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1、In Your EyesInterpretation of the Text 文本解读A storyhowwherewhenwhywhowhatIa young boyInterpretation of the Text 文本解读(Who)strangers 打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4Interpretation of the Text 文本解读(When)1.1.As I sat on the bench(Para.1)全文中较为明显的时间全文中较为明显的时间表达为表达为As I sat on As I sat on the benchthe b

2、ench这一结构这一结构.但从行文描述中不难发现文章遵循了这样一条时间线:但从行文描述中不难发现文章遵循了这样一条时间线:我我 坐坐到椅子上到椅子上我我 与男孩交谈时与男孩交谈时男孩离开后。男孩离开后。打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4Interpretation of the Text文本解读(How)1.1.因为家庭生活不顺,因为家庭生活不顺,我我 来到公园,坐在长椅上看书,心情来到公园,坐在长椅上看书,心情郁闷,自怨自怜。郁闷,自怨自怜。2.2.正坐着,一个小男孩来到我面前,兴奋地和正坐着,一个小男孩来到我面前,兴奋地和 我我 分享他找到分享他找到的

3、这朵残败凋零的花。的这朵残败凋零的花。3.3.出于礼貌,出于礼貌,我我 假笑着回应了他,希望他快点离开让假笑着回应了他,希望他快点离开让 我我 一一个人待着。个人待着。4.4.但是他却坐到但是他却坐到 我我 身边,向身边,向 我我 再次赞美这朵花的美丽,并再次赞美这朵花的美丽,并且想要把这朵花送给且想要把这朵花送给 我我。这时。这时 我我 才发现这个小男孩其实才发现这个小男孩其实是一个盲人。是一个盲人。5.5.我我 深受震撼,也深受感动。小男孩虽然双目失明,却能够深受震撼,也深受感动。小男孩虽然双目失明,却能够看到生活的美好,并且将这份美好传递给他人。看到生活的美好,并且将这份美好传递给他人。

4、我我 因此也因此也意识到自己要学会去看到生活中美好积极的一面。意识到自己要学会去看到生活中美好积极的一面。故事情节情感线:我受到盲人小男孩打动后感受到的从震撼、惭愧变为积极、感恩的情感。情感线的发展是从漠然到感悟的过程,是DownUp模式。打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4Interpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)1.Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para.1 It was then that I not

5、iced for the very first time that the boy could not see:he was blind.Given Information1.,a young boy out of breath approached me,all tired from play.(Para(Para.2)2)2.Curiosity drove me to look into his eyes.Blue as the sea,there is no color of light in his beautiful eyes.(Para(Para.3)3)打包-读后续写-高考英语作

6、文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4Interpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)New Information1.1.How would I feel after knowing the fact that How would I feel after knowing the fact that the boy couldnthe boy couldn t see?t see?2.2.How would I react to the boyHow would I react to t

7、he boy s rose?Would I s rose?Would I take it?take it?3.3.What would the boy do afterwards?What would the boy do afterwards?4.4.Will the boy say something to me?Will the boy say something to me?5.5.What would I think about towards the boyWhat would I think about towards the boy s s behavior?behavior?

8、1.Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para.1 It was then that I noticed for the very first time that the boy could not see:he was blind.打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4Interpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)1.Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para.2 Fo

9、r all of those times I myself had been blind towards the world around me.1.I couldnI couldn t help being t help being self-pityingself-pitying.(Para.2)2.2.So I reached for the flower,and replied,Just what I need.(Para.3)Given Information打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4Interpretation of underline

10、d words and given information划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)New Information1.1.Why would I say I was blind?Why would I say I was blind?2.2.What would I think afterwards?What would I think afterwards?3.3.How did I feel at that time?How did I feel at that time?4.4.What would I learn from the little boy?What would I

11、 learn from the little boy?5.5.How would I feel about my life later?How would I feel about my life later?1.Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para.2 For all of those times I myself had been blind towards the world around me.打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4 2.Interpretation of underlined wor

12、ds下划线词解读:bench,willow,tree,world,boy,self-pitying,smile,colors,flower,pitiful,eyesCharacterPlacesEmotionsThingsboybench,willow tree,worldInterpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读self-pitying,smile,pitifulcolors,flower,eyes打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4Ia young boythank

13、ed him for thanked him for picking the very picking the very best best flowerflower Interpretation of writing ideas 写作思路解读he he smiledsmiled,and,and then ran off to then ran off to play,play,I held that dead flower up to my nose打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4The Micro-skills Training in writing

14、 表达微技能:之准确的动作神态描写:孤独、郁闷的心理篇我们可以通过对人物肢体语言和表情的描写,反映人物的我们可以通过对人物肢体语言和表情的描写,反映人物的心理活动和情感变化,增强叙述的画面感,使得文章血肉心理活动和情感变化,增强叙述的画面感,使得文章血肉丰满,厚实感人。在已知文本的阅读和读后续写的故事创丰满,厚实感人。在已知文本的阅读和读后续写的故事创作中,我们要聚焦人物的言行,情感的变化,关注名词、作中,我们要聚焦人物的言行,情感的变化,关注名词、动词、形容词、副词等在文本和续写作文中的使用。本篇动词、形容词、副词等在文本和续写作文中的使用。本篇着重从着重从孤独、郁闷的心理孤独、郁闷的心理描

15、写来反映人物的心理活动和情描写来反映人物的心理活动和情感变化。感变化。打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4The Micro-skills Training in writing 表达微技能:之动作、语言描写:安慰的肢体动作和语言篇I.词的积累:名词:plight(困境),loneliness,despair动词:frown,drag ones feet,mute,darken形容词:deserted,desolate(荒凉的),pitiful(可怜的),self-pitying,gloomy(阴郁的),self-indulged(自我放纵的),upset,

16、lonely,alone,despairing(绝望的)打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4II.词块和句的积累:1.Not content with life,I have a good reason to frown,for the world was intended to drag me down.2.A wave of loneliness washed over her.3.A sense of loneliness merged with pain came to her.4.He stood right in front of me with

17、 his head tilted down.5.Wanting him to take his dead flower away and go off to play,I faked a small smile and then looked away.6.I couldnt help being self-pitying.7.I thought to myself,upset and gloomy.8.It is like sitting in a room by yourself and feeling like this is eternity.9.Cold with no hope f

18、or warmth,she felt like drowning in a crowd of people.打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型42.Janet觉得又绝望,又无助,她跪了下去,悔恨的泪水从她的脸颊上流淌了下来。觉得又绝望,又无助,她跪了下去,悔恨的泪水从她的脸颊上流淌了下来。_,Janet knelt down,_.(形容词作状语,运用with+n.+非谓语动词结构)_,Janet knelt down,_.(形容词作状语,运用独立主格结构)Have a try 牛刀小试:句子翻译与句型转换1.1.眼里噙满泪水,眼里噙满泪水,TomTom大喊出

19、声,大喊出声,回来吧,我的青春!回来吧,我的青春!他的声音里都是绝望。他的声音里都是绝望。_,Tom yelled at the top of his voice,Come back!My youth,_.(运用with结构和and的连动句句型)_,Tom yelled at the top of his voice,Come back!My youth,_.(运用独立主格结构)with tears of regret streaming down her cheekshis voice full of despairWith tears in his eyesand his voice wa

20、s full of despairEyes full of tearsDesperate and hopelessDesperate and hopelesstears of regret streaming down her cheeks打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型45.她焦虑地站着,不住地探身看向远处,等候着他的到来。她焦虑地站着,不住地探身看向远处,等候着他的到来。_,she stood there anxiously _.(非谓语动词作状语,用and连接动作表示连续性)3.3.她极悲伤地向我走来,眼里的光都黯淡了,对我说道:她极悲伤地向我走来,

21、眼里的光都黯淡了,对我说道:我失败了。我失败了。She walked to me _,_,and said with sadness,I failed.(with结构,独立主格结构)_,she walked to me with darkened eyes,and said with sadness,I failed.(用副词改写句子)with great sorrow4.4.当我走在乡间的田野边上,孤独感就如同潮水般向我袭来。当我走在乡间的田野边上,孤独感就如同潮水般向我袭来。_ the field in the countryside,loneliness began to _.(运用时间

22、状语从句,描写心理活动时加上场景)Sorrowfullyand couldnt help leaning forward to look into the distanceAs I walked byWaiting for his comingflood inthe light in her eyes darkened打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型46.我完全有理由觉得超级开心,因为我对我的生活十分满意,世界对我来说就像一个巨我完全有理由觉得超级开心,因为我对我的生活十分满意,世界对我来说就像一个巨大的游乐园。大的游乐园。_,I have a good

23、reason to feel delighted,for the world is like a huge entertainment park to me.(形容词短语作状语)Satisfied with _,I have a good reason to feel delighted,for the world is like a huge entertainment park to me.(运用宾语从句)what I have got7.7.如果那还不能说明他是一个勤奋的男孩,他每天还会花上好几个小时阅读,全如果那还不能说明他是一个勤奋的男孩,他每天还会花上好几个小时阅读,全神贯注地投入

24、在书本里。神贯注地投入在书本里。_ to show how diligent he is,he would spend several hours reading,_.(运用虚拟语气从句和非谓语动词作状语)Satisfied with lifeIf that werent enoughabsorbed in books打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型410.轻轻地,她捡起那朵看上去普普通通的玫瑰,温柔地把它举在胸前。_,she picked up the _ ordinary rose and held it _ in front of her.(副词作状

25、语,修饰动词与形容词)8.8.听到自己被浙江大学录取的消息,听到自己被浙江大学录取的消息,JimJim觉得自己好像成了世界上最快乐的人,觉得自己好像成了世界上最快乐的人,开心且狂喜。开心且狂喜。_,Jim felt as if he were the happiest person on the planet,_.(非谓语动词和形容词作状语)overjoyed and delighted9.对于外面世界的渴望驱使他离开了家乡,前往大城市。对于外面世界的渴望驱使他离开了家乡,前往大城市。Desire for the outside world _.(运用drive动词作驱使意,非谓语动词结构)H

26、earing that he was admitted to Zhejiang Universitydrove him away from his hometown,heading for the big cities.Gentlyseeminglysoftly打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4Possible version Paragraph 1It was then that I noticed for the very first time that the boy could not see:he was blind.I heard my voi

27、ce trembling.Tears shone like the sun as I thanked him for picking the very best flower.Youre welcome,he smiled,and then ran off to play,not realizing the impact hed had on my day.I sat there and wondered how he managed to see aself-pityingself-pitying woman beneath an old willow tree.How did he kno

28、w of my self-my self-indulged plightindulged plight(困境)?Perhaps hed been blessed with true sight from his heart by God.打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4Possible version Paragraph 2For all of those times I myself had been blind towards the world around me.Through the eyes of a blind boy,at last I

29、could see,the problem was not with the world;the problem was me.I decided and promised to see beauty,and appreciate every second that belongs to mine.Then I held that dead flower up to my nose and breathed in the fragrance of a beautiful rose,I smiled as that young boy.Another flower in his hand was

30、 about to change the life of an unsuspecting old man.打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4评点:两段续写的重心在人物情绪的变化上,评点:两段续写的重心在人物情绪的变化上,运用运用self-indulged,self-pitying等词勾勒出人物的阴郁孤单的心境,同时也与下文用等词勾勒出人物的阴郁孤单的心境,同时也与下文用appreciate,smile等词勾勒出的感恩欣喜的心情形成对比。情绪等词勾勒出的感恩欣喜的心情形成对比。情绪的对比描写侧面展现出人物价值观的转变,同时也完成了主题的的对比描写侧面展现出人物价值观的转变,同时也完成了主题的升华升华。打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4打包-读后续写-高考英语作文新题型4


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