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1、Green mountains are gold and silver mountains 绿水青山就是金山银山Earth DayLearning goals1.知识目标知识目标:熟练掌握下列词汇及短语:event,tap,napkin neighbourhood,deal with掌握相关的句型:If we all do these all the time,we can make a big difference.2.技能目标:能读懂介绍关于地球日的文章,通过略读、扫读等技巧提高阅读能力。3.情感目标:通过了解地球的现状,号召我们大家马上行动起来,一起保护地球。The Story Behi

2、nd Earth DayThe earth is in trouble.We can fix this.In fact,there are some events we can start with.We can recycle old newspapers in our neighbourhood.The Story Behind Earth DayTo save the energy,we can use dishwashers as little as possible.We cant use napkins.If we all do these all the time,we can

3、make a big difference.翻翻译译Reading strategy(阅 读 策 略):Sometimes the picture and the title can help you guess what you will read about.What type of writing is the article?A.NewsB.A storyC.An exposition(说说明明文文)事事物说物说明明文文 一一般标般标题题就就 是是说明说明的的对对 象象Fast ReadingCareful readingPara.1-2 Answer the questions.1.

4、Why did people set up Earth Day?Because they want to tell everyone about their worries about what was happening to our environment.2.When is Earth Day?Its on April 22.Careful readingPara.3 Judge the sentences(T or F)and correct them.F1.Turn oofnfthe lights when you leave the room.F2.Wash your clothe

5、s,and yourself,inwarm or hcoot lwdawteart enrontoctolhdo twater T3.WWF mwada teeerach person save the earth.world wildlife fund世界自然基世界自然基金金Earth Dayyou leave a room.3.Only buy electrical equipment if you really need it.Make sure it usesas little energy aspossible.People were beginning to worry about

6、 what we were doing to our environment.Sothey set up Earth Day to tell everyone about their worries.running.2.Turn off lights whenPara.1Para.2Para.3代代指什指什么么说明说明文文对具体对具体事事 物作物作客客观而准观而准确确 的说的说明明,使读,使读者者 了解了解、认识这认识这个个 事物事物。In 2007 organisers in over 150 countries planned over 4,000.big events.There wer

7、e _manythousands of smaller,localevents.These events dealt.with environmental problems in the neighbourhood.电电器器1.Dontleave the tap处理处理,应应 付付As students,to save the earth,what should we do in our daily life?formGood resultssave the watersave the energyuse againcleanGood behaviorsDont leave the tap r

8、unning?Write a poem about protecting the environment.(写一首关于保护环境的诗On)Earth DayI will I will I willAnd I willWell do these on earth day and every day,to make every day a happy Earth Day.On Earth Daymake every day a happy Earth Day.I Iwwilill.l.love it.I Iwwilill.l.save it.I Iwwililll.l.ook after it.An

9、d I Iwwilill.l.tell other people the ways can ht he lepy the environment.Well do these on earth day and every day,toShow our love and care to the earthwords phrasessentencesreading and writing skillshow to save the earthEarth DaySummaryChoose one of the festivals to write an article.世界世界动动物物日日世界粮食日世界世界水水日日纪念纪念日日The earth is my home,and the environment depends on everybody.Lets all take action地球地球是是我我家家,环,环境境靠靠大大家家 我们我们大大家家都都行动行动起起来来吧吧!


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