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1、1.mean【探究】1)What does this word mean?2)Do you mean to go without money?3)These new orders will mean working overtime.4)Her husband is very mean about money.5)The ants seem to be talking with each other by this means.6)He crossed the river by means of a boat.7)Come to see us by all means.8)By no mean

2、s should we lose our heart.【总结】1)v.mean to do _ mean doing _2)adj._3)means n.(单复同形)方法,手段 by means of _ by all means _ by no means _吝啬的吝啬的;自私的自私的;卑鄙的卑鄙的意味着意味着打算做打算做 用用的方法的方法,借助于借助于一定一定,务必务必 绝不绝不【训练】1)I (本来打算)give you this book,but I forget.2)Money (没有意义)her.3)Thoughts are always expressed .word.(用语言表

3、达)4)One means not been tried.(have/has)5)All means been tried but none has worked.(have/has)6)(绝不可能)can such a small boy work out so difficult a math problem.meant tomeans nothing toby means of hashaveBy no means3.generous adj.She is generous in giving help.她乐于助人。她乐于助人。He was generous to everybody w

4、ith money.他在金钱上对每个人都很大方。他在金钱上对每个人都很大方。慷慨的慷慨的,大方的大方的be generous+with sth./in doing sth.He is generous towards his employees.他对待雇员很宽厚。他对待雇员很宽厚。宽宏大量的宽宏大量的,宽厚的宽厚的be generous+to/towards sb.She gave me a generous lunch.她请我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。她请我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。大量的大量的;丰富的丰富的;丰盛的丰盛的2.devote【教材原句】A great person is someone w

5、ho devotes his or her life to helping others.(P33)【探究】1)He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.2)He was still devoted to the study of chemistry3)Mrs.Jones had a very devoted husband.【点拨】1)devote ones time/energy/oneself to(doing)sth._ 2)sb./sth.be devoted to(doing)sth._ devoted 词性 挚爱的;全

6、心全意的;忠诚的【训练】1)_ 他将一生奉献给了音乐。2)_.玛丽献身于为病人服务.将某人的时间将某人的时间/精力精力/自己奉献给(做)某事自己奉献给(做)某事某人某人/物被奉献给(做)某事物被奉献给(做)某事 He devoted himself entirely to music.adj.Mary devoted her life to caring for the sickThe man is _ _ _ and goes abroad to look for a job.out of work6.out of work控制不了的控制不了的过时的过时的上气不接下气的上气不接下气的失去联系

7、失去联系out of controlout of dateout of breathout of touch1.下届选举我可能选她。下届选举我可能选她。I may _ _ her at the next election.3.给妇女选举权!给妇女选举权!Give women the _!2.投票反对该提议的人占少数。投票反对该提议的人占少数。A small minority _ _ the motion.vote forvoted againstvote7.vote投票支持:投票支持:vote for投票反对:投票反对:vote against名词名词The dog often gets an

8、gry and will _ anyone who goes close to it.attack8.attackattack vt.进攻进攻,抨击抨击 n.攻击,抨击攻击,抨击进攻是最好的防守。进攻是最好的防守。Attack is the best form of defence.1.事实上,那件事是我做的。事实上,那件事是我做的。_,I was the one who did it.2.事实上,我对数学不感兴趣。事实上,我对数学不感兴趣。_,I have no interest in maths.As a matter of factAs a matter of fact9.as a ma

9、tter of factThe terrorists _ _ the World Trade Building with dynamite(炸药炸药).blew up10.blow up我不能胜任应付这个职务。我不能胜任应付这个职务。Im not _ _ the position.equal toNot all men are _ _ ability.人的能力并不都是一样的。人的能力并不都是一样的。be equal to sth.等于等于,能胜任,能胜任 be equal in sth.在某方面相等在某方面相等equal in11.equal四加四等于八。四加四等于八。Four plus fo

10、ur equals eight.论力气,无人能和他相比。论力气,无人能和他相比。No one equals him in strength.他是个无与伦比的运动员。他是个无与伦比的运动员。He is a player without _ _.an equalequal n./v./adj.平等的,等于平等的,等于equality n.平等平等 equally adv.同样地;相等地同样地;相等地The egg is _ _.in trouble反义词:反义词:out of trouble 摆脱麻烦摆脱麻烦12.in trouble(使某人使某人)陷入困境陷入困境(使某人使某人)摆脱困境摆脱困境

11、制造麻烦制造麻烦自找麻烦自找麻烦做某事有困难做某事有困难给某人添麻烦给某人添麻烦不辞劳苦地做某事不辞劳苦地做某事get(sb.)into troubleget(sb.)out of troublecause/make troubleask for/look for troublehave trouble in doing sth.put sb.to troubletake the trouble to do sth.1.那个男孩儿总是惹麻烦,现在他自己有那个男孩儿总是惹麻烦,现在他自己有麻烦了。麻烦了。The naughty boy is always _ _,but now he is _

12、_.2.我正在努力使他摆脱困境。我正在努力使他摆脱困境。I am trying hard to _ _ _ _.makingin troubleget himtroubleout of trouble3.turn to【教材原句】Why did Nelson Mandela turn to violence to make black and white people equal?(P35)【探究】1)I dont want to turn down a friend who asks for help.2)Turn down the radio,or youll disturb people

13、.3)Our head teacher may turn up at any time.4)Can you turn up the volume?5)Must she turn in her exercise-books this afternoon?6)Carefully turn over the leaves of the precious book.7)I didnt know where to turn to.8)You can turn to your teacher when you have any problem.pages9)More and more people tur

14、n to computer science.10)To whom should we turn over the key when we leave here.11)I will turn the matter over in my mind and tell you tomorrow what I have decided.【总结】turn to _ turn down _ turn up _ turn in _ turn over _转向,转向,求助于求助于;致力于;致力于把音量等调低把音量等调低;拒绝;拒绝把音量等调高把音量等调高;出现;出现上交,归还上交,归还 考虑;翻转;移交考虑;翻

15、转;移交【翻译】我们可以向警察求助。_我拒绝了他的建议。_ We can turn to the police.I turned down his suggestion.4.escape【教材原句】It was a prison from which no one escaped.(P38)【探究】1)The soldier escaped from the enemys prison.2)We were lucky to escape being punished.3)His name escapes me.4)We must cut off his escape.名词名词【点拨】1)vi.

16、(+)逃跑;逃脱2)vt.(+)逃避;逃脱;避免;_ (句)3)n.逃路;出口【翻译】1)Nothing can escape his attention._ 2)The prisoners were trying to escape._ fromV-ing什么也逃不过他的注意。什么也逃不过他的注意。那些囚犯正设法逃跑。那些囚犯正设法逃跑。没有被没有被.注意到注意到;被被.忘掉忘掉 escape:“逃避;避免逃避;避免”某种危险或厄运某种危险或厄运escape from:“逃脱逃脱”指从具体的、实实指从具体的、实实在在的拘禁、限制范围或危险的环境中逃在在的拘禁、限制范围或危险的环境中逃脱脱5.

17、set up【教材原句】set up law office to help poor black people in Johannesburg(P39)【探究】1)When was the hospital set up?_ 2)After a months journey,they set off for home._ 3)The terrorists set off bombs in public places._ 4)He set out for England._ 建立建立 引爆;激发引爆;激发出发,动身出发,动身 出发出发 5)We set out to paint the whol

18、e house._ 6)They set about cleaning and sweeping the house._ 7)The students should set aside a regular time for vocabulary learning._ 8)Set down your heavy bags and have a rest._9)I want to set down my feelings on paper._开始做或处理;着手开始做或处理;着手开始做或处理;着手开始做或处理;着手 留出留出/节省节省放下放下写下写下【训练】(用set相关短语的适当形式填空)He s

19、et learning Chinese at the age of ten.The children the fireworks in the yard.She a bit of money every month.They _ a statue in honor of the national hero.We will set for Africa tomorrow.aboutset offsets asideset upset off/outadj.n.means 方法;手段方法;手段单复数同形单复数同形by means ofby all meansby no means用用 的方法;借助

20、于的方法;借助于一定、务必一定、务必绝不绝不mean to do sth.mean doing sth.低劣的;刻薄的;卑鄙的;吝啬的低劣的;刻薄的;卑鄙的;吝啬的1 错过一辆公交车意味着再等一小时。错过一辆公交车意味着再等一小时。Missing a bus means waiting for another hour.2.我打算明天看望你。我打算明天看望你。I mean to visit you tomorrow.vt.致力于致力于;奉献给奉献给;把把.专注于专注于短语中的短语中的 to 为介词,接动为介词,接动词时要为动名词形式词时要为动名词形式1.他致力于帮助穷人。他致力于帮助穷人。2.

21、他一生都献给了造福人类的事业。他一生都献给了造福人类的事业。He _ _ _ _ the poor.He _ _ _ _ the poor.He _ _ _ _ _ benefiting mankind.devoted himself to helpingwas devoted to helpingdevoted his whole life to她是一位贤妻良母。她是一位贤妻良母。She is a good wife and _.a devoted mother那孩子向母亲寻求安慰。那孩子向母亲寻求安慰。The child _ _ his mother for comfort.turned

22、to他查阅了所有著名的参考书。他查阅了所有著名的参考书。He has _ _ all the well-known reference books for help.turned to出现,调大出现,调大关小,拒绝关小,拒绝上交;归还上交;归还考虑;翻转;移交考虑;翻转;移交结果是,证明是结果是,证明是转过来转过来变成变成打开打开关掉关掉turn upturn downturn inturn overturn outturn aroundturn intoturn onturn off object to lead to refer to attend to stick to see to反对

23、反对导致导致提到,指的是提到,指的是处理,照料处理,照料坚持坚持办理,料理办理,料理escape n.逃路;出口逃路;出口 vi.逃跑;逃脱逃跑;逃脱 +fromvt.逃避;逃脱;避免逃避;逃脱;避免 没有被没有被 注意到;被注意到;被 忘掉忘掉+doing escape:“逃避;避免逃避;避免”某种危险或厄运某种危险或厄运escape from:“逃脱逃脱”指从具体的、实实指从具体的、实实在在的拘禁、限制范围或危险的环境中逃在在的拘禁、限制范围或危险的环境中逃脱脱1)Some gas is _ the pipe.煤气管在漏气煤气管在漏气。2)He tried to _ punishment.他设法躲避惩罚。他设法躲避惩罚。3)A lion has _ its cage.有一只狮子从笼子里逃走了。有一只狮子从笼子里逃走了。4)Nothing _ his attention.任何东西逃不过他的注意。任何东西逃不过他的注意。escaping fromescaped fromescapedescapeset upset offset outset aboutset asideset down建立建立出发;引爆、激发出发;引爆、激发出发、动身;出发、动身;开始处理、着手开始处理、着手开始处理、着手开始处理、着手留出、节省留出、节省放下;写下放下;写下


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