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1、madeofcanruohanxingLesson 2 The Paparazzi1arise vi.发生,出现典例His illness arose from lack of rest.他的病是缺乏休息引起的。拓展 arise from/out of 由引起运用 完成句子(1)问题缘于缺乏经验。The problem _ lack of experience.(2)在他们进行实验的过程中,出现了意想不到的困难。Unexpected difficulties _ in the course oftheir experiment.arose from/out ofarose2blame vt.责

2、怪,归咎于 n责任;指责典例 They blamed the secretary for the mistakes.他们怪罪秘书犯的错误。The company is ready to take the blame for what hashappened.公司准备对已发生的事情承担责任。拓展 blame sb.for(doing)sth.为(做)某事责备某人blame sth.on sb.把某事归咎于某人be to blame for sth.该为某事承担责任/受责备take the blame for sth.对某事负责任运用 完成句子(1)这件事怪他。He is _ for it.(2)

3、司机不得不对那起事故负责。The driver had to _ that accident.(3)把我们的失败归罪到他的头上是没用的。Its no use _ him.(4)他会责备你的粗心大意。He will _ your carelessness.to blametake the blame forblaming our defeat onblame you for3attempt vt.&n尝试,试图;试图克服/征服典例 She attempted to solve the problem,but failed.她试着解决问题,但是失败了。They are attempting to

4、climb the mountain.他们努力攀登这座山。They made no attempt to escape.他们并没有企图逃跑。拓展 attempt to do sth.试图做某事make an attempt to do sth./at doing sth.试图做某事at ones first attempt 某人第一次尝试运用 完成句子(1)他们正尝试解决这个问题。They are _ solve the problem.(2)他试图要获得一等奖。He made _ winning the first prize.(3)他希望第一次尝试就能通过考试。He hoped to pa

5、ss the exam _.making an attempt to/attempting toan attempt atat his first attempt4defend vt.为辩解;保卫典例 He had a good lawyer to defend him.他有个很好的律师为他辩护。Our armies are determined to defend our great motherland.我们的军队决心保卫我们伟大的祖国。拓展 defend.against/from.防御;为辩解defend oneself 自卫;自辩运用 完成句子(1)当一只狗攻击我时,我用一根棍子自卫。

6、When a dog attacked me,I _ with a stick.(2)我们需要几名律师为我们辩护。We need some lawyers to _.(3)这座要塞使当地居民有效地抵御了攻击。The ancient fort _defended myselfdefend usdefended the local people against attackeffectively.5in favour of 支持,赞同典例 All those in favour of the plan,please raise your hand.所有支持这个计划的人,请举手。拓展 ask a f

7、avour of sb.求某人帮一个忙,求某人做某事do sb.afavourdo a favour for sb.帮某人一个忙,给某人做件事in support of./be for.支持,赞同in ones favour对某人有利运用 完成句子(1)今天的实验结果对我们有利。The result of the experiment is _ today.(2)劳驾,我的宝宝在睡觉,把电视机音量调小点好吗?_ and turn your TV down while my baby isasleep,will you?(3)如果你有时间的话,我想请你帮个忙。I want to _ you if

8、 you have time.(4)大部分学生赞成这项活动。Most of the students are _ thein our favourDo me a favourask a favour ofin favour of/in support of/foractivity.6pretend vt.假装典例 He pretended not to have heard about it.他假装没听过这事。拓展 pretend to do sth.假装要做某事pretend to be doing sth.假装正在做某事pretend to have done sth.假装已经做了某事pr

9、etend that.假装运用 完成句子(1)他们装扮成富人和有地位的人。They _ rich and important men.(2)当老师进来时,同学们假装正在学习。The students _ when the teacher came in.(3)他假装已经明白了这个问题。He _ the problem.(4)我们假装什么也没发生过。We pretended _.pretend to bepretended to be studying pretended to have understoodthat nothing had happened7respect vt.&n尊敬,尊重

10、典例They respected the artists last wishes and burned hisletters.他们尊重这位艺术家的最后遗愿,烧掉了他的信件。Children should show respect for their teachers.孩子们应尊敬老师。拓展 respect sb.forsth.因为某事而尊重某人respect oneself 自重,尊重自己have/show respect for 尊重with all due respect(表示异议或提醒等前的谦语)恕我直言运用 完成句子(1)病人们对这位名医表现出极大的尊重。The patients _

11、the famous doctor.(2)我们应当学会尊重别人的选择。We should learn to _.(3)如果你不尊重自己,其他人也不会尊重你。Others wont respect you if you dont _.(4)我不是存心冒犯,但这次会议的确有很多问题。_,the meeting has many problems.showed great respect forrespect others choicesrespect yourselfWith all due respect本课重点单词拓展词汇构词法支招analyse/analyze vt.分析analysis n

12、分析1.后缀_可与名词结合构成动词,表示“使化”。如:criticize批评;computerize使电脑化。2前缀_与名词或形容词结合构成动词,表示“变得”。如:enlarge扩大;enrich使富裕。3_为名词后缀,与动词结合构成名词。如:movement运动;development发展。4_和_均为否定前缀,表示否定意义。如:dishonest不诚实;illiterate文盲的。legal adj.合法的,与法律有关的illegal adj.不合法的argument n争论;理由argue v争论,争吵encouragement n鼓励encourage vt.鼓励courage n勇气

13、,胆量dislike vt.不喜爱,厌恶like v喜欢disagreement n意见不一;分歧agreement n意见一致;协调agree v同意运用 用所给单词的适当形式填空1.According to data _,the manager tried to _the cause of our failure.(analysis)2.My teacher often _ us,and his _makes me more confident of my future.(encourage)3 The corruptive official has gathered large amou

14、nt of_ income,which is bound to be penalized by the _system.(legal)4.They all _ to the plan,so they reach an_.(agree)5.They _ with the boss several times but there wasstill some _ about the decision.(argue)6They _ the new show very much,and even refusedto watch it.(like)analysisanalyseencouragesencouragementillegallegalagreeagreementarguedargumentdisliked


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