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1、Pronouns1.Classification and a brief introductionA.Personal Pronoun I you he she it /we you theyme you him her it /us you them a.Objective Pron.&Subjective Pron.b.first person,second person,third personB.Possessive Pronoun a.my your his her its our your theirb.mine yours his hers its ours yours thei

2、rs a.determiners b.possessive pronounsC.Self/Reflexive pronoun myself yourself himself herself itself oneself ourselves yourselves themselvesD.Demonstrative Pronoun this that these those suchE.Interrogative Pron.&Conjunctive Pron.who whom whose which whatF.Relative Pronoun who whom whose which thatG

3、.Indefinite Pronoun a.some/any/every/no+body/one/thingb.every,noc.all,enough,many/much,some/any/other,(a)few/(a)little/several,both/either/neither,each/one/another/noneH.Reciprocal Pronoun one another each other2.Pronoun Reference(代词照应)(代词照应)A.Personal Reference 人称照应人称照应 Demonstrative Reference 指示照应

4、指示照应-Crime author Agatha Christie wrote a lot of books and plays in her lifetime.They are still selling very well today,over thirty years after her death.-He married one of his students,and this/that was known to us all.B.Anaphoric Reference 后照应后照应 Crime author Agatha Christie wrote a lot of books a

5、nd plays in her lifetime.Cataphoric Reference 前照应前照应 When he was at college,Alex was a great friend of mine.Situational Reference 语境照应语境照应 He married one of his students,and this/that was known to us all.EX.9C3.Pronoun concord with the antecedentA.Pronoun concord in number EX.8AB.Pronoun concord in

6、gender -masculine gender(son,brother,cock,bull)-feminine gender(daughter,sister,hen,cow)-common gender(child,friend,cousin,singer)-neuter gender(book,sky,knowledge,money)EX.8BC.Pronoun concord in persona.Pron.concord in person with the antecedent-Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness to

7、wards their children.-Caswell pulled me to the hotel bar room and yelled for a waiter.We ordered drinks.While we drank,he talked continuously about himself,his family,his wife and her family.b.Pron.concord in person in a text (the example on P134)EX.8C4.Personal Pronoun4.1.subj.case or obj.case?A.It

8、 was she who had been wrong.It is her we are talking about.It was them who saved the drowning girl.a.subjective case for subject in formal speech b.objective case for object c.objective case for subject in informal speech B.Open the door please.Its me.What would you do if you were him?a.objective ca

9、se for complement,esp.at the end of a clauseC.-Someone will have to answer for it.-Not you or me.-Does anyone of you know where Tom lives?-Me.What!Me(to)play him at chess?No!a.objective case for subject in a sentence without finite-verb predicateD.Im taller than him.(prep.obj.)Im taller than he(is).

10、(conj.+clause)Im not so musical as him/he(is).You sing better than me/I(do).E.Who or whom?1._ has offered some help?2._ did you meet at the theatre?3._ did you borrow the book from?4.To _ did you send the parcel?5.She is a woman _ people believe may be the president of the company some day.(1.who,2.

11、who/whom,3.who/whom,4.whom,5.who)4.2 Generic reference of Personal Pron.a.If you want to see the ruins,you must go on foot.(you=people,including the speaker&listener)b.You/We eat to live,not live to eat.(you/we=people,including the speaker&listener)c.If one wants to see the ruins,he/one must find hi

12、s/ones own guide.(one=a person,including the speaker&listener)d.They say a storm is coming up.(they=people,excluding the speaker or listener)e.He who/that works hard will succeed.(he=any person)EX.9A5.Reflexive pronouns5.1.Emphatic usea.appositive-usu.emphaticeg.Lucy herself will perform the operati

13、on.You should solve the problem yourself.I like the diamond itself but not the setting.b.object-sometimes emphaticeg.He would allow no one but himself to operate the machine.I dont know anything about it,why dont you ask himself?She is about the same age as you/yourself.c.Other positionseg.My collea

14、gue or myself/I will attend to the work.Im glad to see you are yourself again.Frank is not quite himself today.Simplicity is in itself a form of beauty.(=independently)They did the exercise by themselves (=without aid).5.2 Non-emphatic use/usu.as Objecteg.Behave yourself while I am away.We availed o

15、urselves of every chance to speak English.We are determined to devote ourselves to the cause of education.They quarreled themselves red in the face.The enemy found themselves in a dilemma.I promised myself a fruitful discussion with you.Before going to bed,she assured herself that the door was locke

16、d.EX.9B6.Demonstrative pronounsA.this/that”-Anaphoric Reference eg.Steve had a bad cold.This/That was why he didnt turn up.Of all the pictures,I like this/that/these/those best.B.this-Cataphoric Reference eg.This is what I mean:You should have changed,not deleted that paragraph.I said this.There sho

17、uld be no error,no delay,and no waste.*I like that.He damages my bike and then blames me for letting him use it.C.that/those:to replace a N.in previous text eg.His last two books are a great success as compared with _ he wrote earlier.(those)The cake made of wheat costs less than _ made of rice A ca

18、ke made of wheat costs less than _ made of rice (that=the cake,one a cake)7.Indefinite Pronouns-some/any/every/no+body/one/thing-every,no-all,enough,many/much,some/any/other,(a)few/(a)little/several,both/either/neither,each/one/another/none7.1 some(-body,-one,-thing)&any(-body,-one,-thing)A.I need s

19、omebody to help me in the work.Has anybody anything to say?If you want anything,you can call me.B.Fred racked his brains more than anyone else in solving this problem.Did somebody phone me last night?Why dont you ask something else?context determinationC.Anyone can tell you the way.I want something

20、to eat,anything will do.Anyone who does that is risking his own life.Anyone can enter for the competition,cant they?“any-”“some-”D.“anyone”and“any one”eg.Anyone can do that.Which screwdriver do you want?-Any one will do.7.2 nobody,no one,nothing,noneA.Nobody,no one a._ likes _ friends to take advant

21、age of _.b.Miss Watkins was a _.She was a drifter.No family,no close friends.(a:nobody/no one,his,him;b:nobody)nobody=no one(sb.)nobody:unimportant person B.nothing,nonea.Theres _ on the blackboard.b.Of his three sons,_ likes literature.c._ of the letters have been answered.d.Whats on the blackboard

22、?_.e.How many students are in the room?_.f.How much petrol is left?_.a.nothing b.none c.none d.nothing e.none f.nonevnothing(sth.);vnone(sb.or sth.)vnothing whatvnone how many/how much7.3 each,every,everyone/everybodya.each-2/sb.or sth./n.&adj.role every-3/sb.or sth./adj.role everyone-3/sb./n.roleeg

23、.There is a line of trees on each side of the river.Two men came into the room.Each carried an umbrella.Every student should do his best.Everyone over eighteen has a vote.b.each-every/everyone The secretary knows every student of the class by name.The secretary knows each student of the class by nam

24、e.Many girls came and I gave an apple to each.Many girls came and I gave an apple to everyone.I walked into the room and gave an apple to everybody(each).I gave each of the girls(=everyone)in the room an apple.“each”can be appositive;“every”cant.eg.They each have two tickets.They have each told me t

25、he same story.They were each sentenced to thirty days.Everybody looked after himself/themselves.Each/Every one of the students should have his/their own books.7.4 other,anotherA.othera.other+n.(sin./pl.;count./uncount.)eg.Other members may not like the idea.Any other student will do.Write your answe

26、r on every other line.We have no other business this morning.b.other/others=n.eg.Of the two applicants one is a student and the other a textile worker.Mary and I got home by 7 oclock but not the others.(=the rest)Be good to others.(泛指泛指:other people)B.anothera.another+n.(sin.)eg.Let me have another

27、try.She had another cup of tea.We have another two meetings this week.b.If youve already seen that film,we can go and see another.Is this another of schemes to make money?I dont like these.Have you any others/more?Please let me see some others/more.another=n.(*pl:some/any others/more)7.5 many,mucha.

28、to be used in negative s.and questions.eg.There are not many buses on this route.Were there many people at the reception?We havent paid much attention to it.Did you have much snow last winter?Quantifiers In a positive sentence:Quantifiers In a positive sentence:many=a large/great/good number of;nume

29、rousmuch=a great/large amount of;a great deal ofmany/much=a lot of,lots of,plenty ofb.“many”&“much”in a positive sentenceb/1.I doubt whether there will be many people at the show on this rainy day.No one can tell whether there will be much argument on the case.b/1.in“whether/if”clauseb/2.Many teache

30、rs use audio-visual aids in their language classes.Much work has to be done before the plant goes into operation.b/2.at the beginning of a sentenceb/3.We had too much rain this summer.You used too many big words in your composition.We can let you have as many copies as you need.Its unimaginable that he has so much strength at his age.b/3.after“so,too,as,how”Ex.6F Ex.9D


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