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1、 SafetyUnit 3Be Careful,Danny!Lesson 13 课文课文呈现呈现知识知识讲解讲解Lesson 13 Be Careful,Danny!课课堂堂导导入入课课文文1 1课课堂堂小小结结课课后后作作业业课课堂堂练练习习词词汇汇听听写写 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!Talk about the pictures.THINK ABOUT ITHave you ever climbed onto a chair or a desk

2、to reach something?Was it safe?What should you do if you see someone fall?Danny,Jenny and Brian are decorating the art classroom.Danny:Look at this yellow star,Brian and Jenny!Isnt it beautiful?Im going to hang it from the ceiling over the desk.Brian:Let me get the ladder for you.Danny:I dont need a

3、 ladder.I think Im tall enough.(Danny cant reach the ceiling,so he climbs onto Mr.Jones chair.)Danny:Almost.Almost.Aaaaaaahhhh!(Danny falls.)Mr.Jones:What was that noise?!(He sees Danny lying on the floor.)Mr.Jones:Danny,are you all right?Are you hurt?Danny:Hmm.My tail hurts a little,but its not ser

4、ious.Brian:(He whispers.)Help!(They hear Brians cry for help,but his voice is very weak.)Mr.Jones:Brian?Where are you?Brian:Im under Danny!Danny:Oh no!(He jumps up.)Im really sorry!Are you OK,Brian?Brian:No,Im not OK.I tried to catch you,but you landed on top of me.My arm hurts.Jenny:Shall I call an

5、 ambulance?Brian:No,thats not necessary.I dont think my arm is broken.Mr.Jones:Jenny,please call Brians mother.Tell her we are taking Brian to the hospital.讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点1 1careful/kefl/adj.小心的;仔细的小心的;仔细的eg:John was careful not to say anything about this to her.约翰小心翼翼,没有向她提及任何有 关此事的事。careful是名词是

6、名词care的形容词形式,常用于的形容词形式,常用于be careful结构中。当结构中。当be careful单独使用时,意单独使用时,意为为“小心小心”,相当于,相当于look out或或take care。eg:Be careful!Theres a car coming here.小心!有一辆小汽车开过来了。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨考向一考向一考向二考向二【易错点易错点】careful常和介词常和介词of,about,with搭配搭配使用,意为使用,意为“当心;留意;仔细当心;留意;仔细”。eg:You must be careful of/about your pronunciati

7、on.你必须注意你的发音。Be careful with that vase.小心那个花瓶。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨考向三考向三【重点重点】be careful in doing sth.表示表示“做某做某事时要小心或仔细事时要小心或仔细”。eg:Be careful in crossing the road.过马路时要小心。be careful to do sth.表示“注意/小心/谨慎做某事”。eg:He is careful to read every sentence.他小心翼翼地读每一个句子。典例典例讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨【点拨点拨】be careful to do sth.注意做

8、某事。故选注意做某事。故选C。Please be careful _ this new word.Aspell BspellsCto spell DspellingC讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点2 2reach/rit/v.到达,伸手去够到达,伸手去够eg:The apple is too high,and I cant reach it.苹果太高了,我够不着它。拓展拓展联系(相当于contact);达成;实现魔法魔法记忆记忆讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨eg:I couldnt reach you last night.Your phone was out of service.昨晚,我联

9、系不上你,你的手机不在服务区。eg:We dont agree with them.We cant reach an agreement.我们不同意他们。我们不能达成一致。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点3 3Isnt it beautiful?难道它不漂亮吗?难道它不漂亮吗?本句为一般疑问句的否定式,常见结构为“be动词、助动词或情态动词否定式的缩写形式主语其他成分”。这种疑问句往往带有惊讶、赞叹、怀疑、责怪等语气。eg:Arent you students?难道你们不是学生吗?魔法魔法记忆记忆讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨此类疑问句的肯定回答用Yes,后跟肯定结构,但Yes意为“不”;否定回

10、答用No,后跟否定结构,但No意为“是的”。eg:Dont you want to go?难道你不想去吗?Yes,I do.不,我想去。/No,I dont.是的,我不想去。eg:You may hang your coat on the hook.你可以把你的外套挂在挂钩上。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点4 4hang/h/v.悬挂;垂下悬挂;垂下考向一考向一 hang的过去式和过去分词都为的过去式和过去分词都为hung。eg:She hung the sheets on the washing line.她把床单挂在晾衣绳上。不论主语是人还是物,不论主语是人还是物,hang都用主动形

11、式;当强调都用主动形式;当强调“正挂在正挂在”时,用现在进行时。时,用现在进行时。eg:My bag is hanging there.我的包挂在那里。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨考向二考向二【重点、易错点重点、易错点】典例典例【点拨点拨】句意:大厅前挂着彩旗。不论主语是人还是物,句意:大厅前挂着彩旗。不论主语是人还是物,hang都用主动形式,强调状态时,用现在进行时,所以选都用主动形式,强调状态时,用现在进行时,所以选D。Color flags are_ in front of the hall.AhangBhungChangedDhangingD讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点5 5eno

12、ugh/nf/adj.&adv.足够的足够的(地地),充分的充分的(地地)作形容词,修饰名词时,放在名词前、后都作形容词,修饰名词时,放在名词前、后都可以。可以。eg:I have enough money to buy the computer.我有足够的钱买电脑。考向一考向一魔法魔法记忆记忆讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨 作副词,修饰形容词、作副词,修饰形容词、副词时,放在副词时,放在形容词或副词后。而且常用于形容词或副词后。而且常用于“形容词形容词 enough for sb.to do”结构中,注意结构中,注意do 后后不接宾语。不接宾语。eg:The box is light enough

13、 for me to carry.箱子对我来说足够轻,可以搬动。考向二考向二【重点重点】讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨enough作名词,相当于作名词,相当于enough 后跟名词,把后后跟名词,把后面的名词省略。面的名词省略。eg:Would you like some more apples?你想再吃些苹果吗?No.I have enough.不。我吃够了。考向三考向三典例典例【点拨点拨】考查考查enough的用法。句意为:这部电影不够有趣。的用法。句意为:这部电影不够有趣。他看到一半就睡着了。首先,他看到一半就睡着了。首先,enough 修饰形容词时,放修饰形容词时,放在形容词后,先排除了在形

14、容词后,先排除了B和和D。其次,。其次,interesting一般修饰一般修饰物,物,interested一般修饰人,一般修饰人,movie是物,所以要用是物,所以要用interesting修饰。故选项修饰。故选项A正确。正确。This movie wasnt_.He fell asleep half way through it.(新疆阜康)Ainteresting enoughBenough interesting Cinterested enoughDenough interestedA讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点6 6see sb.doing sth.看

15、见某人正在做某事看见某人正在做某事eg:I saw him playing the piano.我看见他正在弹钢琴。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨魔法魔法记忆记忆see sb.do sth.看见某人做过某事,表示看见经常性的动作或者看见了事情的全过程I often see the cat climb the tree.我经常看见猫爬树。see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事,强调动作正在发生I saw the girl singing on the stage.我看见这个女孩正在台上唱歌。see sb.doing sth.与与see sb.do sth.的辨析的辨析考向考向【重点重点】

16、讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨拓展拓展 有此类用法的还有hear,watch,notice,feel,listen to,后接动词原形时,表示动作已经完成或经常发生;后接动词的ing形式时,表示动作正在进行。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点7 7Shall I/we动词原形其他?表示提建议动词原形其他?表示提建议或征求意见,意为或征求意见,意为“我我/我们我们好吗?好吗?”eg:Shall we go for a swim this afternoon?今天下午我们去游泳好吗?考向考向对于提建议的肯定回答常用对于提建议的肯定回答常用“Thats a good idea./Good idea.”;

17、否定回答常用;否定回答常用“Im afraid not.”。【点拨点拨】此题采用此题采用正确运用语境法正确运用语境法。问句是提建议的句子,。问句是提建议的句子,回答应选回答应选A,意为,意为“好主意。好主意。”。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨典例典例Shall we join in the Green World Summer Camp?_AGood idea.BYoure welcome.CNot at all.DNever mind.A1)Read the lesson and answer the questions.1What were Danny,Jenny and Brian doing

18、?2What did Danny climb onto?3Did Brian need an ambulance?4Who is Jenny going to call?They were decorating the art classroom.He climbed onto Mr.Jones chair.No,he didnt.Brians mother.Lets Do It!Lets Do It!What happened today in the art classroom?Beginning Danny was going to _ a star from the ceiling.H

19、e thought he was tall_ and didnt need a ladder.2)Read the lesson again and fill in the blanks.hang enoughLets Do It!Lets Do It!MiddleDanny fell down from the chair.Brian tried to _ Danny,but Danny _ on top of him.EndDannys tail hurt a little,but it was not _Brians _ hurt,too.serious arm catchlanded3

20、)Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.safehang serious necessary1There is a beautiful painting _ on the wall.2Its_to drink eight glasses of water every day.3The school is concerned about the _ of the children.4The damage caused by the thunderstorm is _hanging necessarysa

21、fetyseriousLets Do It!Lets Do It!4)Work in groups of five.One of you can be the narrator.The others can be Danny,Brian,Mr.Jones and Jenny.Roleplay the story.Lets Do It!Lets Do It!本节课主要学习了重点单词本节课主要学习了重点单词:careful,reach,hang,enough,和和 see sb.doing sth.等重等重要短语以及重要句型要短语以及重要句型Shall I/we do sth.?并让学并让学生更进

22、一步的了解活动中注意安全的表达用语。生更进一步的了解活动中注意安全的表达用语。一、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词一、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词1Jenny saw a handbag l on the ground on her way to school.2Mr.Li looks very s There is no smile on his face.3Look!The star is h on the ceiling.4Its n to put on more clothes when you go out.It is cold today.5Now people focus on th

23、e s of food.ying eriousanging ecessary来自来自点拨训练点拨训练 afety二、选择合适的单词或短语填空二、选择合适的单词或短语填空6I cant speak English well.I _(do well in/am weak in)spoken English.7This room is _(big enough/enough big)to hold three people.8(改编广安)She always listens to the teachers _.(careful/carefully)in class.9 Dont you get it

24、 by yourself?_(Yes/No),I do.10My brother is so happy that he_ (jumps up/jumps at)am weak in big enoughcarefully来自来自点拨训练点拨训练Yesjumps up 三、连词成句三、连词成句(注意词形变化注意词形变化)11can,get,cake,another,you,me,for _?12from,it,hung,ceiling,me,the _.13it,let,do,we,carefully _.14enough,to,have,be,I,carefully _.15reach,the,can,apple,you,the,tree,on _?Can you get another cake for me来自来自点拨训练点拨训练I hung it from the ceilingLet us do it carefullyI have to be careful enoughCan you reach the apple on the tree1.1.熟记本课时的词汇熟记本课时的词汇 2.2.完成本课时的课后作业完成本课时的课后作业课后作业课后作业


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