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1、UNIT 2BRIDGING CULTURESPeriod ThreeUsing Language课前自主预习(Interviewing someone)TranslationTry to translate and remember the following useful expressions.1We are pleased to welcome_2Thanks for joining us._SPEAKING3Tell us more about_4Thanks for your time._5It was a pleasure talking with you._6What was

2、your biggest challenge?_7How did you overcome it?_8What are you keen on?_9What is the key to your success?_10What do you feel is your biggest achievement?_【答案】1我们很高兴地欢迎2谢谢您的加入。3告诉我们更多关于4谢谢你抽出时间。5和你谈话很愉快。6你最大的挑战是什么?7你是如何克服的?8你喜欢什么?9你成功的关键是什么?10你觉得你最大的成就是什么?Read and chooseRead the passage below about

3、introducing someone and choose the right sentence for the blanks.M:Good morning,MsYang_1_ Could I ask you a few questions?W:SureGo ahead.M:_2_W:You wont believe it,but actually we use English almost everywhere in our work and lifeThe songs we listen to and the movies we watch are mostly English ones

4、The instruments and software we use are all in EnglishWe communicate with singers abroad in EnglishEnglish is just too important.M:_3_W:Yes,but maybe not in ChinaFor one thing,I love Chinese,and Im also afraid my English is not that good.M:_4_W:I loved Chinese and physicsBut I wasnt very good at bio

5、logyI barely passed the exam.M:What do you want to say to students who dream of being musicians or singers?I think its an interesting job.W:Studying should be the first thing to considerThe music industry is full of risksThink twice before you step in.M:_5_W:No,I just mean the job is full of challen

6、ges,and its not easy to be a good musician or singerBut if you are really determined,youll be fineThe only way to fail is to give upJust keep tryingSooner or later,you will make your mark.AHave you ever thought of doing some English songs?BThank you for accepting my request for an interview.CDo you

7、mean they should give up on this dream?DDo you use English when you write songs?EWhat subjects did you hate or love when you were in school?【答案】15BDAEC重点单词序号 重点词汇音标词性英译汉词义汉译英1setting/set/n 环境;背景;(小说等的)情节背景2grasp/rsp/vt 理解;领会;抓紧3dramatic/drmtk/adj 巨大的;突然的;急剧的;喜剧(般)的4expense/kspens/n 费用;花费;开销5behave/b

8、hev/vt.vi&vt 表现表现得体;有礼貌序号重点词汇音标词性英译汉词义汉译英6surrounding/srand/adj 周围的;附近的7mature/mt(r)/adj 成熟的8depress/dpres/vt 使沮丧;使忧愁9strengthen/stren/vi&vt 加强;增强;巩固10deny/dna/vt 否认;否定;拒绝11optimistic/ptmstk/adj 乐观的序号重点词汇音标词性英译汉词义汉译英12gain/en/vt.n.获得;赢得;取得;增加好处;增加13competence/kmptns/n 能力;胜任;本领14cooperate/kpret/vi 合作

9、;协作;配合15angle/l/n 角;角度;立场16belt/belt/n 腰带;地带17initiative/ntv/n 倡议;新方案18sincerely/snsli/adv 真诚地;诚实地19budget/bdt/n 预算20logical/ldkl/adj 合乎逻辑的;合情合理的1in the past few years _2the number of_ 3to begin with_4cost an arm and a leg_ 5limited language skills _ 6handle the challenges _7encounter problems with

10、personal safety_ 重点词块在过去的几十年里的数量首先;第一(使)花一大笔钱有限的语言技能应对挑战遭遇个人安全的问题 8in addition_9approaches to_10come as a shock to_11look forward to_12引起;导致_13总而言之;总之_14就我而言;依我看来 _15愿意做某事_此外;而且的方法对感到震惊期待;期盼contribute toto sum upas far as I am concernedbe willing to do sth.16例如_17处理各种各样的困难_18促进国与国之间的友谊 _19与合作_20取得联系

11、_21反过来;依次;轮流_22总之;总而言之_for exampledeal with all kinds of difficultiespromote friendship between nationscooperate with.make connectionsin turnall in all1(P20)_(虽然出国留学可以带来很大的好处),I think the disadvantages for young people are greater.(although引导让步状语从句)2(P20)_(在中国学习)is much more convenient and can help

12、save money.(动名词作主语)重点句式3(P20)Some may struggle and suffer from culture shock_(当他们学习如何表现时)in new surroundings.(省略)4(P20)As China has boomed,the educational environment has improved significantly,_(现在有很多好大学)(with复合结构)5(P20)To sum up,one cannot deny the fact _(国外学习有它的劣势),so when you think about studyin

13、g abroad,you should consider these many factors.(同位语从句)【答案】1Although studying abroad can bring great benefits2Studying in China3when learning how to behave4with many great universities now available5that studying abroad has its disadvantages阅读课文STUDYING ABROAD:IS IT A GOOD OR A BAD IDEA?判断信息正误()1Wan

14、g Li thinks studying abroad has more disadvantages than advantages.()2There are two different opinions about studying abroad in this part.课文预读()3In Wang Lis opinion,studying abroad will change you for the worse.()4People who study abroad may suffer from economic pressure and mental pressure.()5You c

15、an study abroad without considering any factor.()6Studying abroad can provide a great opportunity to contribute to our motherland.【答案】16TTFTFT阅读课文,选择正确选项()1What is the authors purpose of writing the text?ATo help people learn more about studying abroad.BTo tell people to study abroad as often as pos

16、sible.CTo encourage people to study abroad.DTo remember the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.()2What is Wang Lis attitude to studying abroad in the first letter?ASupportive.BDoubtful.CDisapproval.DObjective.()3In Wang Lis opinion,the advantage of studying abroad is _.Abearing great ec

17、onomic pressureBfacing unfamiliar environmentChaving great potential benefitsDexperiencing the culture shock()4Zhang Yi thinks that students studying abroad can _.Abecome more dependentBget less chance for cultural exchangeClose a global perspectiveDdevelop organisational skills()5What can we learn

18、from the two letters?AStudents studying abroad dont need to learn how to live in a new environment.BStudying abroad helps to increase peoples understanding of cultural diversity.CStudents studying abroad cant encounter problems with personal safety.DStudying abroad helps students to speak excellent

19、English in a few years.【答案】15ACCDB课堂新知讲练1grasp vt.理解;领会;抓紧(P19)Well,I suppose it was difficult to grasp the tones at first.【翻译】嗯,我想一开始很难把握音调。词汇拓讲(1)grasp at sth试图抓住某物grasp sbby the arm/hand抓住某人的胳膊/手grasp the meaning/significance of理解的意思/理解的重要性【用法详解】(2)have/get a grasp of理解a good/firm/poor grasp of对领

20、悟很好/不好be beyond ones grasp 超出某人的理解力beyond/out of ones grasp力所不及She grasped at his coat as he rushed past her.他从她身边疾驰而过,她一把抓住他的外套。He has a good grasp of German grammar.他对德语语法掌握得很好。These complex formulas are beyond the grasp of the average pupil.这些复杂的公式是普通小学生无法理解的。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Bob grasped _ the boys

21、 hand,but he escaped.(2)The tasks are _ his grasp,so you had better not ask him to do them.(3)The policeman grasped him _ the hand and asked where he came from.(4)Your daughter has _ good grasp of English.完成句子(5)His parents _his worry.他的父母无法理解他的忧虑。(6)Finishing the task on time is _.按时完成任务对他来说是不可能的。【

22、答案】(1)at(2)beyond(3)by(4)a(5)had no grasp of(6)beyond his grasp2expense n费用;花费;开销(P20)Tuition fees and living expenses are much more expensive than at home and could end up costing most families an arm and a leg.【翻译】学费和生活开销比在国内贵多了,多数家庭最终可能会花费一大笔钱。cover/meet an expense支付的费用go to the expense of doing

23、sth花钱做某事put sbto a lot of expense使某人花钱(于);使某人负担费用at ones expense由某人付费at the expense of以为代价【用法详解】Their visit put us to a lot of expense.他们的来访使我们花了很多钱。We were taken out for a meal at the companys expense.我们被公司请出去吃了一顿饭。They went to all the expense of redecorating the house and then they moved.他们花了所有的钱重

24、新装修房子,然后就搬走了。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)The couple didnt go to the expense of _(buy)a cellphone for their son.(2)That little mistake put us _ the expense of reprinting the whole book.(3)MrYang went to Hangzhou for his holiday _ his own expense.完成句子(4)_ the kingbuilt the great palace for his late wife.国王不惜花费巨资为他

25、已故的妻子建造了宏伟的宫殿。【答案】(1)buying(2)to(3)at(4)At great/vast/considerable expense3behave vt.表现vt.&vt.表现得体;有礼貌(P20)Some may struggle and suffer from culture shock when learning how to behave in new surroundings.【翻译】在学习如何在新环境中得体举止时,有些人可能会感到吃力,并承受到文化冲击的折磨。(1)behave well/badly to/towards sb对待某人好/差behave onesel

26、f守规矩;表现得体(2)wellbehaved adj表现好的badlybehaved adj表现差的(3)behaviour n举止;行为【用法详解】Children should be praised for their good behavior.孩子们的良好行为应该受到表扬。Behave yourself in public places and you will win the respect of others.在公共场合举止得体,你会赢得别人的尊重。Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helpe

27、d people understand how much they behave like humans.简研究这些黑猩猩家族已经很多年了,她帮助人们了解黑猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似。【针对练习】完成句子(1)I want you to _ while I am away.我不在家时你要守规矩些。(2)Parents should be punished if their children_.如果孩子表现不好,父母应该受到惩罚。(3)The child _ other guests at the party.那个孩子在聚会上对其他客人非常有礼貌。【答案】(1)behave yourself(

28、2)behave badly(3)behaved well to/towards4depressed adj沮丧的;意志消沉的(P20)Other students are not mature enough to handle the challenges by themselves and may become depressed.【翻译】其他学生还不够成熟,无法独自应对挑战,可能会变得抑郁。【用法详解】Hunger and cold can make people feel depressed and lose confidence.饥饿和寒冷会使人感到沮丧和失去信心。Jane suff

29、ers a lot from depression after the death of her husband.简在丈夫死后深受抑郁症的折磨。【特别提醒】depressed的主语是人,depressing的主语是物或修饰物。【语境串记】Hearing the depressing news,he felt depressed and later he had depression.听到这个令人沮丧的消息,他感到很沮丧,后来他患上了抑郁症。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)He was not satisfied with the summer camp because the whole exp

30、erience was _(depress).(2)There are few things in the world that can better or more rapidly treat _(depress)than exercise such as running.完成句子(3)His parents _ because the boy had a bad temper.他的父母很沮丧,因为这个男孩脾气很坏。(4)My brother stays at home and _losing his job.我弟弟因为丢了工作而待在家里,非常沮丧。【答案】(1)depressing(2)d

31、epression(3)were very depressed(4)is very depressed about5approach to doing sth做某事的方法(P20)In addition,different approaches to teaching and learning may come as a shock to many students.【翻译】此外,不同的教学方法可能会让许多学生感到震惊。(1)approach vt&vi接近;靠近;n接近;方法;途径;步骤(2)at the approach of在快到的时候make an approach to向提出建议(要

32、求)approach to 接近,近似,约等于;(做某事)的方法(途径)approach sbon sth就某事与某人接洽(商量、交涉)be approaching(to)(与)差不多;大致相等【用法详解】The best approach to building up your body is to do exercise every day.强身健体的最好办法是每天锻炼。Approaching the vehicle,they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.靠近那辆车时,他们看见一位女士正努力从破损的

33、车窗往外爬。As Teachers Day was approaching,our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year.随着教师节的临近,今年我们班决定换一种方式举行一场晚会来庆祝这个重要的节日。【易混辨析】approach,way,method和means都可表示“方法”,要注意它们与不同的介词搭配单词表达“用这种方法”含义及搭配approach侧重指待人接物或思考问题的方式。the approach to(doing)sth做某事的方法单词表达“用这种方法”含

34、义及搭配wayin this way为一般用语。the way to do/of(doing)sth做某事的方法methodwith this method指有规律的、有条理的做法。the method of(doing)sth做某事的方法meansby this means指可以得到结果的方法。the means of(doing)sth做某事的方法【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)With great enthusiasm,he talked about how he found issue and _(approach)them.(2)All_(approach)to the town we

35、re blocked.(3)With the time for graduation_(approach),we are busy with our papers.(4)Facing up to your problems rather than running away from them is the best approach to _(work)things out.【答案】(1)approached(2)approaches(3)approaching(4)working6deny vt.否认;否定;拒绝(P20)To sum up,one cannot deny the fact

36、that studying abroad has its disadvantages,so when you think about studying abroad,you should consider these many factors.【翻译】总之,出国留学有不利的一面,这个事实是不可否认的,所以当你考虑出国留学的时候,你应该考虑这些因素。There is no denying that不可否认No one can deny the fact that没人能否认这个事实deny sb/sth(to be)n/adj否认某人/某物是deny oneself 克制;节制deny sbsth

37、否认某人某事deny doing/having done sth否认做/做过某事【用法详解】Jackson denied having written to me.杰克逊否认给我写过信。He was so stubborn that he denied me any help.他很固执,不给我任何帮助。By denying herself,MrsBrown gave the children a good education.布朗太太很节俭,使孩子们受到了良好的教育。No one can deny the fact that Internet plays a very important ro

38、le in our life.没有人能否认这一事实:互联网在我们的生活中扮演着非常重要的角色。There is no denying that learning a foreign language is difficult.不可否认,学习一门外语是困难的。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)There is no _(deny)that in the current situation,cooperation will be the only way.(2)No one can deny the fact _ online shopping has brought a lot of conveni

39、ence to us.完成句子(3)Helen _.海伦否认自己是一名医生。【答案】(1)denying(2)that(3)denied herself to be a doctor7as far as be concerned 在看来;就而言(P21)as far as I am concerned【翻译】在我看来;就我而言as/so long as 只要;像一样长;as soon as 一就as far as 远到;就而言as well as 也;和一样好as much as 尽量多地【用法详解】As far as were concerned,there are no hard and

40、fast rules about public speaking.据我们所知,公开演讲没什么硬性规则。These animals live in the ocean about a depth of 3,300 feetas far as most light can reach.这些动物生存在海洋里大约3,300英尺深的地方大部分光能到达的深度。【特别提醒】“就而言”的表达法:in terms of 从方面来说considering 就而言;考虑到for ones part 某人来说as for/to 就而言personally 就(我)个人而言in ones opinion 依某人的观点看

41、【针对练习】完成句子(1)_,we must take somemeasures to stop air pollution.就我而言,我们必须采取一些措施来阻止空气污染。(2)_,he is a danger to society.据我所知,他对社会来说是个危险人物。(3)_,what other people think isnot the most important thing.在他看来,别人怎么想并不是最重要的。【答案】(1)As far as I am concerned(2)As far as I know(3)As far as he is concerned8generall

42、y speaking 一般来说(P21)generally speaking【翻译】一般来说(1)honestly speaking 诚实地说来frankly speaking 坦率地说strictly speaking 严格地说broadly speaking 广义地说personally speaking 就我个人而言【用法详解】(2)in general 总的来说;大体上as a general rule 一般而言;在通常情况下Its generally accepted that是普遍接受的;人们普遍认为In general,20 percent of the students are

43、 against the idea.大体上,20%的学生反对这个想法。It is generally accepted that a boy must learn to stand up and fight like a man.人们普遍认为男孩子一定要学会站起来像男子汉一样战斗。The limits of a persons intelligence,generally speaking,are fixed at birth,but whether he reaches these limits will depend on his environment.一般说来,人的智力极限在刚出生时就

44、决定了,但是能否达到极限取决于环境。【针对练习】完成句子(1)_,the book is not a novel,but a short story.严格地说,这部小说不算长篇,而是短篇。(2)_,I dont agree with you.诚实地说,我不赞成你。(3)_,there are two factors contributing to my decision.大体上,有两个因素促成了我的决定。(4)_,boys are very much in the minority at the dancing class.普通来说,舞蹈班里男生占极少数。(5)_,friends should

45、 _ each other by phones once a week.一般而言,朋友之间应该至少一周保持一次通话。【答案】(1)Strictly speaking(2)Honestly speaking(3)Generally speaking(4)In general(5)As a general rule;keep in touch with1(P19)No wonder my classmates say I sound like a robot!【翻译】难怪我的同学说我听起来像个机器人!【句式剖析】No wonderIt is no wonder(that)意为“不足为奇,难怪”。句

46、中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句。句式解读in wonder惊讶地do/work wonders创造奇迹【归纳拓展】The doctors from China worked wonders in this disaster.来自中国的医生在这场灾难中创造了奇迹。You stayed up late last nightIt is no wonder that you look so tired.你昨晚熬夜了。难怪你看起来这么累。【针对练习】完成句子(1)He is the cleverest and works hardest_ he is always getting f

47、irst place in his class.他最聪明,工作最努力。难怪他总是班上第一名。(2)_ he would finish such a hard task in such a short time.他能在如此短的时间内完成如此艰巨的任务,真是奇迹。【答案】(1)No wonder(2)It is a wonder that2(P20)To sum up,one cannot deny the fact that studying abroad has its disadvantages,so when you think about studying abroad,you shou

48、ld consider these many factors.【翻译】总之,出国留学有不利的一面,这个事实是不可否认的,所以当你考虑出国留学的时候,你应该考虑这些因素。【句式剖析】本句中的that引导的是同位语从句,进一步补充说明the fact的具体内容。that在从句中只起连接作用,不做句子成分,没有意义。(1)同位语从句一般跟在某些名词之后,解释说明名词的具体内容。可以跟同位语从句的名词有:fact,hope,thought,news,idea,suggestion,belief,question等。(2)同位语从句多为that引导,但也可以由whether,when,how,what等

49、引导。【归纳拓展】The question whether the gas is harmful to peoples health is not clear.这种气体是否对人体健康有害的问题还不清楚。The fact that the elderly are learning to use the Internet is a fruit of this era.老年人学会使用互联网这一事实是这个时代的成果。【针对练习】完成句子(1)We are quite excited at the news _.听到我们队赢了比赛的消息,我们很兴奋。(2)There is growing evidenc

50、e _to keep fit.越来越多的证据表明,跑步是保持健康的最有效方法之一。(3)Is there any possibility_like our earth?科学家有可能找到像我们地球一样的行星吗?【答案】(1)that our team has won the match(2)that running is one of the most effective ways(3)that scientists will find a planet3(P22)No matter which country you go to,you will end up feeling like an


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