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1、语法满分冲刺:虚拟语气高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气 知识梳理23课堂练习4课堂小结5课后作业6CONTENTS目录典型例题 课堂导入1什 么 是 虚 拟 语 气虚拟语气考点总结虚拟语气考点总结一、虚拟语气在if条件句中的运用 错综时间条件句 if省略句 含蓄条件句半虚拟二、wish,as if/though和if only三、should类虚拟语气四、情态动词+have done五、虚拟语气固定句型六、虚拟语气解题常用技巧一、虚拟语气在if条件句中的运用分清主从句:跟在IF后面的一定是从句(1)对现在的虚拟If从句 主句did/werewould/shoul

2、d/could/might do(was 绝不会出现)If I were you,I would tell her the truth.If you stood here,you would see the hill(2)对过去的虚拟If从句 主句had done would/should/could/might have doneIf you had taken my advice,you would have passed the exam.=(3)对将来的虚拟If从句 主句did/should do/were to dowould/should/could/might doIf he d

3、idnt come tomorrow,we would put off the meeting.主过将从过,主过将从过,主过将完从过完主过将完从过完would do/did would have done/had done【例1】If we _(take)the other road,we might have arrived here in time for the meeting.主过将从过主过将从过,主过将完从过完,主过将完从过完【例1】If we had taken(take)the other road,we might have arrived here in time for t

4、he meeting.主过将从过主过将从过,主过将完从过完,主过将完从过完【例2】John went to the hospital alone.If he _(tell)me about it,I would have gone with him.主过将从过主过将从过,主过将完从过完,主过将完从过完【例2】John went to the hospital alone.If he had told(tell)me about it,I would have gone with him.主过将从过主过将从过,主过将完从过完,主过将完从过完虚拟语气在虚拟语气在If条件句中的特殊用法条件句中的特殊

5、用法 错综时间条件句(比如一半过去,一半现在)(会有明显时间标志词)例:If you had followed my advice just now,you would be betternow.If you had studied hard before,you would be a college student now.做题时注意:动词的形式根据它所表示的时间作出相应的调整一分为二,先找时间再判断时态。高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例4】If we _(book)a table earlier,we couldnt

6、be standing here in a queue.主过将从过主过将从过,主过将完从过完,主过将完从过完高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例4】If we had booked(book)a table earlier,we couldnt be standing here in a queue.主过将从过主过将从过,主过将完从过完,主过将完从过完高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例5】Maybe if I _(study)science,and not

7、literature then,Iwould be able to give you more help.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例5】Maybe if I had studied(study)science,and not literature then,Iwould be able to give you more help.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)if省略句(1)If I were you,I would not let her go.

8、=Were I you,I would not let her go.(2)If they had helped us,we would not have failed it.=Had they helped us,we would not have failed it.(3)If they should come tomorrow,we would finish it.=Should they come tomorrow,we would finish it.去掉if,从句变一般疑问语序(倒装)。高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PP

9、T)【例6】_he caught the morning train,he would not have been latefor the meeting.if he had caught 主过将从过主过将从过,主过将完从过完,主过将完从过完先一眼识别出来,明明是一般疑问句句尾却不是问号。高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例6】Had he caught the morning train,he would not have been latefor the meeting.if he had caught 主过将从过主过将从

10、过,主过将完从过完,主过将完从过完先一眼识别出来,明明是一般疑问句句尾却不是问号。高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例7】_ today,he would get there by Friday.A.Were he to leaveB.If he had leftC.Did he to leave D.Had he left 主过将从过主过将从过,主过将完从过完,主过将完从过完 if he left/were to leave today高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82

11、张PPT)【例7】_ today,he would get there by Friday.A.Were he to leaveB.If he had leftC.Did he to leave D.Had he left 主过将从过主过将从过,主过将完从过完,主过将完从过完 if he left/were to leave today高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)含蓄条件句句中含有with,without,but for,or,otherwise,or else等,虽然没有出现if,但表示的是if的含义。十年来所有考过的含

12、蓄条件句99%都会选择would have done(1)Without your help,I wouldnt have passed the exam.=If you didnt help me,I wouldnt have passed the exam.=But for your help,I would not have passed this exam.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)(2)I dont have your telephone number,otherwise/or else I wouldhave

13、 called you back.=If I had your number,I would have called you back.(3)What would you do with a million dollars?=What would you do if you had a million dollars?高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例8】But for the help of my English teacher,I _ the firstprize in the English Writing Compe

14、tition.A.would not winB.would not have wonC.would winD.would have won高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例8】But for the help of my English teacher,I _ the firstprize in the English Writing Competition.A.would not winB.would not have wonC.would winD.would have won高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张P

15、PT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)半虚拟例:I might have given you more help(if I had time),but I was too busy.半真半假,but是标志词高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例9】Bob would have helped us yesterday,but he _(be)busy【例10】We _(study)last night,but we went to the cinema instead.主过将从过主过将从过,主过将完从过完,主过将

16、完从过完高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例9】Bob would have helped us yesterday,but he was(be)busy【例10】We would have studied(study)last night,but we went to the cinema instead.主过将从过主过将从过,主过将完从过完,主过将完从过完高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)二、wish,as if/though和if only(要是.就好了)

17、(往前推一个时态)现在(同时):did/were过去(早于):had done将来(晚于):would doI wish I were a bird./If only I were a bird.(同时)I wish I had seen the film./If only I had seen the film.(早于)I wish you would do that again./If only you would do that again.(晚于)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)He looks as if he we

18、re an artist.(同时)He speaks English so fluently as if he had studiedEnglish in America.(早于)He studies English so hard as if he would go to theU.S.A.(晚于)看实际情况,实际情况是真的不用虚拟,不是实际情况用虚拟高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例11】When a pencil is parted in a glass of water,it looks as if it _(bre

19、ak)_.【例12】Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it _(happen)yesterday.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例11】When a pencil is parted in a glass of water,it looks as if it were broken(break).【例12】Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it had happened(happen)yesterday.高考英语语法总复习课件:

20、虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例13】Look at the terrible situation I am in!If only I _(follow)your advice.知识扩展:follow/take sbs advice高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例13】Look at the terrible situation I am in!If only I had followed(follow)your advice.知识扩展:follow/take sbs adv

21、ice高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例14】I wish that you _ such a bad headache because Iam sure that you would have enjoyed the concert.A.had notB.did not have hadC.hadnt hadD.hadnt havehave 助动词 构成过去完成时had done 实意动词高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例14】I wish that y

22、ou _ such a bad headache because Iam sure that you would have enjoyed the concert.A.had notB.did not have hadC.hadnt hadD.hadnt havehave 助动词 构成过去完成时had done 实意动词高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)三、should类虚拟语气(宾语从句和表语从句主语从句中)1.用should 类虚拟语气的动词一坚持:insist that sb should do二命令:order,comm

23、and,三建议:advise,propose,suggest recommend 建议四要求:demand,require,request,ask高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)I drop caps一头一尾两特殊insist demand require/request/recommend order propose command advise prefer suggest改变形式同样适用换用句式:It is suggested that主语从句 My suggestion is that表语从句由I drop caps引

24、导的不管是宾语从句表语从句还是主语从句一律用should类虚拟语气一头一尾两特殊高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)insist 坚持:虚拟语气坚持说:不用虚拟语气看实际情况来区分I insist that you shouldnt smoke here.He insisted that he had never stolen the money.suggest 建议:虚拟语气暗示,表明:不用虚拟语气=indicateI suggest that we(should)go to the party together.The smi

25、le on her face suggested that she was satisfiedwith my work.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)改错:Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)改错:Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearbyshould高考英语

26、语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)2.It is adj.that从句(should do)(考的少,了解就行了)重要的:necessary,essential,important,significant,vital,crucial,urgent等可取的:desirable,preferable,proper,natural可能的:possible,probable例:It is essential that we should check ourselves everyday.用虚拟时暗含这件事情不可能是真的。高考英语语法总复习课件:

27、虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)3 特殊句型表示“惊讶”语气,译为“竟然”It is strange that she should fall in love with such a boy.It is a pity that you shouldnt know him.It is surprising that you shouldnt pass the exam.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例15】My mom suggests that we _ eat out for

28、a changethis weekend.【例16】Eye doctors recommend that a childs first eye exam_(be)at the age of six months old.(should)do高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例15】My mom suggests that we should eat out for a changethis weekend.【例16】Eye doctors recommend that a childs first eye exambe(be)

29、at the age of six months old.(should)do高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例17】It was requested that the play _ again.A.should put onB.would put onC.be put onD.put onshould be put on【例18】My suggestion is that the meeting _(be)put off till nextSunday.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课

30、件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例17】It was requested that the play _ again.A.should put onB.would put onC.be put onD.put onshould be put on【例18】My suggestion is that the meeting be(be)put off till nextSunday.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)四、情态动词+have donecould/might have done 本来能做却没做should/ought

31、to have done 本该做而实际上没做(抱怨和责备)You should have finished your homework yesterdayshould not/ought not to have done 本不该做而做了neednt have done 本不必做而做了高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例19】If it had not been for the snow,we could have climbed the mountain yesterday.主过将完从过完高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共8

32、2张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)五、虚拟语气固定句型 1.Would you mind+主语+谓语虚拟?sb did sth您是否介意?(不用记,只会出现在听力考试中)2.would rather(that)主语+谓语虚拟 宁愿 1)would rather 单独使用相当于情态动词,后跟do,would rather do 2)如果出现宾语后面必用虚拟did/had done would rather(that)sb did现在/将来 I would rather you didnt come had done过去I would rather you hadnt

33、come3.It is high time that sb.did sth.=It is high time that sb should do sth到某人做某事的时间 4.It is necessary/important/essential/strange/natural/advisable that sb.(should)do sth.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)5.It is a pity/duty/shame/regret that sb.(should)do sth.6.But for/Without+sth

34、.+主语+谓语虚拟 要不是7.If only+主语+谓语虚拟 要是就好了!8.主句+as if/as though+主语+谓语虚拟 就好像高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例20】We would rather our daughter _(stay)at home with us,but it is her choice,and she is not a child any longer.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例20】We would rathe

35、r our daughter stayed(stay)at home with us,but it is her choice,and she is not a child any longer.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例21】It is high time that we _(hold)a meeting to discuss thisproblem.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)【例21】It is high time that we held

36、(hold)a meeting to discuss thisproblem.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)虚拟语气解题技巧全掌握虚拟语气考点:1.黄金法则:主过将从过,主过将完从过完2.标志词潜规则:but,时间标志词,with,without,but for,or,otherwise,or else3.特殊句型潜规则as if/if only/wish/Id rather/its the high time/I drop caps拿到考题的思维顺序3.2.1高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总

37、复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)特殊句型潜规则(35%)1.wish,as if/though和if only解题谨记:看时间,第一看时间标志词,第二看具体情况 同时:did早于:had done晚于:would doIf only I were a bird.(同时)If only I had seen the film(早于)If only you would do that again.(晚于)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)2.should类虚拟语I drop capsinsistdemand/desirerequ

38、ire/requestorder proposecommandadvise/askprefersuggest高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)3.情态动词+have done could/might have done 本来能做却没做should/ought to have doneshould not/ought not to have done 本不该做而做了neednt have done 本不必做而做了4.would rather(that)sb.did sth.宁愿某人做了某事would rather do sth.宁

39、愿做某事5.Would you mind sb.did sth.?你是否介意?6.It is high time that sb.did/(should)do sth.(作文中可用,替代we should)到某人做某事的时间高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)7.It is+adj./抽象n.(表性质)+that sb.should do sth.形容词:necessary/important/essential/strange/natural/advisableb抽象名词:a pity/duty/shame/regret高考英语

40、语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)标志词潜规则(40%)类型一:but解题谨记:看见but,半真半假I might have given you more help(if I had time),but I was too busy.Bob would have helped us yesterday,but he was busy.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)类型二:时间标志解题谨记:看见时间,分类讨论If you had studied hard before,

41、you would be a college student now.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)类型三:横线在句首解题谨记:补充完整再省略_I you,I would not let her go._you helped us,we would not have failed it.If I were you If you had helped us高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)类型四:with,without,but for,or,otherwise

42、,or else解题谨记:话不明说,过将完 I dont have your telephone number,otherwise/or I would have called youback.But for your help,I would not have passed this exam.I didnt know that he was a cheat,or else I wouldnt have believe him(or else=if I had known he was a cheat)我不知道他是个骗子,不然我也不会相信他了。高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT

43、)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)主过将从过,主过将完从过完(25%)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)解题需谨记:1.分清主句和从句2.有特殊的优先按照特殊来做高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)1.George is going to talk about the geography of his country,but Id rather he

44、 _(focus)more on its culture.2.I _(come)sooner but I didnt know that they were waiting for me.3.They _(get)two free tickets to Canada,otherwise theyd never have been able to afford to go.4.If he _(follow)my advice,he wouldnt have lost his job.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)1.Georg

45、e is going to talk about the geography of his country,but Id rather he focused(focus)more on its culture.2.I would have come(come)sooner but I didnt know that they were waiting for me.3.They got(get)two free tickets to Canada,otherwise theyd never have been able to afford to go.4.If he had followed(

46、follow)my advice,he wouldnt have lost his job.高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)虚拟语气考点总结虚拟语气考点总结一、虚拟语气在if条件句中的运用 主过将从过,主过将完从过完 二、if条件句的特殊用法 错综时间条件句:根据时间,分别讨论 if省略句:去掉if,从句变一般疑问语序(倒装)含蓄条件句:句中含有with,without,but for,or,otherwise,or else等

47、多数情况都用would have done 形式半虚拟:看见but,半真半假虚拟语气在高考中会出现在完形填空和语法填空中,在作文中运用虚拟语气等特殊句式是加分的亮点高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)二、wish,as if/though和if only(退一步)三、should类虚拟语气四、情态动词+have donecould/might have done 本来能做却没做should/ought to have done 本该做而实际上没做(抱怨和责备)should not/ought not to have done 本不

48、该做而做了neednt have done 本不必做而做了五、虚拟语气固定句型高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)1)would rather(that)主语+谓语虚拟宁愿 果出现宾语后面必用虚拟did/had done2)It is high time that sb.did/(should)do sth.到某人做某事的时间高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)虚拟语气解题技巧全掌握考点分布:1.黄金法则:主过将从过,主过将完从过完2.标志词潜规则:but,时间标志词

49、,with,without,but for,or,otherwise,or else3.特殊句型潜规则as if/if only/wish/Id rather/its the high time/I drop caps拿到考题的思维顺序3.2.1高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)1.If he had spent more time practicing English before,he _ able to speak it m

50、uch better now.A.will beB.would beC.has been D.would have been 2.We lost our way in that small village,otherwise we _more places of interest yesterday.A.visitedB.had visitedC.would visitD.would have visited高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)高考英语语法总复习课件:虚拟语气(共82张PPT)答案解析:1D.过去虚拟 2 D.出现标志词otherwise,一律用would do形


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