了。到点上了。4.You cant be serious.你不是认真的吧?你不是认真的吧?你开玩笑吧?你开玩笑吧?5.set a date 定一个日期定一个日期6.a couple of minutes几分钟几分钟a couple of 两个;几个两个;几个7.If you are alone,find someone to talk to.这里的这里的to talk to是动词不定式做后置定语是动词不定式做后置定语来修饰来修饰someone,不定式里的动词需要是及不定式里的动词需要是及物动词,物动词,如果是不及物动词的话,要搭配相应的介如果是不及物动词的话,要搭配相应的介词词I have nothing to worry about.They used to have no house to live in.8.give up smoking 戒烟戒烟give in 投降投降 give out vt.发出发出(光、热、气体等光、热、气体等);分;分 发发vi.被用完,被耗尽被用完,被耗尽give away 赠送,泄露赠送,泄露give off 发出发出(光、热、气体等光、热、气体等)9.make a plan 制定个计划制定个计划make a list of 列列的清单的清单10.develop new interests培养新兴趣培养新兴趣


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