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1、Unit 3 The InternetVocabulary watch everyday newssend emailsshop onlinechat onlineplay gamesPart1:Part1:blog postsearch enginesocial networkWi-Fi 无线保真无线保真button更新更新数据库数据库万维网(万维网(the World the World Wide Web)Wide Web)文件文件/文件夹(文件夹(file)file)账户账户Part2:Important wordsPart2:Important wordsstream/benefit/

2、access/confirm/account/keep panystream v&n.meaning 3meaning 3:v.v.流淌,流淌,流出流出meaning 2meaning 2:n.n.一一连连串,流串,流 meaning 1:n.meaning 1:n.小河;溪小河;溪meaning 4meaning 4:v.v.流播流播sentence:sentence:sentence:sentence:If you stream video,you play it on your computer while it is being downloaded from the Internet

3、.A steady stream of visitors came to the house.Tears were streaming down her cheeks.The valley is watered by a stream.a stream of a stream of traffictraffic streaming streaming coldcold 山涧川流不息的车辆 一缕烟 一阵寒风她脸上正在流血。阳光从窗户照进来 播放视频和音乐go against/with the stream(不)随波逐流 eg.:eg.:Some people prefer to go Some

4、people prefer to go with the streamwith the stream.他没有勇气逆舆论潮流流行事他没有勇气逆舆论潮流流行事.He He _of of public opinionpublic opinion.hasnt the courage to go hasnt the courage to go against the stream against the stream benefit v&n.meaning 3meaning 3:vt.vt.使受益使受益meaning 2meaning 2:n.n.津津贴贴,救助金,救助金meaning 1:meanin

5、g 1:n.n.利益,益处利益,益处sentence:sentence:sentence:This new benefit has come as a godsend for low-income families.People would benefit greatly from a pollution-free vehicle.Ive had the benefit of a good education.meaning 4meaning 4:vi.vi.得益于得益于sentence:It will benefit both sides.据说,瑜伽对我们的健康有很大的益处。据说,瑜伽对我们

6、的健康有很大的益处。(一句多译一句多译)It is said that Yoga isIt is said that Yoga is of great benefit to of great benefit to our our health.health.It is said that Yoga It is said that Yoga is very beneficial tois very beneficial to our our health.health.It is said that we canIt is said that we can benefit considerabl

7、y from benefit considerably from Yoga.Yoga.Yoga is said to enormously Yoga is said to enormously benefit benefit our health.our health.拒绝访问拒绝访问容易得到容易得到访问网络访问网络获取数据获取数据使用者可远程获取声音邮件。使用者可远程获取声音邮件。1.It has been 1.It has been confirmconfirmed that who will be the next president of ed that who will be the

8、 next president of the US.the US.2.In 1995,Lang Ping was 2.In 1995,Lang Ping was confirmconfirmed as head coach of the Chinese ed as head coach of the Chinese omens volleyball team for the first time.omens volleyball team for the first time.3.The expression on his face 3.The expression on his face c

9、onfirmconfirmed me in my suspicions(ed me in my suspicions(怀疑怀疑).).4.His support 4.His support confirmconfirmed my determination to return home from ed my determination to return home from abroad.abroad.I dont have a bank I dont have a bank accountaccount.open/close an accountopen/close an account a

10、n Internet/email accountan Internet/email accountHe takes care of the business and his wife keeps the He takes care of the business and his wife keeps the accountaccounts.s.an account book an account book She gave the police a full She gave the police a full accountaccount of the incident.of the inc

11、ident.开开/销户销户互联网互联网/电子邮箱账号电子邮箱账号账本账本(账户)(账户)(帐,账目帐,账目)(描述描述)1.1.Zhong Nanshan was awarded the Medal of the Republic Zhong Nanshan was awarded the Medal of the Republic on account on account of of his efforts to safeguarhis efforts to safeguard d the lives and health of the people the lives and healt

12、h of the people.2.On no account2.On no account will Meng Wanzhou admit the unwarranted(will Meng Wanzhou admit the unwarranted(无根据的无根据的)guiltguilt,and freeing her is in best interests of US,China and and freeing her is in best interests of US,China and Canada.Canada.3.Teachers should3.Teachers shoul

13、d take take the students the students into accountinto account when preparing when preparing the lessons.the lessons.4.It is said that body language 4.It is said that body language accounts foraccounts for 55 percent of a 55 percent of a first impression.first impression.5.Recent pressure at study m

14、ay 5.Recent pressure at study may account foraccount for you unusual behavior.you unusual behavior.(because of)(because of)(by no means/in no way/never)(by no means/in no way/never)(take.into consideration)(take.into consideration)(数量、比例上数量、比例上)占占(explain)(explain)keep panyPart3:Part3:SuffixSuffixn.

15、-ence “n.-ence “性质,状态性质,状态“adj.-ent “.adj.-ent “.的的”conveniconvenience n.ence n.conveniconvenient adj.ent adj.patipatient n.ent n.patipatience adj.ence adj.evidevidenceence n.n.证据证据_ adj._ adj.明显的,明白的明显的,明白的_ n._ n.信心信心confidconfident adj.ent adj.Suffixevidevidententconfidconfidenceencediligdiligenc

16、e n.ence n.勤奋勤奋_ adj._ adj.勤奋的勤奋的diligdiligent ent 1.convenient adj.(方便的)(方便的)_ n._(反义词)(反义词)2.stuck adj.(卡住,陷入,困于)(卡住,陷入,困于)_ v.(刺入,粘住,阻塞刺入,粘住,阻塞)_P._ PP.3.benefit n./v.(益处,使受益,得益于益处,使受益,得益于)_ adj.4.distance n.(距离)(距离)_ adj.(遥远的,疏远的遥远的,疏远的)5.inspire v.(鼓舞,激励)(鼓舞,激励)_adj.(备受鼓舞的备受鼓舞的)_ adj.(鼓舞人(鼓舞人心的

17、)心的)_ n.(灵感,鼓舞人心的人灵感,鼓舞人心的人/事事)6.access v./n.(通道,进入,使用)(通道,进入,使用)_ adj.(易进入的,易得到的,(易进入的,易得到的,易懂的)易懂的)7.tough adj.(艰难的,严厉的)(艰难的,严厉的)_ v.(变强壮,变困难)(变强壮,变困难)_ adv.(粗暴地,猛烈地)(粗暴地,猛烈地)_ n.(韧度)(韧度)8.resident n./adj.(居民,居住的)(居民,居住的)_adj.(住宅的)(住宅的)9.function n./v.(功能,起作用,运转)(功能,起作用,运转)_ adj.10.theft n.(偷,盗窃罪)

18、(偷,盗窃罪)_ n.小偷小偷 _ pl.11.rude adj.(粗鲁的)(粗鲁的)_ n._(反义词)(反义词)conveniencestickstuckstuckbeneficial distant inspired inspiring inspirationaccessibletoughentoughlytoughnessresidentialfunctionalthiefthievesrudenesspoliteinconvenient12.embarrassing adj.(让人难堪(让人难堪/尴尬的)尴尬的)_ v.(使尴尬)(使尴尬)_ adj.(尴尬的)(尴尬的)_ n.13

19、.define v.(给(给.下定义,解释)下定义,解释)_ adj.(明确的,肯定的)(明确的,肯定的)_ adv.(确切的,肯定的)(确切的,肯定的)_ n.(定义)(定义)embarrassembarrassedembarrassmentdefinitedefinitelydefinition 当提到网络的角色,当提到网络的角色,不容否认的是,不容否认的是,它使得我们的生活更加它使得我们的生活更加便便利利,让我们,让我们受益颇多受益颇多。因为因为网络,我们可以做各种各样的事,例网络,我们可以做各种各样的事,例如如播放音乐和视频播放音乐和视频、写、写博文博文和用和用搜索引擎访问信息搜索引擎

20、访问信息。然而,我们。然而,我们也应该也应该把把网络安全网络安全铭记在心铭记在心。一方面,对于非官方的新闻要小心。一方面,对于非官方的新闻要小心谨慎,除非谨慎,除非被证实被证实,否则不应,否则不应随波逐流随波逐流、四处传播。另一方面,、四处传播。另一方面,保护隐私避免保护隐私避免尴尬尴尬很重要。很重要。绝不绝不要泄露你的地址或电话号码。最要泄露你的地址或电话号码。最后,不要忘了在现实生活中后,不要忘了在现实生活中陪伴陪伴深爱的人,因为他们才是做一切深爱的人,因为他们才是做一切事都是事都是为了你好为了你好的人。(翻译)的人。(翻译)When it comes to the role of the

21、 Internet,it s no denying that it makes our life more convenient,from which we benefit enormously.There are a variety of things we can do on account of the Internet such as streaming music and videos,writing blog posts and accessing information with the search engines.Nevertheless,we also need to ke

22、ep online safety in mind.On the one hand,be careful about unofficial news online before it is confirmed,rather than go with the stream to spread it.On the other hand,attach great importance to protecting your privacy to avoid embarrassment.On no account should you give out your address or phone number.Last but not least,dont forget to keep your beloved company in real life since they are the ones doing everything for the benefit of you.THANK YOU


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