Unit5What's the highest mountain in the world-语法练习课件2022-2023学年鲁教版英语八年级上册.pptx(纯ppt,无音视频)

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Unit5What's the highest mountain in the world-语法练习课件2022-2023学年鲁教版英语八年级上册.pptx(纯ppt,无音视频)_第1页
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Unit5What's the highest mountain in the world-语法练习课件2022-2023学年鲁教版英语八年级上册.pptx(纯ppt,无音视频)_第2页
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Unit5What's the highest mountain in the world-语法练习课件2022-2023学年鲁教版英语八年级上册.pptx(纯ppt,无音视频)_第3页
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Unit5What's the highest mountain in the world-语法练习课件2022-2023学年鲁教版英语八年级上册.pptx(纯ppt,无音视频)_第4页
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Unit5What's the highest mountain in the world-语法练习课件2022-2023学年鲁教版英语八年级上册.pptx(纯ppt,无音视频)_第5页
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1、形容词副词的用法形容词副词有形容词副词有_个级别个级别,分别分别是是_级级,_级级,_级级;原级原级_;比较级比较级_;最高级最高级_;三三原级原级比较级比较级最高级最高级用于描述而不涉及与他者比较用于描述而不涉及与他者比较用于两者之间的比较用于两者之间的比较用于三者或三者以上的人或事情的比较用于三者或三者以上的人或事情的比较形容词副词原级表示“A与B一样”的句型:1._;2._;表示“A不如B”的句型:_;not not as/so as as/so as A+A+bebe动词动词+as as 形容词原级形容词原级 +as+B+as+BA+A+实义动词实义动词 +as+as 副词原级副词原级

2、 +as+B+as+B1.这条湖和那条湖一样深这条湖和那条湖一样深。This lake is_ _ _that one.2.Lily与与Susan起床一样早起床一样早。Lily_ _ _ _Susan.3.她烧菜烧得跟她母亲一样好她烧菜烧得跟她母亲一样好。She_ _ _ _her mother does.4.这山不如你想象的那样高这山不如你想象的那样高。This mountain is_ _ _you think.gets up as early asas deep ascooks as well asnot as/so high asnot so/as tall asso/as expen

3、sive as mineruns as fast as5.他不如你高他不如你高。Hes _ _ _ _ you.6.你的包不如我的贵。你的包不如我的贵。Your bag is not_ _ _ _.7.Jack与与Mike跑得一样快。跑得一样快。Jack_ _ _ Mike.两者进行比较,表示“一方比另一方更.”常用句型:1._;2._;修饰比较级的词/短语_等;形容词副词比较级A+be+形容词比较级形容词比较级+than+BA+实义动词实义动词+副词比较级副词比较级+than+Bmuch/far/a lot,even,a little/a bit1.1.我比我姐姐更外向。我比我姐姐更外向。I

4、m_ _ _my sister.2 2.我们学校比他们学校更大我们学校比他们学校更大。Our school is_ _ _.3.3.她比露西跳舞好一点她比露西跳舞好一点。She _ _ _ _ than Lucy.4 4.约翰跑得比他弟弟快。约翰跑得比他弟弟快。John _ _than his brother.5 5.迈克今天到校比我们早迈克今天到校比我们早。Mike at school than us today.more outgoing thanarrived earlierlarger than theirs dances a little betterruns faster6.6.表

5、哥比我表哥比我读书大声读书大声很多很多。My cousin read_ _ _ than me.7 7.Jenny比比Mary更努力一点更努力一点。Jenny is _ _ _ _ than Mary.8 8.Linda比我认识的任何人都更严肃的多比我认识的任何人都更严肃的多。Linda is_ _ _than _I know.9 9.这石头比那石头重一点这石头比那石头重一点。This stone is_ _ _than that one.much/far more loudlya little more hard-workingmuch more seriousanyonea little/

6、bit heavier几个表示“越来越”的句型:1._;2._;3._;比较级比较级+and+比较级比较级more and more+原级原级the+比较级比较级,the+比较级比较级1.1.春天到来春天到来天气变得天气变得越来越暖和越来越暖和。It _ _ _ _when spring comes.2 2.风越吹越大了。风越吹越大了。The wind blew _ _ _ _.3 3.他希望变得越来越健康他希望变得越来越健康。He hopes _ _ _ and _.becomes becomes warmer and warmer warmer and warmer more and mo

7、re heavily more and more heavilyto be healthier healthier to be healthier healthier 4.4.钱你赚得越多,花得越多。钱你赚得越多,花得越多。The _ money you make,the _ you _.5.5.你吃的越少就越瘦。你吃的越少就越瘦。The _ you eat,the _ you will be.6.6.你学习越努力,你就会取得越好的成绩。你学习越努力,你就会取得越好的成绩。The _ you work,the _ _ youll get.more more more more spendspe

8、ndlessthinnerharder harder better better grades grades 形容词副词最高级用于三者或三者以上进行比较,表示“(其中)最.”常用句型:1._表示“之中最”;2._表示“最中之一”;3._表示“第最”;the+最高级最高级+of/in/among+比较范围比较范围 one of the+最高级最高级 the+序数词序数词+最高级最高级+单数名词单数名词+in注意:形容词最高级前面的the不可省略,副词最高级前的the可省略。He is the tallest in his class.He runs(the)fast in his class.1

9、.Lily is _(careful)student in our class.2.Lily writes _(careful)in our class.3.Swimming is _(interesting)sport I known.4.姚明是世界上最高的运动员之一姚明是世界上最高的运动员之一。Yao Ming is _ in the world.5.This coat is _(thick)of all my clothes.the most carefulone of the tallest playersthe most interestingthe most carefullyth

10、e thickest6.Linda画画最好在班上。画画最好在班上。Linda _ in her class.7.就我所知,中国拥有最多的人口。就我所知,中国拥有最多的人口。_,China has _.8.黄河是中国第二长河黄河是中国第二长河。The Yellow River is _in China.9.我们学校图书馆是市里第三高建筑。我们学校图书馆是市里第三高建筑。Our school library is_ in our city.the largest populationthe second longest river the third highest buildingdraws b

11、estAs far as I know修饰修饰population,用用large/big/small10.Which country is _(large),China,Brazil or Canada?11.团队里他学习最努力。团队里他学习最努力。He _(hard)in the team.12.我在家里起得最早。我在家里起得最早。I _ in my family.13.印度洋是第二深的海印度洋是第二深的海。The Indian Ocean is _.the largestget up earliestthe second deepest seastudies hardest它花的它花的钱

12、钱是是我我预期预期的两倍。的两倍。It cost _ times as _as I expected。猫睡觉的时间是人的两倍猫睡觉的时间是人的两倍。Cats sleep _ as much as people.他们的房子大约有我们房子三倍大他们的房子大约有我们房子三倍大。Their house is about_ ours.那条河是这条河的十倍长那条河是这条河的十倍长。That river is _ this river.three times as big astwice倍数的表达:方法一:A+数字+times+as+原级+as+Btwicemuchten times as long as你

13、的办公室是我们办公室的三倍大你的办公室是我们办公室的三倍大。Your office is three _ the _ of ours.蜂王的体长为工蜂的两倍蜂王的体长为工蜂的两倍。The queen bee is _ _ _of a worker bee.教学楼的高度是图书馆的三倍教学楼的高度是图书馆的三倍。The school building is three times the _ _the library.three times sizetwice the length方法二:A+数字+times+the size/length/depth/height of+Bheight of 她

14、比我聪明很多倍她比我聪明很多倍。Shes _ times _ than I am.他能比你走远十倍的路他能比你走远十倍的路。He can walk _ times _than you.这个房间比那个房间大两倍这个房间比那个房间大两倍。This room is two times _ _that one.ten further larger than方法三:A+数字+times+比较级+than+Bmany smarter这事比我预想的要困难十倍这事比我预想的要困难十倍。It was ten times _ _ _I expected.这这件事比我想的花了两倍的时间件事比我想的花了两倍的时间。I

15、t took _I thought.他比你学习认真多五倍。他比你学习认真多五倍。He studied _ _ _than you.那运动员跑步比我快十倍那运动员跑步比我快十倍。That player_ ten times _ _ I.more difficult thanfive times harderruns faster thantwo times/twice longer than()()1-This is_ wonderful town I visited-Yes,I never saw a_ oneA the worst;goodB the most;betterC the bet

16、ter;best D the best;most()()2 I think _ people are driving,_ air pollution there will beA the less,the lessB the less,the fewerC the fewer,the fewerD the fewer,the less()()3-Mom,could you buy me a dress like this?-Sure,we can buy_ one than this,but_ this.A a better;better thanB a worse;as good asC a

17、 cheaper;as good asD good;better()()4-Which season do you like_,dry season or rainy season?-Rainy seasonA wellB betterC bestD the bestB最最更好更好Dfew 修饰可数复,修饰可数复,little修饰不可数修饰不可数Cas+形容词形容词/副词原形副词原形+as ”和和一样一样”Blike better“更喜欢更喜欢”()()5If more people give up driving cars,the air will get much_ in a few ye

18、ars A cleanB cleanerC the cleanerD the cleanest()()6A journey by train is_ than by busA more relaxB relaxingC relaxingerD more relaxing()()7In order to pass the exam,you need to work much _nowA hardB harderC hardestD hardly()()8_ careful you are,_ mistakes you will make A The more,the moreB The less

19、,the fewerC The more,the fewerD The less,the fewerBmuch修饰修饰比较级比较级AB比较级比较级much修饰修饰比较级比较级Cfew 修饰可数复修饰可数复()()9As we know,the Huanghe River is one of _ rivers in our countryA longB longerC longestD the longest()()10There will be _ cars in the city because more people will choose the subwayA fewerB lessC

20、 more D much()()11-_ the population of China?-1.3 billion,we know China has the _ population in the worldA What are,mostB What is,largestC How many are,mostD How many are,largest()()12_our country gets,_the people will be.A The stronger;the happierB The more strong;the more happyC The stronger;the h

21、appyD The strong;the happierDABAone of the+形容词最高级形容词最高级+名词名词复数复数+in/of/at+比较的范围比较的范围few 修饰可数复修饰可数复形容形容人口用人口用big/large/smallthe+比较级,比较级,the+比较级比较级13中国的人口比日本的多中国的人口比日本的多The population of China is_ _ that of Japan14这头大象比这只熊猫重很多倍。这头大象比这只熊猫重很多倍。This elephant weighs many _ _ _this panda.15The higher the m

22、ountain is,the_(thin)the air is16The Internet makes our life_(easy)and more colorful than beforeeasierthinnertimes heavier thanbigger than形容形容人口用人口用big/large/small17This river is_(宽)(宽)than that one18The clothes in this shop are_(cheap)in the city19空气越热,它就上升得越快空气越热,它就上升得越快。The _the air is,the _ _ it will rise.hotter more quicklythe cheapestwider20没有事像它一样简单没有事像它一样简单。Nothing is _ _ _s it.21没有事比它更简单没有事比它更简单。Nothing is _ _ it.22它是最简单的它是最简单的。It is _ _ thing.23你学习越努力,成绩就会越好。你学习越努力,成绩就会越好。_ _ you study,_ _ grades you will get.so easy aseasier thanthe easiestThe harder the better


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