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1、标准化英语测试命题技术标准化英语测试命题技术 I.英语测试的目的英语测试的目的1.评价Evaluation/Assessment:教育评价-条件、过程、效果1)学生:促进学习 检查与强化已有的知识与技能 发现学习之不足,采取针对性措施 激发与提高对英语学习的兴趣2)教师:促进教学 了解学生的学习情况、需求、能力 发现学生学习中的问题,提供有效帮助 发现教学中的问题并寻找解决方法;改变个人风格 分析学生需求,为学生的终身学习与终身发展创造条件3)教学大纲:评价教学大纲的有效性 完善教学计划、教材及相关资料 综合评价体系综合评价体系-终结性评价与形成性评价终结性评价与形成性评价 2.选拔(Sele

2、ction):挑选英语水平符合要求的人或者英语方面 最可能取得成功的人-学校招考、单位选拔、竞赛选拔 II.英语测试的类型英语测试的类型1.按答题与评分方式按答题与评分方式 Answering,marking and grading 客观测试与主 观测试 Objective and subjective tests 优点与缺点(见后)2.按参照系按参照系frame of reference-常模参照测试与标准参照测试Norm-referenced tests and criterion-referenced tests3.按测试目的按测试目的 1)学能测试Aptitude Tests-预测学生

3、未来的业务能力,检查学生是否具备语言知识与能力,从事课程的学习2)分级测试Placement Tests-衡量学生水平并依此分班如,CET Band 4/6,TEM Grade 4/83)学业成绩测试Achievement Tests-考核学生在一 定阶段内的学习成果(end-of-instruction test/summative test)4)水平测试Proficiency Tests-测量掌握英语的一 般水平,与特定的任务相联系,回顾展望性测试 TOEFL,WSK5)诊断测试Diagnostic Tests-监测教学的测试,用于摸底,发现学生学习的困难和弱点,并据此调整教学6)进步测试

4、Progress Tests-单元测试unit tests,检查学习的进展,了解是否掌握课堂上讲授过的内容4.按测试内容的安排按测试内容的安排 离散考点测试Discrete-point test:听、说、读、写;语音、语法、词汇技能分项或专项测试 综合性测试Integrative test:测量综合运用语言的能力 短文、对话、完型填空、作文、听写、改错5.5.命题、组织、管理、评分命题、组织、管理、评分 标准化测试Standardized test:命题、答案、施测、评 分、计分、分数解释等 ACT,SAT,TOEFL,GRE IELTS,CET,TEM ;权威性、稳定性、社会性、广 泛性、科

5、学性、常模性、系统性 非标准化测试Non-standardized test 标准化测试标准化测试VSVS客观测试客观测试 III.主客观测试的比较主客观测试的比较1.对相关内容的考试方法、使用的问题及评分方法2.主观测试考查学生在实际生活中的交际能力及对现 实问题的得体反应 3.客观测试考查学生语法、词汇等方面的知识及对与 之相关问题答案的判断与选择4.主观测试的优点1)覆盖的学习层次广,参试者有比较广阔的表达空间2)考查的深度深,有利于进行综合性考查3)能体现学生真实水平4)防舞弊能力强5)能提供生动、详细的反馈信息,有利于教学研究5.主观测试的缺点1)评分误差大2)人力、物力、时间消耗多

6、6.客观测试的优点1)评分客观,避免宽严不一致2)评分信度(Scoring reliability)高3)容易扩大覆盖面,增加题量,每题针对某方面,扩 大考点4)容易实现计算机上做题5)节省人力、物力和时间6)便于采集数据(optical character reader,OCR)7.客观测试的缺点1)测试的学习层次窄、深度浅2)容易助长胡乱猜测3)防作弊能力差 IV.常模参照测试与标准参照测试常模参照测试与标准参照测试 取决于不同的评分参照系 标准参照测试标准参照测试:按照统一的标准衡量某一参试者是否具有完成某一任务的能力及其胜任的程度,并将其归类“宁缺毋滥”常模参照测试常模参照测试:将某一

7、参试者的考试成绩与其它参试者的成绩相对比较,得出其在考试中的地位水涨船高,水落船低“矬子里面拔将军.”V.试题编制的基本原则试题编制的基本原则 科学性原则 准确性原则公平性原则规范性原则 VI.测试的标准测试的标准1.效度效度(Validity)ValidityWhat the test claims to measure and how well it does so.The validity is the extent to which it measures what is supposed to measure and nothing else.J.B.Heaton 1)卷面效度Fac

8、e validity 2)内容效度Content validity 3)构卷/结构效度Construct validity 4)经验效度Empirical validity (Statistical/Criterion-related Validity)a.同期/共时效度Concurrent validity b.预测效度Predictive validity 影响效度的因素影响效度的因素1.目标任务不明确2.内容没有很好划定3.题项的比例不恰当4.题量不当,偏多或偏少5.有错误或不规范,有语言或内容错误6.前后互相有暗示7.指导语表述不清,或太难 如何保证效度如何保证效度1.注意测试目的与效

9、果、内容与试题以及难度与应试 者水平的一致性2.注意测试内容的普遍性,不应要求应试者某一方面 的专门知识,对一部分应试者有利而对另一部分应 试者不利3.不生搬硬套某一国家或地区的试题,而应适当修改,避免参试者不理解或有不同理解内容4.命题前应认真了解测验对象,把握住他们必须掌握的 知识,仔细排列出他们学习中的问题,增强试题的针 对性5.认真仔细编写测试双向细目表,并据此编制测试题目6.将出好的试题试用于与测试对象水平相当并已经掌握 了这些内容的人,据其结果进行必要增删,使之完善 2.信度 Reliability 一致性Consistency 与稳定性Stability (1)再测信度Test/

10、retest reliability (2)评分者信度Mark/remark reliability (3)平行卷信度Parallel form reliability (4)内部一致性信度Internal consistency reliability提高信度的方法 (1)增加或保证试卷的合理长度 (2)保持同质性(Homogeneity)-力求测试目标、内容、题型、题量、指导语、试卷编排方式、时间安排、施测方式、评分方法、评分标准的一致性 (3)保持相同的难(/易)度 (4)排除外部干扰创设舒适的环境 (5)完善评分方法,增强评分的客观性和精确性3.可行性可行性Practicality/f

11、easibility 三个阶段:准备 Preparation,施测 Implementation 评分 Grading 4.真实性真实性 Authenticity 语言的真实性 任务的真实性 5.区分度区分度Discrimination/Discriminating power)1)难度值Facility value/难度指/系数Index of difficulty-与难度成反比inversely proportional to the level of difficulty 0.7的试题必须加以 修改方可使用。2)区分指数Discrimination Index 区分度在+1与-1之间。值

12、越高,区分力越强。比较 理想的是在0.4-1之间。如果区分度为负数,说明该 题好学生做错了,差学生反而做对了,这样的题目 是废题。VII.多项选择题多项选择题Multiple-choice Items1.优点Merits:1)评分省人、省时、省费用 2)评分信度高 3)题型多样,适用范围广2.缺点Defects:1)命题困难,费时费事 2)学生接触错误的选项太多,对教学有负面影响 3)使学生养成胡乱猜测的习惯3.命制多项选择题的要求:1)每题答案必须唯一 2)每题仅考查一个语言项目 3)每个选项带入题干必须语法上正确 4)简洁明了 多项选择题的结构多项选择题的结构题项题项Section Sta

13、y here until Mr Short _ you to come.=题干stem题目题目 A.told 干 options Item B.will tell =扰distracters/distractions 选 choices C.is telling 项 项 alternatives D.tells=答案 key/answer/correct option responsesGeneral principles to be observed when multiple-choice items are constructed1)have only one answer2)test

14、only one feature3)each option grammatically correct4)appropriate to the proficiency level of the testees5)be as brief and as clear as possible6)arranged in rough order of increasing difficulty 题干题干 The stem 四项原则四项原则Four principles:1.清晰简明呈现问题present the problem clearly and concisely;2.可采用的形式:a.不完整句,b

15、.完整句,c.问句,d.语篇,e.对话 等 3.每个选项都包含的共同部分应包含在题干中 The word“astronauts”is used in the passage to refer to_.A.travellers in an ocean liner B.travellers in a space-ship C.travellers in a submarine D.travellers in a balloon 4.容许所确定选项的数量 Tom was _the other two boys.A.taller than B.smaller than C.as tall as 题干题

16、干 The stem 四项原则四项原则Four principles:1.清晰简明呈现问题present the problem clearly and concisely;2.可采用的形式:a.不完整句,b.完整句,c.问句,d.语篇,e.对话 等 3.每个选项都包含的共同部分应包含在题干中 The word“astronauts”is used in the passage to refer to_.A.travellers in an ocean liner B.travellers in a space-ship C.travellers in a submarine D.travel

17、lers in a balloon 4.容许所确定选项的数量 Tom was _the other two boys.A.taller than B.smaller than C.as tall as 选项选项 The Options/Choices 四种排列方法四种排列方法 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx 正确答案正确答案The correct option/key/answer 四项原则Four fundame

18、ntals 1.每题只有一个正确答案 We have already completed the first part of the research.A.finished B.studiedC.readD.concluded 2.正确答案的长度应和其它选项大致等长,避免最 或最短的倾向 What made Rachel White really unhappy was the fact that _.A.she knew her creation was to be pulled down B.she got the prize C.she was ridiculed D.she was r

19、obbed The autobiography is described as an insiders book because it requires a knowledge of _.A.his unique insights into British industry and agriculture B.the development of British broadcasting and television C.what was really happening in that period of time D.his personal experience From the pas

20、sage we learn that the original March on Washington _.A.reflected previous demonstrations B.was also attended by white people C.highlighted the hypocrisy of Americas democratic system D.was made up of one particular segment of black society 3.正确答案的位置应当随机分布,不能形成固定的 格式 The train is supposed to arrive

21、at _.A.7:15 a.m.B.10:25 a.m.C.2:00 p.m.D.4:30 p.m.The Authors intention is to _.A.describe the variety of flights available B.explain the difference between certain airlines C.illustrate the role of the travel agent D.recommend one particular type of flight 4.A,B,C,D 作为正确答案的总数应基本相等 From the passage

22、we learn that the original March on Washington _.A.reflected previous demonstrations B.was also attended by white people C.highlighted the hypocrisy of Americas democratic system D.was made up of one particular segment of black society 3.正确答案的位置应当随机分布,不能形成固定的 格式 The train is supposed to arrive at _.

23、A.7:15 a.m.B.10:25 a.m.C.2:00 p.m.D.4:30 p.m.The Authors intention is to _.A.describe the variety of flights available B.explain the difference between certain airlines C.illustrate the role of the travel agent D.recommend one particular type of flight 4.A,B,C,D 作为正确答案的总数应基本相等 编写多项选择题常见得错误编写多项选择题常见得

24、错误1.干扰项的干扰力太弱 The horse is _ farm animal.A.a B.an C.the D.不填2.答案不唯一 Who _ you cycle here to see us?A.ordered B.caused C.made D.let The person you like best is _.A.Jack B.Mr Booth C.the landlady D.the taxi driver3.选项内有暗示 -Do you know what the film is about?-Oh,sorry.I _ it yet.A.Hadnt seen B.didnt se

25、e C.have not seen D.wont see4.干扰项与题干语法上不协调 The purpose of the survey was to _ the inspectors with local conditions.A.inferring B.instructed C.notify D.acquaint5.干扰项与正确答案相对,为应试者提供帮助 The king consulted the astrologer because _.A.he did not know if the lady loved him B.he did not know if the lady hated

26、 him C.the lady was beautiful D.the astrologer was clever6.荒谬干扰项 Picard first travelled to space _.A.in a space-ship B.in a large balloon C.in a submarine D.in a UFO 7.结构有问题结构有问题 题干太短题干太短,选项太长选项太长 In 1906 San Francisco was _.A.shaken by a terrible earthquake and a large number of buildings were burn

27、t B.attacked by a big flood and thousands of houses were destroyed C.burnt by a forest fire and about 700 people were killed 可改为可改为 In 1906 San Francisco had a _,and a large number of buildings were destroyed.A.a terrible earthquake B.a big flood C.a forest fire 8.前后试题互相提供信息前后试题互相提供信息 A great part o

28、f the city of San Francisco was destroyed in an earthquake which happened at 5:13 on the morning of April 18 _.A.1900 B.1906 C.1916 D.1928 Different from the first big earthquake,the 1989 earthquake happened _.A.in the center of San Francisco B.early in the morning C.when people hurrying home D.a mi

29、le away from the city 衡量多项选择题质量的若干问题衡量多项选择题质量的若干问题In the book“A Guide to Criterion-referenced Test Construction”published in 1984,R.A.Berk says,“We can judge/test the quality of multiple choice questions by asking the following 16 questions:”1.Are the questions closely connected with the target of t

30、eaching?试题内容是否与教学目标紧密相连?2.Is there anything irrelevant?试题中是否有无关的内容?3.Can the test-taker understand the stem and the choices?考生能够看懂题干和选择项?4.Is the stem testing only one aspect of language?题干是否只考查一个问题?5.Is the stem ambiguous?题干有无歧义?6.Are all the negative forms(No/Not)underlined in order to give some h

31、ints?所有否定式是否已划底线以示提醒?7.Are all the punctuations and grammar points standardized?题干和选择项标点和语法是否标准?8.Is there only one or best answer to the question?每题是否仅有一个正确或最佳答案?9.Is there any hint to the correct answer to question in the examination paper?整个试卷任何地方对正确答案是否有提示?10.Are all the pictures or diagrams or

32、tables,if any,clearly and correctly printed?使用图表时,印刷地是否清晰正确?11.Can the student answer the questions directly with common knowledge?考生是否能直接用常识回答问题?12.Are the words such as always,many,none,never,all,sometimes,usually,generally,typically use cautiously?Always,many,none,never,all,sometimes,usually,gene

33、rally,typically这些词的使用是否谨慎?13.Are the repeated words and phrases in the options deleted?选项中重复出现的词和短语是否清除了?14.Are all the options mistakable for the genuine?选择项是否具有似真性?15.Are the options of each question identical in length?选择项的长度是否一致?16.Are the meanings of the correct answer and the distractions equa

34、lly clear?正确答案是否与干扰项同样意义清楚?VIII.完形填空完形填空the Cloze technique/procedure起源于19世纪的格式塔心理学(Gestalt psychology)20世纪50年代,Wilson Taylor设计了新的方法依据英文的closure 这个词编造出了cloze。完形填空实为阅读理解完形填空的编制完形填空的编制1.CLOZE 短文的选择应适合文体和难度的需求2.短文的第1(、2)句不要挖空,保留原样,(lead-in)获取 信息,形成完整的概念 3.每隔8-10个词挖去一个词,供参试者选择填空4.最后一句作为lead-out,不挖空,保留完整


36、虑,而不能一味地考查语法形式或句子结构。选项的设置选项的设置1.答案应没有争议性。2.正确选项与干扰项词性与形式要相同。3.干扰项本身填入所设的空中能使句子语法上正确。4.干扰项对正确答案要有干扰作用。My mother said she was proud of me,and when she 54 that I work at the snack bar again next year,I did not even shrug.54.A.thought B.stated C.announced D.suggestedAll you need is a webcam and your pre

37、tty face to access your PC.No more 24 ,confusing passwords to remember or change every few months.24.A.simple B.complicated C.special D.useful Back in my country,when I was a child,I used to go to“market day”with my mother.One day each week,farmers used to 1 their fruit and vegetables into the town.

38、They 2 one street to all cars,and the farmers set up tables for their 3 .This outdoor market was a great place to 4 .Everything was fresher(新鲜的)than produce in grocery stores because the farmers brought it in immediately after the 5 .My mother and I always got there early in the morning to get the 6

39、 produce.The outdoor market was a wonderful 7 for a small child like me.It was like a festivalfull of 8 and sounds.There were red tomatoes,yellow lemons,green lettuce,peppers,grapes,onions.The farmers did their own 9 .Every one of them was shouting loudly for 10 to buy their produce.“Come and buy my

40、 beautiful oranges!Theyre juicy and delicious and full of vitamins to 11 your children healthy and strong!”Everyone used to 12 with the farmers over the 13 of their produce.It was like a wonderful 14 in a theater;the buyers and sellers were the“actors”in this drama.My mother was a(n)15 at this.First

41、,she picked the freshest,most attractive tomatoes,for example.Then she asked the price.The seller told her.“What?”she said.She looked very surprised.“So 16?”The seller looked terribly 17 .“My dear lady!”he replied.“I am a poor,18 farmer.These are the cheapest tomatoes on the market!”They always argu

42、ed for several minutes before 19 on a price.My mother took her tomatoes and left.Both buyer and seller were 20 .the drama was over.1 A.grow B.introduceC.moveD.bring 2.A.closed B.gave C.chose D.interrupted 3.A.fruit B.Food C.produce D.vegetables 4.A.buy B.shop C.play D.sell 5.A.rest B.breakfast C.har

43、vest D.preparation 6.A.freshest B.cheapest C.healthiest D.nicest 7.A.travel B.Adventure C.Business D.change 8.A.happiness B.joys C.flowers D.colors 9.A.advertising B.inventing C.farming D.searching10.A.strangers B.Neighbors C.customers D.housewives11.A.have B.make C.prepare D.weigh12.A.discuss B.tal

44、k C.argue D.speak13.A.value B.price C.quality D.money14.A.drama B.show C.film D.performance15.A.performer B.expert C.watcher D.explorer16.A.expensive B.cheap C.valuable D.low17.A.injured B.hurt C.excited D.scared18.A.brave B.smart C.honest D.sincere19.A.considering B.agreeing C.trading D.determining

45、20.A.disappointed B.interested C.united D.pleased阅读理解试题的命制技术阅读理解试题的命制技术1考查的内容要均衡,对各种阅读能力的测试要全面。2 阅读理解考查的重点是学生获取和处理信息的能力。3要注意试题的科学性和答案的唯一性。4要注意题目和阅读材料的关联性。5阅读材料难度、长度要适当。6应尽可能避免带有否定的题干。7阅读理解试题的选项应保持一致性。1主旨题主旨题nWhat is the passage mainly about?nThe main idea of the passage is_.nWhich of the following i

46、s the main topic of the passage?nWhat would be the best title for the passage?2细节题细节题nIf you are to live with your relatives in New York,you will have to pay the school _.A.$200 B.$400C.$500D.$9003词义推测题词义推测题nThe underlined word“XXX”in the first paragraph means _.4推断题推断题nIt can be inferred from the p

47、assage that _.5判断意图、观点和态度判断意图、观点和态度nThe authors attitude towardscan be described as _.nIn the authors opinion,nThe main purpose of this article is _.6语篇结构、材料出处语篇结构、材料出处nYou can most probably read the text in _.A.a newspaperB.a travel guideC.a textbookD.a telephone booknWhat is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?Thank you!


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