2021年英语中考话题2 情感与情绪(外研版)课件.pptx

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1、2021年-2022年最新返回2021广东中考英语2021年-2022年最新返回教材梳理话题写作(外研版)第一节人与自我话题2情感与情绪2021年-2022年最新返回目英语01教材经典语段再现02教材原句仿写03读写综合训练录2021年-2022年最新返回教材经典语段再现教材经典语段再现八下八下Module 1Unit 2Hi Lingling,Thanks for your last message.It was great to 1.(收到收到的来信的来信)you,and I cant 2.to meet you.I hope you will know me from my photo

2、when I arrive at the airport.Im quite tall,with short fair hair,and I 3.glasses.Ill wear jeans and a T shirt for the journey,but Ill also carry my warm coat.Ive got your photoyou look very pretty.Im sure well find each other!Thanks for telling me about your hobbies.You sound just like me!I 4.a lot o

3、f time playing classical music with my friends at school,but I also like dance musicI love dancing!I enjoy sports as 5.,especially tennis.My brother is in the school tennis teamIm very proud 6.him!Hes good at everything,but Im not.Sometimes I get 7.marks at school,and I feel sad.I should work harder

4、.2021年-2022年最新返回 You asked me,“How do you feel about coming to China?”Well,I often feel a bit sad at first when I leave my mum and dad for a few days,and Im quite shy when Im with 8.I feel nervous when I speak Chinese,but Ill be fine in a few days.Im always sorry when I dont know how to do things in

5、 the right way,so please help me when Im with you in China!Oh,Im afraid 9.flying too.But I cant tell you how excited I am 10.going to China!See you next week!Love,Sally2021年-2022年最新返回 参考答案参考答案 重点单词重点单词:3.wear(穿穿,戴戴)7.bad(差的差的,不好的不好的)8.strangers(陌生人陌生人)重点短语重点短语:1.hear from2.(cant)wait(to do sth.)(等不及

6、等不及做某事做某事)4.spend(time doing sth.)(花时间做某事花时间做某事)5.(as)well(也也)6.(be proud)of(为为而感到骄傲而感到骄傲)9.(be afraid)of(害怕害怕)10.(be excited)about(对对感到感到兴奋兴奋)2021年-2022年最新返回【重点句型梳理】【重点句型梳理】Thanks for telling me about your hobbies.句型结构句型结构:Thanks for doing sth.因因而感谢。而感谢。for强调强调为何而感谢为何而感谢,其后可接名词或其后可接名词或v.ing。翻译翻译:谢谢

7、你邀请我们参加你的生日聚会。谢谢你邀请我们参加你的生日聚会。Thanks for inviting us to your birthday party.2021年-2022年最新返回 I often feel a bit sad at first when I leave my mum and dad for a few days 句型结构句型结构:when引导的时间状语从句引导的时间状语从句,表示表示“当当的时的时候候”。翻译翻译:当我赶到飞机场时当我赶到飞机场时,客人们已经离开了。客人们已经离开了。When I got to/arrived at/reached the airport,t

8、he guests had left.2021年-2022年最新返回拓展阅读拓展阅读(人教版人教版)八上八上Unit 10Section BStudents these days often have a lot of worries.Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork,and sometimes with their friends.What can they do about this?Some people believe the worst thing is to do nothing.Laura Mills,a tee

9、nager from London,agrees.“Problems and worries are normal in life,”says Laura.“But I think talking to someone helps a lot.Unless we talk to someone,well certainly feel worse.”Laura once lost her wallet,and worried for days.She was afraid to tell her parents about it.She even walked three miles to sc

10、hool each day because she didnt have any money.She just kept thinking,“If I tell my parents,theyll be angry!”In the end,she talked to her parents and they were really understanding.Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself.They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful.“I

11、will always remember to share my problems in the future!”Laura says.Robert Hunt advises students about common problems.He feels the same way as Laura.“It is best not to run away from our problems.We should always try to solve them.”He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to.Thi

12、s person doesnt need to be an expert like himself.Students often forget that their parents have more experience,and are always there to help them.In English,we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.So youre halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!2021年-2022年最

13、新返回【要点注释】【要点注释】句意句意:我们如果不与人聊聊我们如果不与人聊聊,肯定会感觉更糟。这是一肯定会感觉更糟。这是一个个unless引导的条件状语从句。引导的条件状语从句。unless意为意为“除非除非;如果不如果不”,相当于相当于ifnot。be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事害怕做某事;be afraid of(doing)sth.害怕做某事害怕做某事/担心发生某事。担心发生某事。句意句意:如果我告诉我父母如果我告诉我父母,他们将会很生气他们将会很生气!if引导的条件引导的条件状语从句状语从句,if意为意为“如果如果”。当主句用一般将来时或是祈使。当主句用一般将来时或是

14、祈使句时句时,从句常用一般现在时表将来从句常用一般现在时表将来。2021年-2022年最新返回 advise sb.about sth.关于关于给某人忠告给某人忠告/建议。建议。句型结构句型结构:It is best(not)to do sth.最好最好(不不)做某事。做某事。2021年-2022年最新返回 1.It was great to hear from you,and I cant wait to meet you.(WY 8BM1)点拨点拨:cant wait to do sth.意为意为“迫不及待地做某事迫不及待地做某事”。仿写仿写:他一放学回到家他一放学回到家,就迫不及待地打开

15、了电视。就迫不及待地打开了电视。As soon as he gets home from school,he .教材原句仿写教材原句仿写cant wait to turn on the TV2021年-2022年最新返回 2.I spend a lot of time playing classical music with my friends at school,but I also like dance music.(WY 8BM1)点拨点拨:spend意为意为“花费花费”,常用的搭配为常用的搭配为:sb.spend+时间时间(金钱金钱)+(in)doing sth.或或sb.spend

16、+时间时间(金钱金钱)+on sth.。仿写仿写:这台电脑花了我这台电脑花了我5000元元。I this computer.他们花了两年时间建那座桥他们花了两年时间建那座桥。They the bridge.spent 5000 yuan onspent two years(in)building2021年-2022年最新返回 3.He had let his whole team down.(RJ 9全全U11)点拨点拨:let sb.down 意为意为“让某人失望让某人失望”。仿写仿写:我不想让我的父母失望。我不想让我的父母失望。.I dont want to let my parents

17、down2021年-2022年最新返回 4.As soon as he walked through the door,his father asked,“Whats wrong,son?”(RJ 9全全U11)点拨点拨:as soon as表示表示“一一就就”,引导时间状语从句。引导时间状语从句。仿写仿写:他一回到家他一回到家,就打开了电视机。就打开了电视机。.As soon as he gets home,he turns on the TV2021年-2022年最新返回 A.回答问题回答问题 请阅读下面这篇文章请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息根据所提供的信息,回答回答5个问题。个问题

18、。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整。读写综合训练读写综合训练2021年-2022年最新返回Do you live in a big city?Every day,the streets are noisy with the activity of millions of people,each of them living in their own way.However,people can often feel quite lonely.Its a strange contradiction(矛盾矛盾)you are in the crowd with so

19、many people at every moment,but you still feel like you are the onlypeople in the world.You walk through a crowd and feel like you are floating(漂浮漂浮)alone in space.Have you ever felt like this?Its not an unusual feeling.Living in crowded areas in the city can often make people feel this way.There ar

20、e many ways to deal with this feeling.The first and maybe the best way is to rely on your friends.When Im feeling lonely or sad,the first thing I do is to pick up my phone and call a friend.Ive gotten through some of the hardest times in my life with the help of my friends.The second way is to do so

21、mething you like best.When you are busy with what you are interested in,you will forget the loneliness.I have ever tried to watch movies,read novels,go bike ridingEvery time I do these things to deal with the loneliness,I feel much better.So its important to nurture(培养培养)your own friendships and int

22、erests.2021年-2022年最新返回 1.How do many people like the life in the big city?2.Is loneliness an unusual feeling according to the passage?3.Who can be relied on when you feel lonely according to the passage?They feel lonely.No,it isnt an unusual feeling./No,it isnt.Our friends can be relied on when we f

23、eel lonely.2021年-2022年最新返回 4.What does the writer do first when he feels lonely?5.How many suggestions does the writer give on how to deal with loneliness?He picks up his phone and calls a friend when he feels lonely.The writer gives two/2 suggestions on how to deal with loneliness.2021年-2022年最新返回 B

24、.书面表达书面表达 假如你是阳光中学的初三年级学生李明假如你是阳光中学的初三年级学生李明,你身边不少同你身边不少同学常常感到孤独。请你就此写一篇短文。内容包括学常常感到孤独。请你就此写一篇短文。内容包括:1.简单介绍你身边同学的现状简单介绍你身边同学的现状(感到孤独感到孤独);2.你对如何应对孤独的建议你对如何应对孤独的建议(至少两点至少两点);3.希望同学们不再孤独希望同学们不再孤独,快乐成长。快乐成长。2021年-2022年最新返回 作文要求作文要求:1.不能照抄原文不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。学生的真实姓名。2.语句连贯语

25、句连贯,词数词数80个左右。开头已给出个左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。不计入总词数。【写作指导】【写作指导】第一步第一步:审题。审题。体裁体裁:时态时态:人称人称:议论文议论文一般现在时一般现在时第一人称第一人称2021年-2022年最新返回 第二步第二步:列提纲。列提纲。第一段第一段:介绍你身边同学的现状。参考句型介绍你身边同学的现状。参考句型:1.We are very busy with.2.Many of my classmates often.第二段第二段:你的建议。参考句型你的建议。参考句型:1.How can we?2.We can at school.2021年-2022年最

26、新返回 3.We should develop some interests.4.We can take part in more often.第三段第三段:发出呼吁。参考句型发出呼吁。参考句型:1.I hope we wont any more.2.I hope all of us can.2021年-2022年最新返回 第三步第三步:列出主要的单词、短语和句型。列出主要的单词、短语和句型。1.感到孤独感到孤独 2.应对孤独应对孤独 3.结交一些朋友结交一些朋友 4.多参与课外活动多参与课外活动 5.培养更多兴趣爱好培养更多兴趣爱好 6.不再孤独不再孤独 feel lonelydeal wi

27、th the lonelinessmake some friendsjoin in more after school activitiesdevelop more interestsnot be lonely any more2021年-2022年最新返回 第四步第四步:句子仿写。句子仿写。1.There are many ways to deal with this feeling.有许多办有许多办法来应对这种情绪。法来应对这种情绪。结构结构:There is/are+n.+to do sth.,意为意为“有有来做某事来做某事”。仿写仿写:有许多方法来处理这个问题。有许多方法来处理这个问题

28、。There are many ways to deal with the problem.2021年-2022年最新返回 2.When Im feeling lonely or sad,the first thing I do is to pick up my phone and call a friend.当我感到孤独或难受时当我感到孤独或难受时,我做的我做的第一件事是拿起电话并打给一个朋友。第一件事是拿起电话并打给一个朋友。结构结构:when引导的时间状语从句。引导的时间状语从句。仿写仿写:当你感觉孤独时当你感觉孤独时,你可以花点时间和朋友待在一起。你可以花点时间和朋友待在一起。第五步第

29、五步:运用运用and,or,so,because,but,first,second,in a word等连接词将以上要点连成文章等连接词将以上要点连成文章,注意句型多样化。注意句型多样化。When you feel lonely,you can spend time with your friends.2021年-2022年最新返回【整篇写作】【整篇写作】I am a middle school student.Many of my classmates oftenfeel lonely at school.How to deal with our loneliness?I have seve

30、ral suggestions.First,we can make some friends at school.When we spend time with friends,the loneliness will get away.Second,we should develop some interests and join in after school activities.The activities bring a lot of fun,and we can have fun with others together.2021年-2022年最新返回 I hope we wont be lonely any more and all of us can grow up happily.2021年-2022年最新返回


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