Unit 4 Natural Disasters 词汇讲解(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、unit 4 words and expressionsrescue n营救;救援 Rescue team is trying to reach the trapped miners 一只救援队正在努力接近被困的矿工。常用搭常用搭 配配 come to the/one s rescue 搭救某人;救助某人 His father came to his rescue and lent him the money 他的父亲救了急,借了钱给他。vt.营救;救援 Hundreds of people are still in the water,waiting to be rescued 数以百计的人

2、仍在水中,等待救援。常用搭配常用搭配 rescue.from.从中拯救 She managed to rescue the boy from the burning house 她设法把男孩从着火的房子里救了出来。Finally they (rescue)by helicopter yesterday 01.A wealthy businessman cane to A wealthy businessman cane to (they)rescue(they)rescue with a generous donation.with a generous donation.02It took

3、the firefighters 5 hours to rescue the boyIt took the firefighters 5 hours to rescue the boy the well.the well.定向练03theirwere rescued fromdamage n.U 损坏;损失;破坏;pl.损害赔偿金The higher the oil price is,the more damage it will cause to the global economy,油价越高,它对全球经济造成的损害就越大。常用搭配 do/cause damage(lo.)(对.)造成损害I

4、f a mother-to-be choose to drink alcohol,it can cause premanent damage to a babys brain.如果准妈妈选择(在孕期)喝酒,会对宝宝的大脑造成永久性的伤害。v t损害;破坏Several buildings were damaged in the earthquake.几栋建筑在地震中遭到了破坏。在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.The accident caused some damage my car,but its nothing serious.2.Smoking seriously

5、(damage)your health.3.Several cars (damage)in the crash which happened last night.4.Actually,severe damage (do)to our land is of fairly recent origin in the history of our evolution(进化).donetodamagewere damage destroy vt摧毁;毁灭;消灭;破坏摧毁;毁灭;消灭;破坏 Heat gradually destroys vitamin C.加热会逐渐破坏维生素 C。常用搭配常用搭配 d

6、estroy one s confidence/hope/faith 摧毁某人的信心希望信仰First,this can destroy an artist s career.首先,这会毁掉一位艺术家的职业生涯。联想词联想词 destruction n.U 摧毁;毁灭;破坏摧毁;毁灭;破坏Today,the scars of destruction are still seen in Rockaway,but hope is in the air.如今,破坏的疮痰在罗卡韦依然可见,但空气中洋溢着希望。destructive ad.造成破坏的;毁灭性的造成破坏的;毁灭性的What is good

7、 for the individual can be destructive to the family 有利于个人的事物对家庭来说有可能是破坏性的。在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。1.The whole vilage (destroy)in the sudden flood last year,leaving nothing to the native people.2.Thousands of houses (damage)by the storm,and the repair work would last half a month.3.My new white dress (ruin

8、)by the dirty water.4.A huge amount of environmental damage has been brought about by the (destroy)of the rain forests.destruction was destoryedwere damagewas ruined 易混辨析易混辨析 destroy,damage 与与 ruin 的用法区别的用法区别易混易混用法用法destroy 作动词,指以具有某种摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁坏,以至于不能或很难修复。damage 可用作动词或名词,指一定程度的损坏或损失,部分是可以修复的。作

9、名词表示抽象的“损害;破坏时,为不可数名词,构成词组 do/cause damage to sb/sth。ruin可用作动词或名词,指彻底的毁坏,破坏的原因通常是自然现象、年龄、疏忽等,多用于比喻用法中;有时还泛指一般意义上的“毁坏。作名词时常构成短语 fall into ruin,意为“(因无人照料而)衰落,败落”,lie/be in ruins 意为“严重破损;破败不堪”。联想词联想词 affection n.sing.,U喜爱;钟爱 have an affection for.喜爱He obviously has a great affection for his country s p

10、eople 他明显很喜欢自己国家的人民。Affect vt.影响,(疾病)侵袭;深深打动;使感动;使悲伤(或怜悯等);使(某人)影响,(疾病)侵袭;深深打动;使感动;使悲伤(或怜悯等);使(某人)深有感触深有感触A bad home environment can affect a childs healthy growth.不良的家庭环境会游响儿童的健康成长。The change of climate may affect your health 气候的变化可能影响你的健康。She was deeply affected by the news of his death 他去世的消息使她深感

11、悲痛。effct名词,意为“效果;结果;影响”;常用搭配 have an effect on.意为“对.产生影响”。effect 作动词罕见且正式,意为“实现;使发生”。affect动词,意为“影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动”。易混辨析易混词易混辨析易混词 affect 与 effect 的用法区别1.Alcohol has a very bad on drivers.2.Their objection wil not my decision.3.Cancer brought his life to an end.his lungs and brought his life to an end.

12、effectaffectaffectedshelter vt.以,保护;掩蔽;收留躲避(风雨或危险)A neighbour sheltered the boy for seven days.一个邻居收留了那个男孩7天。常用搭配常用搭配 shelter.from.保护.免受.shelter from.躲避Trees shelter the house from the wind 树给房子挡住了风。n.C 避难处;收容所 U 掩蔽;庇护;居所People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire.人们拼命地找地方躲避炮火。常用搭配常用搭配在

13、某物的庇护遮蔽掩蔽下 take shelter from.躲避They enjoyed their picnic under the Shelter of the tree 他们在树下享受野餐。We took shelter from the storm in a barn 我们在谷仓里躲避暴风雨。联想词 sheltered adj 备受呵护的;免遭恶劣天气影响的 ruin n.C pl.ruins 废墟废墟 U 破坏;毁坏;破产破坏;毁坏;破产We saw the ruins of the church 我们看见了这座教堂的废墟。The news meant the ruin of all

14、our hopes 这消息使我们的一切希望都破灭了。常用搭配常用搭配(lie/be)in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪After the war the town lay in ruins 战争过后,这个小镇成为一片废墟。His career is/lies in ruins 他前途尽毁。vt 破坏;毁坏破坏;毁坏The entire village has been washed away.Roads and bridges have been destroyed and crops ruined.整座村庄都被冲走了。道路和桥梁被摧毁了,庄稼也被毁坏了。Who hasn t receive

15、d an email so annoying that it ruined an entire day?谁没有过收到一封令人讨厌的邮件,被其毁掉一整天的好心情的 in shock 震惊;吃惊震惊;吃惊 When Rose realised what the gift was,she was in total shock 当罗丝意识到礼物是什么时,她完全震惊了 拓展拓展 shock 使震惊,使震惊,vi&vt.使气愤;使愤慨使气愤;使愤慨 n.U休克:震惊休克:震惊 n.C,令人震惊的;电击,令人震惊的;电击,C,U.剧烈剧烈震动震动 It shocked me to see how my ne

16、ighbours treated their children.到我邻居对待他们孩子的方式时,我很是震惊。He isnt seriously injured but he is in(a state of)shock 他伤得不重,但处于休克状态。The news of his death came as a shock to us all 他去世的消息使我们大家都感到震惊。The shock of the earthquake was felt for miles 地震引起的剧烈震动在几英里外都能感受得到。shocked adj 吃惊的;震惊的;愤慨的;十分厌恶的吃惊的;震惊的;愤慨的;十分厌

17、恶的be shocked a/by.对.感到震惊;对.感到厌恶反感 be shocked to see/hear/learn.看到听到得知感到 shocking adj.令人气愤的,令人震惊的trap Vt.,(trapped,trapped)使落入险境;使陷入圈套They were trapped in the burning building 他们被困在看火的大楼里。常用搭配常用搭配 be/get trapped(in/on).被困于.;陷于n 险境;陷阱;圈套;(捕捉动物的)夹子,罗网Set a trap over that mouse hole.在那个老鼠洞上面放个捕鼠器。trap s

18、b.into(doing)sth.诱骗某人(做)某事These sea animals get trapped in fishing nets and are harmed by other human activities as well 这些海洋动物被困在渔网里,同时还受到了其他人类活动的伤害。She was trapped into signing the paper.她被诱骗在文件上签了字。bury vt埋葬;安葬;埋藏;掩盖;掩藏She had learnt to bury her feelings 她已经学会了隐藏她的感情。常用搭配常用搭配 bury.in/at.把.安葬埋藏在.b

19、ury one s head/face in one s hands 双手抱头掩面 bury oneself in 埋头于;专致志于be buried in 埋头于;专心于After the divorce,she buried herself in her work 离婚后,她埋头于工作。She buried her face in her hands and wept.她双手掩面哭了起来。联想词联想词 burial n 埋葬;葬礼breathe vi.&vi 呼吸呼吸People are concerned about the quality of the air they breathe

20、.人们关心他们所呼吸的空气的质重。常用搭配常用搭配 breathe in/out 吸气呼气Wyatt breathed in the cool ocean air 怀亚特呼吸着凉爽的海风.联想词联想词 breath n 呼吸的空气 catch ones breath 恢复正常呼吸 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸be out of breath 喘不过气来take ones breath away 令某人惊叹 take a deep breath 深呼吸a breath of air/wind 一丝微风All the country held its breath to see wh

21、o would win the election,全国人民屏息以待,看谁会赢得这次选举。Breathless adj.气喘吁吁的;令人窒息的breathtaking adj 惊人的;令人惊叹的breathlessly adv 气喘吁吁地Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking sights in the world 长城是世界上敢令人惊叹的名胜之一effort n 努力;艰难的尝试;尽力 常用搭配常用搭配 make efforts 努力;尽力make efforts/an effort to do sth.努力做某事make every effort

22、 to do sth.尽一切努力做某事spare no effort to do sth.不遗余力做某事;竭尽全力做某事。So long as there is one gleam of hope,every member of the international community should make efforts for peace.只要有一线希望,国际社会的每一位成员都应该为和平作出努力。Anyway,we should make efforts to start.无论怎样,我们应该努力开始。He will make every effort to get his customer

23、s to use his valuable resources in their pursuit of wellness 他会尽一切努力让他的客户在追求健康的过程中能用到他有价值的资源。vt.遭受;蒙受遭受;蒙受Paris had suffered a sudden heart failure.帕里斯曾经突发心力衰竭。常用搭配常用搭配 suffer pain 经受痛苦 suffer a defeat 遭受失败 suffer huge losses 蒙受巨大损失 suffer a heart attack 心脏病发作 vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦;遭受;变差I hate to see an

24、imals suffering,我不忍心看动物受苦。I spent so much time fooling around that my grades began to suffer 我花了这么多时间瞎混,以至于我的成绩开始变差。常用搭配常用搭配 suffer from.遭受.;患.病;因.而痛苦 There was a girl student in his class who suffered from a serious back disease 在他班里有一位女学生患有严重的背部疾病。calm adj 镇静的;沉着的镇静的;沉着的 常用搭配常用搭配 keep/remain/stay

25、calm 保持冷静The police chief advised his men to stay calm and not lose their temper.警察局局长劝他手下的人要保持冷静,不要发脾气。熟词生义熟词生义 calm 作形容词还可表示“(海洋、湖泊等)风平浪静的;(天气)无风的”。The calm sea glistened in the sunlight.平静的海面在阳光下波光粼粼。Vi.vt.(使)镇静;(使)平静(使)镇静;(使)平静 常用搭配 calm(sb.)down 使(某人)安静下来,(使某人)平静下来I placed the chick in the nest

26、,and it quickly calmed down.我把雏鸟放进巢中,它很快就安静下来。联想词 calmly adv 镇定地;沉着地She felt a wave of panic,but forced herself to leave the room calmly 她感到一阵恐慌,但还是强作镇定地离开了房间。calmness n 平静;镇定I was amazed by his calmness 我对他的镇定感到惊讶。易混辨析易混辨析 calm,quiet,still 与与 silent 的用法区别的用法区别易混词易混词用法用法calm calm 指湖泊、海洋等处于一种风平浪静的状态;

27、指人镇静或不慌张;还可以指地点,时期、情况等是平指湖泊、海洋等处于一种风平浪静的状态;指人镇静或不慌张;还可以指地点,时期、情况等是平静的或稳定的。静的或稳定的。The ci The cit ty of Sarajevo appears relatively calm today.y of Sarajevo appears relatively calm today.萨拉热窝城今天显得萨拉热窝城今天显得相对平静些。相对平静些。Try to keep calm and just tell me whaTry to keep calm and just tell me what t happene

28、d happened 尽量镇静点,告诉我发生尽量镇静点,告诉我发生了什么事。了什么事。quiequiet t指物时,表示没有喧闹或没有骚动,处于一种静止的状态或宁静的环境;指人时,表示不发出声音指物时,表示没有喧闹或没有骚动,处于一种静止的状态或宁静的环境;指人时,表示不发出声音或不发表意见,也可指人的性格温和、文静、不易激动等。或不发表意见,也可指人的性格温和、文静、不易激动等。They lead a quiet life They lead a quiet life 他们过看平静的生活。他们过看平静的生活。I told them to be quiet and go to sleep I

29、told them to be quiet and go to sleep.我让他们安静下来去睡觉。我让他们安静下来去睡觉。s stitill ll 主要指完全无动作,迪常用于表示物理上的静止,不表示心理上的平静。主要指完全无动作,迪常用于表示物理上的静止,不表示心理上的平静。He played the tape through once,and then sat very still for several minutes He played the tape through once,and then sat very still for several minutes 他把他把磁带从头到

30、尾放了一遍,然后静静地坐了几分钟。磁带从头到尾放了一遍,然后静静地坐了几分钟。silent silent 着重指沉默无语或没有声音,但不一定指没有动作或活动。着重指沉默无语或没有声音,但不一定指没有动作或活动。She was silent for a while,She was silent for a while,lost in thought,staring at the books littering the room lost in thought,staring at the books littering the room 一时间她默不作声,陷入沉思,一时间她默不作声,陷入沉思,双

31、眼盯着房间里扔得到处都是的书。双眼盯着房间里扔得到处都是的书。n援助;帮助;救援物资;援助款项援助;帮助;救援物资;援助款项An extra 10 million in foreign aid has been promised 额外的1,000万英镑外国援助款项已得到保证。常用搭配 give first aid 进行急救 with the aid of.在的帮助下 come/go to sbs aid=come/go to the aid of sb.帮助某人Be bold and brave-and mighty forces will come to your aid 要勇敢无畏一强大的力量就会来帮你。vi.&vt 帮助;援助帮助;援助The hunt for her killer will continue,with police aided by the army and air force 警方将在陆军和空军的帮助下,继续追踪谋杀她的凶手。常用搭配常用搭配 aid sb in(doing)sth 帮助某人(做)某事 aid sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事 aid sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人aid 感谢观看Thanks


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