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1、英 语补全对话 1考查内容补全对话是全国大部分省、市的中考必考题型,它是一种综合性较强的测试题,旨在考查学生在具体的语言情境中正确运用语言进行交际、准确表达观点或看法的能力。考查内容几乎涉及初中教材中出现的所有话题,如:购物、问路、看病、打电话、聚会、谈论天气、祝愿、请求、问候、表示“同意或不同意”等。分值一般在中考中占5%10%。2考查题型及特点(1)选择型。一般要求从57个选项中选出五个句子补全对话。(2)填词型。分为方框选词型和无提示填词型。方框选词型一般在对话中留出5个空白处,要求从方框内所给单词中选取适当的词汇直接填入文中,难度较小;无提示填词型一般在对话中留出5至10个空白处,要求

2、根据对话情境及内容填入适当的单词,使对话结构通顺,意义完整。(3)补全句子型。该题型一般给出A、B两人对话,通常留出五个空白处要求填写适当的句子补全对话。补全对话具有考查的知识面广、综合能力强的特点,今后的考查将更加注重语境、语篇和西方人的交流习惯。题型仍将是选择句子型、单词填写型和句子填写型。对话材料的选择将越来越贴近生活、贴近社会。(一)选择型 1做好此类题,首先要对所提供的语言材料能够充分地理解与掌握。如对对话双方的身份、职业、年龄、性别、意图及交际活动的时间、地点、场景等要有准确的了解。2选择句子补全对话注重语境,答语的依据往往隐藏在问句中,而问句的依据往往隐藏在答语中,因此,解答此类

3、题目,一定要注意具体语境,联系上、下文,捕捉语境暗示的信息,结合习惯表达方式,准确理解题干的含义。3选择句子补全对话一般要求从57个选项中选出五个句子补全对话,个别选项迷惑性极强,因此需要根据题设情景反复推敲,瞻前顾后,通盘考虑。4检查整篇对话,看看上下文是否通顺、连贯,表达方式是否合乎习惯。发现不妥之处,立即纠正。【体验中考】A(2014,重庆)AWhat time would you choose?BId like the seats in Row Four.CThanks for calling.DHow many tickets do you want?EYes,sure.FId li

4、ke to book movie tickets for tomorrow afternoon.GHow much are they?A:Hello,this is Guotai Cinema.What can I do for you?B:1._F_My booking card number is 879623059.A:Could you tell me what movie youd like to watch?B:My Old Classmate.A:OK.We have My Old Classmate at 1:00,3:00 and 5:00.2._A_B:Id like th

5、e movie beginning at 3:00.A:All right.3._D_B:Two.A:We have only 10 seats left now.They are in Row One and Row Four.B:Let me see.4._B_What are the numbers?A:They are No.3,Row Four and No.5,Row Four.B:OK.Thats it.A:So,well leave the two tickets for you.Please remember to take the tickets half an hour

6、before the movie begins.B:No problem.A:5._C_See you.B:See you.B(2014,呼和浩特)A:Hi,Li Na!Li Mei and I want to go to an old peoples home this Saturday.Would you like to join us?B:1._B_ But what will we do for them?A:We havent decided yet.Do you have any good ideas?B:2._G_Ill ask her to make some and brin

7、g them to the people there.A:That sounds great!3._A_B:Well,you can sing Beijing Opera for them.4._D_A:Yeah,well try our best to make them happy.B:I agree with you.5._F_A:You are right!Why not call Lin Peng?He always has many good ideas.B:OK.Lets give him a call.A.Anything else?BYes,Id love to.CHow s

8、hall we go there?DOld people often like operas.EThey must be very sad.FWe can ask more people to join us.GMy mother can make delicious cookies.C(2014,玉林、防城港)AShall we talk about friendshipBWhat do you think of friendshipCWhats the second thingDYou can give it upEyou are so cleverFyou have to tell th

9、e truthGCan you give me an example A:Hi,Eric!B:Hi,David!A:1._B_?B:MmI think it means some personal qualities between friends.A:Then,what are the two most important things for being good friends?B:Thats a really difficult question,David.I could hardly answer it right now.A:I see.But 2._E_Im sure you

10、can.B:Well,the most important thing is to be honest.A:3._G_?B:OK.If your best friend asks you whether his haircut is cool,but it isnt.4._F_A:Cant we just say something good not to hurt his feelings(感情)?B:Never.If friends cant be honest with each other,then who can?A:5._C_?B:Its to help you friends w

11、henever they are in trouble.A:So you are helping me now,right?B:I think so.D(2014,黔东南)A:Hello,Dave speaking!B:Hi,Dave.Its Jacky!1._E_A:Tomorrow is Dans birthday.2._G_You know,her parents are working in Guangdong shes alone.B:Thats a good idea!You are so kind.A:3._D_B:Yes,Id love to.4._A_A:At five oc

12、lock in the afternoonB:OK.Ill get to your house on time.A:5._C_B:I will.Bye.A:Bye.AWhen will it start?BWill you be free tomorrow?CRemember to tell Betty.DWould you like to come to the party?EWhats up?FWhat would you like to drink?GI want to hold a party for her.(二)填词型 1首先通读整篇对话,获取有用信息在做填词型补全对话时,应忽略空


14、Tom.Tom:Hi,David.1.Where were you last night?David:I went to the cinema.Tom:Oh,yes?What film 2.did you see?David:I saw Kong Fu Panda.Tom:Really?Is it 3.interesting?David:Sure.Its about a panda called Po,he saved his 4.friends in danger.Tom:It sounds exciting,too.I will go to see the 5.film this even

15、ing.David:OK.Enjoy yourself.Tom:Thanks.B(2014,南京南京)looked atwhiletraditionalplaceall over A:Youve been to Australia,havent you?B:Yea,I have.I was working in Australia for a year and I traveled 1.all_over the country.A:What kind of work were you doing?B:I was teaching Chinese 2.traditional thingsKung

16、 Fu and paper cut in a school.A:Did you see kangaroos?B:Yes.One weekend,I was driving in the countryside.I saw a kangaroo jumping right next to my car!When I stopped the car,it stopped jumping and 3.looked_at me.Then I saw it was carrying its baby in its front.A:What was the best place you visited i

17、n Australia?B:Uluru!It is a red mountain in the desert.Its a very special 4.place for Australians.A:Did you miss your family 5.while you were in Australia?B:Yes,I missed them,but I never forget the experience in Australia!C(2014,舟山)freedommeetcoolencouragewrongTom:Hi,Dad,do you have time for a chat?

18、I have 1.met some problems.Dad:Oh,Tom,whats 2.wrong?Tom:Dad,you and mum are always around me.I dont have my own time and 3.freedom.Dad:Are we?Tom:Yes.I always have to obey you,but Im able to decide my own business now.Dad:Oh,I didnt realize that we hardly 4.encouraged you to make your own decisions

19、in the past.Tom:Dad,I have grown up.Please dont treat me like a child.Dad:Im sorry.Well try to change ourselves.Tom:Thats 5.cool.Dad:Son,remember,we are always open for a chat.(二)无提示型A(2014,哈尔滨)A:Ningning,1.hows everything going?B:Very well,Dandan!Havent you heard Ice Age is now showing in Wanda Cin

20、ema?A:Really?Im 2.fond of cartoons.B:Then how about seeing the film together?A:Id love to,but Im 3.afraid I must go to the art class now.B:What a 4.pity!A:In fact,I would see this film 5.rather than have a class.B:But work comes before everything.A:You are right.6.By the way,do you mind buying three

21、 tickets for me?B:Of course not.Why three?A:Oh,I want to go with my 7.parents tomorrow.B:You are a good daughter!B(2014,福州)W:Excuse me,is there a bookstore around here?M:Yes.There is 1.one on Zhongshan Road.Its between the parking lot and the supermarket.W:How 2.far is it from here?M:About thirty mi

22、nutes walk.You can 3.take the No.14 bus there.W:Thank you.By the way,4.wheres the bus stop?M:Its at the end of this street.You cant 5.miss it.W:Thanks for your help.M:Youre welcome.C(2013,广安)A:What are you going to do next weekend?B:I have no 1.idea.A:Would you like to do something with me?B:Sure.Wh

23、at are you going to do?A:How 2.about going boating on Saturday?B:That sounds good.Where are we going to meet?A:At my house.My father has a car.He can 3.drive us to the lake.B:What time shall we leave?A:At 5:50 in the morning.Boating is good at that time.B:So early?Can we make 4.it a little later?A:W

24、ell,no 5.problem.What about 6:00?B:OK.Ill get to your house at 5:50.See you tomorrow.D(2014,贺州)A:Hello,Paul.Glad to see you again.1.Where did you go last week?B:I went to visit London 2.with my parents.A:3.How was your trip?B:It was exciting and fantastic.Well never 4.forget it.A:Did you take a trai

25、n to London?B:No,we went there 5.by plane.A:Where did you visit?B:We visited some 6.places of interest,such as Big Ben,London Bridge and Buckingham Palace.A:Wow,that sounds wonderful.What 7.else did you do?B:You wont believe it,we met an 8.actor,_Jackie Chan!And we 9.took some photos with him.A:That

26、s great!Can you show 10.me the photos tomorrow?B:Of course.(三)补全句子型 1先通读全文,认真阅读对话内容,通过题目所提供的信息掌握对话的主题,判断出它是涉及哪方面的情景或内容(如购物、看病、问路、谈论天气等)。2对话通常包括提出话题、展开话题和结束话题三个阶段。顺着这个结构,充分利用所给的词句(包括标点符号在内)的信息,掌握基本大意,了解说话者的身份、态度和意图,弄清句和句、首和尾之间的逻辑关系。3对话通常以问和答的句式展开,这些句式必然会出现相关的疑问词、情态动词、助动词等,动词的时态、语态通常也是互相呼应的,甚至还会出现相关的句

27、型。因此要抓住对话中的信息点,找出对应语句。我们可以根据空格后的标点符号,在有问号的空格中填上一个问句,而在有句号的空格上填上一个陈述句。如果后面没有标点符号,我们要仔细揣摩上下文的关系,从中得到启示,补上所空缺的句子。4通读整篇对话,确保句意的通顺连贯、语法的准确恰当及表达的灵活习惯。【体验中考】A(2014,孝感)A:Hi,Tina.What are you going to do this weekend?B:1.Im_going_to_a_concertA:A concert?What kind of concert is it?B:A piano concert.It is held

28、 for charity.A:2.Are_there_many_famous_musicians?B:Yes,there are many famous musicians,such as Li Yundi,a wellknown Chinese pianist.3.Would_you_like_to_go_with_me?A:C e r t a i n l y,I d l i k e t o.L i Yu n d i i s m y f a v o r i t e musician.4.How_much_is_the_ticket?B:120 yuan.A:Oh,its too dear.I

29、 cant afford it.B:I dont have so much money,either.I plan to sell newspapers to raise money.A:5.Thats_a_good_idea./Good_idea_Can I join you?B:No problem.B(2014,河南)A:Its a nice day.B:Yes,its a beautiful day.A:Are there so many people here all the time?B:1.(Sorry,)Im_not_sure/(Sorry,)I_dont_know/Im_so

30、rry,but_I_have_no_ideaThis is my first time here.A:Me,too.I think this is a great place.B:Yeah,I think so too.A:2.Where_are_you(visiting)from/Where_do_you_come_from?B:Im visiting from London.How about you?A:3.Im(visiting)from/I_come_fromB:Thats cool.Are you having a good time?A:Yes.There are many th

31、ings to see and Im taking a lot of pictures.B4.How_long_are_you_visiting_for/How_long_have_you_been_there/How_long_will_you_stay_here/How_long_are_you_staying_here?A:For two weeks,I went to San Francisco and Los Angeles.I want to see Yellow Stone National Park before I leave.B5.Thats_great/cool/wond

32、erful/It_seems_that_youre_having_a_good_time/You_must_have_had_a_good_timeA:Oh,my friends are waiting for me.I hope you enjoy your stay here.B:Thank you.It was nice meeting you.C(2014,长沙)A:How is it going,Amy?B:1.Pretty_goodMy math has improved a lot and I got a good mark in the last exam.A:Good new

33、s.2.What_are_you_doing?B:Im reading a passage about Michelle Obama,the US first lady.A:3.What_do_you_think_of_her?B:I think she is successful,hardworking and energetic.A:I think so.Have you heard that she visited China in March?B:4.Yes,I_haveA:How did you get the news?B:I got it on the Internet.By t

34、he way,you looked so tired.What did you do last night?A:I just stayed at home,watching the 2014 World Cup until the early morning.B:Sounds great.5.Whos_your_favorite_football_player?A:I like Messi best,one of the most popular football player in the world.B:He is really amazing!What a pity!I missed l

35、ast nights matches.D(2014,聊城聊城)Susan:Hi,Nancy!How beautiful your new bike is!Nancy:Thank you.Susan:1.Where_is_it_made?Nancy:Its made in Shanghai.Susan:I always want to buy one.2.Where_did_you_buy_it?Nancy:In the Carrefour near our neighbourhood.There are many d i f f e r e n t c o l o r s.3.W h a t

36、_ c o l o r _ d o _ y o u _ l i k e _ b e s t?/Whats_your_favorite_color?Susan:I like green best.4.How_much_is_it?/How_much_does_it_cost?Nancy:About 500 yuan.Susan:MmThe price is OK.Well,would you like to go to the store with me this Sunday?Nancy:5.Yes,_Id_love_to.Susan:Thank you very much.我有一双隐形的翅膀

37、记巴东无臂少年杨彬的意外折翅 杨彬无意中走到变压器边,好奇心地用小手去触摸变压器,被高压电瞬间击中,双臂严重烧伤。杨彬再也不能像其他小朋友一样快乐地游戏和玩耍,甚至连吃饭、穿衣、洗脸、上厕所这些简单的事都无法完成。我有一双隐形的翅膀记巴东无臂少年杨彬的 1、4岁时,杨彬学会了用脚握笔写字。2、到6岁时,杨彬用脚写的字达到了小学一年级学生写字的水平。3、这个娃太有毅力了,写的字超过了小学一年级的水平。我有一双隐形的翅膀记巴东无臂少年杨彬的 4、在学会用脚写字后,杨彬对同学们用筷子吃饭有了强烈的好奇感,他决定要学会用脚拿筷子。用脚夹勺子吃饭本来就是一件很艰难的事,用脚夹筷子更是难于上青天。一次又一

38、次的失败,一次又一次的坚持,他成功了,到时9岁时就能把一双筷子在脚下运用自如,夹菜、吃饭均可完成。我有一双隐形的翅膀记巴东无臂少年杨彬的 5、再后来,杨彬学会了用脚漱口、开门锁、写毛笔字,还学会了用脚打电话、发短信、用电脑。初中毕业时,杨彬以585分的好成绩顺利考入巴东一中。考出509分的好成绩后,进了大学的校园。大学毕业还要攻读研究生,一定要学得更多的知识,将来回报社会,为社会作贡献 回头看看我们的父母亲,他们为了我们付出了多少?愿望:望子成龙,望女成凤我们是如何回报的?你觉得你父母是怎样的人?苏秦以锥刺骨,苏秦以锥刺骨,孙敬以绳悬梁,孙敬以绳悬梁,匡衡凿壁借光,匡衡凿壁借光,车胤囊萤读书,

39、车胤囊萤读书,他们都是刻苦勤学的典范,正如他们都是刻苦勤学的典范,正如古人所说:不经一番寒窗苦,怎得梅古人所说:不经一番寒窗苦,怎得梅花扑鼻香。花扑鼻香。学习勤学事例学习勤学事例名人名言 1、时间是最公平合理的,它从不多给谁一份。勤劳者能叫时间留下串串果实,懒惰者时间留予他们一头白发两手空空。高尔基 2、饭可以一日不吃,觉可以一日不睡,书不可以一日不读。毛泽东 3、世上无难事,只要肯攀登。毛泽东名人名言 1、伟大的成绩和辛勤劳动是成正比例的,有一分劳动就有一分收获,日积月累,从少到多,奇迹就可以创造出来。鲁迅 2、天才与凡人只有一步之隔,这一步就是勤奋。佚名 3、成功是百分之一的聪明加百分之九十九的勤奋老师的寄语 好的成绩来自科学的方式和好的成绩来自科学的方式和方法,勤学就是让我们能掌握好方法,勤学就是让我们能掌握好学习方式的最好途径,三分天才学习方式的最好途径,三分天才七分学,所以,现在我们的目标七分学,所以,现在我们的目标就是努力学习,天天向上,不辜就是努力学习,天天向上,不辜负时代和关心我们的人的期望。负时代和关心我们的人的期望。拼搏成就梦想拼搏成就梦想 汗水点燃希望汗水点燃希望


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