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1、Read the quotation about war and peace.A good soldier is not violent.A good fighter is not angry.A good winner is not vengeful.Laozi,Chinese philosopher善为士者不武,善战者不怒,善为士者不武,善战者不怒,善胜敌者不与。善胜敌者不与。There has never been a good war or a bad peace.Benjamin Franklin,American scientistWar does not tell us who

2、is right only who is left.Bertrand Russell,British philosopherholding the right beliefsstill aliveYou cannot prevent and prepare for war at the same time.Albert Einstein,German-born American theoretical physicistWhat can governments do to prevent war?If everyone demanded peace instead of another TV

3、set,wed have peace.John Lennon,British musicianCandlelight vigil held to mark 76th anniversary of Nanjing massacre(12-13-2013 07:24 BJT)A series of memorials was held on Thursday and Friday in the city of Nanjing to mark the 76thanniversary of a massacre that claimed the lives of 30,000 Chinese civi

4、lians and disarmedsoldiers.Pre-reading:On the night of January 30,1939,the Nazis organized a massive torchlight parade in Berlin to celebrate the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor of Germany.Above-Adolf Hitler greet the participants in the parade as they pass beneath the window of Hitlers new offi

5、ce.Answer the questions about a war in the twentieth century.1.There was a war that took place between 1939 and 1945.What is the name of this war?(a)the Great War(b)the Second World War2.When the war began,which countries were involved?(a)Britain and Germany (b)the United states and Japan3.The war b

6、egan when a country was invaded.Which country was invaded?(a)Poland (b)France World War II Glossary轴心国轴心国同盟国同盟国Axis Powers:The alliance of Germany,Italy,and Japan.Allies:Countries that fought against the Axis Powers.Allied Expeditionary Force(AEF):Twelve nations supplied troops and material for it,i

7、ncluding the United States,Canada,France and the United Kingdom.同盟国远征军同盟国远征军abandon attempt danger kill1.British and American troops _ to land in France.2.These landings were very _.3.Many troops were _ during the landings.4.At one point,military commanders thought about _ the operation.attempteddan

8、gerouskilledabandoningOO started when boats full of soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy in France,known as the D-Day landings.It was the beginning of the end of the WWII.operation overlord霸王行动霸王行动:code name for the military operation in 1944 to invade France.Map of D-Day LandingsEnglish Chann

9、elGreat BritainFrance Omaha(奥马哈奥马哈)What kind of people can you see in the photo?Where on the map do you think the photograph was taken?What are the people in the photograph doing?Look at the photograph and the map and answer the questions.The D-Day LandingsPassage 1Passage 2Passage 3A.great losses o

10、f the soldiers of Able CompanyB.an event related to the Second World WarC.the most important battle during the Second World War-Operation OverlordMatch according to your reading.The Second World War1.Lasting years:2.Start time:3.End time:4.joining countries:5.Cause:6.The important battle:6 years (fr

11、om 1939 1945)19391945US,Britain,Germany,CanadaBritain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland.Operation OverlordRead the passage 1 and answer the following questions.1.What event started the Second World War?Germanys invasion of Poland.2.What was the purpose of Operation Overlord?To inv

12、ade France.3.What nationality were the troops taking part in the landing?British,American and Canadian.4.Where was the most dangerous place to land?Omaha Beach.The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats.这次登陆行动异常危险很多士兵还没来得及这次登陆行动异常危险很多士兵还没来得

13、及下船就牺牲了。下船就牺牲了。1Detailed readingDetailed reading:which sentence can be replaced by the following one?At first Operation Overlord seemed dangerous and the situation was at a mess,but finally it was successful because the soldiers fought bravely.Operation Overlord started as a story of danger and conf

14、usion and ended as a story of bravery and acts of heroism.霸王行动以危险和混乱开始,却以英勇和无畏结霸王行动以危险和混乱开始,却以英勇和无畏结束。束。During the Second World War,Germany _ many countries.The most important battle of the war in Europe was _.It started when soldiers landed on the _ in France.5,000 ships crossed the _,carrying 130,

15、000 troops to the French coast.The United States,Britain and _ took part in the battle.The operation was extremely _ and thousands of soldiers were killed.American soldiers tried to _ at the most dangerous place,Omaha Beach.The _ was very bad but they eventually made a(n)_.The D-Day landings were _.

16、occupied Operation Overlord beaches of Normandy English ChannelCanadadangerous landsituation breakthroughsuccessfulRead passage 2 and choose the best answers on P73.abbabIf they had reached the beach,they would probably have been killed.要是他们抵达了海滩就很有可能没命了要是他们抵达了海滩就很有可能没命了.2 3.Half an hour after the f

17、irst attack,two thirds of the company were dead.4.The survivors lay on the beach,exhausted and shocked.第一次进攻开始之后半小时,该连队三分之二的第一次进攻开始之后半小时,该连队三分之二的将士都阵亡了。死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上,疲将士都阵亡了。死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸惫不堪,心有余悸.On the morning of _ 1944,the soldiers of Able Company crossed the English Channel.When they were

18、 about _ kilometres from the beach,the Germans started firing at them.Boat _ was hit and six men drowned._ men were saved by other boats.When Boat _ was a few metres from the beach,the soldiers jumped out so that some drowned.Many were killed or wounded by _ fire.Most of the soldiers on Boat 1 and B

19、oat 4 drowned.Half an hour after the first attack,_ of the company were dead.After an hour and forty-five minutes,six of the survivors tried to get off the beach,but only _ joined a group from another company.6 June 55 Twenty3 machine guntwo thirdstwoPassage 3 World War II CemeteryWorld War II Memor

20、ial In FranceWorld War II Memorial In U.S.A.=which was situated on=which overlookRead Passage 3 again and answer the questions.1.Why was 6 June 2004 an important date for the survivors?It was the 60th anniversary of the landings.2.Why do you think so many soldiers were never found?They were drowned

21、or blown up.3.In your own words,what does the poem say about the lost soldiers?It says that they are not really lost because we will always remembers them.The poem For the Fallen was written _.A.at the beginning of the Second World War B.at the end of the Second World WarC.after the Second World War

22、 D.before the Second World WarD他们永远不会变老,当他们永远不会变老,当我们活着的人们都已老我们活着的人们都已老朽;朽;年华不能使他们厌倦,年华不能使他们厌倦,岁月也不会让他们愧疚;岁月也不会让他们愧疚;日出日落,我们缅怀他日出日落,我们缅怀他们直到永久。们直到永久。They shall not grow old,as we that are left grow old.Age shall not weary them,nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun and in the morning We

23、will remember them.2)The cemetery and memorial are situated on a cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel,from where the boats attempted their landings.【仿写仿写】艾里斯站在窗前,从那儿她能看得到同艾里斯站在窗前,从那儿她能看得到同学们打篮球学们打篮球.非限制性定语从句墓地和纪念碑坐落在一处悬崖之上,从那里可以墓地和纪念碑坐落在一处悬崖之上,从那里可以俯瞰海滩和英吉利海峡,当时一艘艘船只就试图俯瞰海滩和英吉利海峡,当时一艘

24、艘船只就试图从那里登陆从那里登陆.Alice stood in front of the window,from where she could watch her classmates playing basketball.5 On the 6th June 2004,_ of the D-Day Landings from many different countries returned to _ to remember their lost comrades.They went to the _ and _ which are _ on a cliff overlooking the

25、beach and the English Channel,from where the boats _ their landings.On the memorial there is part of a poem called“_”.survivorsFrancecemeterymemorialsituatedattemptedFor the Fallen war or peace?We hate war.We want peace.Lets build a peaceful world.Now,most of the people around the world are enjoying

26、 the peace.When we are reading a novel describing the war,no matter it is the First or the Second World War,we can imagine the bitterness,sadness and hopelessness that the war brought us.Nobody would like to forget it.So that is why most people are struggling for a much more beautiful and peaceful w

27、orld.Lets work harder to get rid of any kind of fights and conflicts.Wish that the different nations unite to fight against the war.1.vengeful adj.very eager to punish someone who has harmed you 复仇的复仇的,报复心切的报复心切的 e.g.复仇之神复仇之神 a vengeful God2.invade vt.(1)侵略侵略(他国等他国等),入侵入侵 e.g.德国于德国于1939年入侵波兰。年入侵波兰。G

28、ermany invaded Poland in 1939.(2)invade(人人)涌入涌入(城市等城市等)e.g.每年夏天许多旅游者涌入那个城市。每年夏天许多旅游者涌入那个城市。Many tourists invade the city every summer.(3)侵犯侵犯(人的权利等人的权利等),侵扰侵扰(生活生活)e.g.侵扰某人的隐私侵扰某人的隐私 invade a persons privacy invasion n.侵略侵略 invader n.入侵者入侵者3.abandon v.(1)抛弃抛弃(某人某人),遗弃遗弃,弃弃(船船)等而去等而去,(下车、船等下车、船等)置之不顾

29、置之不顾 abandon+n.e.g.背弃祖国背弃祖国/朋友朋友 abandon ones country/friends(2)中止中止,断念断念,放弃放弃e.g.他放弃了这个计划。他放弃了这个计划。He abandoned the plan.革除恶习革除恶习 abandon a bad habit 放弃希望放弃希望 abandon ones hope 4.declare“宣布宣布,声称声称,声明声明”,常跟名常跟名词、从句和复合结构词、从句和复合结构(1)跟名词跟名词e.g.之后之后,美国对日本宣战。美国对日本宣战。After that the United States declared

30、war on/upon Japan.保加利亚在保加利亚在1908年宣告独立。年宣告独立。Bulgaria declared the independence in 1908.(2)跟从句跟从句e.g.被控告者声称他无罪。被控告者声称他无罪。The accused man declared that he was not guilty.我们宣布启动工程。我们宣布启动工程。We declare that time has come to start our project.(3)跟复合结构跟复合结构e.g.他声称自己是他们派别的人。他声称自己是他们派别的人。He declared himself

31、to be a member of their party.被控告者宣称自己的清白。被控告者宣称自己的清白。The accused man declared himself innocent.学生们声明反对作弊。学生们声明反对作弊。The students declared themselves against cheating.5.occupy (1)vt.占占(空间、场所、地位等空间、场所、地位等),居住居住于于(家、房间等家、房间等),占用时间,占用时间e.g.公园占了那个城市的公园占了那个城市的1/3 面积。面积。The park occupies a third of the cit

32、y.晚餐和演讲占用了两个钟头。晚餐和演讲占用了两个钟头。The dinner and speeches occupied 2 hours.(2)vt.(军队军队)占领占领,占据占据 occupy+名名 e.g.第二次世界大战后第二次世界大战后,盟军占领了那盟军占领了那个国家好几年。个国家好几年。The allied forces occupied that country for several years after World War II.(3)be occupied with/in=occupy oneself with/in 正从事正从事,专心专心于于e.g.我一直专心读历史书。我一

33、直专心读历史书。I have been occupied in reading history books.他从事种种项目。他从事种种项目。He occupied himself with various projects.occupation n.职业职业,固定工作固定工作,居住居住,占有占有 6.drown (1)vt./vi.沉没沉没,淹没淹没,淹死淹死 e.g.那人溺死在河中。那人溺死在河中。The man drowned in the river.(2)vt.使淹没,使湿透使淹没,使湿透 e.g.洪水淹没了许多房屋。洪水淹没了许多房屋。The great flood drowned

34、many houses.(3)(vt.)(噪音等噪音等)把把(声音声音)压倒压倒,盖住盖住,淹淹没没drown+名名(常与常与out连用连用)e.g.她的声音被瀑布的水声给淹没了。她的声音被瀑布的水声给淹没了。The noise of the waterfall drowned(out)her voice.Her voice was drowned out by the noise of the waterfall.7.weary(adj.)(1)疲倦的,疲惫的疲倦的,疲惫的e.g.疲倦的脚疲倦的脚 weary feet(2)感到厌倦的感到厌倦的,感到厌烦的感到厌烦的(不置于名不置于名词之前词

35、之前)be weary of+名名 对对e.g.你的说教令我厌烦。你的说教令我厌烦。Im weary of your preaching.(3)使使(人人)疲倦的疲倦的,厌烦的厌烦的,感到无聊的感到无聊的(置于名词之前置于名词之前)e.g.令人疲倦的旅行令人疲倦的旅行 a weary journeyweary(vt./vi.)使使(人人)疲倦疲倦,感到疲倦感到疲倦,使使(人人)厌烦厌烦e.g.他整天走路他整天走路,感觉疲倦不堪感觉疲倦不堪 He was wearied with walking all day.我不久就对那演讲感觉厌烦了。我不久就对那演讲感觉厌烦了。I soon wearied

36、 of listening to the lecture.8.condemn (1)vt.(因因)(严厉地严厉地)责难责难(人、行人、行为为);责备责备;谴责谴责 condemn+名名+(for 名名)e.g.报纸严厉谴责那政客的受贿行为。报纸严厉谴责那政客的受贿行为。The newspapers condemned the politician for bribery.(2)(因因)判决判决(某人某人)有罪有罪,判刑判刑 condemn+名名(人人)+(for 名名)e.g.他因凶杀被判有罪而入狱。他因凶杀被判有罪而入狱。He was condemned(for murder)and sent in prison.condemn+名名(人人)+to 名名/to do 宣宣言言(某人某人)判处判处e.g.法官判他死刑。法官判他死刑。The judge condemned him to death.1.Finish the Ex.8 on P74.2.Finish the exercise in the workbook.


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