1、6YL-95C型螺旋榨油机主要性能参数6YL-95C Main Specifications 1. 榨轴转速: 35-39转/分 Shaft speed: 35-39 转/分2. 齿轮箱转比: 15/40*15/55=1:5.11 Gear ratio in gearbox: 15/40*15/55=1:9.73. 配用动力:7.5KW Motor: 7.5 KW4,三角带长度: 3150mm-4000mm Belt Model: Type B Length: 3150mm4000mm1. 外型尺寸:长*宽*高 1910mm*610mm*765mm Packing Size: L*W*H 19
2、10mm*610mm*765mm2. 单机重量:约420 KGWeight: 420 KG3. 产量:4-5吨/ 24小时Capacity: 4-5T/24 hours 6YL-95C型螺旋榨油机榨笼(条排,骨圈,圆排的拆装方法) Assembly / disassembly of press cage (round plates, square rods holder)95型 95 C型标号Number零件名称Name 尺寸Size每台数量Qty per set标号Number零件名称Name尺寸Size每台数量Qty per set11#榨螺 Worm No.2110mm112长键Long
3、 Flat Key122#榨螺Worm No.2110mm113紧定螺母Tight Nut133#号榨螺Worm No.3115mm114调节螺栓Adjusting Nut144#榨螺Worm No.4129mm115含油套Adjusting Bolt Bush255#榨螺Worm No.550mm116大手柄Bing Handle466#榨螺Worm No.675mm117轴承(8309)Bearing 8309277#号榨螺Worm No.775mm118圆螺母End Nut28出渣梢头Cake guide ring75mm119保护帽Safe cover19锁紧螺母 Press Nut
4、1条排Square Rods1610档圈Intermediate Ring1条排圈Square rod holder111螺旋轴Press Shaft1 6YL-95型螺旋榨油机使用说明书一、工作原理与构造: 1、工作原理:榨油机运转时,将处理好的料胚带如料斗,油料从料斗进入榨膛。有榨螺的螺旋向里推进,进行压榨。因料胚在榨油机的榨膛内是在运转状态下进行的,在榨膛高压的条件下,料胚和榨螺,榨膛之间产生很大的摩擦阻力。这样就能使料胚和料胚产生摩擦,造成相对的运动。另一放面,榨螺的根圆直径是逐渐增粗的,当榨螺转动时,螺纹使料胚即能向前推进又能向外翻转,同时靠近榨螺螺纹表面的料层随着榨轴转动,这样在榨
5、膛里的每个料胚微粒都不是等速度同方向的运动。而在微粒之间也存在着相对的运动。有摩擦产生的热量又满足了榨油工艺操作上所必须的一份热量,有助于促使料胚中的蛋白质热变性,破坏了胶体,增加了塑性,同时也降低了油的粘性,容易压榨出油来,因而提高了榨油机的出油率。1. Oration principle and structure1.1 oration principleWhen oil presses operating prepared material enters extruding chamber from the hopper and then moves forwards by the ro
6、tating pressing screw and is pressed. Under the high-pressure condition in the chamber ,friction between material and screw ,between material and chamber will be created ,which also creates friction and relative movement among material particles. On the other hand, root diameter of the pressing scre
7、w caries larger from one end to the other ,hence. When rotating ,it not only pushes particles moving forwards but turns them outwards as well ,meanwhile ,particles adjacent the screw will rotation along with screw rotating ,causing every particle inside the chamber to possess different speed. Theref
8、ore relative movement among particle creates heat which is necessary during manufacturing because of helping protein change property ,damage colloid ,increase plasticity ,decrease oils elasticity ,resulting in high oil productivity. 2结构:该机有进料斗部分,齿轮箱部分,榨膛部分,榨螺部分,机架部分共五大部分组成:见图(一)图(一)二机器的安装:榨油机安装时必须在地
9、脚螺栓牢固的安装基础上,使机体保持水平。电机安在进料斗的背面。2InstallmentThe oil press must be installed by bolts firmly on the foundation and be kept horizontal三机器的润滑:1榨油机主要采用机油和黄油两种形式润滑。加油周期见表二序号NO润滑部位lubrication油脂种类lubricate加油周期Time span换油周期Lubricate replacement period1调节螺栓Adjusting bolt20号机械油Mechanical oil NO.20每班2次1-2time/d
10、ay2伞齿轮Bevel gear20号机械油Mechanical oil NO.20每班2次1-2time/day3轴承座套Bearing bush20号机械油Mechanical oil NO.20每班2次1-2time/day4齿轮箱Gearbox20号机械油Mechanical oil NO.20首次加油12kg六个月5各滚动轴承bearing润滑油Grease每年一次3. Lubrication 3.1 Oil press is lubricated by lubricating oil and grease, see table(2)四.机器操作: (一)开机前的要点:1.开机前先将
11、齿轮箱内加注12公斤机油.2机器安装好后,按规定加注润滑油,检查各零部件是否紧固,操作手柄,插板是否灵活.3.用手搬动大皮带轮查机器有无松动或卡机现象,若有异常及时排除.4.调整皮带的松紧度,启动电机,检查槽轮方向是否与标志方向一致.5检查准备工作做好后,松开紧锁螺母把榨螺拧到死点,再退回3-4圈,再前进半圈,保证榨螺与出饼口的间隙.4.1 preparations before operating 4.1.1 12kg of lubricant needs to be filled into the gearbox.4.1.2 After installing the machine, ch
12、eck whether lubricant has been filled in, bolts have been tightened, and handles are operable. 4.1.3 Check large pulley whether it is loose or blocked, repair it if necessary.4.1.4 Adjust the tightness of the belt, switch on the motor and check its rotation direction.4.1.5 Loosen the lock nut and ti
13、ghten the screw to its end, then loose it for3-4circles and then tighten it again for half circle to assure the gap of the residue cake outlet.(二)开机:1、启动电机,开动机器,将饼加入6%-8%水分,倒入料斗,磨光榨膛,进料不可过猛,否则可能造成榨膛堵塞与卡死机器事故,因此开始下料应该缓慢均匀,待榨膛磨光后,正常出饼后,方可将料胚倒入料斗.2.运转后观察出饼情况,如不出饼,将榨螺再退出1-2圈,如还不出饼,应停机检查.切记杜绝开带车.故障排除后再行初
14、榨工作.正常运转时饼厚1-2毫米,饼成瓦片状,手捏不粘,内面光滑,外面发皱,表面不带油迹.饼厚的调节:搬动调节螺旋上的手柄,将调节螺栓顺时针旋转,螺栓往外,饼就厚,反之饼就薄了。(调节螺栓为左T165x6)出饼圈与出渣稍头的锥角不同,每转一圈较饼厚度变化为0.4-0.5毫米。3榨油机运转中,应经常检查出油,出渣情况,正常时油大部分从条排与前几节园排流出。如饼碎成渣,说明胚料太干。如发现饼发热(散出蒸汽)成大片状说明水分太高,应及时进行调节胚料水分的含量。 出渣:条排出渣时成细片状说明水分高,如出粉状含沫说明水分低。园排渣过多属压紧螺母未压紧圆排,应上紧压紧螺母,如水分合适,则条排不出渣或少出渣
15、,圆排少量出渣也是允许的。料胚含水分的高低直接影响出油率,因此压榨时应控制好料胚的水分。4.2 Operating 4.2.1 Feeding must be steady and slow at the beginning to avoid blocking 4.2.2 In the case no cake is extrude outward,return back the screw for 1-2circle 。If there is still no cake is observed,machine needs to be shut down and checked ,Howeve
16、r, in any case, operating the machine backward is absolutely prohibited normally ,cake looks like tile but not sticky ;thickness is 1-2mm ,inner side is smooth ,out side creases and no oil the surface is allowed.Cake thickness adjustment: Rotating the adjusting handle clockwise will make the cake th
17、icker, otherwise will make it thinner. Each circle of adjustment (by adjustment bolt left hand T 165x6)will change the thickness 0.4-0.5mm.4.2.3 When machine is operating, oil extruding and residue outlet need be checked Frequently .Normally, most of oil will flow outward from square rods and severa
18、l front round plates. Broken cake residue indicates the material is too dry; steam emerging from the cake residue indicates that it is too wet; In any case, water content in the raw material must be adjusted from time to time.Slag slice emerging indicates too much water content and power-like slag l
19、ow water content .Loose round plates will cause too much slag flowing outwards. However, adequate water content will cause slag flowing outwards from square rods; little slag from round plates is allowed. In a word, water content affects oil output rate, it needs adjusting properly. (三)停机: Stopping1
20、.正常停机应将料胚全部榨弯,反复将榨螺退进数次,将榨膛中语料 走完,将出饼放至最后,然后停车.2.停电或因其它事故突然停车,先切断电源,抽出放料挡板, 用人力反转大皮带轮,使心轴反转时退出料胚,立即将榨螺轴推出榨膛(当人力反转大轮困难时,不得强制进行.以免损坏机器),进行清理.若抽不出来,应将压榨螺母松动,要把上榨笼拆钓,用螺丝刀逐个将圆排松动,清理,未经清理不得再行开车.4.3 stopping4.3.1 Repeatedly move screw forwards and backwards for several times and let all material resided in
21、 the chamber goes out and adjust the cake to the possible thinnest, then stop the machine.4.3.2 When machine stops caused by any accident, power supply must be shut down first, then rotate large pulley manually backwards, let the material return out. Then pull out the shaft and clean it. In the case
22、 the shaft could not be pulled out, remove the upper case and loose lock nut, separate round plates and clean them one by one. 五.机器的主要零部件拆,装:1.主要零部件的拆装方法:(!)榨笼(包括圆排、条排骨圈)的拆装方法: 旋转榨螺轴,将榨螺 从榨膛内抽出,然后用直径24毫米粗的铁棒插入出饼端压紧螺母的孔内,逆时针方向旋转松动螺母:松动上榨笼两端4个M16的连结螺钉,卸掉连结上下榨笼的12个M16的螺栓,拆去上榨笼即可将圆排圈取出。 (2)条排的拆装方法: 卸下条排
23、骨圈用铁棒的一端从侧面抵住一根条排,用手敲击另一端,将一根条排打出,其余条排将自动松散下来.(3)条排的装配方法: 将条排圈立起,代出油槽面向下(建议下面放块木板),把条排逐个的整齐的排列在内壁上。带深油槽的一端朝下,两个条排的深油槽面不能对着放在一起。最后一个条排用金属棒打入若条排松动,可以在条排之间加铁皮,使条排紧贴内壁,达到用手摸内壁无突起现象为止。(4)榨笼的装法: 将条排圈有出油槽面面向机架,再按圆排序号依次放入圆排。带出油槽面朝向机架。然后用压紧螺母少上几扣靠住圆排,在装上榨笼。(上下榨笼均为配对制造,如更换需上下一齐换掉)用卸下的螺栓逐个交替上紧。5. Maintenance a
24、nd Assembly/disassembly of Main parts5.1 Assembly/disassembly of Main parts5.1.1 Pressing cage (round plates, square rods holder) Rotate the screw shaft and remove it from the chamber. Loose the lock nut on the outlet end by rotating it counter-clock wise using a 24 mm diameter bar, loose four M14bo
25、lts, remove ten M16 bolts which are used to connect upper and lower cases. However, after removing upper case, round plates and square rods holder can be pulled out.5.1.2 Remove square rods:After removing the holder, tap the end of one rod and take it out, then others will be easily removed.5.1.3 As
26、sembly of rods: Erect the rod holder vertically and make its side with oil grooves locate downwards, better on a wooden plate, then put square rods to touch holders inner wall circumferentially with their grooves downwards again. However, grooves of every two adjacent rods should not be touched. The
27、n insert shins (by a hammer) properly into rods gap to let than firmly touch rods holders inner wall. As a matter of fact, whole inner wall of rods should be smooth.5.1.4 Assembly of the cage: Put the groove side of rod the holder to face the machine body, and then insert round plates as per marks o
28、n them. Put lock nuts on to contact plates and then mount the upper case. Tighten bolts one by one.2.榨螺的拆装方法:(1)榨螺的拆法:停机后立即搬动手柄,把榨轴从榨膛内抽出,卸下保护帽、六方螺母、园螺母及调节螺栓,用直径16的铁棒插入锁紧螺母的孔内顺时针方向旋转(切记与轴芯配合的螺纹均为左旋),拆去紧锁螺母后,各节榨螺即可卸下。如榨螺(内孔进有细渣)因阻塞不好拆卸,可将地上垫一木板,二人将榨螺轻撞几 下即可卸下,若仍卸不下来,可用木柴火加热后再卸下。 (2)榨螺的安装:将榨螺立起细端向上,装上
29、档圈,在把榨螺由1号起依次装于轴上,然后用锁紧螺母压紧,以防油渣深入榨螺孔内,影响榨螺的拆卸。(调节螺母使调节栓两端是8309轴承,装时两轴承大孔面均靠在调节螺栓的两端面。榨螺整体装齐后用两个(M422)的螺帽背紧,背紧时注意两个8309轴承的缝隙 。用手搬转调节螺栓,感到转动灵活时即可。52 Pressing screw:521 Disassembly of the screw :rotate the handle as soon as machine stops and pull out the screw from the chamber ,remove nuts and adjusti
30、ng bolt. Insert a 16mm diameter bar into lock nut and turn and turn it clockwise.(important note: left hand screw).After taking off lock nut, each part of pressing screw can be removed. However, holes in the screw might be blocked by fine slag particles, which retard the disassembly. Tapping or heat
31、ing pressing screw might help disassembling.5.2.2 Mounting pressing screw :put small end of its shaft upwards, mount the first screw and then the second.sequence, tighten then by the lock nut to avoid particles in . On both ends of adjusting bolt, which is easily swung on the shaft by adjusting nut,
32、 two bearing 8309 are mounted. Be careful to make big hole sides of these two bearings touch adjusting bolts double ends. Finally , whole pressing screw will be tightened by two M422 nuts, But certainly, gaps of two bearings need to be carefully set. In fact, if hands can swing adjusting bolts smoot
33、hly, the adjustment is acceptable.六. 安全生产规则:为了保证机器的正常运转,避免机器人身事故的发生,请严格注意下列事项:1. 机器运转中,禁止用手或金属棒深入料斗内或拨弄出饼处的饼.2. 在开车前或机器运转中,严禁将榨螺拧到死点,以导致出渣稍头 和出饼圈接触,相互摩损,造成机器事故.机器的存放:榨油机若长期停放, 应除去表面油垢,清理各油部件油渣.涂防锈油,置于干燥处,榨笼用油布盖猪,以免灰尘杂物入积条排、圆排缝隙,影响下次使用.6. Safety Following items are strictly requested to be obeyed.6.1
34、 During operating, hands or metal rods are strictly prohibited to enter the hopper to touch cakes.6.2 Tightening the screw shaft to its dead end is prohibited before starting or during operating, which might cause slag outlet to contact cake outlet ring, resulting in wearing.In the case of storage,
35、oil dirt on machines surface and slags on each part need to be taken off. Paintrust-resisting grease and keep in dry place. Case needs to be covered to prevent dirty foreign particles from entering.七.影响出油的主要因素:影响螺旋榨油机出油率的主要因素有一下几点:1. 油料的水分:影响出油率最关键的因素是油料的水分,油料中水分多或少都直接影响出油率.一般用户没有化验设备,几种主要油料的合适水分可按经
36、验方法确定如下:(1). 大豆: 如果用门牙咬能咬碎, 用臼牙咬成扁谝状, 具有裂纹, 有轻度的响声, 则说明水分 合适.若成扁片状, 但没有裂痕, 则太湿; 可用火炕或太阳晒的方法进行处理. 若破碎并有很大的响声,则太干;这时需要适量的水.(2) 棉籽:用牙咬壳仁分离,壳破有响声,则合适;若成扁形,则太湿。若壳仁成粉,则太干。(3)菜籽:可用两种方法分榨:冷榨或热榨。 冷榨时:用指甲挤有响声,分成两片并有油挤出,为合适;成粉则太干,成粉则太湿。 热榨时:需经炒,炒后检查,用两块木板揉擦菜籽,壳与仁分离则合适:若仁成粉则太干;若壳与仁不分则太湿。2 出饼的薄厚,反映出榨膛的压力大小;饼厚则压力
37、小,饼薄则压力大。一般规律与圆排的松紧相似,即油料含油少压力就应大,饼薄,圆排应压紧(用压紧螺母压紧);油料含油多,则榨膛压力应小,饼厚,圆排应松些。 饼比较合适的厚度为: 大豆: 第一遍压榨应稍厚为1-1.5毫米左右:第二遍的厚应为0.5-1毫米左右。棉籽:榨一遍即可,饼厚在1-2毫米左右。 花生仁:一般冷榨2-3遍,饼厚1-2毫米左右。 在榨油中,由于各种因素的不同,因此掌握出饼的厚度应根据出饼的情况,出油最旺时为合适饼厚。对上述饼厚度的确定数字决不能生搬厚度应根据出饼的情况,出油最旺时为合适饼厚。对上述饼厚度的确定数字决不能生搬硬套。7 Factors affecting oil out
38、put rate Following factors may affect oil output rate:71 Water content:This is the critical factor,as a matter of fact ,water content directly affects oil output rate However, user usually has not proper inspection equipment. Hence, water content of some main raw material may be detected as follows:
39、7.1.1 Bean: if teeth beating could crack it, forming flat pieces accompanied with light sound , the water content is suitable. Flat piece without cracking means too wet. Heating or sunshine may be drive water off. However, cracking accompanied with loud indicates too dry. Adequate water needs to be
40、added.7.1.2 Cotton seeds: shell and kernel may be separated by teeth beating. Shell breaking may be accompanied by sound, which means water content is suitable .shell being flatting indicates too wet, shell being splitted into powder means too dry.7.1.3 Rape seeds: They can be pressed either at hot
41、or at cold state. Cold pressing: extruding by finger, if they splitted into two pieces, accompanied by sound and oil, this implicates water content is adequate. Otherwise, extruding makes power indicates too dry; makes flat slice, too wet. Hot pressing (after heating) : To scratch seeds by two slice
42、s of wood, if shell and kernel could be splitted, water content is adequate. If kernel becomes power, it is too dry; in the case that shell and can be splitted, it is too wet.7.2 Cakes thickness reflects the pressure inside the chamber. Thicker cake indicates lower pressure inside the chamber; thinn
43、er cake-higher pressure inside. If raw material has less oil content, chamber pressure should be higher, cake will be thinner, round plates need to be tightened; in the case of high oil content material, pressure in the chamber should be lower, then circular plates need to be loosened, resulting in
44、thicker cake. Recommended thickness of cakes will be. Bean: 1.1-1.5mm for the first pressing ;0.5-1mm for the second pressing.Cotton seeds : only one pressing , 1-2mm.Ground nut kernel : Normally cold pressing for 2-3 times , 1-2mmImportant note: cakes thickness should be as according to different f
45、actors to achieve highest oil output rate. Hence, above figures will only be for reference.八一般故障及其排除方法序号故障产生原因排除方法1突然停车,榨螺轴卡死。1 新机初榨,没通过磨合大量投料入榨。2 饼的厚度太薄,榨膛压力增大。1按说明方法操作,经常注意机器的声音及电流强度的大小。2出油过底1 油料水分不合适。2 榨膛温度 低。3 条排,圆排间隙不符合要求。4 零件磨损。1 按说明书操作。2 松或紧动压紧螺母,使其少量出渣,流油畅通。3入料斗存油(返油)1圆排条排过紧。2油料含油过多,饼出的太薄。1松
46、动压紧螺母使其流油畅通。2调节出饼厚度,将饼加入榨膛把油冲出。4饼代油斑1 油料水分过多。2 圆排间隙过小。3 零件磨损。1.按说明书操作。2.松动压紧螺母加大圆排间隙。3.更换新零件。5油质暗褐而绸1 榨膛温度低。2 油料杂质过多。3 油料过干或发霉。1 按说明书操作2 筛选油料。6产量低1 压榨未经脱绒的棉籽,绒长易于搭桥,缠轴。2 榨膛,榨螺不光滑。3 油料含水分过多。4 出饼口间隙过小。5 棕螺磨损。1 棉籽脱绒或经筛选。2 在更换新件后要进行一段时间的磨合使榨螺光滑。3 按说明书操作。4 更换新零件。7不入料1 含油多的油料返油。2 油料太湿(尤其是棉籽)1 按说明书操作。2 棉籽要脱绒。8严重冒渣1 条排,圆排间隙过大。2 榨膛压力过大。3 零件磨损。4 油料太干。1 按说明书操作。2 更换新件。8. failures and removal NOFailuresReasonsRemoval1Sudden stop,shaft blocked1.Ne