Unit 3 续写词汇及例句备考写作素材-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.docx

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1、Unit 3 续写词汇及例句1.ChatWithin minutes of being introduced they werechatting awaylike old friends.他们经人介绍认识才几分钟,便一见如故地聊个没完。Ihad a long chat withher.我和她闲聊了很久。2.StreamTearsstreamed downhis face.泪水顺着他的脸往下流。Peoplestreamed acrossthe bridge.桥上行人川流不息。Her scarfstreamed behindher.她的围巾在身后飘动。Her headwas streaming w

2、ithblood.她头上流着血。A stream of bloodflowed from the wound.一股鲜血从伤口流出来。Cars filed pastin an endless stream.汽车川流不息,鱼贯而过。3.StuckThe wheelswere stuck inthe mud.车轮陷到了泥里。Wewere stuck intraffic for over an hour.我们遇上堵车,堵了一个多小时。He said his car hadgot stuck inthe snow.他说他的车已经陷在雪里动不了了。4.keep sb companyStrong winds

3、wereaccompanied byheavy rain狂风夹着暴雨5.DistanceThe coldness and distance in her voicetook me by surprise.她话语中透出的冷淡和疏远使我感到意外。The time we spent together is nowa distant memory.我们一起度过的时光现已成为久远的记忆。There wasa distant look in her eyes; her mind was obviously on something else.她眼神恍惚,显然心里在想着别的什么事儿。6.InspireThe

4、 actorsinspiredthe kids with their enthusiasm.演员以热情鼓舞着孩子们。The actors enthusiasminspiredthe kids.演员们的热情鼓舞着孩子们。She was a very strong, impressive character and one of the mostinspiringpeople Ive ever met.她性格坚强,令人钦佩,是我见过的最能鼓舞人心的人物之一。Hehad an inspiration: hed give her a dog for her birthday.他突然想到一个好主意,他要

5、送她一条狗作为生日礼物。It came to mein a flash of inspiration.那是我灵机一动想到的。7.AccessThe policegained access througha broken window.警察从一扇破窗户里钻了进去。8.ToughShes beenhaving a tough timeof it (= a lot of problems) lately.她最近的日子一直很难熬。He built up a reputation asa tough businessman.他树立起了一个坚强生意人的名声。9.ConfirmThe walk in the

6、 mountainsconfirmed his fear of heights.在山里步行使他更加确信自己有恐高症。She glanced over at Jamesfor confirmation.她瞟了詹姆斯一眼寻求确认。10.FunctionThe sofa alsofunctions asa bed.这沙发还可当床用。11.PressShepressed her faceagainst the window.她把脸贴在窗子上。Hepresseda handkerchieftohis nose.他用手绢捂住鼻子。Shepressed her lipstogether.她紧抿着双唇。His

7、 body waspressing againsthers.他的身体紧贴着她。Shepressed down hard onthe gas pedal.她用力踩下油门踏板。A host of unwelcome thoughts werepressing in onhim.一大堆恼人的心事涌上他的心头。12.FileThe doors of the museum opened and the visitors began tofile in.博物馆开门了,参观者鱼贯而入。We werewalking in single fileto the lake.我们排成单行走向湖边。13.clickTh

8、e boltclicked intoplace.门闩咔嗒一声插上了。The doorclicked shut.门咔嗒一声关上了。Heclicked his fingersat the waiter.他冲服务员打了个响指。Pollyclicked her tonguein annoyance.波利烦恼地用舌头发出啧啧声。Suddenlyit clickedwed been talking about different people.我们突然领悟到原来我们谈论的不是同一个人。It allclicked into place.一切都豁然开朗。The doorclosed with a click.

9、门咔嗒一声关上了。14.RudeHes rude toher friends and obsessively jealous.他对她的朋友粗鲁无礼而且过分嫉妒。Fred keepscracking rude jokeswith the guests.弗雷德不停地和那些客人开下流的玩笑。Peoplewere rudely awakened bya siren just outside their window.人们被窗外的一声警报惊醒了。15.ParticularShes very particular abouther clothes.她对衣着特别挑剔。Peter was lying on t

10、he sofadoing nothing in particular.彼得躺在沙发上,无所事事。16.EmbarrassingIt was soembarrassinghaving to sing in public.非得在众人面前唱歌太令人难为情了。It embarrassed herto meet strange men in the corridor at night.夜里在走廊上遇见陌生男人使她感到很不好意思。Her remark was followed byan embarrassed silence.她的话讲完后,接下来便是难堪的沉默。I nearlydied of embarr

11、assmentwhen he said that.他说那话差点儿把我给难堪死了。Much to her embarrassmentshe realized that everybody had been listening to her singing.她意识到大家一直在听她唱歌,感到很不好意思。17.upsetMartalooked upset.玛尔塔看起来很沮丧。Dontupset yourself about itlets just forget it ever happened.你别为这事烦恼了咱们就只当它没发生过。She stood up suddenly,upsetting a glass of wine.她蓦然起身,碰倒了一杯酒。18.TipThe sleeves covered his hands tothe tips of his fingers.衣袖遮住了他的手,一直盖到他的手指尖。He leaned away from her, and she had totip her head backto see him.他侧身避开她,她只得向后侧过头来看他。


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