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1、Module 8 Unit 1 A Land of Diversity Georges Diary(12th-14th June)Learning Aims 学习目标学习目标:知识目标:知识目标:To read and understand the travel diary.能力目标:能力目标:Improve reading skills such as Skimming and Scanning.情感目标:情感目标:To develop students motivation of writing English diary.The world is so big,why not have

2、a look?California,a state in the western USA with the largest population.San Francisco and Los Angeles are main cities in CaliforniaThere are many interesting places in San Francisco,such as:Golden Gate Bridge金门大桥金门大桥Angel Island 天使岛天使岛Cable car电缆车电缆车China town Reading Comprehension A.the view of Sa

3、n Francisco Bay B.the great drive marked out for touristsC.the prison on Alcatraz Island D.his tour in San Francisco 1.Georges diary is mainly about_A.Because he ate lunch lateB.Because he spent too much time on a cable carC.Because he traveled to many places in Fishermans WharfD.Because he saw a te

4、rrible accident2.Why didnt George feel like doing anything else?A.They are not used to their stay in San Francisco.B.They didnt have their own work.C.Their stay in San Francisco were miserable.D.They were not allowed to read the newspaper3.Why did the Chinese immigrants mourn their former life in Ch

5、ina?Find out the phrases in the text(学生导学案学生导学案)TASK 2 放下行李放下行李 壮丽的鸟瞰图壮丽的鸟瞰图 控制情形控制情形 乘坐轮渡乘坐轮渡 和某人组团和某人组团 标出标出 蓝白相间的路标蓝白相间的路标 带路带路 包括包括 旅游景点旅游景点 欣赏风景欣赏风景 从不同的角度从不同的角度 照相照相 安顿安顿 大量的大量的 艺术长廊艺术长廊 申请权利申请权利 悼念之前的生活悼念之前的生活 抓住机会抓住机会 对生活感恩对生活感恩放下行李放下行李 drop my luggage 鸟瞰图鸟瞰图 a spectacular view of 控制控制情况情况 c

6、ontrol the situation 乘坐轮渡乘坐轮渡 catch the ferry 和某人组团和某人组团 team up with 标出标出 mark out 蓝白相间的路标蓝白相间的路标 blue and white signs 带路带路 show the way to 包括包括 take in 旅游景点旅游景点 tourist spots 欣赏风景欣赏风景 admire the view 从不同的角度从不同的角度 from different angles 照相照相 take photos 安顿安顿 settle in 大量的大量的 a number of 艺术长廊艺术长廊 art

7、 galleries 申请权利申请权利 apply for right 悼念之前的生活悼念之前的生活 mourn their former life抓住机会抓住机会 grasp the opportunity 对生活感恩对生活感恩 be thankful for life Micro-writing 微写作微写作 My travel diary(家乡一日游)(家乡一日游)TASK 3TerraceSong CastleYunya TempleErlang MountainZhuanglang County1.终于等到了回老家探亲pay a visit to的机会。2.我一放下行李drop my

8、 luggage便和堂兄们一起team up with开始探索explore庄浪的名胜。3.站在二郎山顶,我俯瞰到了全城壮观的景象got a spectacular view of Zhuanglang。4.我们开着车,沿着为游客标出mark out的大关山风景区线Guanshan scenery line路走。5.大关山旅游线路包括take in了庄浪主要的旅游景点tourist spots.6.有蓝白相间的路标指路,我们一路上stop many times走走停停来拍照并从不同的角度欣赏庄浪的美景enjoy scenery from different angles。7.我们参观了一些庙宇

9、,吃了许多a great many庄浪的小吃snacks。8.在庄浪博物馆里,我看到了讲述庄浪人民修建梯田 make fields的图片、文件和物品。9.它们让我深思和感谢thoughtful,thankful现在的生活。10.这一天结束的时候,我筋疲力尽,不想做任何事了。My travel diary 1.I finally got the chance to pay a visit to my hometown-Zhuanglang.2.As soon as I dropped my luggage,I teamed up with my cousins to explore the pl

10、aces of interest in Zhuanglang.3.Standing on the top of Erlang Mountain,I got a spectacular view of it.4.We drove our car along Guanshan Scenery line,which was marked out for tourists.5.Guanshan Scenery takes in the main tourist spots of Zhuanglang.6.With blue and white signs showing us to go,we sto

11、pped many times to take photos and enjoy views from different angles.7.We visited a few temples and tried a great many local snacks.8.In Zhuanglang museum,I saw photos,documents and objects that showed how the people of Zhuanglang made fields.9.They made me thoughtful and thankful for my life today.10.At the end of the day,I was exhausted and did not feel like doing anything.Lets take a trip without plan!让我们来一场说走就走的旅行!让我们来一场说走就走的旅行!


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