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1、o1.Phonetics:o Weak forms,link-ups and contractionso2.Note-takingo Selecting Key WordsPart I:Phonetics Some words are read in strong forms while some others are read in weak forms.In a sentence,nouns,verbs,adjectives and adverbs are read louder than words like pronouns,prepositions,connections etc.T

2、he vowel sounds in these words are reduced to weak forms.e.g.for/f?:/-/f/has/hz/-/hz/-/z/oIn spoken English,people are likely to use contractions like instead of who is.oe.g.oit isits they aretheyreoyou areyoure we willwellothere istheresoIn spoken English,link-ups often occur,too.o e.g.all over the

3、 worldo /?luv/o What can I do for you?o /w?t knai du f ju/Key to the exercise:o1.for you 2.Whoso3.know him 4.Thatso5.youll be 6.Whenso7.Were 8.can allPart 2 Note-takingoInstructions:Note-taking is to help the listener form a general idea of the speech.oWhile listening,we only take down the key words

4、.oAs speaking is always faster than writing,the use of abbreviations,signs and symbols will help you a lot in keeping as much information as possible.o .the United States U.So the United Nations UNo secretary secr.January Jan.o and&dollar$o more than five thousand 5,000+o You can develop your own sy

5、stem of symbols and signs as long as they are consistent and you can recognize them when you read back.oMr.RD/on holiday/Fra.oMr.G/home/oRDs sect./sistersoGs sect./hairdressersoMr.RD.Discussion:oWhat is the focus of the conversation?oWho is doing what and where is the person.oKey to the exercises oB

6、.Complete the following sentences Mr Redman is _ in the _.Mr.Gray is at _.Mr.Redmans secretary is at _.Mr.Grays secretary,Miss Jones,is at _.on holidaysouth of Franceher sistersthe hairdressershomePart I DialoguesoFocus:o1.Rules of Introduction.o2.Matching who speaks to whom.oInstruction:oListen to

7、some people talking at a party.Pay attention to how they greet each other and then decide whether they meet the first time or theyve already known each other.oKey to the exercise:o1._ is talking to _.o2._ is talking to _.o3._ is talking to _.o4._ is talking to _.o5._ is talking to _.o6._ and _ have

8、known each other before?o7._ has know _ before?Professor AndrewsDr.BaxterAlEricSallySteveTonyMary ParkerSusan RoperJohn LeeAlEricTonyMary ParkeroWhat makes you decide who has known whom already?oFocus:o1.Note-takingo2.Identifying specific informationoNotes:oA city of southwest England west of London

9、.It has been an important trading center since the 12th century.Population:420,000.oPre-listening:o1.Vocabularyo hijack:oto seize control of(a moving vehicle)by use of force,especially in order to reach an alternate destination.o central heating:oa heating system in which air or water is heated at a

10、 central furnace and sent through the building via vents or pipes and radiatorso blanket:o ocupboard:oKeytotheexercise:o1._ 2._ 3._ 4._o5._ 6._ 7._ 8._TTTFTTFToPart II PassagesoTraining focus:o1.Comprehending passages:o 2.Test taking skills:o a.skim questions and choices provided before actual liste

11、ning.o b.take notes while listeningo1.Words and expressions:o puff:n.o sth.light that is blown or pushed alongo e.g.a puff of smokeo flavor:n.o a type of taste ovanilla:香草香草ocrossly:angrilyo caf:oKey to the Exercise:o 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._o 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._BCDBCCDAPart 3 NewsoTraining Focus:o1.Understandin

12、g the organization of a news story;o2.Summarizing news;o2.Selecting specific information.Organizationofanewsstory:HeadlineLeadBodyo1.Headline:oIs the title of the news story.oIt usually packs a great deal of information into a limited space.oIt also tells you the main idea of the story.2.The news le

13、ad(新闻导语新闻导语)oThe refers to the first(and occasionally the second)paragraph of a news story.oThe lead is usually one information-packed sentence which expands on the storys main point as introduced in the headline.oNews stories are basically variations of“something happened”.oThe lead will usually te

14、ll you what the“something happened”is.oSo the understanding of the lead is crucial to the understanding of the whole news story.oA sample:o12 trapped in Shaanxi landslide(AP)Updated:2006-10-07 13:38 oBEIJING-A landslide trapped 12 villagers and destroyed almost 100 homes in a rural community in nort

15、hwest China,state media said Saturday.oThe Xinhua News Agency said 13 people were buried when the landslide occurred Friday in Gaolou near the city of Weinan in Shaanxi province.oOne-a child-was rescued early Saturday,Xinhua said.oIt gave no cause for the landslide.Xinhua said more than 600 people w

16、ere involved in rescue efforts organized by Li Tangtang,Shaanxis vice governor.oEnclosed spaces at the site of the landslide meant that excavators could not be used to clear away tons of dirt,seriously hampering the efforts to rescue the trapped villagers,Xinhua said.o3.The news body o The headline

17、and the lead tell you the main ideas of the news story,but they do so in a very shortened form.oThe body of the story is where you find detailed information.oBasically,the body will give you three kinds of information:details,comments from people involved in the story,and background information to h

18、elp you understand the story more deeply.The following short story has all of these elements.oHeadlineoEarthquake jolts Japan capitaloDatelineoTokyo,ReutersoLeadoA SLIGHT earthquake jolted the Japanese capital last night but authorities said there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.oS

19、tatementoA spokesman for the Japan meteorological agency said:“An earth tremor was registered in Tokyo but there are nor reports of casualties or damage.”oDetailsoThe earth tremor struck shortly after midnight Tokyo timejust after midnight Bangkok midnight Bangkok time.oBackgroundoResidents of centr

20、al Tokyo said the tremor was the strongest for several months in the capital.oNotes:o1.Houston Texas:o oa federal investigating jury:联邦调查陪审团联邦调查陪审团oArthur Anderson CompanyoEnron:安然安然ocondemnoKey to the exercisesoA.Summaryo Arthur Anderson Company is charged with blocking investigation in the Enron c

21、ase.oB.True or Falseo1._ 2._ 3._ FTTNews Item 2News Item 2 oNATO:oNorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization北大西洋公约组织北大西洋公约组织 oValdimirPutin:o弗拉基米尔弗拉基米尔弗拉基米罗维奇弗拉基米罗维奇普京,曾担任俄罗斯总统兼普京,曾担任俄罗斯总统兼俄白联俄白联盟盟部长会议部长会议主席主席。2000年至年至2008年任年任总统总统期间,使俄罗斯在期间,使俄罗斯在军事军事与与政治政治实力上均有相当的提升,在实力上均有相当的提升,在民主民主方面遭到很多争议,方面遭到很多争议,是一位是一位“铁腕

22、总统铁腕总统”。2008年普京卸任总统后,第二度出任年普京卸任总统后,第二度出任总总理理兼兼统一俄罗斯党统一俄罗斯党主席主席。2011年年11月,普京作为月,普京作为总统总统候选人参候选人参加加2012年俄联邦总统大选的提名获得全票通过,正式宣布年俄联邦总统大选的提名获得全票通过,正式宣布2012年参选总统。年参选总统。2012年年3月,普京赢得总统选举,于月,普京赢得总统选举,于2012年年5月月7日日宣誓宣誓就职,现为就职,现为俄罗斯总统俄罗斯总统。2007年,普京被美国年,普京被美国时代时代周刊选为当年的年度风云人物。周刊选为当年的年度风云人物。oLithuania ljuenin n.

23、立陶宛(前苏联加盟共和国)oLatvialtvi n.拉脱维亚(前苏联加盟共和国名)oEstonia estunj n.爱沙尼亚 oNATOsexpansiontotheeast:o 北约东扩oKey to exercisesoA.SummaryoThis news item is about NATO Secretary Generals visit to Moscow for talks aimed at calming Russia fears about NATOs future plans.oB.Complete the blanks.oParticipants:_Robertson

24、,_oPlace of talks:_oPurpose of talks:_oSituation:_oRussias opinion:_.NATO Secretary General GeorgeMoscowTo calm Russian fears about NATOs future plansNATO continues to expand to the east1.Russia strongly opposes NATO membership2.Russia will take extra security measuresPresident Vladimir Putin and ot

25、her officialsoBackground informationo 1.Federal Security Service o联邦安全局 o 2.Intelligence:o n.智力;聪颖;情报;情报机构 o3.marijuan:o4.interfax news agency o5.American State Departmento6.dismiss oKey to exercises:oA.SummaryoThis news item is about o _oB.Best Answerthe arrest of an American student1.an American s

26、tudent 2.American Intelligence2.3.was arrested Feb.1st 4.Mr Tarbin3.5.spying 6.the American4.7.to spy 8.the Russian accusationPart 1 Questions and Answersosoakedopantryopantry window o1.What is Peter looking for?o(He is looking for his door key.)o2.Is Ann at home?o(No,she is not at home.)o3.What is

27、William worrying about?o(He is worrying about the weather.)o4.What does Peter want to do?o(He wants to get into the house through the pantry window.)Part 1 Questions and Answerso5.Why cant he get in through the window?(Because the window is not wide enough.)o6.Peters father wont mind if Peter breaks

28、 one of the windows,will he?(Yes,he will.)o7.Where is the door key?o(Its in the grass.)o8.What does William think of Peter?(He thinks he is really careless.)odesperately ocircus ogallop oopeningnight Part 2 RetellingMovieTimeotime capsule 藏容器(内中存放有时代特征的物品)ocompetition n.竞赛odedication n.奉献(仪式)oburial

29、 n.埋葬oincredible a.难以置信的orobot n.机器人oesteemed a.受人尊敬的odescendant n.子孙,后代ovault n.储藏室;地窖o1.What was the purpose of the competition held last month?a.To select the best ideas to celebrate the opening day.b.To find out the best picture drawn by students.c.To select the best student in the class.d.To fi

30、nd out the best design of the new building.o2.What was the time capsule?a.It was a tin box.b.It was a flying saucer.c.It was a sealed capsule about the future.d.It was a thinking cap.o3.When would the capsule be opened?a.Five years later.b.Ten years later.c.Fifty years later.d.A hundred years later.

31、o4.What did the girl named Lucinda draw?a.She drew a robot.b.She drew a spaceship.c.She drew a computer program.d.She drew nothing but numbers.Time Capsule-Lucinda.Lucinda,we are going in.Lucinda.-Now you remember,tomorrow is our official opening day,dont you?-Yes,Miss Taylor.-And you remember Princ

32、ipal Clark ran a competition last month to find the best ideas to celebrate this very special day?-Me!-Me!-Well,yesterday the staff selected the winning idea and it came from this class.The winner is our own.Part1ListeningComprehensionPassage1GreetingsandIntroductions ooveremphasize orank owherein oassociate oassume ofilthy oexplicit o1.B 2.D 3.D 4.Co5.B 6.B 7.D 8.BPassage2AmericanIndiansoChristopherColumbus oreservation otribal otribe oPequot ocasino ohonor o 1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B


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