2020年中考英语第十讲 非谓语动词课件.ppt

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1、第二部分中考语法精讲精练第十讲 非谓语动词 英语 返回动词不定式 1动词不定式的形式及特点动词不定式一般由“不定式符号to动词原形”构成,有的不定式可省略to。不定式的否定形式是“not to(do)”。如:He asked_me_to_play chess with him.他让我和他一起下国际象棋。(带to)英语 返回I saw_a_boy_go_across the road just now.我看见有个男孩刚才过了马路。(不带to)The teacher told_me_not to be late again.老师告诉我不要再迟到。(否定形式)英语 返回2动词不定式的用法动词不定式在

2、句子中不能作谓语,但可以用作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、宾语补足语和同位语。虽然不作谓语,但它可以有自己的宾语或状语。下面重点介绍几种用法:(1)不定式作宾语不定式作宾语的情况比较多,但是一般情况下,不定式只作部分动词的宾语。英语 返回经常接不定式作宾语(即动词to do sth.结构)的动词有:begin(开始),care(愿意),ask(要求),hope(希望),learn(学会),expect(期望),want(想要),wish(希望),forget(忘记),like(喜欢),decide(决定),try(尝试),continue(继续),prefer(比较喜欢),pretend(假装

3、)等。英语 返回如:I hope_to_see the famous scientist.(to see作hope的宾语)我希望看见那位著名的科学家。不定式也可以用来作某些形容词的宾语。常见的这类形容词有:ready(准备好),anxious(急于),able(能够),sure(一定),glad(高兴),sorry(难过),afraid(害怕),pleased(高兴),willing(愿意)等。英语 返回如:Im glad_to_meet you.(to meet作glad的宾语)见到你很高兴。不定式和疑问词连用作宾语。如:when to do(什么时候做);how to do(怎样做);wh

4、at to do(做什么);why to do(为什么做);where to do(在哪儿做);which to do(做哪一个)等。英语 返回如:I dont know_what_to_buy for my mother.(what to buy作know的宾语)我不知道给妈妈买什么。(2)不定式用作宾语补足语 不定式用作宾语补足语,也是在一些特定的动词之后。常接“宾语宾补”(即动词sb.to do sth.结构)的动词有:ask(请),force(强迫),allow(允许),英语 返回expect(期望,盼望),invite(邀请),want(要),tell(告诉),advise(建议),

5、help(帮助),persuade(说服),permit(准许)等。如:Joan asked_Mary_to_speak first.(Mary在句中作宾语,to speak补充说明Mary要做的事)琼请玛丽先说。英语 返回(3)不定式作目的状语不定式作状语,修饰动词,用于表示行为的目的,一般放在动词后面。如:We ran over to_welcome the new friends from the USA.(to welcome作目的状语)我们跑过去欢迎来自美国的新朋友。英语 返回(4)不定式作主语(可用it来作形式主语,将真正主语置后)To_learn_maths is very im

6、portant.It is very important to learn maths.学数学很重要。3省略to的不定式使役动词和感官动词,后带宾语,再接不定式作宾补时,主动语态时不定式要省略to,被动语态时要补上to。英语 返回常考的有:make sb.do sth.使某人做某事 let sb.do sth.让某人做某事have sb.do sth.使某人做某事 watch sb.do(doing)sth.注视某人(正在)做某事notice sb.do (doing)sth.注意某人(正在)做某事 英语 返回see sb.do(doing)sth.看见某人(正在)做某事hear sb.do(

7、doing)sth.听见某人(正在)做某事如:I often see him run on the road.(省略to)我经常看见他在路上跑步。英语 返回4不带to的常用句型动词不定式用法口诀不定式有标记,to与动原连一起。没有人称数变化,动词特点它具备。主宾定状表补语,唯独作谓不可以。not加上不定式,否定结构要牢记。疑问词与不定式,构成短语有意义。英语 返回Why dont you do sth.?为什么不做某事?Why not do sth.?为什么不做某事?Would/Could you please do sth.?请你做某事,好吗?英语 返回Would/Could you ple

8、ase not do sth.?请你不要做某事,好吗?had better(not)do sth.最好(不)要做某事 英语 返回would rather do sth.than do sth.宁愿做某事,也不愿做某事prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做某事,也不愿做某事 英语 返回动名词1动名词的基本形式和性质(1)动名词是由“动词原形加ing”构成,形式与动词的现在分词相同。如:No smoking here.这里禁止吸烟。英语 返回(2)动名词兼有动词和名词的性质。动词的性质是可以带宾语和状语,组成动名词短语;名词的性质是在句子中可以充当主语、宾语

9、等。如:She is fond of collecting stamps.(作宾语)她喜欢集邮。Traveling abroad can be very exciting.(作主语)出国旅行会是很激动人心的。英语 返回2常见的可接动名词的动词短语有:insist on(坚持)think of(想到)dream of(梦想)object to(反对)hear of(听说)look forward to(期望)feel like(想要)devoteto(致力于)get/be used to(习惯于)be fond of(喜欢)英语 返回be afraid of(害怕)be tired of(厌烦)

10、succeed in(成功)stopfrom(阻止做)keepfrom(阻止)preventfrom(阻止做)depend on(依靠)spendin(在花费)be interested in(对感兴趣)be proud of(以为骄傲/自豪)英语 返回Sometimes you just need a quick trip to the beach.I decided _1_ Puerto Rico.The island,_2_ is a USA territory(地域),offers Americans all the comforts of domestic(国内的)travel.Bu

11、t Puerto Rico also has Caribbean beaches and Latin culture along _3_ waterfalls and good food and drinks.(非谓语动词)英语 返回We spent five days _4_ on the beach,exploring old San Juan,hiking through the islands rainforest and,of course,enjoying tropical(热带的)drinks as we thought of _5_ futures.Puerto Rico _6

12、_ two kinds of seasons:wet and dry.Prices tend _7_ lower in the rainy months,April to November,but thats because you run the risk of _8_ stuck inside 英语 返回your hotel room waiting for the rain to subside(减弱)Traveling there last fall,I knew this going in,but was willing _9_ my chances.We also spent a

13、day _10_ El Yunque,Puerto Ricos famous tropical rainforest.Many visitors rent a car and made the trek(跋涉)_11_ their own from San Juanits about 30 minutes away 英语 返回_12_ we booked a guided tour through our hotel that included _13_ hike and swimming beneath a waterfall.There _14_ several different pla

14、ces where you can swim,but be prepared for a bit of adventure,_15_ slippery rocks and a river with a rope swing.英语 返回()1.A.to try Btry Ctrying Dtried()2.A.who Bwhich Cwhat Dwhose()3.A.of Bby Cwith Dagainst()4.A.to relax Brelax Crelaxed Drelaxing()5.A.your Btheir Chis Dour()6.A.has Bhave Cis DareACDDAB 英语 返回()7.A.being Bto be Cwill be Dhave been()8.A.to get Bgot Cgetting Dto be got()9.A.taking Bto take Ctakes Dtook()10.A.on Bat Cunder Dwith()11.A.in Bon Cby Dto()12.A.but Band Cor DsoBBBBAC 英语 返回()13.A.a Ban Cthe D/()14.A.is Bare Chave Dhas()15.A.include Bincluding Cto include DincludedABB


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