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1、Unit 5 The power of natureUsing language选修六选修六ABC1 Look at the pictures below and guess what problems volcanologists have to face.Then listen to the tape and see if you were right.2 Listen to three volcanologists talking about their most frightening experience.Write their names under the pictures.AB

2、 Sarah TangFrank GoreJane SmallC3 Listen again and fill in the chart.NameJane SmallLength of time as a volcanologist?Where was the volcano?When was he/she no longer frightened?5 yearsAlaskaAfter collecting asample of lavaNameFrank GoreLength of time as a volcanologist?Where was the volcano?When was

3、he/she no longer frightened?10 yearsHawaiiWhen back on dry landNameSarah TangLength of time as a volcanologist?Where was the volcano?When was he/she no longer frightened?20 yearsNew ZealandAfter the trembling she became excited andforgot to be frightened4 Listen to the tape once more.Write the names

4、 of the person besides the emotional expressions they talked about.1.I became so excited that I forgot my fear.Jane2.At first I was afraid that the volcano would erupt while I was still inside it.Sarah3.I was trembling as much as the ground-and was sweating too!Sarah4.After that,I was never so frigh

5、tened again but Im always careful.Jane5.I was so anxious and couldnt move at first.Jane6.I felt very nervous and had to force myself not to panic.Frank7.After that I became excited by the experience and forgot to be frightened.Sarah8.I had never felt so happy as I landed safely.FrankListening textLi

6、sten to three volcanologists talking about their most frightening experience.Part 1Hi,Im Jane Small.Ive been a volcanologist for five years,but I can still remember my first visit inside a crater.We were on the top of an active volcano in Alaska.The experienced members of our group went immediately

7、to the edge of the crater.I was so anxious and couldnt move at first.After a while I forced myself to join the others.Then I got the courage to bend over the boiling lava and collect a sample.I became so excited that I forgot my fear.After that,I was never so frightened again but Im always careful.P

8、art 2Hello,I am Frank Gore.Ive been studying volcanoes for almost 10 years.My most frightening experience was while flying over a volcano in Hawaii.Suddenly the clouds came down really low and our pilot couldnt tell where we were.We flew down below the clouds very close to the volcano.We flew betwee

9、n the fiery red lava below and the thick,dark clouds above.I felt so nervous and had to force myself not to panic.I had never felt so happy as I landed safely.Part 3Good morning!Hi,I am Sarah Tang.Ive been examining volcanoes for over twenty years.Ill never forget the amazing experience I had on a v

10、olcano in New Zealand.I was down the crater taking measurements.Suddenly the ground under my feet began to tremble.The trembling got stronger and strongerand after a minute some steam blew out of the ground.Thats when I realized that the volcano was active.Believe me I was trembling as much as the g

11、round,and was sweating too!At first I was afraid that the volcano would erupt while I was still inside it!After that I became excited by the experience and forgot to be frightened.Speaking Think of a powerful natural disaster(such as an earthquake,food,typhoon,storm)that you have experienced.You can

12、 use your imagination if you have not experienced any of these things.Tell your partner about your experience and how you felt.Jane and I had been waking in the mountains when we noticed some dark clouds coming down the mountain.We decided to turn around and go home.As we walked,the clouds got neare

13、r and nearer and the day grew darker.Then all of a sudden it began to snow.It was soon snowing so hard we couldnt see very far in front of us.Sample We held each others hands so that we couldnt get separated.We continued down the mountain.But the snow got deeper and deeper.Walking became harder and

14、harder.We began to get very tired and very frightened.After a while the path became buried under the snow and we didnt know which way to go.We were completely lost.We found some shelter behind a big rock.Hugging each other for warmth,we stayed like that until the storm was over.Luckily it only laste

15、d an hour or two.Then the sun came out again and we could see our house in the distance.We were so relieved that we both burst into tears.New words 1.tremble vi.(因恐怖因恐怖,寒冷寒冷,疾病等疾病等)发抖发抖,战栗战栗,与与with,at 连用连用;加名词时加名词时要加要加for或或to do,表示忧虑表示忧虑,疑虑。疑虑。n.战栗战栗,颤抖颤抖adj.trembling “颤抖的颤抖的”,如如:trembling hands.I t

16、rembled at the thought of it.His voice trembled with anger.I trembled for your safety.There was a tremble in his voice as he told her the sad news.当他告诉她那个当他告诉她那个伤心的消息时伤心的消息时,他的声音颤抖着他的声音颤抖着。The whole house trembled when the train went by.火车经过时火车经过时,整座房子都在震颤整座房子都在震颤。2.anxious adj.1)急切的急切的,渴望的渴望的be anx

17、ious to do/for sth./that 从句从句想要做某事想要做某事,得到某物得到某物be anxious for sb to do sth 渴望某人做某渴望某人做某事事I am anxious for you to succeed.我渴望你成功我渴望你成功。2)焦急不安的焦急不安的be anxious about sth.为为担心担心anxiety n.焦急的情绪焦急的情绪(U);烦恼烦恼,令人着急的事令人着急的事(C);急于想做某事急于想做某事,热望热望He waited in anxiety for Hilarys report.After listening to his a

18、dvice,she had no more anxieties.worried aboutanxious about adj.anxiety n.1)People are _ their safety.2)He caused his parents great _ by coming back home late.anxious about anxiety3.panic vi/vt.(panicked,panicked,panicking)害怕害怕,惊恐不安惊恐不安;使害怕使害怕,使惊恐使惊恐The children panicked at the loud noise.n.惊惶不安惊惶不安,

19、惊恐惊恐(C)There was a panic when the fire broke out.be in a panic get into a panic 在惊恐中在惊恐中panic sb.into doing sth.使某人仓促行事使某人仓促行事fearpanicFill in the blanks.1)He _ thinking it was a snake.2)The eruption of volcano _ many people _ this area.火山爆发吓得很多人逃离了这个地区火山爆发吓得很多人逃离了这个地区。3)She _ when she thought shed

20、lost the necklace.想到自己把项链丢了想到自己把项链丢了,她十分惊慌。她十分惊慌。panickedpanickedinto leaving got into a real panic Some tourist attractions in China Reading Giant Panda Research CenterMount Tai ShanJiu Zhai GouMount Huang ShanFuxianhu the West LakeHot springChangbaishanThe Lake of Heaven天池天池Fast Reading Read the t

21、ext quickly and find out the key words(关键词)关键词)of each paragraph.Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4ChangbaishanTianchistoriescoinCareful Reading Paragraph 1 ChangbaishanRead the passage carefully and finish the following tasks.LocationPositionHeightRare animalsThe aims of visitorsThe most

22、 attractionJilin Province,Northeast ChinaChinas largest nature reservevaries from 700 m to 2,000 mcranes,black bears,leopards and Siberian tigersTo study the plants and animals;walk in the mountains;see the waterfalls;bathe in the hot water poolsTianchi,the Lake of HeavenParagraph 2 Tianchiintroduct

23、ionheightdepthsightsDeep lake has formed in the crater.2,194m more than 200mthe crystal clear waterthe other sixteen mountain peaks Paragraph 3 Fill in the blanks with some persons or animals to complete the chart.bathingflewdroppedfruitswallowedpregnantgave birth tofatherThree young womenfrom heave

24、nA birdThe youngest girlA handsome boyThe Manchu peopleParagraph 4coinYou and your _ one drop a _ into the clear,blue water to _ your love will be as _ and _ as the lake.lovedcoinguaranteedeeplasting1.In what province is Changbaishan?2.What is a nature reserve?Why is Changbaishan a famous nature res

25、erve?3.What is the most popular tourist attraction in the reserve?Detailed readingIn Jilin Province.A place kept in its natural state for people to enjoy.It is the largest one in China.Tianchi,or the Lake of Heaven.4.What does Tianchi mean?How is Tianchi formed?5.What is the connection between the M

26、anchu people and Tianchi?The Lake of Heaven.It is formed in the crater of a dead volcano.There is a story told about Tianchi and the father of Manchu people.True or false?1.Changbaishan is the second largest nature reserve in China.2.The peak of Changbaishan can reach as high as 2,000 meters.FT3.You

27、 can see a lot of black bears,leopards or cranes in Changbaishan.4.Tianchi is a lake in the crater of an extinct volcano.5.The ancestors of the Manchu people were believed to be good at language and persuasion.FTFDiscussion If you were a tourist guide(导游导游),how would you introduce the Lake of Heaven

28、 in Changbaishan to the tourists?ChangbaishanTianchistorycoin The Lake of Heavenin its four seasonsspringsummerautumnwinter1.The height of the land varies from 700 meters above sea level to over 2000 meters and is home to a great diversity of plants and animals.这里的地面高度从海拔这里的地面高度从海拔700700米到米到2,0002,0

29、00多多米不等米不等,是各种各样的动植物的生长地是各种各样的动植物的生长地。1)vary v.(使使)变化变化,呈现不同呈现不同,改变改变The security always varies its route.(彼此彼此)在这问题上意见很不一致在这问题上意见很不一致。Language Pointsvary fromto 由由到到不等;不等;从从变为变为 这些鱼的价格从这些鱼的价格从3 3镑到镑到5 5镑不等。镑不等。The price of these fish vary from 3 to 5.价钱因季节而变化价钱因季节而变化。The price varies according to t

30、he season.她的情绪由乐观一变而极为消沉她的情绪由乐观一变而极为消沉。Her mood varied from optimism to extreme depression.今天全国不同地区都下了雪今天全国不同地区都下了雪。There has been snow today in various parts of the country.我们出售的产品是各式各样的我们出售的产品是各式各样的。The products we sell are many and various.various adj.different from each other,of different kindsv

31、ariety n.=change(质量质量,种类和特征的种类和特征的)变化变化他不喜欢这工作他不喜欢这工作,因为它单调乏味。因为它单调乏味。He doesnt like the work because it lacks variety.=kind 种类种类,品种品种:不同种类的香蕉不同种类的香蕉different varieties of bananas2)diversity=variety n.变化多样变化多样,多样性多样性亚洲的植物形态多种多样亚洲的植物形态多种多样。The plants of Asia show great diversity of form.(对此对此)一定众说纷纭一

32、定众说纷纭。There must be a wide diversity of opinions.a variety of 许多许多,各种各样各种各样这些体恤有各种各样的颜色供挑选这些体恤有各种各样的颜色供挑选。These T-shirts are available in a wide variety of colours.give birth to sth.生生,产生产生bear 生育生育,生产生产,结结(果果)beget 父父)生生(子女子女),),为为之父之父be born 出生出生,诞生诞生2.give birth to(sb./sth)生小孩生小孩;产仔产仔 eg.她昨晚生了个可爱

33、的小男孩她昨晚生了个可爱的小男孩。She gave birth to a lovely little boy last night.(母母)生生(子女子女)1)He _ a son and a daughter.2)She _ a girl.3)She _ him a son.4)The apple tree _ a lot of fruit.5)I _ in 1981.gave birth toborebegotbearswas born3.It is said that this boy,who had a great gift for languages and persuasion,i

34、s the father of the Manchu people.it is said that:have a gift/talent for 在在方面有天赋方面有天赋eg.他在音乐方面有天赋他在音乐方面有天赋。He has a gift for music.天赋天赋,天才天才(talent)礼物礼物(present)gift n.据说据说,据报道据报道4.guarantee v.1)保修保修(跟名词跟名词)They guarantee the watch for three years.2)保证保证 n./to do./thatMany shopkeeper guarantee satis

35、faction to customers.(常与常与to连用连用)那个小男孩保证不再玩火了那个小男孩保证不再玩火了。That boy guaranteed not to play with fire again.你必须确保这位重要人士的安全你必须确保这位重要人士的安全。You must guarantee the safety of the important person.n.保修期保修期,质量保证质量保证(c);保保/凭证凭证(c);保证人保证人,抵押物抵押物The radio has a two-year guarantee.Wealth is no guarantee of happi

36、ness.under guarantee 在保修期内在保修期内那块表仍在保修期那块表仍在保修期内。内。give sb a guarantee that 向向保证保证The watch is still under guarantee.I.根据句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语根据句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示提示,写出各单词的正确形式。写出各单词的正确形式。1.His lips started to t_ and then he started to cry.2.Its so hot,you start s_ the minute you walk outside.3.He caught the

37、u_ opportunity and succeeded.remble weating nique4.I was a_ about the children when they didnt come back home from school.5.I got into a(n)_(恐慌恐慌)when I found the door was locked.nxiouspanicII.用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.This river is dangerous to _ (bath)in.2.Its natural that there is a _ (diverse)of

38、 opinions within the organization.3.There is growing public _ (anxious)over levels of air pollution in our city.bathediversityanxietyIII.翻译翻译1.我们不能保证我们所有的航班都不误点。我们不能保证我们所有的航班都不误点。(guarantee)2.这里的天气时时都在变化。这里的天气时时都在变化。(vary)We cant guarantee that all our flights will never be delayed.The weather here

39、varies from hour to hour.3.他匆匆看了一遍那道题就开始回答了。他匆匆看了一遍那道题就开始回答了。(glance through)He glanced through the question and began to answer.4.据说昨天的火灾中据说昨天的火灾中4个小孩丧生了。个小孩丧生了。It is said that four children died in fire yesterday.Choose another tourist attraction in China that you know well.Write a passage describ

40、ing it.Make some notes about it like the one below.Writing Hot pools at Changbaishan pools heated by water out of the ground why the place is famous pools cover an area of 1,000 square metres its size some pools very hot(over 60)but others very pleasant for bathing what you can do there bathing is g

41、ood for health how good it is for you Then you can begin like this:Have you ever thought of visiting _?You should because it has special attractions.1.lie on2.a nature reserve3.keep in a natural state4.the height of5.vary fromto6.be home to7.a diversity of鹿山位于富阳的富春江畔鹿山位于富阳的富春江畔,这座美丽的山大部分这座美丽的山大部分是茂密

42、的树林是茂密的树林,它是富阳的自然保护区它是富阳的自然保护区,保持保持着它的原始状态。这座山的高度从海拔着它的原始状态。这座山的高度从海拔8080米到米到200200米不等米不等,是多种多样动植物的生长地是多种多样动植物的生长地,许多许多人到鹿山锻炼身体或欣赏美丽的富春江。而人到鹿山锻炼身体或欣赏美丽的富春江。而东吴公园是鹿山最具吸引力的地方东吴公园是鹿山最具吸引力的地方,在那里你在那里你可以尽情地享受。可以尽情地享受。Lushan lies on the Fuchun River in Fuyang.Much of the beautiful hill is thick forest,whi

43、ch is a nature reserve in Fuyang and is kept in a natural state.The height of this hill varies from 80 metres to 200 metres and is home to a great diversity of plants and animals.Many people come to Lushan to take exercise and appreciate the beautiful Fuchun River.However,the most popular attraction

44、 in it is Dongwu Park,where you can absolutely enjoy yourself.Please write a passage to introduce Guangzhou to the foreign guests(at least more than 90 words):Homework 位置位置中国南部中国南部总体特点总体特点 历史悠久历史悠久,气候温和气候温和,有有“食在广州食在广州”之之美誉美誉,是著名的旅游城市。是著名的旅游城市。相关情况相关情况 1.交通便利交通便利,可乘坐公交车可乘坐公交车,地铁或出租车地铁或出租车;2.每年来自全国和世界各地的游客到这里每年来自全国和世界各地的游客到这里 休闲和购物休闲和购物;3.近几年来变化巨大近几年来变化巨大,经济发展迅速经济发展迅速,文化文化 更加进步更加进步;4.主要景点主要景点


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