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1、1.as a result 结果结果,因此因此(只做状语只做状语),相当于一,相当于一个副词短语,通常位于句首,并用逗号隔开。个副词短语,通常位于句首,并用逗号隔开。我非常忙碌我非常忙碌,因此无法照料她因此无法照料她.I was very busy._I couldnt take care of her.As a resultThis kind of bird is _.dying outMany traditional customs _because they are out of Date.die away 慢慢消失慢慢消失He hid behind the door until the

2、 footsteps_.have died outhad died away2.die out(动,植物物种)灭绝(动,植物物种)灭绝4.beneath:below 在在下面;下面;在在 底下底下e.g.:Jimmy hid the letter beneath a pile of papers.注意:注意:beneath的同义词是的同义词是 under,反义词是反义词是 above3.in peace和平的和平的On the whole,the world now is _.in peace5.burst into 突然迸发突然迸发+名词名词常见的搭配有:常见的搭配有:burst into

3、laughter/song/tears6.protectfrom/against 保护使不受保护使不受伤害伤害He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.A new material was painted to protect the roof from rain.7.Pay attention to 注意,留意注意,留意e.g.:You should pay attention to your handwriting.8.Loss n.损失;遗失;丧失;败北损失;遗失;丧失;败北He repor

4、ted the loss of his wallet to the police.她像警察报告说自己的钱包丢了。她像警察报告说自己的钱包丢了。He suffered a loss of 10,000 dollars on the business.那笔生意中,他损失了那笔生意中,他损失了10 000美元。美元。Our team has already had 3 losses.我们队已经败了三场了。我们队已经败了三场了。At a loss 困惑,不知所措困惑,不知所措 For a moment she was at a loss how to reply to the question.有好一

5、会儿,她不知道有好一会儿,她不知道该如何回答这个问题。该如何回答这个问题。9.so thatSpeak loudly so that everybody can hear you.So that和和so that 在形式上相似,在形式上相似,但意义不同。前者表示目的,后者表但意义不同。前者表示目的,后者表示结果。示结果。I became so anxious that I forgot what I wanted to say.I kept looking at my notes so that I wouldnt forget what I wanted to say.10.hunt-hun

6、ting-hunter-huntress go hunting,a hunting dog hunt for寻找寻找 He is hunting for a job.The dogs are hunting for the drugs.11.in danger(1)In danger(of)处于)处于的危险中的危险中She was sick and in danger(of losing her life).(2)help out of danger 帮助帮助逃离危险逃离危险(3)be a danger to(us)对对来说是一个危险来说是一个危险(4)They are in danger./

7、They are endangered.他们处在危险当中。他们处在危险当中。They are dangerous.他们他们(对别人对别人)危险危险.12.She turned around and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her.With+O(宾语宾语)+C(补足语补足语)She left with her mother ill in bed.She is a busy girl with much work to do.补足语可以由形容词补足语可以由形容词,过去过去/现在分词现在分词,不定式等来不定式等来充当充当.13

8、.Would prefer(1)n/pron.I would prefer some light music.(2)to do He would prefer to walk to work,rather than take a crowded bus.(3)sb.to do I would prefer them not to make so much noise.(4)that-clause I would prefer that you should tell him in person.14.No rain forest,no animals and drugs.=If there w

9、as no forest,there would be no animals and no drugs.没有热带雨林,就没有没有热带雨林,就没有动物,也没有药物。动物,也没有药物。No pains,no gains.不劳无获。不劳无获。Nothing venture,nothing gain.不入虎穴焉得虎子不入虎穴焉得虎子Nothing seek,nothing find无求则无获无求则无获15.as引导方式状语从句表示方式表示方式象象,按照按照,如同如同Run As I do.象我这样跑。象我这样跑。Leave it as it is.保持原状保持原状,不要动它不要动它表示时间表示时间当当.,的时候的时候,一边一边.一边一边,随着随着She sang as she worked.她一边工作一边唱歌。她一边工作一边唱歌。I saw him as he was getting off the bus.正当他下公共汽车时正当他下公共汽车时,我看见了他。我看见了他。


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