Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Discovering Useful Structures(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、 Unit 3Sports and Fitness反义疑问句Discovering Useful Structures人教版(2019)必修一附加附加/反反意疑问句意疑问句(Tag questions)【情境探究情境探究】1 1.反反意疑问句的结构意疑问句的结构:陈述句陈述句(主语主语+谓语谓语),+),+助动词助动词/情情态动词态动词/be/be动词动词+主语主语(代词形式代词形式)?)?陈述句部分如果是陈述句部分如果是肯定肯定(英语英语_句句,其其反意疑问句的疑问句反意疑问句的疑问句部分部分用用_ _ 提问提问(助动词助动词/情情态动词态动词/be/be动词动词+not+not););如果

2、如果陈述句部分陈述句部分是否定句是否定句,其其反意疑问句的疑问句部分反意疑问句的疑问句部分用肯定式提问。用肯定式提问。positivepositive否定否定 negativenegative观察上面的对话观察上面的对话,并完成句子并完成句子:1.The pen is yours,_?这支钢笔这支钢笔是你的是你的,不不是是吗吗?2.Lucy likes English,_?露西喜欢露西喜欢英语英语,不是不是吗吗?3.That was a wonderful night,_?那是个奇妙的那是个奇妙的夜晚夜晚,不是不是吗吗?isnt itdoesnt shewasnt it(3)A:David h

3、as been to a boxing match,_he?=Has David been to a boxingB:No,he hasnt.He always watches boxing on TV.(4)A:You cant cook,can you?你不会做饭,是吗?B:Yes,I can.Im good at cooking.不,我会。我做饭很好hasnt2 特殊点1)陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody,anyone,somebody,nobody,no one等,疑问部分常用复数 they,非正式有时也用单数he.Everyone knows the answer,dont

4、they?(does he?)Nobody knows about it,do they?(does he?)2)陈述部分主语是指示代词或不定代词 everything,that,nothing,this,疑问部分主语用it。Everything is ready,isnt it?3)陈述部分是 there be 结构的,疑问部分用there 省略主语代词。There is something wrong with your watch,isnt there?There will not be any trouble,will there?4))陈述部分用no,nothing,nobody,n

5、ever,few,seldom很少,hardly几乎不,rarely很少,little等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。The Swede made no answer,did he/she?Some plants never blown(开花),do they?陈述句陈述句中有否定副词中有否定副词:hardly;never;seldom;little;few;nowhere;nothing等词等词,反反意疑问句部分用肯定式提问意疑问句部分用肯定式提问:*Frank hardly goes to parties,does he?弗兰克很少参加聚会弗兰克很少参加聚会,对对吗吗?*He has

6、 few friends,has he?他朋友很少他朋友很少,对对吗吗?8)Lets-shall we?/let us-will you9)如果陈述句是祈使句,反意疑问句用 will you/wont you肯定-will you/wont you否定-will you某些某些特殊句型的反意疑问句特殊句型的反意疑问句:(1)(1)祈使句的反意疑问句祈使句的反意疑问句:表示肯定意义的祈使句表示肯定意义的祈使句,即即表示表示“请求请求,提示提示”,”,其其反意疑问句用反意疑问句用will you表达表达,有时有时也可以用也可以用wont you 表表示。示。*Go home now,_?现在回家现

7、在回家,好好吗吗?will you否定祈使句否定祈使句:以以Dont开始的祈使句开始的祈使句:表示表示“不要不要”,用用will you 提问。提问。*Dont be late again,will you?不要再迟到不要再迟到了,好了,好吗吗?*Dont forget to pay your income tax,_ you?不要忘了交个人所得不要忘了交个人所得税税,好好吗吗?Lets引导的祈使句表示引导的祈使句表示“建议建议”,反反意疑问句部分是意疑问句部分是shall we?*Lets go for a walk,shall we?我们去我们去散步散步,好好吗吗?*Lets have a

8、 rest now,shall we?我们休息一下我们休息一下,好好吗吗?【名师点津名师点津】I dont think 的反意疑问句的反意疑问句I dont think/suppose/believe/imagine 后后接宾接宾语从句语从句,这种宾语从句的反意疑问句应与这种宾语从句的反意疑问句应与从从句的句的主语、谓语主语、谓语部分一致部分一致,而且而且用肯定式提问。用肯定式提问。*I dont believe she has done it,_she?我我认为她没有做完认为她没有做完,是不是是不是?*I think he will come,_he?我认为他要来我认为他要来,是不是是不是?

9、haswont(3)(3)陈述句含有情态动词陈述句含有情态动词must有两种情况有两种情况:must表示表示“_”,反反意疑问句部分为意疑问句部分为mustnt/neednt.?*He must study hard at English,mustnt he/neednt he?他必须努力学英语他必须努力学英语,是不是是不是?必须*You must go home now,_你必须现在回家你必须现在回家,对不对对不对?*We mustnt be late,_we?我们我们不能迟到不能迟到,对不对对不对?neednt you/mustnt you?mustmust表示推表示推测测,“_,“_”,

10、反反意疑问句意疑问句部分与部分与must后面的动词后面的动词呼应。呼应。*You must be joking,_you?你一定是在开玩笑你一定是在开玩笑,是不是是不是?*He must be ill,_he?他一定生病了他一定生病了,对对吗吗?一定一定,肯定肯定arent isnt【即学活用即学活用】完成下列反意疑问句完成下列反意疑问句1.Its a fine day.Lets go fishing,_?shall we2.Daddys forgot to post the letter again,_?Im afraid he has.hasnt he【即学活用即学活用】完成下列反意疑问句

11、完成下列反意疑问句1.Its a fine day.Lets go fishing,_?2.Frank is working late again.This is the first time this week hes had to study late,_?shall weisnt it3.Daddys forgot to post the letter again,_?Im afraid he has.4.Sorry,Im not feeling well and I dont think I can finish.Dont worry.Let us do it for you,_?ha

12、snt hewill you5.I dont think he could have done such a stupid thing last night,_?6.The ground is wet.It must have rained last night,_?7.Jenny doesnt think that Robert is honest,_?Im afraid not.did hedidnt itdoes she8.The new windows need washing.Well,lets wash them together,_?9.There is little we ca

13、n do about it,_?10.The problem wasnt difficult for him,_?No,it wasnt.He should have been given a more difficult one.shall weis therewas it Complete the conversations with appropriate tag questions or correct answers.A:Its not going to rain,is it?=先转化成一般疑问句:先转化成一般疑问句:Is it going to rain?B:_.Its a goo

14、d day for sports.A:Then we can play football,_?B:_.We dont have a ball.1No,it isntcant weNo,we cantA:Its Sports Day next Thursday,_?B:Youre right,it is.Lets ask Xia Lei if she wants to join a team.A:She likes soccer,_?B:_.But she loves volleyball.She could be in the volleyball team.2isnt itdoesnt sh

15、eNo,she doesntA:Its time for badminton class.Where is the coach?Hes late,_?B:Its been 10 minutes already.He isnt coming,_?A:Cool!We can have a good time.Thats great!B:Shh!A:Oh no,hes right behind me,_?C:Yes,I am!3isnt heis heisnt hesuggest doing/advise doing/insist/order/command命令命令/propose建建议议/require/request 等表示建议类等表示建议类的动词后面接非谓语或宾语从句的动词后面接非谓语或宾语从句。recommend doing sth recommend sth to sbrecommend that sb+(should)doThank You


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