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2022高考英语一轮总复习必修5Unit14Careers课件北师大版 2022高考英语一轮总复习.pptx(课件中不含音视频素材)_第1页
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2022高考英语一轮总复习必修5Unit14Careers课件北师大版 2022高考英语一轮总复习.pptx(课件中不含音视频素材)_第2页
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2022高考英语一轮总复习必修5Unit14Careers课件北师大版 2022高考英语一轮总复习.pptx(课件中不含音视频素材)_第3页
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2022高考英语一轮总复习必修5Unit14Careers课件北师大版 2022高考英语一轮总复习.pptx(课件中不含音视频素材)_第5页
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1、12022高考英语一轮总复习 必修5 Unit 14 Careers课件 北师大版-2022高考英语一轮总复习必修5Unit14Careers课件北师大版必修5Unit 14Careers英英 语语内 容 索 引核心考点 课堂突破随堂巩固 迁移运用核心考点核心考点 课堂突破课堂突破1.reward n.奖赏奖赏;回报回报vt.奖赏奖赏;给以回报给以回报;酬谢酬谢教材原句The old lady is offering a reward of$50 to anyone who finds her cat for her!(P21)这位老太太正在为任何为其找到猫的人提供50美元的奖励!语境巧练单句

2、语法填空For many who made it to Dawson,however,the(reward)were worth the difficult trip.(2018全国卷,阅读理解B篇)A team of researchers trained three Rhesus monkeys to associate 26 clearly different symbols consisting of numbers and selective letters with 0-25 drops of water or juice a reward.(2019全国卷,阅读理解D篇)rewa

3、rdsas完成句子孩子们送给那位捐赠者一些花作为对其善行和帮助的回报。The children sent the donor some flowers_ her kindness and help.in reward for考点必记in reward for=in return for 作为报答;作为奖赏as a reward(for)作为(对的)奖赏(报酬)reward sb for sth因某事而奖赏某人reward sb with sth用某物(奖赏)回报某人rewarding adj.有报酬的;有益的;值得的写作佳句All of us show our respect for the

4、retired teacher who has given lessons to the poor children,getting nothing as a reward.我们所有人都表现出对那位退休教师的尊重,他为贫困儿童上课,不要任何回报。2.charge vt.收费收费,要价要价;指控指控,控告控告;充电充电;猛冲猛冲n.要价要价,收费收费;指控指控,控告控告;负责负责教材原句Lawyers charge higher fees than doctors.(P21)律师比医生收费更高。语境巧练单句语法填空After bargaining with the customer servic

5、e,they agreed that they wouldnt charge delivery.At first the price of single copies was seldom a pennyusually two or three cents (charge)and some of the older well-known papers charged five or six cents.(2019全国卷,阅读理解C篇)forwas charged完成句子在托儿所有一个十分淘气的男孩,并且请来了一位平常对孩子很自信的老师来管理他。There was a very naughty

6、boy in the nursery and a teacher who was generally very confident with the children was asked him.to take charge of考点必记charge sb with sth指控某人犯罪charge sb for sth因某物收某人钱free of charge免费take charge of接管,控制in charge of负责in the charge of由负责名师点津charge表示“指控”,常和介词with连用;accuse表示“控告,指控”,常和介词of连用。3.consult v.

7、咨询咨询,请教请教;查阅查阅;商议商议教材原句He should consult Mr Jensen about the new account on the 24th.(P23)他应该在24日就新账户咨询詹森先生。语境巧练单句语法填空I consulted a physician,I hired a fitness coach,and I began to eat small and healthy meals.with完成句子无论购买什么,我都倾向于咨询消费等级。(2018江苏卷,书面表达)I consumption ratings whatever I purchase.考点必记cons

8、ult sb(about sth)向某人咨询(某事)consult(with)sb about/on sth与某人商量某事consult a map查地图consult.for.在上查找consultant n.顾问consultation n.咨询;诊察;商议;会议tend to consult名师点津“查字典”可用下面三种表达方式:consult a dictionaryrefer to a dictionarylook up a word in a dictionary4.grasp vt.理解理解,领会领会;抓牢抓牢,抓紧抓紧n.理解理解,领悟领悟;抓住抓住,把握把握教材原句She s

9、aid she chose to be a journalist because it is important that people grasp what is going on around them.(P26)她说选择做记者是因为了解周围发生的事对人们是很重要的。语境巧练单句语法填空It may be difficult(grasp)the meaning of the book at first reading.Dont you think your explanation is too complex and the childrens grasp?After reading th

10、e three English original works,Li Hua found that he had good grasp of English grammar.to graspbeyonda完成句子为了帮助我们更好地掌握历史,王老师查阅大量的历史书籍,尽可能多地给我们讲述历史故事。(2020全国卷,书面表达)In order to help us have history,Mr.Wang consults a large quantity of history books and tells us as many history stories as he can.a better

11、 grasp of考点必记grasp sth抓住某物;领会某事grasp sb by the wrist抓住某人的手腕grasp ones meaning 领会某人的意思have a good grasp of sth对某物的领悟力好beyond/within ones grasp不能/能为某人所理解名师点津表示“对掌握很好”除了 have a good grasp of sth还有have a good knowledge of sth,have a good command of sth等。5.hesitate v.犹豫犹豫,踌躇踌躇教材原句She hesitated and then t

12、old me that the year before she had broken her wrist and that the previous month she had twisted her ankle.(P27)她犹豫了一下然后告诉我,前一年她弄断了手腕,前一个月她扭伤了脚踝。语境巧练用所给词的适当形式填空Most of us meet new people,and new ideas,with(hesitate).(2020天津卷,阅读理解D篇)Then when they come to other doors in life,be they real or metaphori

13、cal,they wont hesitate(open)them and walk through.(2020全国卷,完形填空)hesitationto open小话题写作如果在我们当地的镇上有画展,我会毫不犹豫地去参加。(2019全国卷,书面表达)If there is an art exhibition in our local town,I will not it.hesitate to take part in考点必记hesitate to do sth犹豫做某事hesitate about/at/over doing sth做某事犹豫不决hesitation n.犹豫;踌躇witho

14、ut hesitation毫不犹豫hesitant adj.犹豫的hesitantly adv.犹豫地写作佳句In terms of means of transportation,were still hesitating about whether to drive or take the high-speed train.至于交通方式,我们还在犹豫是开车还是乘高铁。语境串记When the others were hesitant about whether to help the fallen old lady,Sun Tao didnt hesitate to run over an

15、d carried her to his own car.At the same time,his friend lent a hand without hesitation.当别的人在犹豫是否要帮那位摔倒的老太太时,孙涛没有犹豫,跑过去把她抱到自己的车上,同时,他的朋友也毫不犹豫地帮忙。6.decrease n.减少减少;减少量减少量v.减少减少,降低降低教材原句Jobs in farming,coal mining and heavy industry are decreasing rapidly.(P28)农业、煤矿业和重工业的职位迅速减少。语境巧练单句语法填空 (decrease)th

16、e amount of rubbish and to protect the environment,more governments are requiring people to recycle materials.If you have any of these symptoms,change your life goals and_(decrease)your tolerance of stress.Due to the flood,the rice production has decreased 9%in this region.To decreasedecreaseby完成句子为

17、了增加我们的锻炼时间,我们学校已经要求老师减少我们的家庭作业量。(2018全国卷,书面表达)To add more time to exercise,our school demands that teachers should our homework.decrease the amount of考点必记decrease sth使减少decrease in.在(方面)降低/减少decrease by.减少了decrease to.减少到on the decrease在减少写作佳句According to the survey,its obvious that there has been a

18、 decrease in the number of Chinese people studying French.根据那项调查,很明显,中国人学习法语的人数有所减少。7.operate vi.运转运转,运作运作;做手术做手术vt.操作操作;经营经营,管理管理教材原句Similarly,companies will operate in different ways.(P28)同样,公司也将以不同的方式运转。语境巧练用所给词的适当形式填空Who is responsible for the(operate)of such vehicles is not clear among car make

19、rs,consumers and lawyers.Because of the confusion,Merat thinks some car makers will wait until vehicles can be fully automated without human(operate).operationoperationThe state also cleared the way for companies to sell or rent out self-driving cars,and for companies(operate)driverless taxi service

20、s.(2018北京卷,阅读理解D篇)完成句子我们邀请你加入我们的原因之一是希望你能指导我们更加熟练地操作机器人。(2018天津卷,读后续写)One of the reasons why we invite you to join us is that we hope you can instruct us more skillfully.to operateto operate the robot考点必记operate sth经营,使运转operate on sb给某人做手术operation n.手术,经营operator n.操作员,手术者come into operation开始运转be

21、 in operation工作中;使用中;有效名师点津operate表示“操作,经营,管理”时为及物动词,而当其表示“运转,做手术”时为不及物动词,表示“给某人做手术”应用operate on sb,介词on不可省去。写作佳句The boy who was operated on last Sunday is skilled at operating computers.上周日接受手术的那个男孩操作计算机十分熟练。语境串记What a pity!The operator didnt operate the machine correctly and led to an accident,cau

22、sing many people to be hurt.One victim might need an operation.真是遗憾!那位操作员没有正确操作机器而导致了一次事故,导致许多人受伤,其中一位受害者可能需要做手术。8.respond vi.回应回应,响应响应,反应反应;回复回复,回答回答教材原句Many more people will work for small,dynamic companies which can respond quickly to changes in the market.(P28)更多人将在那些充满活力的小公司里工作,因为这些公司能够对市场的变化迅速

23、做出反应。语境巧练用所给词的适当形式填空Rather than getting caught up in how you could have done better,why not offer yourself a compassionate(有同情心)(respond)?(2020全国卷,七选五)This one stranger(respond)beautifully to my small crisis,but she actually wasnt the only one.(2020天津卷,完形填空)responseresponded完成句子对一些事件并非每个人都做出相同的反应,这就

24、是为什么触发一个人的事可能会或可能不会触发另一个人的原因。Not everyone acts the same events,and that is why what triggers one person may or may not trigger another.(2018北京卷,七选五)in response to考点必记respond to sth对某事做出回应respond by doing sth以做某事的方式回应respond that.答复response n.回应,反应,回答give/make no response to.对不予回答/回应in response to.作为

25、对的回应with no response没有回答,没有反应写作佳句The award-winner responded that he owed his success to the support from his wife and daughter.那位获奖者回答说他的成功应归功于他妻子和女儿的支持。fort n.安慰安慰,舒适舒适vt.安慰安慰教材原句Working like this allows you to live where you want,to continue your studies and to enjoy the comfort of having a lot mo

26、re free time.(P28)这样的工作方式使你能够住在想住的地方,继续你的学业,并且享受拥有更多自由时间的舒适生活。语境巧练单句语法填空After eight-hour hard work,Jack at last completed his task and sat back comfort,enjoying the light music.People want to listen to someone who is interesting,relaxed and (comfort).(2020新高考全国卷,七选五)Jin Li thinks it comfort to live

27、in the countryside with her parents.incomfortablea小话题写作谈到你得带上的物品,需要一些适合夏季的衣服、一把伞,另外,也应该包括舒适的鞋及其他物品。(2019北京卷,书面表达)When it comes to the objects you have to take,some clothes suitable for summer and an umbrella are needed.In addition,and other objects you need should be fortable shoes考点必记live in comfor

28、t 生活舒适a few words of comfort几句安慰的话comfort sb安慰某人comfortable adj.舒适的,安逸的comfortably adv.舒适地,安逸地名师点津comfort用作名词时表示“舒适,安慰”,为抽象名词,它也可用以表示具体的事情,即“舒适的事”,此时为可数名词。10.make up 编造编造;整理整理;和解和解;弥补弥补;拼凑拼凑;构成构成;化妆化妆教材原句Make up information about yourself.(P24)编造你自己的信息。语境巧练单句语法填空Unusual fashion shows in New Orleans

29、and Brooklyn have showcased nutria fur made clothes in different styles.(2020全国卷,阅读理解C篇)This is a quick look at life in Uzbekistan,made friendliness and warmth,but also its darker side of society.(2020新高考全国卷,阅读理解C篇)intoof完成句子我们无法理解他为什么会编造出这样的一个借口。We cant why he such an excuse.make out made up考点必记mak

30、e out理解,辨认出make it成功做到make for有利于;促成;朝的方向移动make it to到达make up(to sb)for sth(对某人)因某事而给予补偿make up with sb与某人和好make known传达,使知晓be made into被制成be made up of由组成be made of/from由制成名师点津表示“促成”之意的短语还有:contribute to,bring about,lead to,account for等。11.pay off 得到好结果得到好结果;取得成功取得成功;还清还清;付清工资付清工资(解雇解雇)教材原句This pa

31、id off because she won an award for the report.(P26)这种努力也得到了回报,她因为那篇报道获了奖。语境巧练单句语法填空After graduation,she worked to help her sisters and brothers pay their schooling.(2020新高考全国卷,阅读理解B篇)The environmental challenges are significant but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be

32、 paying.(2019全国卷,完形填空)But through all this,Hannah still has the normal life of a Winnipeg schoolgirl,except that she pays regular visits homeless people.foroffto完成句子我写信邀请你与我一起参观将在我们学校举行的中国剪纸艺术展。Im writing to invite youthe Chinese Paper-Cutting Art Exhibition together with me,which is to be held in o

33、ur school.to pay a visit to考点必记pay for付的钱pay sb back for sth因某事向某人报复pay sb back(sth)还(钱)给某人;偿还pay up付清;缴清pay sb off付清工资后解雇某人get paid得到报酬pay attention to注意pay a visit to拜访;参观写作佳句Carry on going all out,and your hard work will surely pay off in time.继续竭尽全力,你的努力最终一定会得到好的结果。12.in case 以防万一以防万一;万一万一教材原句Wo

34、rk with more than one program in case you have to use them at work,and try to read about new technology.(P28)学习几种软件以备工作之需,努力了解最新的技术。语境巧练单句语法填空 some cases,its not so much the treatment of the animals on set in the studio that has activists worried.(2020全国卷,阅读理解B篇)The doctor shares his phone number wi

35、th the patients case they need medical assistance.(2019江苏卷,单项填空)完成句子这次,我们待在一起,以防其他异常情况发生。(2018天津卷,阅读理解B篇)IninThis time,we stayed together,in case anything else unusual happened.考点必记in case of万一,如果,假使in no case决不(置于句首时句子用倒装)in any case无论如何,不管怎样in this/that case如果这样/那样,若是这样/那样的话as is often the case这是常

36、有的事写作佳句As is often the case,if you dont have a good mindset,you will not be able to achieve your goal.情况常常如此,如果你没有一个好的心态,你就不能实现你的目标。13.rather than 而不是而不是教材原句Rather than going into an office,a lot of people are connected to the Internet and now work from home.(P28)现在很多人不去办公室,而是与互联网连接,在家里办公。语境巧练单句语法填空

37、The company aims at quality rather quantity,which is why its been developing well.This new product,rather,this new style of shirt,is not very attractive.完成句子不是他的外表,而是他所做的事赢得了我们的尊重。(2020全国卷,书面表达)Its what he has done what he looks like that wins us respect.thanorrather than考点必记rather than可作为一个连词词组,用来连

38、接两个并列成分,表示在两者中进行选择,意为“是A而不是B”,“要A不要B”,“宁愿A而不愿B”。rather than后面可以接名词、名词短语、代词、形容词、副词、动词不定式、动词-ing形式等。rather than连接两个并列的成分做主语时,句子的谓语动词要根据其前面的主语确定单复数形式。名师点津rather than表示“而不是”,指两者之间排除一个。more than的意思是“多于;不仅仅;很;非常”。or rather的意思是“更确切地说”。other than意思是“除以外”。14.tell后接复合宾语后接复合宾语教材原句Tell her to phone you if she n

39、eeds any more guidance.(P22)告诉她如果她需要更多的指导就给你打电话。语境巧练用所给词的适当形式填空I often found myself telling my mom(drive)more slowly,so that I could read all of the road signs we passed.(2019天津卷,阅读理解B篇)Our Chinese teacher suggests us(read)as many famous literary works as we can.Before the film began,each woman was

40、asked(help)herself to a snack.(2020新高考全国卷,阅读理解D篇)to drivereadingto help完成句子接着是我让他们自己尝试的时候。(2018北京卷,书面表达)Next came the moment when I a try themselves.asked them to have考点必记句中tell sb to do表示“告诉某人做某事”,是tell后接复合宾语的用法,属于间接引语的一种常用句型,后面的动词不定式为宾语补足语。如表示“告诉某人不要做某事”则应用tell sb not to do sth。间接引语可根据情况选用动词ask,or

41、der,instruct,advise,beg等,它们和tell的结构相同,但suggest则应用结构suggest sb(sbs)doing。写作佳句Even if the father tells him not to wear his uniform again and again,the son will just not listen.即使那位父亲反复告知他儿子不要穿他的制服,他儿子就是不听。15.do/did用以加强语气用以加强语气教材原句Unfortunately,I didnt have much time to find out about the organisation,

42、but I did write down all the things Im good at,like playing video games!(P24)不幸的是,我没有多少时间去查明那个组织的情况,但我的确写下了我所擅长的所有的事,如玩电子游戏!语境巧练完成句子孟子说:“伟人是不会失去孩子的心的人。”但是我们大多数人确实会失去它。(2020天津卷,阅读理解D篇)“The great man,”said Mencius(孟子),“is he who does not lose his childs heart.”Yet most of us it.我妻子真正意识到那不是梦时也很震惊。(2020

43、全国卷,听力)My wife was also in shock when she it wasnt a dream.do losedid realize一整天的辛苦劳动后我们的确感到很累,但我们真的很快乐。(2020全国卷,书面表达)After a whole days hard work,we very tired,but we were really happy.考点必记do常用在肯定句中来加强语气,此时,谓语的时态及人称和数的变化都应体现在do上,主要动词应用原形。do的强调用法一般用于一般现在时态的句子中;did常用于一般过去时态的句子中。写作佳句Although our team

44、lost the game,our monitor did stand out in it.尽管我们队输了比赛,但在比赛中我们班长的确表现得十分抢眼。did feel16.the instant引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句教材原句The instant she stopped asking questions,I got up and went out of the room.(P24)她一停止问问题,我就起身走出了房间。语境巧练完成句子一下车孩子们就朝大海奔去。The children rushed to the sea they got off the bus.我一到巴黎,一对热心的法

45、国夫妇就接待了我。I arrived in Paris,I was greeted by a nice French couple.一进入农场我们就看到许多挂满果实的大树。(2020全国卷,书面表达)We saw many big trees with a lot of fruits hanging on them we went into the farm.the moment/instant/second/minuteThe moment/instant/minute/secondthe moment/minute/second/instant考点必记句中the instant 为从属连词

46、,引导时间状语从句,意思是“一就”。名师点津可以引导时间状语从句,表示“一就”的从属连词还有the moment,the minute,the second,directly,immediately,instantly等。注意:no sooner.than.及hardly.when.也用以表示“一就”,但它们一般用以表示过去已经发生的事。17.although引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句教材原句Although there were lots of difficulties to overcome,she never let her problems defeat her.(P26)尽管有

47、许多困难要去克服,但她从来没有让困难打败自己。语境巧练单句语法填空This led to an unexpected consequence,she had a wonderful time there.(2019江苏卷,完形填空)Music was his true passion,he had never performed outside the family.(2019江苏卷,阅读理解D篇)though/althoughthough/although完成句子清晨我们到达了离我们学校三公里的农场,尽管天气很热,我们还是感到非常兴奋,因为我们发现这个农场真的很大,那里种着各种各样的果树、蔬

48、菜。(2020全国卷,书面表达)Arriving at the farm that is three kilometers from our school early in the morning,we felt very excited it was very hot because we found the farm was really large a variety of fruit trees,vegetables growing there.though/althoughwith考点必记although引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然,尽管”。句子使用了although引导让步状语从句

49、时,主句前不可再用but,但可以用yet来连接。写作佳句Although he himself was not rich,the former teacher donated almost all his money to help the orphans.尽管那位前老师自己并不富裕,但他捐出了几乎所有的钱来帮助那些孤儿。18.without doubt毫无疑问毫无疑问教材原句Without doubt,the number of jobs in information technology will multiply.(P28)毫无疑问,信息技术领域的工作职位将会大幅度地增加。语境巧练完成句

50、子这无疑是所有事情中最令人讨厌的。It is the most annoying of all.毫无疑问,剧院为该地区的发展和经济增长做出了贡献。(2018江苏卷,任务型阅读)the theater has contributed to the areas development and economic growth.without doubtNo/Without doubt句式升级Without doubt,they didnt tell the truth.they didnt tell the truth.考点必记without doubt表示“毫无疑问”,一般放在句首或句中。该结构可


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