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1、Unit 3 知识点讲解1(P28)There are countless articles telling us how the Internet has made our lives more convenient.convenient adj.方便的;近便的 convenience n便利 (1)It is convenient for sb.to do sth 某人做是方便的 (2)at sbs convenience 在某人方便的时候 (3)for convenience 方便起见convenience n.We have provided seats for the conveni

2、ence of our customers.为为方便方便顾客,我们备有座位。顾客,我们备有座位。1)the quality of being useful,easy or suitable for sb 方便;适宜;便利方便;适宜;便利The house had all the mordern conveniences(=central heating,hot water,etc.)that were unusual at that time.这座房子拥有在当时并不常见的一切现代化这座房子拥有在当时并不常见的一切现代化设施设施。2)something that is useful and ca

3、n make things easier or quicker to do,or more comfortable 便利的事物便利的事物(或设施);方便的用具(或设施);方便的用具at sbs conveniencefor conveniencefor sbs convenienceconvenience foodconvenience store在方便时,在适宜的地点在方便时,在适宜的地点为方便起见为方便起见为某人方便为某人方便方便食品;便利食品方便食品;便利食品(常指通宵营业的常指通宵营业的)方便商方便商店,便民商店,便利商店店,便民商店,便利商店 针对练习 单句语法填空(1)If you

4、 are interested,please send an application email _ your earliest convenience(2)If it is _(convenience)for you,you should do more outdoor exercise,which can contribute to you keeping up a good state of mind.atconvenient2.We can get the most updated information from large databases.1)The files need up

5、dating.这些档案需要这些档案需要更新更新。2)Our records are regularly updated.我们的记录定期我们的记录定期更新更新。我们可以从大型数据库中获得最新信息。我们可以从大型数据库中获得最新信息。n.the most recent news or information about sth 最新消息;信息最新消息;信息The report provides a brief update on the progress of the project.这份报告对项目的最新进展做了简要汇报。这份报告对项目的最新进展做了简要汇报。updated是是形容词形容词,动词形

6、式为,动词形式为updateupdate v.to add the most recent information to sth 向向提供最新信息;给提供最新信息;给增加最新信息增加最新信息1.你能不能告诉我你能不能告诉我最新最新情况?情况?Can you _ me on whats been happening?2.内部通讯刊登了近期活动的内部通讯刊登了近期活动的最新最新情况。情况。The newsletter gives an _ on current activities.updateupdate2(P28)She realised that one of the greatest be

7、nefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people.benefit n益处 vt.使受益 vi.得益于 beneficial adj.有利的;有益的(1)benefit sb 对某人有益 =be beneficial to sb =be of benefit to sb (2)benefit from/by 从受益 (3)for the benefit of 为了的利益 针对练习 单句语法填空(1)I can say it is _ great bene

8、fit to share your feelings with someone you trust,which is also beneficial _ your mental health.(2)As a matter of fact,music education is important for all the us and we can benefit a lot _ it.(3)China has been reforming public hospitals _ the benefit of all people.oftofrom/byfor3.(P28)She was so in

9、spired by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.inspire vt.鼓舞;激励;启发思考 inspired adj.受鼓舞的 inspiring adj.启发灵感的;令人鼓舞的 inspiration n激励;灵感;鼓舞(1)inspire sb.to do sth.激励某人做某事(2)inspire sb.with sth.激发某人的某种感情inspiration n.He

10、had a sudden flash of inspiration.他突然他突然灵感灵感闪现。闪现。1)a good idea about what you should do,write,say etc.,especially one which you get suddenly 灵感灵感He was the inspiration for Wordsworths poem The Old Huntsman.他是华兹华斯的诗老猎人的他是华兹华斯的诗老猎人的原型原型。2)sb or sth that is the reason why sb creates or does sth 启发灵感的人

11、启发灵感的人(或事物或事物);使人产生动机的人使人产生动机的人(或事物或事物)Her charity work is an inspiration to us all.她的慈善工作她的慈善工作激励着激励着我们大家。我们大家。3)sb or sth that makes you want to be better,more successful,etc.鼓舞人心的人鼓舞人心的人(或事物或事物)针对练习 单句语法填空(1)Believe it or not,the good news inspired us_ hope.(2)All of the students in our school we

12、re_ by the _ speech given by Professor Li in Tsinghua University last week.(inspire)withinspiredinspiring4(P28)She believes that it is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access to the Internet and knows how to use new technology.access n通道;(使用、查阅、接近或面见的)机会

13、vt.进入;使用;获取 accessible adj.可接近的(1)have/get access to(介词)接近、进入、使用(2)sth.be accessible to sb.某物可为某人所用 针对练习 单句语法填空(1)In other words,he had no access _ many things,such as playing basketball and football.(2)Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz,make the music more _(access),and preserve its history

14、 and culture.toaccessible5(P28)At age 50,she found herself out of work and stuck at home with only her computer to keep her company.keep pany 陪伴某人完成句子:完成句子:While your parents are away,Ill stay here and _(陪着你陪着你)keep you company6(P28)Now that he works and can take care of himself,his daughter has tim

15、e to study at university.now that 既然;由于 =since完成句子:完成句子:_ 既然你得到了一个机会既然你得到了一个机会),youd better make full use of it.Now that(since)you get a chance7.“When you go through tough times,you meet others who are facing similar challenges,”go throughHes going through a divorce at the moment.他正在他正在经受经受离婚的痛苦。离婚的

16、痛苦。“当你当你身处身处逆境时,你会遇到面临相似挑战的逆境时,你会遇到面临相似挑战的人。人。”1)to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation,feeling etc 经受;经受;经历(困境、痛苦)经历(困境、痛苦)2)to experience a particular process 经过;经历(某经过;经历(某 一过程)一过程)Caterpillars(蛾的幼虫蛾的幼虫)go through several stages of growth.蛾的幼虫要蛾的幼虫要经历经历好几个生长阶段。好几个生长阶段。go through3)to re

17、ad or discuss something in order to make sure it is correct 阅读;讨论阅读;讨论I always start the day by going through the email.我每天总是先我每天总是先看看邮件。邮件。1.1.他在他在经历经历一段非常艰难的时期。一段非常艰难的时期。He is going through a very difficult time.2.我们稍后再我们稍后再讨论讨论细节。细节。Well go through the details later on.针对练习 写出下列句中go through的含义(1)

18、The plan went through,which made us all happy._(2)This year we have gone through too many natural disasters,such as earthquakes,floods and mudslides._(3)I always start the day by going through my mail._(4)As you go through this book,you will find that each of the millions of people who lived through

19、 World War had a different experience._通过通过经历经历查阅查阅浏览浏览通过、经历通过、经历=get through查阅、浏览查阅、浏览=look through8.(P31)Xiao Bo is looking for a(n)_ app to help him get in shape.(be)in shape 状态良好 反义:out of shape get/stay in shape保持良好身材 表示“状态良好”的短语还有:in good condition,in good health,in a good state 9(P31)Both of

20、Xiao Bos apps keep track of the steps he takes.keep track of 掌握的最新消息;了解的动态 反义:lose track of完成句子完成句子(3)I find it _(现在很难了解老朋友现在很难了解老朋友的情况的情况)difficult to keep track of my old friends now10.(P32)Like a troll,a cyberbully will also write something mean but it is usually directed at particular people.par

21、ticular adj.特定的;特别的;讲究的 in particular=particularly 尤其,特别完成句子:完成句子:_(她尤其喜欢这首歌她尤其喜欢这首歌),because her mother used to sing it.She loves the song in particular 11(P33)Use a website you are familiar with.(sb)be familiar with 某人熟悉 比较:be familiar to sb 被某人熟悉一句多译一句多译我的祖父在农村长大,因此他熟悉所有的庄稼。我的祖父在农村长大,因此他熟悉所有的庄稼。(

22、1)My grandfather grew up in the countryside,so he _ all the crops.(2)My grandfather grew up in the countryside,so all the crops _.is familiar withare familiar to him 12(P32)A photo of her had been posted online and she was being made fun of.make fun of 取笑;戏弄具有类似含义的短语还有:具有类似含义的短语还有:laugh at sb.嘲笑某人嘲笑

23、某人 play a joke/jokes on sb.开某人的玩笑开某人的玩笑13(P33)Tell the reader what they should do or keep in mind.keep()in mind 牢记 =bear in mind 比较:learn sth by heart 完成句子完成句子 You must _it _ _(记住记住)that you shouldnt look down upon anyone whatever they wear.keep in mind6.For the past few years,Wuzhen has hosted the

24、World Internet Conference(WIC),which makes life in this ancient town much more convenient than it has been.conference n.She is attending a three-day conference on Aids education.她正在出席一个为期三天的有关艾滋病教育她正在出席一个为期三天的有关艾滋病教育的的会议会议。在过去的几年里,乌镇主办了世界互联网在过去的几年里,乌镇主办了世界互联网大会大会(WIC),这使得这个古镇的生活比以前方便多了。,这使得这个古镇的生活比以

25、前方便多了。1)a larger formal meeting where a lot of people discuss important matters such as business,politics or science,especially for several days (大型、正式的会议)大型、正式的会议)conferenceAfter a brief conference with his aides,he left for the airport.他和助手进行简短的他和助手进行简短的商谈商谈后,就动身去机场。后,就动身去机场。2)a private meeting fo

26、r a few people to have formal discussions (几个人的)商谈;讨论;会谈几个人的)商谈;讨论;会谈1.1.来自一百多个国家的代表出席了在日内瓦举来自一百多个国家的代表出席了在日内瓦举 行的行的国际和平大会国际和平大会。Representatives from over 100 countries attended the _ in Geneva.2.2.他和律师他和律师商讨商讨了一天。了一天。He was in _ with his lawyers all day.International Peace Conferenceconference1.某人做

27、是方便的2.对某人有益3.从受益4.激励某人做某事5.接近、进入、使用6.陪伴某人7.既然;由于 8.经历;度过;通读9.状态良好10.了解的动态11.尤其,特别12.某人熟悉13.取笑;戏弄14.牢记conclusionconclusion1.It is convenient for sb.to do sth2.benefit sb 对某人有益对某人有益 =be beneficial to sb =be of benefit to sb3.benefit from/by4.inspire sb.to do sth.5.have/get access to6.keep pany 7.now that/since 8.go through 9.in shape 10.keep track of 11.in particular 12.(sb)be familiar with 13.make fun of/laugh at/play jokes on 14.keep/bear()in mind


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