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1、 补语补语的作用对象是的作用对象是主语和宾语主语和宾语,具有鲜明的定语性描写或限制性功能具有鲜明的定语性描写或限制性功能,在在句法上是不可或缺的句法上是不可或缺的,起补充说明作起补充说明作用的成份。用的成份。名词、动名词、形容词、名词、动名词、形容词、副词、不定式、现在分词、过去分词副词、不定式、现在分词、过去分词都可以在句子中作补语。都可以在句子中作补语。一、主语补足语一、主语补足语1.名词名词I was thought a genius.At the meeting he was elected monitor.2.形容词形容词The bottle was found empty.3.副词

2、副词He was called back.3.不定式(不定式(to do)We are not allowed to play football on the street.He was made to copy the sentence.4.现在分词(现在分词(-ing)Tom was found lying in the bed.He was heard singing in the hall.5.过去分词(过去分词(-ed)His face was seen reflected in the water.The news was heard spoken of in the next r

3、oom.一、宾语补足语一、宾语补足语1.名词名词Everyone thinks me a genius.At the meeting we elected him monitor.2.形容词形容词I found the bottle empty.What you said made him angry.3.副词副词Please call him back.He took his cap off.3.不定式(不定式(to do)The teacher dont allow us to play football on the street.We made him copy the sentenc

4、e.(使役动词省使役动词省to)4.现在分词(现在分词(-ing)I found Tom lying in the bed.We hear him singing in the hall.5.过去分词(过去分词(-ed)He saw his face reflected in the water.I heard it spoken of in the next room.Attention:非谓语充当补语一带一带to的不定式(的不定式(to do)作宾补的动词常见的作宾补的动词常见的有:有:ask,invite,tell,want,encourage,wish,expect,beg,reque

5、st,require,advise,order,force,cause,allow,permit,forbid,warn,remind,teach,send,call on,wait for,would like/love/prefer 等表示劝请、要求类动词后,等表示劝请、要求类动词后,用带用带to的不定式的不定式作宾补。作宾补。1.The teacher asked us not to make so much noise.2.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him not to.二二

6、.在使役动词,如在使役动词,如make,let,have后,作宾补的后,作宾补的不定式不带不定式不带to,但在其被动式后作主语补足语,但在其被动式后作主语补足语时,要加上时,要加上to。1.Though he had often made his little sister _,today he was made _ by his little sister.A.cry,to cry B.crying,crying C.cry,cry D.to cry,cry2.Paul doesnt have to be made _.He always works hard.A.learn B.to le

7、arn C.learned D.learning 三在感官动词三在感官动词feel,listen to,hear,see,look at,watch,notice,observe 等后面,等后面,当宾语与作当宾语与作宾补的非谓语动词在逻辑上宾补的非谓语动词在逻辑上是主动关系时,是主动关系时,用不带用不带to的不定式的不定式(全过程全过程),或者,或者-ing作宾补作宾补(正在发生正在发生);是被动关系时,用过去分词作宾是被动关系时,用过去分词作宾补。补。They knew her very well.They had seen her grow up from childhood.The mi

8、ssing boy were last seen playing near the river.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see carried out the next year.四四.want,get,have宾语后可接现在分词、过去分宾语后可接现在分词、过去分词或动词不定式,但意义不同。词或动词不定式,但意义不同。want sb.doing希望某人做某事希望某人做某事(多用于否定多用于否定);want sb.to do要某人做某事;要某人做某事;want sth.done=want sth.to be

9、done(被动被动)。I dont want you arriving late.我希望你不要迟到。我希望你不要迟到。(主动、否定句主动、否定句)I want the letter(to be)opened now.我现在就想把这封信拆开。我现在就想把这封信拆开。(被动被动)get sb.to do sth.使某人做某事使某人做某事(主动、将来主动、将来);getdoing 使使开始做某事开始做某事;getdone=have sth.done请人做请人做/遭受遭受(被动被动)。Ill try to get her to see the doctor.have sth.done=get sth.

10、done请人做某事请人做某事;have sb/sth.doing sth.使某人使某人/某物一直做某事某物一直做某事或者处于某种状态;或者处于某种状态;have sb.do sth.使某人做某事使某人做某事(使役动词使役动词);have sth.to do有事要做有事要做(见非谓语动词作定语部见非谓语动词作定语部分分)。He didnt keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch repaired.五五.leave,keep,find等后可用现在分词等后可用现在分词(主动主动)或过或过去分词去分词(被动被动)作补语

11、,一般不用作补语,一般不用to do。在在catch(撞见撞见),smell(闻到闻到)后通常只接现在分词作后通常只接现在分词作补语,不用不定式或过去分词。补语,不用不定式或过去分词。1.It was so cold that they kept the fire burning all night.2.A cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoking in the kitchen.3.Dont leave the water running while you brush your4.The thief should be kep

12、t bounded before the police come.5.He looked around and caught a man putting his hand into the pocket of a passenger.6.I smell something burning in the kitchen.六六.make oneself 后常用后常用understood等过去分词作宾补。等过去分词作宾补。make oneself understood/heard/seen/known让别人明白自己的意思让别人明白自己的意思/让自己讲的话被别人听到让自己讲的话被别人听到/让自让自己被

13、别人看到己被别人看到/让自己被别人认识。让自己被别人认识。The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself heard七七.在表示在表示“认为认为”的的think,consider,believe,suppose,prove,find,understand,judge,imagine等动词后等动词后,可跟可跟to be作补语作补语(认为认为是是);在在think,consider,believe等之后还可跟等之后还可跟to have done作补作补语语(认为认为做了做了)。1.Charles Babage is gener

14、ally considered to have invented the first computer.八八.在在be said,be reported,be believed,be supposed,be thought等后面接不定式。等后面接不定式。1.The flu is believed to be caused by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.2.He was reported to have broken the world record.九九.在在wit

15、h的宾语后,的宾语后,若用过去分词,表示宾语与过去分若用过去分词,表示宾语与过去分词在逻辑上是被动关系,且意味着该动作已经发生词在逻辑上是被动关系,且意味着该动作已经发生;若若用现在分词,表示宾语与现在分词在逻辑上是主动关系,用现在分词,表示宾语与现在分词在逻辑上是主动关系,且表示动作的持续进行且表示动作的持续进行;The murderer was brought in,with his hands tied behind his back.With time going by,people attach more importance to knowledge.注意:若用带注意:若用带to的

16、不定式,则表示将来的动作,宾语与的不定式,则表示将来的动作,宾语与不定式在逻辑上可以是主动关系也可以是被动关系,不定式在逻辑上可以是主动关系也可以是被动关系,此此时的不定式不是作宾补而是作宾语的定语了。时的不定式不是作宾补而是作宾语的定语了。3.With a lot of difficult problems to settle,the newly-elected president is having a hard time.1.ONeal works hard.He is often seen _ heavily before his teammates have even arrived

17、 at practice.A.sweated B.to be sweated C.sweating D.being sweated 2.We were pleased to see the old _ at the nursing home.A.being well cared for B.cared well for C.been well cared for D.caring for well 3.Who did the boss _ his car this time?A.make wash B.make to wash C.make washing D.making to wash 4

18、.Though I have often heard this song _.I have never heard you _ it.being sung;sang B.sang;singing C.sung;sing D.to be sung;to sing 5.He looked around and caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.A.put B.to be putting C.to put D.putting 6.The result of the election was not made _ until

19、last Friday.A.knowing B.known C.to know D.to be known 7.The girl is still fast asleep,with her head _ deep in her arms.A.bury B.to bury C.buried D.burying 8.Mr Black felt like a cat on the hot bricks with so much work _.A.to do B.done C.doing D.being done 9.-Your brother looks tired.Whats wrong with him?-Well,thats because his boss had him _ all day.A.works B.to work C.working D.worked10.When we got back from the cinema,we found the lamp _ but the door _.A.being on;shut B.burning;shutting C.burning;shut D.on;shutting


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