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1、1The Norman Period(1066-1350)Sir Gawain and the Green Knight2 What are the features of Chinese culture at that time?3Historical Background 1066:King Harold-Duke William of Normandy.4Historical Background The development of feudalism Knight:it originally meant no more than a household servant,living

2、in the lords hall and to serve him in war,and when necessary,to fight for the king.Later,the great barons gave land to knights on condition that they should be ready to fight when called upon.5Historical Background Churches:political power&religious authority Conflicts:serfs and the peasants against

3、 feudal lords Languages:Latin,French and English6Religious Literature Emphasis:the moral and spiritual responsibilities of the individual Themes:homiletic paraphrases of the Gospels;re-iteration of the Christian doctrine of the terrors of the Last Judgement;lyrics for the Christ or the Virgin Mary.7

4、RomanceDefinition:A tale in verse,embodying the life and adventures of knights,reflecting the spirit of chivalry,i.e,the quality and ideal of knight conduct.Contents:love chivalry religionReview:Characteristics of the Epic Poem1.An epic poem is a long,highly-stylized narrative poem2.that recounts th

5、e exploits of its main character the epic hero.3.Because most epic poetry originated as sung or spoken verse,it is rigidly metered and rhymed.8 Categories:The matter of France:Charlemagne the Great and Roland,Chanson de Roland.The matter of Rome:Alexander the Great and the siege of Troy.The matter o

6、f Britain:Arthurian legends,Sir Gawain,Launcelot,Merlin,the quest for the Holy Grail,the death of King Arthur.9Sir Gawain and the Green Knight10Tasks for students Tell the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in your own words.Hints1112 author is anonymous written c.1400 in Middle English Writte

7、n in long alliterative lines with the rhyme scheme of ababa,in 101 stanzas important in literature because it represents all of the following significant poetic genres:Arthurian romance poetry/courtly love poetrymedieval alliterative poetryepic poetry13Major Characters14Sir Gawain The storys protago

8、nist.A loyal knight to King Arthur,as well as his nephew.Gawain goes on his quest to meet the Green Knight in order to uphold his knightly values.15The Green Knight Sir Gawains main opposition in the story.He is a richly decorated knight,who has green skin and hair.16King ArthurThe king of Camelot.U

9、ncle of Sir Gawain.It is at his celebration feast that the Green Knight challenges the court to a game.17Bertilak de Hautdesert The Lord of the castle at which Gawain spends his time before meeting the Green Knight.We learn his true identity at the end of the story.18Minor Characters Bertilaks wife-

10、During the competition between Gawain and her husband,she tests Gawains integrity and honesty19Settings20CamelotThe Holiday celebrations take place at King Arthurs castle in Camelot.It is here that the Green Knight challenges Gawain to exchange blows with him.21Bertilaks Home On his quest to meet th

11、e Green Knight,Gawain stays here for a short period of time.22The Green Chapel The supposed home of the Green Knight.Gawain is sent here to keep his end of the bargain which he made with the Green Knight at Arthurs holiday celebration a year prior.23Major Conflict Gawains struggle to decide between

12、his duties as a knight and the worth of his own life.24Rising Action Gawain accepts the Green Knights challenge and cuts off his head.The Green Knight survives the blow and Gawain is then required to maintain his half of the challenge.25Climax Gawain meets the Green Knight at the Green Chapel.After

13、faking his first two swings,the Green Knight nicks Gawain on his third swing,only slightly cutting his neck.26Falling Action The Green Knight explains the mysteries of the story,which we will learn after reading.27Themes Temptation and testing Hunting and seduction Nature and chivalry Games:beheadin

14、g game Times and seasons28Journey=Quest In medieval poetry,the epic heros journey to battle(like Achilles voyage to Troy or Beowulfs to Dane-land)becomes a quest.A quest is“an adventurous expedition in search of something spiritually fulfilling or self-enhancing.”29Characteristics of Courtly Behavio

15、r-chivalry“Chivalry”comes from the French cheval,or horse(n.b.Norman influence in language).Only the wealthiest people in medieval society could keep horses and afford to use them in combat.“Chivalry”became associated,therefore,with the qualities of“horsemen”,or knights.related words:cavalier(Fr.,L.

16、),cavalry(from L.caval),caballero(Sp.)30 Faith in God/Piety Loyalty to the King Bravery Respect for women Chastity(see“piety”and“respect for women”)31Sir Gawain and the Green Knight as epic poetryReview:Characteristics of the Epic Hero1.He is a model of faith,loyalty,or bravery2.who makes a long,dif

17、ficult journey3.to do battle on behalf of another4.perhaps using his own supernatural talents5.against an enemy who may himself have or be guarded by supernatural powers.32Symbolisms Color green:nature,fertility,rebirth 33In medieval symbology,red signifies humility as the blood of Christ34 Girdle:s

18、exual trophy To Lady Bertilak:a tool to protect Gawain.To Gawain:a token of shame35 Pentangle:Gawain perfection and power over evil.The poem describes the pentangle as a symbol of faithfulness and an endless knot.36 Gawain was said to possess five qualities one for each of the pentangles points wher

19、ein he farexcelled all other knights.The first of these“Five Fifths”was his faultlessness in his five senses.1 137 The next(second)of these“Five Fifths”was his faultlessness in his five fingers.2 238The next(third)of these“Five Fifths”was the strength Gawain drew from his devotion to the“five wounds

20、 of Christ.”The wounds in the hands.The wounds in the feet.The wound in the side of Christ3 339 The next(fourth)of these“Five Fifths”was the strength Gawain drew from his devotion to the“five joys of Mary.”the Annunciation the Nativity the Resurrection the Ascension the Assumption4 440 The last of t

21、hese“Five Fifths”was Gawains well-known practice of the“five social graces.”free-giving(generosity)brotherly lovechastitypure manners(courtesie)piety5 541The bob and the wheel P20:in hue.(bob)Over country wild and strange The knight sets off a new;Often his course must change Ere the Chapel comes in view.(Wheel)42 P21 our knight.And at that holy tide He prays with all his might That Mary may be his guide Till a dwelling comes in sight43 P 22:and creed.”He said his prayer with sighs.Lamenting his misdeed,He crosses himself,and cries On Christ in his great need.


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