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1、闽教版小学英语三年级上册U n i t 3 N u m b e r s P a r t Aeggfishgirlboyheneggshense g g f i s h g i r l b o y h e n e g g s h e n s闽教版小学英语三年级上册U n i t 3 N u m b e r s P a r t A游戏规则:课件出示一系列图片,让学生按照教师的要求快速找出相应的图片。找对的那个学生所在的小组得分。如当教师喊:“One,one.Show me the one.”学生根据图片找出数量唯一的图片并回答:“One,one,one,one fish.”当教师喊:“Two,tw

2、o.Show me the two.”学生根据图片找出数量为二的图片并回答:“Two,two,two,two dogs.”以此类推,比比哪一组回答最多正确。游戏规则:课件出示一系列图片,让学生按照教师的要求快速找出相1one1 o n eone bananaone cato n e b a n a n a o n e c a tOne,one.Show me the one.One,one,one,one fish.O n e,o n e.S h o w m e t h e o n e.O n e,2two2 t w otwo eggs two apples t w o e g g s t w

3、 o a p p l e s Two,two.Show me the twoTwo,two,two,two dogs.T w o,t w o.S h o w m e t h e t w o T w o,3three3 t h r e eThree,three.Show me the three.Three,three,three,three apples.T h r e e,t h r e e.S h o w m e t h e t h r e4four4 f o u rFour,four.Show me the four.Four,four,four,four hens.F o u r,f

4、o u r.S h o w m e t h e f o u r.F5five5 f i v eFive,five.Show me the five.Five,five,five,five bananas.F i v e,f i v e.S h o w m e t h e f i v e.FLets chant.?One two three four.Four three two one.One two one.One two one.Lets run.Lets run.L e t s c h a n t.?O n e t w o t h r e6six6 s i xSix,six.Show m

5、e the six.Six,six,six,six cats.S i x,s i x.S h o w m e t h e s i x.S i x,7seven7 s e v e nSeven,seven.Show me the seven.Seven,seven,seven,seven dogs.S e v e n,s e v e n.S h o w m e t h e s e v e8eight8 e i g h tEight,eight.Show me the eight.Eight,eight,eight,eight hens.E i g h t,e i g h t.S h o w m

6、e t h e e i g h9nine9 n i n eNine,nine.Show me the nine.Nine,nine,nine,nine apples.N i n e,n i n e.S h o w m e t h e n i n e.N10ten1 0 t e nTen,ten.Show me the ten.Ten,ten,ten,ten eggs.T e n,t e n.S h o w m e t h e t e n.T e n,闽教版小学英语三年级上册U n i t 3 N u m b e r s P a r t A闽教版小学英语三年级上册U n i t 3 N u m

7、b e r s P a r t AI is for ice cream,I,I,I.J is for jacket,J,J,J.I i s f o r i c e c r e a m,I,I,I.J b d E F I J G EA I G Jb d E F I J G E A I Summary1.Letters:Ii,Jj.2.Words:ice cream,jacket;3.Numbers:One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten.S u m m a r y 1.L e t t e r s:I i,J j.2.Wo rTry to say the numbers in English.我们要试着用英语说身边的数字。T r y t o s a y t h e n u m b e r s i n E n g1.听音熟读课文听音熟读课文 5遍,签字。遍,签字。2.完成本课活动完成本课活动手册。手册。1.听音熟读课文5 遍,签字。2.完成本课活动手册。闽教版小学英语三年级上册U n i t 3 N u m b e r s P a r t A


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