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1、湖南娄底高一英语下册期末考试试卷(含解析) - 1 - / 24 湖南省娄底市-2019 学年第二学期高一年级期末考试 英语试题英语试题 考生注意:考生注意: 1. 1. 本试卷共本试卷共 150150 分。考试时间分。考试时间 120120 分钟。分钟。 2. 2. 请将各题答案填写在答题卡上。请将各题答案填写在答题卡上。 第一部分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分听力(共两节,满分 3030 分)分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂 到答题卡上。到答题卡上。 第一节(

2、共第一节(共 5 5 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.51.5 分,满分分,满分 7.57.5 分)分) 听下面听下面 5 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A A、B B、C C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后, 你都有听完每段对话后, 你都有 1010 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15. 答案是 C。 1. Wha

3、t does the woman want the man to do first? A. Fix the shelf. B. Paint the car. C. Look for his key. 2. What is the man probably doing? A. Writing a story. B. Telling a joke. C. Watching a movie. 3. How does the woman feel about Tom? A. He gets nervous very easily. B. He is not used to making a speec

4、h. C. He is extremely good at making a speech. 4. Why was the woman so late? A. She didnt catch the bus. B. She took somebody to hospital. C. Something went wrong with the bus. 5. What does the man mean? A. He preferred to go to the basketball game. B. He didnt like to go to the basketball game. 湖南娄

5、底高一英语下册期末考试试卷(含解析) - 2 - / 24 C. He enjoyed watching the football game on TV. 第二节(共第二节(共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.51.5 分,满分分,满分 22.522.5 分)分) 听下面听下面 5 5 段对话或段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A A、B B、C C 三个选项中三个选项中 选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 5 秒钟;听完

6、后,秒钟;听完后, 各题将给出各题将给出 5 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第听第 6 6 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 6 6、7 7 题。题。 6. What happened to Lucy today at school? A Maria had a quarrel with her. B. Maria asked her for help in the exam. C. Maria wanted to copy her homework. 7. What is the relationship between the speake

7、rs? A. Classmates. B. Mother and son. C. Father and daughter. 听第听第 7 7 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 8 8、9 9 题。题。 8. What is the woman? A. An interviewer. B. A shopkeeper. C. A waitress. 9. Whats the womans attitude to the man in the end? A. Satisfied. B. Admired. C. Unsatisfied. 听第听第 8 8 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 1010 至至 12

8、12 题。题。 10. How did Mr Lam help the man? A. By helping him with his study. B. By offering him a part-time job. C. By lending him some pocket money. 11. When does the man work part-time? A. On Friday. B. On the weekdays. C. At the weekends. 12. What does the man think of the club? A. It is expensive.

9、 B. It is fantastic. C. It is useless. 听第听第 9 9 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 1313 至至 1616 题。题。 13. What was the woman about to do before answering the phone? A. Get up. B. Go to bed. C. Meet the man. 14. What kind of transportation will the man take to Disney World? 湖南娄底高一英语下册期末考试试卷(含解析) - 3 - / 24 A. A taxi. B.

10、A bus. C. A car. 15. Where will the man meet the woman? A. At Disney World. B. At Orlando Airport. C. At the Kennedy Space Center. 16. Why does the man want to go to Panhandle? A. To relax on the beach. B. To meet some new friends. C. To go shopping. 听第听第 1010 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 1717 至至 2020 题。题。 17. Ho

11、w old should the volunteers be? A. From 12 to 16. B. From 12 to 60. C. Over 60. 18. What can volunteers do for the hospitals? A Show people the way. B. Help the doctors. C. Take care of children. 19. What is the most suitable volunteer job for a gardener? A. Selling flowers and trees. B. Teaching pe

12、ople how to look after plants. C Looking after homeless dogs and cats in the garden. 20. How can people get in touch with the organization? A. By making a call. B. By sending an e-mail. C. By visiting its website. 第二部分第二部分 阅读理解(共两节满分阅读理解(共两节满分 4040 分)分) 第一节(共第一节(共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 2 分,满分分,满分 3030

13、 分)分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A A、B B、C C 和和 D D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A A Stories of Animals Acting Just Like Humans Monkeys do math 湖南娄底高一英语下册期末考试试卷(含解析) - 4 - / 24 If monkeys manage the world, we might have stayed away from the recent banking hardship. In an experiment led by Keith Chen a

14、t Yale, monkeys showed an understanding of pricing and planning the money, as well as a wish to stay away from losses when required to buy food with money. Makes sense this one looks like its checking its stocks (股 票) on a smart phone. Think thats impressive? Camel eats breakfast with people The fir

15、st time Joe ate with British farmers, he was uninvited. The four-year-old Bactrian camel stuck his head through their open kitchen window, and emptied a fruit bowl. Now the couple, who rent out reindeer, camels, goats, and other creatures for television shows, movies, and photo shoots, set a place a

16、t their table for the confident double-humped creature, where Joe eats grain food and his favorite: bananas on toast. Marmots (土拨鼠) befriend a boy A group of marmots in the Austrian Alps has made friends with eight-year-old Matteo Walch by chance, whose family vacations there in summer. Typically, t

17、hey beat their tails, chatter, and whistle to warn other marmots of danger, but with Matteo, they 湖南娄底高一英语下册期末考试试卷(含解析) - 5 - / 24 behave much differently, allowing the boy to feed, pet, and even touch noses with them. “Watching them makes me feel a connection with nature,” says Matteo. How sweet! 1

18、. In what way do monkeys behave like humans according to the text? A. In character. B. In intelligence. C. In communication. D. In the way of lifestyle. 2. Why do the British couple raise the animals? A. To make money. B. To have dinners with them. C. To protect endangered animals. D. To train them

19、to act as humans. 3. Why did Matteo Walch go to the Austrian Alps? A. To warn marmots of danger. B. To develop interest in nature. C. To make friends with marmots. D. To go on a holiday with his family. 【答案】1. B 2. A 3. D 【解析】 【分析】 本文为记叙文。文章讲述了几个动物和人类行为相似的故事。 【1 题详解】 推理判断题。根据 Monkeys do math 部分的 mon

20、keys showed an understanding of pricing and planning the money, as well as a wish to stay away from losses when required to buy food with money(猴子们表现出了对定价和理财的理解,以及在需要用钱购买食物时避免损 失的愿望)可推知,猴子在智力上表现得像人类。故 B 选项正确。 【2 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 Camel eats breakfast with people 部分的 Now the couple, who rent out reindeer

21、, camels, goats, and other creatures for television shows, movies, and photo shoots(现在,这对夫妇把驯鹿、骆驼、山羊和其它动物出租出去用于电视节目、电影和摄 影)可知,这对英国夫妇养这些动物是为了赚钱。故 A 选项正确。 【3 题详解】 湖南娄底高一英语下册期末考试试卷(含解析) - 6 - / 24 推理判断题。根据 Marmots (土拨鼠) befriend a boy 部分的 A group of marmots in the Austrian Alps has made friends with ei

22、ght-year-old Matteo Walch by chance, whose family vacations there in summer.(奥地利阿尔卑斯山上的一群土拨鼠偶然结识了 8 岁的 马泰奥瓦尔奇,瓦尔奇一家夏天都在那里度假)可推知,马泰奥瓦尔奇去奥地利阿尔卑斯 山是和家人一起去度假的。故 D 选项正确。 【点睛】细节事实理解题主要考查考生对文章中某一些特定细节或文章的重要事实的理解能 力。它一般包括直接理解题和语义理解题两种。直接理解题的答案与原文直接挂钩,从阅读 材料中可以找到。此外,在阅读中可以使用定位法与跳读法解决细节理解题。定位法即根据 题干和选项所提供的信息直

23、接从原文中找到相应的句子(即定位),然后进行比较和分析(尤其 要注意一些同义转换), 从而找出正确答案。 跳读法即根据题干和选项所提供的信息跳读原文, 并找到相关的句子(有时可能是几个句子)或段落,然后进行分析和推理等,从而找出正确答 案。 以本文第 3 小题为例,本题运用定位法:我们根据题干 Why did Matteo Walch go to the Austrian Alps?其关键词是 Matteo Walch,从而直接定位到 Marmots (土拨鼠) befriend a boy 部分的 A group of marmots in the Austrian Alps has mad

24、e friends with eight-year-old Matteo Walch by chance, whose family vacations there in summer.(奥地利阿尔卑斯山 上的一群土拨鼠偶然结识了 8 岁的马泰奥瓦尔奇,瓦尔奇一家夏天都在那里度假)可推知, 马泰奥瓦尔奇去奥地利阿尔卑斯山是和家人一起去度假的。故 D 选项正确。 B B Today, after 10 days of medical treatment, for the first time, I went out alone to meet a motherly lady who I had

25、met during my stay in a program. She had been unwell recently and lived alone. Her sons live in foreign countries. After I called her and told about my plan to visit her, she started becoming excited and planning food at once. Nowadays, she has a lady cook coming by to help her but she does part of

26、the work herself with her bandaged (绷带) leg. I reached her home alone after being guided a couple of times by her before. I carried little things (snacks, books etc.) for her. She had been waiting for some time when I arrived. We talked about different things from health to her life and mine, from p

27、ast to future, from food to travel etc. During the discussion, her care 湖南娄底高一英语下册期末考试试卷(含解析) - 7 - / 24 for me became clear when she made warm suggestions or supported me. During the last few months, she had struggled with health and housework. She had got over those difficulties and here she was t

28、elling me how all of us must face some problems. She had seen a few people facing worse problems in the hospital and mentioned about their cases and was grateful for her present condition which was manageable. She wanted to gift me somethingshe kept thinking of a dress, watch, footwear etc. whatever

29、 was new and great in her home. I kept refusing but finally took the footwear out of politeness. She loved the snacks I had brought and wanted to eat them with her tea, I was quite happy to see the childlike interest. While I was spending time with my motherly friend, the following thought kept comi

30、ng back to meprobably this is why I have lived through the 10 days in this city. The time I spent with her seemed so much needed. I felt the deep peace it could bring to me and that brought such a big joy! 4. How did the elderly lady feel when she heard the authors visit? A. Shocked. B. Pleased. C.

31、Nervous. D. Embarrassed. 5. What can we learn about the lady from her talks with the author? A. She was considerate and very healthy. B. She wished the author lo live with her. C. She showed much concern to her bandaged leg. D. She was grateful compared with those less fortunate. 6. Why did the auth

32、or accept the ladys gift? A. It is impolite to turn down the warm-hearted offer. B. She happened to need such shoes to wear C. It would be a waste to keep shoes unused. D. She wanted to exchange gifts with her. 7. How did the time spent with the lady benefit the author? A. It enabled the author to l

33、ive in the city so long. 湖南娄底高一英语下册期末考试试卷(含解析) - 8 - / 24 B. It gave the author a lot of advice on a better life. C. It helped the author to keep a peaceful mind. D. It helped the author stay away from loneliness in life. 【答案】4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 【解析】 本文为记叙文。在接受了 10 天的治疗后,作者第一次独自出去会见了一位慈母般的女士,她 是作者在一

34、个项目中遇到的。作者和她在一起的时间似乎很有必要。作者感受到了它能带给 自己的深深的宁静和巨大的快乐! 【4 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段中的 After I called her and told about my plan to visit her, she started becoming excited and planning food at once.(我打电话给她,告诉她我要 去看她的计划后,她开始变得兴奋起来,马上开始准备吃的)可知,那位老太太听到作者要 来探望它后感到很高兴。故 B 选项正确。 【5 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第四段中的 She had seen a fe

35、w people facing worse problems in the hospital and mentioned about their cases and was grateful for her present condition which was manageable.(她看到一些人在医院里面临着更严重的问题,并提到了他们的情况, 她很感激自己目前的状况是可控的)可知,与那些不幸的人相比,她心怀感激。故 D 选项正 确。 【6 题详解】 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的 I kept refusing but finally took the footwear out of po

36、liteness.(我一直拒绝,但最后还是出于礼貌把鞋子拿走了)可知,作者最终接受了老太 太的礼物,是因为拒绝热心的礼物是不礼貌的。故 A 选项正确。 【7 题详解】 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 The time I spent with her seemed so much needed. I felt the deep peace it could bring to me and that brought such a big joy! (我和她在一 起的时间似乎是那么的需要。 我感到它能给我带来深深的平静, 这给我带来了如此大的快乐!) 可知,和那位女士在一起的时间使作者能保持了一种平

37、和、快乐的心态。故 C 选项正确。 C C 湖南娄底高一英语下册期末考试试卷(含解析) - 9 - / 24 A study has found that a lifetime of regular exercise and activity can slow down the aging process (衰老过程). Researchers say that getting older should not necessarily mean becoming more weak or sick. Their research shows that a devotion to a life

38、of movement and exercise may help us live not only longer, but also healthier. For their study, the researchers looked at two groups. The first group was made up of 125 non-professional cyclists between the ages of 55 to 79. This group included 84 healthy men and 41 healthy women. We will call this

39、group the “cyclists”. Researchers then found 130 people to make up a second group. Within this group, 75 people were aged from 57 to 80. The other 55 were between the ages of 20 and 36. The people in this group were also healthy, but they did not exercise regularly. We will call this group the “non-

40、exercisers”. Smokers, heavy drinkers of alcohol and people with other health issues were not included in the study. Then, researchers gave both groups a series of tests. They tested their muscle mass (肌肉质量), muscular strength, percentage of body fat and the strength of their immune (免疫的) systems. Th

41、en the researchers compared the results of the two groups. Results showed that the cyclists did not experience body changes usually regarded as a normal aging process. For example, they did not lose muscle mass or muscular strength. Also, their body fat did not increase with age. The researchers als

42、o found something they had not expected. The study showed that the immune systems of the cyclists did not age either. The researchers advise us all to find an exercise that we like in our lives. 8. How did the researchers carry out the study? A. By comparing. B. By discussing. C. By imagining. D. By

43、 reasoning. 9. Which of the following is a result of the research? A. The cyclists kept a thin body shape. B. The non-exercisers gained weight easily. C. The cyclists muscles remained strong with age. D. The non-exercisers usually had health problems. 10. Which is an unexpected result for the resear

44、chers? 湖南娄底高一英语下册期末考试试卷(含解析) - 10 - / 24 A. The cyclists had normal aging process. B. The cyclists immune systems didnt age. C. The cyclists lost nearly all their fat. D. Everyone needed an exercise in their lives. 11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Healthy People Need

45、 More Exercise B. Take an Exercise, the Harder, the Better C. Cycling Is the Best Way to Prevent Aging D. A Lifetime of Exercise Slows Aging Process 【答案】8. A 9. C 10. B 11. D 【解析】 本文为说明文。文章介绍了一项研究,研究发现终身规律锻炼或运动可减缓衰老进程。 【8 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二、三、四段对研究过程的描述及第四段中的 Then the researchers compared the results o

46、f the two groups.(然后研究人员比较了两组的结果)可知,研究 人员通过比较来进行研究。故 A 选项正确。 【9 题详解】 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的 Results showed that the cyclists did not experience body changes usually regarded as a normal aging process. For example, they did not lose muscle mass or muscular strength.(结果显示,骑自行车的人并没有经历通常被认 为是正常老化过程中的身体变化。例如,他们

47、没有失去肌肉质量或肌肉力量)可知,随着年 龄的增长,骑自行车的人的肌肉依然保持强健。故 C 选项正确。 【10 题详解】 细节理解题。 根据倒数第二段中的 The study showed that the immune systems of the cyclists did not age either.(研究表明,骑自行车的人的免疫系统也没有老化)可知,骑自行车的 人的免疫系统没有老化。故 B 选项正确。 【11 题详解】 标题判断题。根据第一段中的 A study has found that a lifetime of regular exercise and activity can

48、 slow down the aging process (衰老过程).(一项研究发现,终生有规律的 运动和活动可以减缓衰老过程)及下文对这项研究的描述可知,D 项“一生的锻炼可以减缓衰 湖南娄底高一英语下册期末考试试卷(含解析) - 11 - / 24 老的过程”适合做本文最佳标题。故 D 选项正确。 D D A study showed that fat was socially catching among friends. People were actually making one another gain and, sometimes, lose weight. The find

49、ing has been proved in other populations. So how does friends body weight affect each other? One way is imitation (模仿). Brain scans show that when you watch someone else eat or run, your brain activity is the same as if you were eating or running yourself, causing you to do the same things. People in experiments seated next to heavy eaters would eat more than those seated next to light eaters. Social examples also play a role: If your friend gains weight, you might become less willing to go to the gym beca


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